"Destined To Be"#2 Thread 2/17th May - Page 54


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jassi1212 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

waiting waiting
Edited by jassi1212 - 12 years ago
tamanna1391 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
please ehsaas bhi update karo
mishtiritu thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Heya My basanti... Howz u...????? Waise see I told na next OS I will dedicate it to u... I have done it... I just hope my basanti likes it... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Waise now waiting for this...!!!
cute-aly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
waiting for update jaldi karo na yaar
aakritisri1111 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

                   (Siggie: thanx to cute-aly... Luv you sweety)
                       Part 12:

"Wo I..." Both turned to say at the same tym to remove the awkwardness between them nd den stopped.


"Wo I am feeling hungry." Geet said wen she saw Maan not saying anything nd looking other side nd Maan closes his eyes as he realizes his mistake. yes it was his mistake only that he had asked Nakul not to disturb Geet for anything while he took care of both of theirs Dinner nd later got so much engrossed in work that he had forgotten everything around him.


"Hhmmm lets go nd prepare something in the kitchen." Maan said as he moved outside the study wid Geet silently thanking God for letting him stop in his actions or he won't be able to face her if he had gone a step ahead in his actions.


Geet too went with him without saying anything as she was not in the state of saying anything after such proximity of them. It's good that they both have distracted demselves on the pretext of making dinner atleast like this they both nd especially Maan wont think about it nd wont feel guilty for his actions because she was not at all guilty for whatever transpired between them as it was from one of those perfect moment that she had dreamt from the moment she realized her feelings for him.




Maan ran a frustrating hand through his hairs as he recalled the moment that had just been passed. Frustrated at his own self he took out the chilled bottle of water nd gulped it all in one go to calm all the erotic thoughts that were wandering in his mind. He still can't believe it that he had lost his control like this. Last he remembers is that he was working on the blueprints nd den didn't realize wen did he fell asleep. Nd den later in his sleep he felt someone caressing his face. He doesn't know why but that touch was soothing him as if all his worries, all his pain were going far away from his lyf. even in his deep sleep he found that touch so familiar nd he just don't want the warmth of that touch to go away from him nd probably thatsy he had held her hand so tightly.


But den he felt the warmth of her hand going away from him nd he held it more tightly prevent her from going nd den as if everything went automatically nd next he was awake from his sleep as he felt her freeing her hand nd in the next moment she was in his lap while his hands automatically went around her waist to hold her tight nd after that he don't know what happened as he was just in some other world. The moment he looked in her eyes he forgets every other thing nd all he could see was is her nd her face, so beautiful nd so close to him. Nd in that trance he was going to do the thing which he was not supposed to do.


He was confused; confused at his own actions, confused at the way his body react wenever she's around him, confused the way his heart went out of his control wenever she's close to him, confused at the feelings that were arousing in him nd getting strong by every passing day. He can't feel this way, its not right nd he knows that yet he can't control himself around her. But he needs to keep a check on his feelings specially den wen he knows what's the base of this relationship. It was not based on Love but on compromise which has been made for someone's happiness nd that someone was the most important person in both of theirs lives. Den y cant he remember this fact wen he was with her? Y does his heart always gets drawn towards her? No he can't do this to Geet. He can't give her any false hopes due to this unknown attraction. It'll just break her heart nd hopes nd he can't afford it. He needs to nd he will control himself wen she's around him.


He was lost in his thoughts wen he heard the tinkling sound of anklets behind him indicating that Geet is here. He quickly composed himself nd took a deep breath before turning towards Geet who was standing over dere fidgeting with the end of her duppatta. Maan knows that she must be feeling awkward or guilty for wat all has been transpired between them so he thought to lighten the atmosphere. But least he knows that she was not at all feeling guilty for the little moment of Love transpired between them she was feeling nervous because she was nit sure what he must be thinking for all this.


"This Nakul is really behaves stupid at times. I asked him not to disturb you for dinner as you are resting nd see here he had not even prepared the dinner for us. Stupid Fellow" Maan said nd Geet giggled out loud seeing him cursing Nakul. For few minutes he was just lost in her musical laughter but soon he shrugged off all his thoughts nd was happy that she was back to her original self.


