VishaD. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Been seeing some posts about Elena and i thought why not i share my point of view. Actually i feel for Elena and many people or girls especially must have been at her place going through the same emotion roller-coaster. Some have been saying that she is mean or negative but what about all the heartbreaks she has gone through or experienced which could have changed her like this?

Stefan is sinking deeper and deeper into his dark side and a life that threatens to kill every ounce of goodness in him, but Elena refuses to let go. Elena's Stefan in Stefan just cannot let go.  

Its symbolical how Elena stood curled up in the closet that had an entire list of Stefan's victims. Yet , when she saw him peep in , there was nothing but emotional relief that she finally did see him. It didn't matter if Klaus was prowling around behind the screen. Elena, standing aganist that whiteboard screaming victims and that expression on her face - well, Stefan's evil side can shake up Elena but can it make her love him any less? I think not. 

One of my most favorite line:

Stefan: You shouldn't be here.
Elena: Where else would I be?

That just shows how sweet Elena actually is. I could just keep posting more but it would actually be very long. I am truly a fan of Elena ðŸ˜Š


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fly_chick thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I agree with you that Elena is positive I think the reason people are annoyed at her is because she's an extremely confused charecter. I wrote in a previous post about her giving Ester her blood knowing Elijah will be sacrificed and is regretting it the next day knowing nothing can be done now ( It's all her fault to begin with). This really annoyed me because she needs to know how to fulfil her friendship and emerge out stronger- it was selfish of her to want Klaus dead and let all the others go down with him.
Even now in the last episode- she was contemplating killing three more originals and sparing the one whose bloodline Stefan and all belong to. It's selfish because then innocent vampires everywhere belonging to the other originals bloodline will die but does Elena care-NO! I'm an original fan and don't want them to die but honestly elena has become really selfish rather than selfless. I mean Elijah isn't a danger anymore- Kol isn't even in town to kill them and Finn was as she knows extremely decent so why kill him- just so Klaus dies- that's morally wrong. I don't dislike Elena and I'm hoping she redeems herself and emerges stronger and less confused.
Sorry about the rant.. It's just my opinion. Though I will say this, that she's a lot better than Katherine.
Prinsesse.Suvi thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: fly_chick

I agree with you that Elena is positive I think the reason people are annoyed at her is because she's an extremely confused charecter. I wrote in a previous post about her giving Ester her blood knowing Elijah will be sacrificed and is regretting it the next day knowing nothing can be done now ( It's all her fault to begin with). This really annoyed me because she needs to know how to fulfil her friendship and emerge out stronger- it was selfish of her to want Klaus dead and let all the others go down with him.

Even now in the last episode- she was contemplating killing three more originals and sparing the one whose bloodline Stefan and all belong to. It's selfish because then innocent vampires everywhere belonging to the other originals bloodline will die but does Elena care-NO! I'm an original fan and don't want them to die but honestly elena has become really selfish rather than selfless. I mean Elijah isn't a danger anymore- Kol isn't even in town to kill them and Finn was as she knows extremely decent so why kill him- just so Klaus dies- that's morally wrong. I don't dislike Elena and I'm hoping she redeems herself and emerges stronger and less confused.
Sorry about the rant.. It's just my opinion. Though I will say this, that she's a lot better than Katherine.

How is it her fault? Ester said that you can either give me the blood, or I can take it from you. And there's no such thing as a innocent vampire😆 Well to them, if they had to kill Finn, who was willing to die anyways, to kill Klaus so that a super-powerful species wouldn't exist, it doesn't really seem that bad. Imagine what kind of chaos Klaus' hybrids would do to the world, and if it takes the death of the originals to stop that, then so be it.
fly_chick thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Prinsesse.Suvi

How is it her fault? Ester said that you can either give me the blood, or I can take it from you. And there's no such thing as a innocent vampire😆 Well to them, if they had to kill Finn, who was willing to die anyways, to kill Klaus so that a super-powerful species wouldn't exist, it doesn't really seem that bad. Imagine what kind of chaos Klaus' hybrids would do to the world, and if it takes the death of the originals to stop that, then so be it.

