Member of The Week--i_luv_jay_sean

Lady In Pink thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

On the hot seat this week we have one of my 5 billion ex-sauts , now happily married to Jay Sean. Without any furthur delay, lets welcome Priya, formerly known as i_luv_shah_rukh😡😆....aka i_luv_jay_sean😉(ab ayi na tum line pai😛) .......just kidding😛 Heres a bit more about our pesky teen😉

Real name: Priya Brar

Age: 14

Profession: student

Country of residence: Canada

How I got started with IF: My friend Preeti (shahidlover24) introduced me to this site.

Why am I hooked to KSBKBT??: The storyline is very good and it has made over 400+ episodes and each one of them are incredible!

My hobbies, more abt me: I love to go on the computer, watch tv, spend time with my friends and family..I also like to make friends :D

My personality in brief: Im a funny, intelligent, caring teenager that just loves to have fun but I can be serious at temper is one thing that gets on my nerves😳

My favorite:
~Colour: Baby blue!!
~Sport: Basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton
~Food: Butter chicken with rice, thava tikki (indian food)
~Song/Movie: Any songs that catches my attention and mostly every movie that has a great story line.

Favorite KSBKBT character: Tulsi

What I like best @ IF? The people - members

What i would like to see more @ IF? Everything is going great so far! And theres nothing in my mind right now..that I would like to see more of on India-forums.

Edited by sweetrani_neha - 18 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Lady In Pink thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Hiii Priya

Here are a few questions to start you off;

*Priya isnt your real name na...its something like Kawaljeet i think😳. SO why do you call yourself Priya? Is it a nickname?

*Do you have any sibling(s)? If yes, what do u think of siblings? How important are they to you? If no, how do u like it being the only child.?

*Lets say one fine day Jay jeejz wants to divorce you..(God forbid....warna ull b after my hubby again😡😆).what would your reaction be?

*What do you think of school ? Which standard are you currently in ? What are your fav. sunject(s)? Your least fav. subject(s)?

*Where in India are you originally from? Do u visit often?What do you think of India? IF given a choice between the states and India, what would u choose and whY?

*Tell me about your most embarrassing moment. Now dont say u dont remember or its to embarrassing😆

Waisay btw u said in your intro that Kyunki has completed above 400 episodes, actually it has completed above 1500 episodes😛 Ok so geting back to my question:

*What do u think of the current Kyunki storyline? What would u say if Ekta offered you a role in Kyunki?

*You're short tempered? Me too😆😳...what usually starts u ofF?

*What is a typical day in your life likE?

Will b back with more later😉


Edited by Mrs.Eishu.SRK - 18 years ago
popkurn thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: Mrs.Eishu.SRK

Hiii Priya

Hello :D Thankz so much for making me the member of the week😃

Here are a few questions to start you off;

*Priya isnt your real name na...its something like Kawaljeet i think😳. SO why do you call yourself Priya? Is it a nickname?

Its not Kawaljeet😳😆..I have a real name which I do not wish to share with IF quite yet😳..btw did you get Kawaljeet from the k in my email?😆

*Do you have any sibling(s)? If yes, what do u think of siblings? How important are they to you? If no, how do u like it being the only child.?

I have an older brother and he's great, I think having siblings are very important they help you in the difficult times and share the happiest moments with u as brother is like my best friend..besides my parents. I will really miss him once he goes away for university

*Lets say one fine day Jay jeejz wants to divorce you..(God forbid....warna ull b after my hubby again😡😆).what would your reaction be?

No comment😛..jay will never divorce me..never😳

*What do you think of school ? Which standard are you currently in ? What are your fav. sunject(s)? Your least fav. subject(s)?

I think school is fun but can get quite challenging at times..Im in grade 9 right now, my fav subject hmm..they are all the same to me..I dont have a least fav subject..the only reason you would have a least fav subject is if your not doing good in it right? And Im doing fine in my subjects right now😉

*Where in India are you originally from? Do u visit often?What do you think of India? IF given a choice between the states and India, what would u choose and whY?