"Maan, you leave it. I'll prepare something for both of us." Geet said as he control her laughter nd moved towards the kitchen counter.


"Geet wait!!!!! You are not going to make dinner alone. I'll also help you." Maan said as he came to stand next to her


"Maan, it's perfectly fine. I'll manage u go nd take some rest. U had presentation lined up tomorrow."


"Geet, you are in this situation because of me. I mean I should be more specific to Nakul regarding the dinner so now don't even think that you are going to prepare this dinner alone. And anyways if you can help me in my presentation then I can also help you in the kitchen ok. So now no more argument on this because I am not going to buy any." Maan said in a final tone nd Geet sighed knowing that he's not going to listen to her.


"Fine as you wish. So wat are we going to prepare for Dinner." Geet said while crossing her arms across her chest.


"Anything but we have to prepare it fast as I am starving nd I am sure you too."


"Ummm how about Paneer Manchurian nd Fried rice." Geet said after thinking for a while nd Maan looked at her in surprise as it was his favourite dishes while Geet hardly likes Chinese.


"Are you sure. I mean I thought u don't like Chinese" Maan said as he clearly remembered Sameera telling him that Geet is not fond of Chinese.


"Ya but dere's always a first tym for everything so why not giving it a try this tym. Who knows probably I'll start liking it too." Geet said as she shrugged her shoulders.


"Are you sure Geet? I mean I'll be fine with any other dish too." Maan asked one final tym.


"I am 100% sure nd anyways if we keep on discussing on it like dis only Na den we both have to sleep without having dinner." Geet said nd giggled at her own sentence


"Fine, I'll cut the vegetables then." Maan said while taking out the vegetables


"And I'll prepare the batter for Manchurian." She said nd dey both started doing their respective tasks.


(P.S. Pls play dis song in the background)





Pagle se dil ne
Yeh kya kiya


Chun liya..
Chun liya..
Tujhko devane ne
Chun liya


Dil toh uda uda re
Aasman mein badalon ke sang
Yeh toh machal machal ke
Ga raha hai sun nahi si dhun



Geet was feeling on the top of the world doing something for Maan. yes its true that she didn't like Chinese infact she didn't even remember wen was the last tym wen she had Chinese but for Maan she's ready to have Chinese too because after Italian food if he likes something then its Chinese. So today she wanted to eat Maan's favourite. Her own choice, her own taste didn't seem to be matter to her anymore as if her lyf just revolves around Maan only from now on. She was happily preparing the Manchurian for Maan having thousand of feelings in her heart. She was feeling excited because she was going to prepare Maan's fav, she was feeling nervous as she was not sure whether Maan is going to like it or not, she was feeling happy as this is probably for the first tym she nd Maan will have their dinner nd the very thought was giving goosebumps in her body nd she had started blushing. Lost in her own dream world she was happily preparing Manchurian smiling to herself wen she heard Maan's loud gasp from behind.


"Aaahhh!!!!!" she heard Maan's loud gasp nd as she turned around the sight that she saw had pierced her heart. Maan's hand was bleeding while he was trying control the bleeding.


Maan was cutting vegetables for the fried Rice wen his gaze falls on Geet who was preparing Manchurian with a smile on her face. He don't know wat makes her happy this much especially den wen the dish she was going to prepare is not at all her favourite. Yet she seems to be as happy as a kid who's going to get his Favourite Chocolate. But whatever the reason behind her dis smile he was happy to see that smile that adorned her face. It just adds more sparks in her beauty. His heart feel contented to see her smile otherwise few mins back he thought that probably she wont be comfortable around him after wat had transpired between them but it seems that just like him she also thought it to let go nd decided to carry on their relationship the way they were carrying till now. He looked at her while cutting the vegetables nd found her still smiling. The locks of her hairs were continuously disturbing her while she was continuously pushing it back while twisting her lips nd Maan was just lost in these antics of hers. She is not less then a kid yet sometimes she handles everything so maturely. No matter how much he tried but he could never understand wat exactly she is. Lost in her he didn't realize wen his came in place of the carrot nd he cuts that only to get hurt badly nd drawing Geet's attention towards him.