Actually Ester asked her to give her blood and she gave it- if she had refused and it was forcefully taken from her- i'd have a lot of respect for her. On top of that, she looked Elijah in the eye and lied to him. Klaus only wants his hybrids for company and loyalty- I doubt he wants to rule and cause chaos in the world. If we think about this rationally then vampires shouldn't exist aswell. They kill people and have the ability to turn of their emotions hence feel no remorse- they should all die then. Personally, I feel that no one in this world is truly innocent- not even humans. Frankly speaking Caroline is a very likeable vampire and to an extent is innocent. Vampires as newborns can't control their desires hence she killed someone but after stefan showed her another way she hasn't killed since hen besides harming her mums deputy's. Elena was wrong in my opinion and so was Elijah in the way he retaliated but he has shown remorse and is repenting..Elena hasn't. She is a positive charecter and tbh I feel she herself isn't sure on what to do and what she wants.
darkangelvampir thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
really very sorry i am not agree with you its not like she has suffered a lot its about her too much judgement and over emotional its my opinion yep i know she has suffered a lot but just one time she has to think about stefan just one time he has sufferd alot than her elena is selfish if if if bonie was in her place what did she do . elena has suffered but that doen't means to become selfish or kill other ampires or ppl too . first i also said the same thing but its true that she is turning in nagetive character
no offence😉
Prinsesse.Suvi thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: fly_chick

Actually Ester asked her to give her blood and she gave it- if she had refused and it was forcefully taken from her- i'd have a lot of respect for her. On top of that, she looked Elijah in the eye and lied to him. Klaus only wants his hybrids for company and loyalty- I doubt he wants to rule and cause chaos in the world. If we think about this rationally then vampires shouldn't exist aswell. They kill people and have the ability to turn of their emotions hence feel no remorse- they should all die then. Personally, I feel that no one in this world is truly innocent- not even humans. Frankly speaking Caroline is a very likeable vampire and to an extent is innocent. Vampires as newborns can't control their desires hence she killed someone but after stefan showed her another way she hasn't killed since hen besides harming her mums deputy's. Elena was wrong in my opinion and so was Elijah in the way he retaliated but he has shown remorse and is repenting..Elena hasn't. She is a positive charecter and tbh I feel she herself isn't sure on what to do and what she wants.

Whats the point of refusing the Original Witch? I'm pretty sure Ester said something along the lines of either Elena can give the blood or Ester can forcefully take it from her. Elena had no choice, and she was confused, too. What Klaus wants the Hybrids for and what they might eventually turn into are different things. And yes, vampires shouldn't exist either but vampires are easier to kill and have more weaknesses than Hybrids. That's true, no one is innocent. Of course Elena doesn't know what she wants, she just turned 18 and here she is in between 1000 year old people.😆 Elijah, Damon and Stefan are a lot older than she is and would be much more mature and confident about what they want to
-SexyAngel- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
hmmm read ur post nd i know wat u r tryin to say but i quite dont agree with it... elena has been selfish! (but i guess thats normal cos almost all characters hav been thru that phase) but but but i absolutely didnt like the way she blamed stefan for turning into this monster that he had because SHE WAS THERE WHEN KLAUS HAD COMPELLED HIM! The way she says it its like stefan had a choice to become this monster... he was COMPELLED. She wants stefan back (i agree with u there) but was she that determined to get him back? Because honestly i wasnt convinced that she wanted him cos she loves him... it was more like she wanted him cos she needs him. Plus, even wen she was with stefan.. the way she looks at damon is just unacceptable. I mean is she wants to b wiv damon... all she had to do was say it. But she decided to leave both brothers hanging just because she didnt want to lose both of them.
And as far as experience comes into discussions YES... yes stefan and damon r vampires so they r wayyy older nd therefore they have more experience over life BUT THAT ALSO MEANS STEFAN AND DAMON SUFFERED WAYYY MORE THAN SHE DID. First katherine and then them turning into vampires and stefan killing his father (because of transition) and them brothers separating... nd the list goes on! So if u see it from my perspective... its the salvatore brothers that suffered immensely nd not elena (atleast not as much as them).
She said it in one of the episode (if everyone can remember and i quote)... 'I AM NOT KATHERINE' well i dont really c the difference between them both just that everything she did is for her family (thats her selfish reason) nd everything that katherine did was for herself (thats her selfish reason)... but at the end of the day... she does love both brothers... which makes her a confusing character. i dont hate her but like her either... for me i guess the story is more abwt salvatores and their journey rather than the love triangle because both of the brothers hav to overcome this difficulty and at the end one of them will b heartbroken and elena will be fine both ways.