7C August 2012 Archives!!Episode 62 to 83

hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Brief updates buddies ..sorry 

Siva tells Stallin how touch she is with the bond of Stallin with his students. She wish her father was more like him. Stallin ask her not to worry, soon she will get a nice husband and Siva blushes as she thinks Stallin would be that husband nu 😳

Siva is determine to do something about Stallin job but her father ask what can they do nu. Kuravi comes and Siva tittufy him sideways about him not caring Stallin. Kuravi first did not understand but finally gets the point and ask her what she has on mind nu ... Siva ask what Kuravi did for Stallin to get back to the school? Kuravi says he is not HM there .. what can he do? Siva says she knows he is a dummy piece... she wants Kuravi to bring the 7C students here and she will do something about it. Kuravi agrees. 

Kaibam minnal and pottalam comes to see Siva... they try to think of ways to get Stallin back. Finally Siva gets idea and whispers to their ears .. the boys agree to do .. they hi-5 each other. Kuravi ask for hi 5 from Siva and she gives him PALAR 😲 .. Kuravi happily says idhu podhum nu 😆

Easter comes to visit Stallin. Siva is jealous to see her.. and lies to her Stallin is not at home .. but same time Stallin comes 😆 She then molupufies like she thought he went out nu. Stallin takes Easter to his room ..  Easter ask why Stallin did like this.. he says by doing this there there is some changes in students from 7C. Easter praises Stallin 😉 Easter is wondering if there is anything she could do to make Stallin come back earlier.. Stallin says not needed nu ..  

Siva comes and gives coffee... Stallin ask how much is coffee and she becomes angry and sidelae tittufies Stallin ...she goes behind Easter and says apparam patukuren and Stallin tiru tiru mulichufy 😆

missing part edited: thanks kalki ⭐️ 

AHM calling Tamil teacher and telling him that School inspector or someone coming to the school and check the children and teachers and AHM really scared what 7C going to do
Tamil teacher advised him that he should have let Stalin stay that way 7C can't perform well and they will fire Stalin - Tamil teacher told him he is going take care of 7C that they will behave
the funny scene is AHM told Tamil teacher that he called HM and he picked up the phone and told him the customer not available and so the tamil teacher asked how did you know it's HM - AHM told Tamil that he heard HM laugh

Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago


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verisimilitude thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Update by Ratna

Kaibam and rest of 7C plans to be silent and not to give any reaction to any teacher. A way of protesting and to get back Stallin. Tamil comes in first and students stand... but sits back without wishing him. He gets angry and ask them to open books.. all just sits and looks at him. This annoys him and he scolds them to stop doing drama as no matter what, Stallin is not coming back. He then starts beating the students 😲😡 He beats Vennila hand and ask her to take her book, or else he will beat more. Vennila daringly points out her hand .. tamil ask if she is not scared of the pain. All 7C stands up and shows their hand. Tamil more annoyed leaves the class.

He complains to Alagan .. Easter only smiles hearing this. Alagan says Tamil do not know how to handle the kids so he goes there. 7C gives him same response. Tamil tuppufy him.

Easter comes and updates Stallin everything. Stallin surprise the kids are doing this. Easter says someone is behind this and that person must have really cared for Stallin nu. Siva who is listening the conversation from outside blush.
Edited by harhem - 11 years ago
verisimilitude thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago


Updates by Ratna

Easter tries to talk to 7C but they remain silent. She says she is also like them.. wants stallin to be back  ... entire 7C silent. Easter smiles and says she knows how to make them talk. Ask Kaibam to stand and carry up both hands. She then tickles him 😲😆 He starts laughing so does 7C students. Alagan comes and makes a big drama how his having big heart 😲😆 thus he wants to forgive Stallin and bring him back. He ask Easter to inform Stallin. The entire class becomes happy Easter tells the good news to the students and ask them to ooh podufy for Alagan. Entire class silent 😆 Alagan gets annoyed and ask Easter if he ask for this mariyadhey and leaves. Easter smiles and ask "endha..oru ohh podha sonna podamathengala.." Everyone shouts ohhh and Alagan walking out gets more annoyed 🤣