"Maan!!" Geet gasped out loud nd quickly went near him leaving everything behind.


"Maan wat happen? How did you get hurt?" Geet asked as she checked his wound which was bleeding nd before Maan could say or do anything she puts his bleeding finger in her mouth sucking the blood.


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)

Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)


Maan just looked at her dumbfounded not knowing what to do or how to react. He was too shocked with Geet's sudden act to say or do anything. She had no idea what Havoc she was creating in Maan's body with this act of hers. She was just arousing those desires in him which according to him is sinful in their relationship yet somewhere deep in his heart he was liking it but the reality of their relationship was stopping him to feel anything like this. Oblivious to the havoc she was creating in Maan's body Geet was busy sucking his finger as of sucking her pain through it. Finally wen she felt that his finger was no more bleeding she puts out his finger from her mouth nd looked at Maan who was looking at her confused nd shocked nd dats wen it hits her what she just did nd her cheeks just went Deep red as the realization of her actions hits her.


She immediately let go his finger nd looked other side to escape from his gaze. Maan too came in his senses wen he felt her leaving his finger. He looked at Geet who was looking away from him. Both didn't know what to say to each other or wat to do now to lighten the atmosphere. In that trance Maan puts his wounded finger on the counter only to hissed in pain again.


"Ouch!!" his gasp made Geet to look at him nd within no tym she's near him leaving all the awkwardness that she was feeling.


"Maan Ur wound needs dressing or else it'll get worse." She said as she checked his wound nd went to bring the first aid box.


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)

Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)


And in no tym she was back with the first Aid Box. She immediately took Maan towards the sink nd washed the mark of blood nd then slowly puts the tincture on his wound. Though wound was not much deep yet Everytym Maan hissed in pain due to the burning sensation of tincture Geet felt like thousand needles piercing her heart nd her eyes automatically wells up. She slowly blowed at the wound to reduce the burning sensation of tincture nd den puts the bandage on it.


All the while Maan was just looking at her without saying a word. He was liking the way she was caring for him. But he didn't understand the reason of her tears while dressing up his wound. Was she crying because he was in pain, he doesn't know but he doesn't like seeing tears in her eyes whether it was for him also. All the while she didn't looked up at him yet he could see her pained face as if it was she who got hurt. Finally wen she finished with the bandage she raises her head to look up at him nd Maan saw her eyes which was so full of care nd pain just for him, just because he got hurt. But in the amidst of all dis he failed to see the immense Love that was there in her eyes along with care nd pain or probably he don't want to see it right now.


(Pls Pause the song over here)


"Where were you lost Maan? I told you that I'll do everything but you didn't listen to me now see you got hurt." Geet's voice broke his trance nd he looked at her with a smile so that she could feel better.


"Geet, I am fine nd dis was just a small cut. Nothing to worry." Maan assured her while smiling.


"Small cut? It was bleeding. Wo to I sucked it or else..." she stopped in mid as she realized wat she had done just now nd once again she looked away blushing profusely.


"It's ok. It happens. U did wat u felt right at that situation. Don't feel guilty about it." Maan said as if understanding what she was thinking nd Geet looked at him in surprise. She still didn't understand how she always reads what's going in her heart.


"Waise Geet don't you think that you had put something on Gas burner to prepare." Maan said in order to divert her mind nd Geet instantly remembers that she had forget to turn off the gas in the hurry to come near the gas.


"Manchurian!!!! Maan the Manchurian must have been in ashes by now." Geet said as she quickly rushes towards Gas only to find it off. She looked at Maan who was standing beside her smirking.


"Don't worry I had turned off the gas while you had gone to take the first aid box. Since Manchurian is all ready by now den lets prepare Fried Rice fast because if I'll stay hungry for few more minutes den I'll definitely Die" As soon as Maan complete his words he found Geet's palm covering his mouth. The look in her eyes clearly said that she was hell scared with his statement.


"Maan pls never ever say like this. U don't know how much scared did I get." Geet said as she felt pain in her heart with just the mere thought of it.


"Geet, I was just saying like that only." Maan said slowly while still looking into her eyes which still had fear in them. Same fear that he had seen wen Bade Papa was in hospital.


