true love never hurts:an OS

tinatartari thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
hey all the beautiful ppl out thr!!ws just sittng wen this thot occured in my mind... thou it wont b as awesome as othr ppl here bt still...'
all the characters n story z purely fictionous n outta ma creative thot..plx dnt relate it wid me :D
i ws walking down the streets of venice wid my umbrella in ws a rainy evening n evry1 ws moving fast 2 reach thr homes bt i ws in no hurry.i wnted smtym alone n i ws watching the formation ov bubbles n ripples ov water on the life had been similar 2 tat rain in wich many events n ppl pass like bubbles n went away while some still remained as ripples..
he ws my 1st evr love.wenevr i thnk ov him,a misty smile forms on my face..ppl say love hurts bt i feel true love never does...
it ws a similar rainy evening wen i ws 6..i ws playing in my garden wen a large truck stopped outside our adjacent house..he came 2 live thr wid his family.he ws 7.5 yrs old then..we became frnds n then more than frnds..
he taught me hw 2 ride a bicycle,hw 2 climb a tree,hw 2 make cars 4m door magnets n many other thngs..then he became a member ov our family n slowly a part ov my world.we used 2 watch every new movie 2gethr,we played video games,we did mischieves n we played cricket,football,basketball,hide-n-seek wid other neighbouring guys 2gethr..i ws the only grl in their grp n i had started 2 feel like a boy by nw..i liked fighting games,want tough thngs n all..i even wore jeans tees...
tym ws running fast n we were entering 4m childhood 2 our i ws growing,i ws feeling em nt like all ov body,my evrythng ws ws becoming demanding..she wanted me 2 do house chores n all..i ws developing feelings 4 him side by side cx ov the realization tat i em nt like him n i cant b him n he z wot i wanna b!!
nw i enjoyed his touch..he ws gettng aggressive day by day wich nw i realize ws due 2 puberty changes..he ws growing more n more muscular n handsome..i ws fragile n i lacked the beauty othr grls had!!
then 1 day we met alone in the aftrnoon n he told me he z gng away..4evr...his parents got posted smwhr n they had 2 leave 2moro..we cried in each other s arms 4 a long tym..he told me we cant b 2gethr n tat i shud stop thnkng ov feeling 4 him...i ws amazed hw did he realize my feelings wich i never even expressed 2 him??
then i gav him my fav pen n told him 2 keep it wid him 4ever..n he kept it in his pocket..he had nothng 2 giv me so he gav me his autograph wid tat pen on a piece ov paper wich i still hav wid me..he wrote my name n his n wrote 4ever urs in a heart in it!!
we were 16 then..
4m tat day i always c his autograph before gng 2 sleep..he z my inspiration.i do everythng thnkng ov him..wenevr i feel weak or thngs r nt gng my way,i thnk ov him n em dng evrythng 4 him..the mere thot ov him gives me strength...
i always heard love ruins u n love hurts n thngs like tat tat makes me wander wot ws between us??
we never confessed,nor made any promises or had any hopes or anythng!!bt we had a trust n a faith in each it really love??
i knw i ll never meet or c him ever again n even if i do, i wont b able 2 b his or he wont b ever mine bt still he gives me power n strength 2 fight all odds n 2 b myself!!!
ok guys!so hw ws tat??i hope u like it!!
all ur cmnts,likes,criticism z welcome!!em sorry if it wsnt upto the mark bt i felt like writing it so i did!!
Edited by tinatartari - 11 years ago


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bluelashes thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
i love this
mane ti jha kriyaansh ko imazin kiya 
i love this 
megical kya baat kya baat kya baat 
Edited by aromakriyaansh - 11 years ago
Shrvz_PoPpY thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago


wow shonu its really too  good the feel of first love and what all can happen after that its really a touching one thnkq so much for the PM
Edited by ShravniC - 11 years ago
Snigs. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago



Wow...OS by Shonu!!😛

Poppy me after you...😃

Sweet and Simple one..

I loved d way u showed their life from childhood to teenage and now how she thinks of him.

U r always too gud at showing the beautiful feelings of love..

I loved Amar's POV in ur last OS walk...

U r too good n amazing Shonu..

Love u so much🤗🤗

Edited by snigdha_arsha - 11 years ago
a_happy_2000 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
WOW  !!!

Simply awesome ...
Straight from the heart .. to another heart ..
Loved it .. 

Ya sometimes such thoughts come .. you know just random .. seeing a beautiful flower .. or a bright morning .. you do remember some friend .. or  some incident ..

Seriously .. you wrote it very nicely ...

Keep writing more .. and keep having more such thoughts  :-)

ArShaAngels thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome updte...
thnx for the pm...

crazysky thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
its awesome
loved it
Dreamer3003 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

amazing os😳

beautifully written😳
MirageSwaron thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
It was spontaneous & simple but yet very touching and beautifully written...
--RAINA-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
jst amazing...
Lykd it...