Kuravi drops Stallin at Easter home and ask him to call once he finish talking. Stallin tries to make Kuravi stay but he says he still leaves. Easter congrats him and tells about Alagan asking him to come back and this is all credits to 7C. Stallin is happy to hear this. Both realize its late for work and Stallin ask Easter to call Kuravi. He appears within seconds 😲 Stallin ask him to get down and he ask Easter if she minds coming in the bike with him 😲 Easter happily sits behind him .. Kuravi is left behind to come on his own 😲🤣

Alagan and Tamil in room. Alagan ask what everyone is school talking about his and Tamil says they are tuffufying him for bringing back Stallin. Alagan mokka podhufy about his act. Stallin comes in. He comes to thank Alagan  ... both alagan and tamil still continues being rude  .. Edhuku this stallin has to come say sorry 🤔

Stallin comes to 7C and students become so happy and all claps hands .. greeting him happily 😳 Stallin thanks them and also praise the way the deal with this matter. Students says they have won nu but Stallin says they have not win yet. They will only win if he can get this 7C  to the top. Stallin ask them to take out book but they laugh and said did not bring any books as they thought Stallin is not coming today also nu 😆 Stallin starts writing in the board and all students puts their hand on head and says aiyooo arambithithar nu 😲 stalin turns and laughs 😆

Edited by harhem - 11 years ago
hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Kaibam, minnal, ravi and pottalam breaking coconut.. Kaibam had prayed for stallin to come back adhan breaking coconut 😳 Minnal ask how much is all this coconut and pottalam without calculator made quick mental calculations 😲 which surprise the boys 😉 Finalla Kaibam says he got no money, just break the coconut and run away 😲 Minnal says deiva kuttam agirum but Kaimbam ask why god wanna bother with that.. all he need is coconut nu 🤣 ade pavingala ...

Kuravi comes. Kaibam whispers to the boys god is always there .. looks like Kuravi is going to pay for all this coconut
🤣🤣🤣 Kuravi ask what are they doing here and they say breaking coconut since stallin is back nu. Kuravi becomes so touch and helps them to break the coconut. While Kuravi prays and about the break the coconut .. boys one two gayab 🤣 Kuravi continues to break all coconut and finalla the shop man ask for money for the coconut 🤣🤣🤣 Kuravi is annoyed with them 😆

Kuravi comes to the girls and ask what they did that made alagan bring back Stallin. Tappase says by saying the cant explain, why don't they show him nu and turn all tappase, sani and vennila becomes silent ... Kuravi confuse enna achu nu and keeps asking them to talk but gets no reaction in return. Finalla Kuravi understand what they did to alagan and tamil nu

Grinder comes to see Kaibam. The boys and girls are trying to make both of them samadanaa .. Kaibam refuses .. friends tried to plead with him. Sani tells Kaibam that Grinder even bought something for him. Kaibam ask enna nu .. Grinder gives him a cute red cap for him. Kaibam tries it but its too small and he gets annoyed. The other friends all vambufy him and finalla grinider says podha gundha nu and runs away.. kaibam chasing her and the rest laughing 😆

Kuravi tells Stallin it was Siva who plan the with 7C and got Stallin back to work nu. Stallin is touched.

Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago
hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Tuesday Updates 07.08.2012

Stallin says thank you to Siva and praise her for what she did. Siva is happy and blushes.

HM returns back to school and Stallin is happy to see him. HM says the truth that he did not go anywhere nu 😲 Summa he took leave since the dean was coming and he wanted to mattufy alagan. But when he was not around .. Stallin had to go through lot of problem. Stallin says its good too as this brought out good changes to 7C. HM agrees and praise the kids. Both Stallin and HM discuss about the independence day event. Tamil teacher pass by and Stallin says vanakam but he just stares and goes away without saying anything 😡

Stallin comes back and gives malliga poo for Siva 😲 siva kind of gives him look and he immediately says one of his students mother selling by the temple. When he pass by she gave him. He brought back as could not say no to her nu. Siva smiles and takes it. She then jadamadah tries to mattam tattufy about Easter 😆 by saying she is wearing specks at young age, have kondai and etc etc 😆 Looks like Siva is trying to compare herself with Easter and make herself seem more better nu 😉

7C students wondering. Tamil and maggi thalaiyan did not come for their period to teach. Stallin comes and ask enna achu nu and students say both teachers did not come. Stallin goes and ask Tamil and Maggi thalaiyan but they both refuse to teach 7C for what they did last week boycotting his class. Stallin tries to samadanam them but they both refuse to teach 7C .. he can go and complain to HM they don't care. They leave and Stallin wonders.


Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago
hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Hm calls tamil, maggi thalaiyan and few other teachers. He ask why they are not going to teach 7C nu .. Tamil says 7C has become very adamant and its hard to teach them. Further the boys are not respecting them as Stallin is teaching them so 😲 therefore they have decided not to teach any classes that Stallin will be teaching. HM ask if they are boycotting and treating vaa nu. Tamil says no .. they even don't want Stallin to be in this school anymore. No teachers are willing to cooperate with him. If HM forces them to teach, all teacher's will resign and further complain to higher authority they resign because of  HM nu. All of them leaves.

7C pasangal wondering why teachers are not coming .. they are very sure something fishy is going on. They are bored so Kaibam suggest to kalaikuran some one. Alagan was going by and the boys decide to kalaikaran him 😲🤣 They start singing loudly and dance. Alagan sees this rushes into the room and ask them to stop. They all stop in the same dance position 😲 Alagan ask what is going on here but they remain still in the same dance position without any  face reaaction. Alagan wonders if this is another new poratham vaa nu
🤣🤣 He wonders if this poratham is for Stallin to get high salary vaa nu 🤣🤣🤣 Kuravi pass by and stops upon seeing 7C boys standing in funny position ...

Kuravi ask alagan what is going on and Alagan says he too don't know. He shouts at the boys to talk when they remain still.
🤣🤣 Alagan leaves annoyed. Kuravi laughs and tells the boys semma kuttu.. alagan ran out already nu. But boys still remain the same. Kuravi says aiyayoo ennakava  nu and runs away ... 7C boys starts laughing 🤣🤣

Hm informs Stallin about what Tamil and other teachers have said. Stallin says he will go and talk to them nu.

He goes to tamil and maggi thalaiyan who refuse to teach the class till the end. They want Stallin to leave. Finally Stallin and tamil comes to an agreement. If stallin manage to get the students to answer the tamil test and do well, all teachers must go back to usual teaching. If the students fail, Stallin will pack his bag and leaves.

Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago
hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Brief Updates ...

Stallin informs 7C students on what is happening. They seem to be happy not having those teachers around and suggest Stallin to teach all the subjects 😉 They prefer him to the rest. Stallin says that is not the only problem for now. The officer is coming for inspection and the entire class need to pass and impressive him in order to proof to all other teachers. 7C students seem to take this matter seriously. Bell rings but none of them runs out 😲 Stallin is shock on how they use to run away upon hearing the bell but now they are very serious 😃

Tamil and Alagan in room. Comes Gaby, and 2 other girls. Alagan seem to give them chocolate to brief him to inform what is going on in 7C. This girls understood his intention and agree to be the spy 😛 The girls comes back to class and informs 7C. All students in serious discussion about how to impress the officer who is going to come and question them. They all want Stallin  to be permanent in this school, they want to do this for him as he did lot for them ...(aaaww 😳) Kaibam admits his got no brain 😲😆 and its hard for him to study. Vennila ask them not to worry. A few of them are good so its better to make a sitting arrangements .. in that way they would be able to help each other. Everyone agrees with this. Sani also suggest those who don't know anything should look brave and pretend like they know everything .. and look straight into the office face, while studious student like vennila gaby .. act like they are scared and put head down .. in this way the officer will pick on vennila and she would be able to answer (😲 enna brain indha sani ku 😆) Finally all students agree to study hard for Stallin 😳

Easter comes to Stallin and tells him sorry, she can't teach 7C 😲 .. she needs other teacher's support here therefore can't go against them. Stallin directly tells her that he thought she would at least be his side, looks like he did not understand her better 😕 He feels bad Easter actually not wanting to help him but ask her to go ..  in case anyone sees her talking to him now.. it might lead to problem ...Easter leaves, Stallin is heart broken .

Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago
hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Updates By Harhem

Kuruvi enter the staff room where Stallin is preparing notes for 7c.Kuruvi tease him for being over sincere on his work and asks him the reason for taking all the subjects for 7c as it wouldnt prove anything beneficial.Stallin questions him of any change which has happened among the 7c students within the 2 months.Kuruvi feels a slight improvement shown.Stallin states if these students can improve a bit within 2 months with the help of one teacher they can excel in all the subjects and score higher if other staff teachers also taught them with such care and affection.No child is born as famous personality it is the duty of teachers to mould them in such a way that they succeed.Kuruvi highly inspired by his words gives his utmost support for Stallin's mission and cites himself as a squirrel for Stallin ( Rama) in Ramayana.

Stallin comes to the class.Boys studying at night in the class.Kaibomb sleeping.Stallin wakes him and asks him to study by walking in the verandah.He feels sleepy.Stallin tells him to sleep and he will ask Mandai to study near him so that kaibomb can sleep hearing him study.Kaibomb rejects the offer.Kuruvi enters with tea and biscuits.Boys circle him and demands Karasev,Horlicks and bournivta.😆😆😆😆Kuruvi taunts them for their over aasai and asks them to take the tea.CHildren having tea,Stallin enquires Kuruvi abt the sponsorship for the tea.Kuruvi proudly accepts that he took the money for staff room as the other staff are of no use in teaching the students.He leaves.Stallin clearing boy's doubts.He patiently answers each doubts and the children are dedicated in their studies.Stallin asks them to stop and can study tomorrow early morning asks them to sleep.BOys happy.
MOrning -HM getting massage by one boy for 2 kadalmuttais.Kuruvi comes in.HM says he has some problem in his shoulder.He wishes to get admitted in Apollo hospital as he will get respect only if it happens.Kuruvi tease him for his wish to get admitted in the hospital.Kuruvi questions his age to which he says he is actually 44 and 64 according to records as his father had put this diff for some records.Kuruvi stunned by the difference of 10 years in records and refuse to believe his age.HM shouts at him in broken english and starts showing his youth by running, jumping fighting and doing other antics. Kuruvi gets satisfied.Kuruvi asks abt his retirement as he is waiting for his promotion.He feels Azhagu will take up that position after HM as AHM is always teasing abt his scheme.HM somehow manages saying that AHM is jealous and not to take him seriously. He enquires abt Stallin to Kuruvi and Kuruvi suggests HM to take classes for 7c to help Stallin.

They come to 7c.HM thinks its not a good day to start classes.Kuruvi strss him on taking classes as they are running out of time.HM hesitates.He finds another reason to escape by checking the strength of the class.CHildren replies that they have dance classes and will join later while HM can take classes which they will teach their friends.HM still not agreeing.Kuruvi is not letting him to escape.Finally Kuruvi convince him to take classes.HM asks the subject to the students.THey want s him to take English ,he gets stunned.Kuruvi happy for putting him in soup.HM finds another reason that he cant take classes as him grandfather doesnt like him to take english classes.He agrees after so much pressure from the students and Kuruvi.He asks the students what is english and makes them think for a while.MInnal replies that english is a language but he shuts him by saying he expects some other answer as english has literature poem and grammar.He tries to find another reason to escape and finds out the attender who was taking the school bell for repair.He scolds him for not ringing the bell on time and rings it. He finishes the class and says will meet next day.Kuruvi tells the student that he is  a good dramatist.😆

At night Stallin at class Kaibomb comes early for night study.Kaibomb tells him that he cannot study any more and he will leave the school even. Stallin gets sad and tells him that there is more time and he can do it.BUt Kaibomb cries and tells him situation that  he is unable to study.

Edited by hopper_ocean - 11 years ago
sneha_v thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

hopper_ocean thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Wednesday Updates 15.08.2012
no telecast

Edited by atina - 11 years ago