"Pls Maan u'll not say it even in joke also. Pls." Geet said literally pleading nd Maan just held her in his embrace to comfort her.


"I promise Geet. I'll never say something like this." He said while rubbing her back nd Geet just held her more tight. She can't even think of her lyf without him now. Yes it's true that she would probably never be able to confess her feelings to him but atleast he will always be dere in front of his eyes all safe nd sound nd her heart is contented with this only. She would probably die before anything happens to him if it costs his safety. So was her Love for him is. After a while Maan pulled her out from his embrace nd wiped away the tear that had just escaped from her eyes.


"Come Geet. Let's prepare the dinner" Maan said as he patted her cheeks in order to divert her mind nd dey both started preparing the rest of the dinner.




Dey had their dinner with Geet continuously speaking nd Maan just listening to her while stealing glances of her by every now nd den. Geet felt like she was in cloud nine when Maan liked the dinner. Her heart was just danced in joy to see that Maan likes wat she had prepared for him. Strangely she too was liking Chinese now which she never liked. Probably she was with Maan thatsy she's finding everything perfect nd Good. God! She's totally lost in Maan's Love. Many tymes their hands touched while taking the bowl or water nd Everytym they both felt some current coursing in their veins but the irony is that Geet knows the reason while Maan has yet to realize it.


After having a good nd peaceful Dinner Maan took the plate to binned it in Sink. Geet too got up from her chair to help Maan wen her foot got stuck in the table nd got twisted making her fall.


"Aahhh Maan!!!!" her scream draws Maan's attention nd he just stopped dead in his tracks.


"Geet" he muttered as he sensed danger nd immediately rushed towards her leaving the plates somewhere at the counter.


"Geet, Geet what Happen to you? How did you fallen down" Maan said as he saw her on the floor holding her leg.


"Wo I was getting up from the chair nd my leg'. Aahhh'.. My leg got struck at the table nd I fell down. Aahhh'.. Maan it's really paining a lot." Geet said while wincing in pain in between


"Geet don't worry it'll be fine. Here let me see" Maan said as he extended his hand towards her ankle to check any sign of injuries.


"No Pls. it'll pain more." Geet said while immediately holding his hand.


"Geet, it'll not pain. Ok first let me help you to get up." Maan said nd gently tried to get her up from the floor but more she tried more she got tripped due to lack of balance. Somehow Maan managed to make her sit on the chair.


"Maan pls don't touch it. It'll pain more." Geet said while stopping Maan yet again as he extended his hand to ouch her ankle.


"Geet, I think you got a sprain. Let me check it." Maan said while removing her grip from his hand


"But..." she tried to protest only to be interrupted by him.


"Geet, do you trust me." Maan said in between nd Geet nodded in yes.


"Den let me check it. Trust me it won't hurt." Maan said in between nd the moment he said this Geet forget everything nd just looked at him.


(Kindly resume)




O...Achhi lage
Dil ko mere
Har teri baat re

Saaya tera
Ban ke chalun
Itna hai khwab re...

Kaandhe pe sar
Rakh ke tere
Kat jaye raat re

Beetenge din
Thame tere
Hathon mein hath re


Yeh kya hua mujhe
Mera yeh dil
Phisal phisal gaya

Yeh kya hua mujhe
Mera jahaan
Badal badal gaya


Maan kneeled down in front of her on the floor nd kept her foot on his thigh gently massaging it. She winces a bit in between due to pain but more den pain she was feeling pleasure due to Maan's gentle caress. Maan gently rubbed his thumb from her angle to her toe to reduce the sensation of pain but only he knows how much hard tym he was facing in controlling himself while caressing her soft skin. She had no idea wat happens to him wenever her came in contact with her silky skin but right now he his priority is her injury nd he just cant let himself distracted in the flow of his emotions. So he just kept her mind in control in order to prevent himself from distracting. Geet closed het eyes as she was feeling Goosebumps in her body. Maan's gentle touch was sending shiver down her spine nd she was feeling like drifted in some other world where only she nd Maan is present. She was lost in the sensation Maan is creating in her wen he twisted her foot a bit hard so that the vein that had got displaced come to its place.


"Ouch!!!!" Geet gasped out loud nd clutched his shoulders tight as he twisted her leg nd in no tym Maan came to his level supporting her by her shoulders.


"Geet, are you feeling fine now." Maan asked while gently rubbing her arms to sooth her pain. Geet slowly opened her eyes only to see Maan's Dark ones nd then she forgets all her pain nd just keeps looking at his eyes which were oozing so much concern nd care just for her. her eyes did a flip flop as this thought came to her mind nd she gripped his shoulder more tight in order to calm her erratic heartbeats.


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)

Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)


"Geet, is it still paining?" Maan asked softly as he felt her grip getting tight on his shoulders to which she just nodded in no nd keeps on looking at him.


"Geet, come let me take you to room." Maan said while getting up fro the floor nd extending his hand towards her.


Geet held his hand for support nd tried to get up but then she again got tripped due to her sprain. But before she could fall Maan held her by her waist nd makes her stand on her feet. Geet looked into his eyes making an innocent face nd Maan just felt like eating her up right den nd dere.  But den he immediately shrugged off all the erotic thoughts that were crossing in his mind due to their proximity nd held her more tightly to prevent her from getting tripped.




O ... neendein nahin
Chaina nahin
Badalun mein karvate..
Taare ginu ya main ginu
Chadar ke salwate..


Yaadon mein tu
Khwab mein tu
Teri hi chahatein

Jaaun jidhar
Dhoonda karun
Teri hi aahate


Yeh jo hai dil mera
Yeh dil suno na
Keh raha yahin

Wo bhi kya zindagi
Hai zindagi ki
Jis mein tu nahi


She tried to walk again but again got disbalanced. Maan sighed nd without thinking twice he scooped her up in his arms gaining a gasp from Geet. She was not ready for this sudden action of Maan nd by the tym she realized she saw Maan taking her to their room. Her heart was beating faster as she realized their proximity nd she was sure that Maan would definitely heard it. Unconsciously her hand gets encircled around his neck for support. She just couldn't take his eyes off from the face of her handsome husband nd was feeling a current coursing down her spine with his strong hand around her holding so securely. This is probably for the first tym he had held her like this nd she felt like this moment to stop here only where she can be in his arms forever.


Maan's condition was not less too. He was trying his best to look ahead but just couldn't take his eyes off from her angelic face no matter how hard he tried. It seems her bewitching eyes had captivated him hard preventing him to think anything rational. He don't know what's happening to him? Few hours back he had decided to keep check on his emotions nd now he was again getting lost in her innocence, he was again felt himself getting pulled towards like a moth gets attracted towards fire. But it seems so right nd perfect at this moment having her in his arms. Not once did he removed his intense gaze from hers nd continued walking upstairs to their room.


Lost in each other eyes they didn't realize wen did they reached to their room. Maan gently laid her on bed nd went to take the balm from the side drawer. But oblivious to all this Geet was only looking at him with all the love on her eyes that she had for him. She didn't realize wen Maan came back nd had started applying ointment on her swelled foot.


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)


Pagle se dil ne
Yeh kya kiya


Chun liya..
Chun liya..
Tujhko deewane ne
Chun liya


Dil toh uda uda re
Aasman mein badalon ke sang
Yeh toh machal machal ke
Ga raha hai sun nahi si dhun


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)

Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)



Maan looked at her by every now nd den while applying the ointment only to find her looking at him. Just then she saw him keeping the ointment other side nd slowly moving away towards her. Her breath got hitched in her throat wen she saw his face mere inches away from her. She wanted to say something but it seems that she had lost all the words had got struck in her throat. Maan cradled her face from one side nd slightly turns towards him so that she can look in his eyes. Geet looked in his eyes only to find raw passion nd desire oozing from it. She closed her eyes submitting herself to the person she is madly in love with. Maan looked at her closed eyes nd quivering lips nd he just couldn't ignore the invitation. He finally closed the gap between them nd sealed his lips with hers. He gently sucked, nibbled, bites on her lips kissing her passionately. Geet too kissed him back with equal fervor giving herself to him. Maan bites her lower lip to gain entry in her mouth getting a throaty moan from her.


"Maan" she moaned in his mouth as his tongue gained entry in her mouth exploring each nd every corner of her mouth.


"Geet, wat happen? Is it paining?" Maan's voice made Geet to open her eyes nd she looked at him only to find him sitting in front of her where he was before.

Does that mean that she was dreaming? Maan nd she was not that close in real, she thought as she looked at Maan who was looking at her confused. Her eyes went wide as she realized that it was just a part of her imagination where she nd Maan were this close. Her cheeks automatically turned in the shape of deep red as she realized how erotic her dream was. She was just not able to meet Maan's gaze as she knows that he'll definitely read it in her eyes from wat she's going through. She just wanted earth to be open nd consume her before Maan could understand how erotic her thoughts have became nd wat all she was dreaming. The mere thought of her dream has made her all wet nd she just felt like hiding her face somewhere.


"Geet, I am asking you something? Is it still paining?" Maan said while shrugging her shoulders breaking the trail of her thoughts


"No, its fine. It's perfectly fine." Geet said still not daring to look into his eyes


"Are you sure Geet?" Maan said cradling her face from one side nd Geet's heart skipped countless beats as the image of her dream came into her mind.


"Ya I am perfectly fine." She somehow managed to say smiling nervously.


"Ok den just sleep. It's really late." Maan said as he gently laid her down nd tucked her up in the spread


"But wo Presentation" Geet said as she reminds of the task she left incomplete


"Don't worry about that I'll complete the rest of it. You just sleep nd ya if you feel any kind of pain den don't hesitate to call me. I'll apply ointment on your foot." Maan said nd Geet immediately nodes her head in no


"NO!!!!! It's fine." She said out loud confusing Maan.


"I mean I am fine. It's not paining much now nd I am sure it'll be fine by morning." Geet said as she knows how erotic her thoughts become wen Maan is around her.


"Fine as you wish. But so call me if you need anything. Good night." Maan said as he tucked her securely in the blanket nd goes out of the room switching off the lights.


Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)

Badmash dil toh thag hai bada (Badmash dil toh thag hai bada)
Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda (Badmash dil yeh tujh se juda)
Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada.. (Badmash dil meri sune na zid pe ada..)



Geet looked at his retreating figure nd immediately hid her face in her palms feeling shy of her own thoughts. She has totally lost in his husband's love nd as a result she had started day dreaming of him like this. She smiled widely as she recalled her dream nd gets inside the blanket putting it over her head holding her heart which was still beating so fast even after Maan had gone away from room nd slept with a smile on her face dreaming of the person with whom she had fell irrecoverably in Love with.

Phew! so dis is it guys... hope you all are going to kill me for making the kiss as dream sequence... sorry guys but cant help it for that... Hit the like button of you all are going to like it nd do leave ur comment/criticism its necessary

dis update id especially for -lakshmi-, Muskaan(muskanp), Anu di, 4komal4, hanishadevi, Madhuri53 nd all dose who were so desperate for the next part that i had to update it this soon... really love you guys for the Love nd support you guys shower on me

nd ya Abi (abinash079) nd Pop77 before you guys run behind me for killing me let me tell you that i'll definitely update That thing Called Love by tomorrow... actually i am stuck up at some point over dere nd it was not coming out the way i want thatsy its getting delayed but tomorrow pakka i'll update nd ya will update ehsaas also soon...

so the next update will be after 20 pages of comments... so give me loads of comments nd like... it motivates me a lot

Luv Aakriti๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Edited by aakritisri1111 - 12 years ago
abinash079 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
awesome update
lovely choice of song
totally blown over by the update
meravigiliso thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

 lovely update . so, they r  getting atrracted towards each other . geet is imagning things and cutest part she  started  liking chinese . continue soon .

Edited by hermoso - 12 years ago
ambili123 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
wow geet started day dreaming dat too kissing him๐Ÿ˜‰

--Fairy-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Its Amazing Loved it ...kiss ko dream sequence kyo banaya ๐Ÿ˜”
But loved all Maaneet moments
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Hi thanks 4 da pm n fab update! Loved it! Darn...the kiss was a dream! Poor Geet! She is so in love! She hurt herself n Maan takes care of her! Geet dreaming abt Maan! Well written! update soon