Im from a pind😆..dont want to share the name of the pind..if you dont mind😳..I havent been to india since 1999-2000. I think of india a very nice, beautiful, fun-filled, family-like place..but then again very dangerous and crowded. I would live in the States just cuz it would be more fun and so much different from india..I see india as a place to visit not a living type of country.

*Tell me about your most embarrassing moment. Now dont say u dont remember or its to embarrassing😆

Well I have 3..and Ill share em all with that I remember a lot is when I was in grade 1 or 2..we were running in the gym..and the bell for lunch while I was running I tried taking off my pini (jersey)..and well my shirt came off with it..but I was wearing another shirt underneath it it wasnt anything bad😆..

2nd was in grade 5..we had this play-day at the end of the year..and our blue team won the prize..and so the students started cheering..and well since it was outside..and the whole school was there..this boy infront of me was so happy that when he started cheering he turned around and HUGGED ME!!!😳

3rd was in grade 8...I was showing this other teacher from another school around our school..and I started praising my english teacher and how cool she is..and then that other teacher (not my eng teacher) told my english teacher how good of a student I am since I was praising my english teacher..then my eng teacher took my head and put it on her chest..practically she hugged me..she didnt let go of me for exactly 2 mins..and 2 mins are long...all my classmates saw😳

Waisay btw u said in your intro that Kyunki has completed above 400 episodes, actually it has completed above 1500 episodes😛 Ok so geting back to my question:

Well I watch kyunki on video not an episode by according to me its 400😳😆

*What do u think of the current Kyunki storyline? What would u say if Ekta offered you a role in Kyunki?

I would accept her offer!!!! Kyunki's storyline is very powerfull..its just WOW! Awesome!

*You're short tempered? Me too😆😳...what usually starts u ofF?

When my cuzins bug me while Im studying for a test or an exam😡😳

*What is a typical day in your life likE?

Very plain and simple..going to school, come back home..sit on the computer, eat, sit on the computer, do homework, sleep.."I have no life" thats what my friends say😆

Will b back with more later😉

Ill be awaiting😃



Edited by i_luv_jay_sean - 18 years ago
Lady In Pink thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Awww Priya........loved your answers. 😆
Go sleep....Sweet Dreams 😊
Kiran. thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Hey Priya, Congrads Jaani👏👏....Very well deserved.

Hey our surname is same😛....Brars are rich ppl na😉😆😛

Enjoy your week😛.........Have Fun😊


popkurn thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Pudma: Thankz😃

Kimi_dost: Thankz Kimi yaar🤗..havent talked to you in a while, no more yahoo..yes Brar's are rich people..I never knew you were punjabi😃 Thankz I will have fun😃

mehr33n: Thankz😊


Adorable_Ankita thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
congrads priya for being motw 👏..i hav been reading ur posts for long but didnt got any chance to noe u personally.hope to noe u better.. 😊 so here goes my questions.. 😉

Do u like india?

Do u like nature?

Do u hav any secrets?

r u pink nd quiet/red nd hot?

u prefer dreams ya neend?

u r adventurous/docile?

*ur most cherished moment wit ur if frndz

*ur dream u saw nd if remember it bring a smile 2 ur face

*ur dream u saw nd if remember it makes u blush

u were on cloud 9 when......

*1 thing missing in ur life is?

*oops !u made a mistake when? 😛

*movies u wuld like 2 watch again nd again

*u cant live without?

*the ideal proposal for u wuld b?

*u wuld go on a date 2 a beach/hills?

*u trust any1 easily/after a long time

*r u an early bird /late nighter?

*whu is a true frnd?

*letter P se apne fav 5 shabd batayiye

*u noe driving

*ur mr right shuld hav 5 qualities namely?

*the weirdest person u met online

*u had ur 1st crush on

*ur first friend on if..ur best friend on if

*u can tell lies for....

Rate dese ppl on scale 1 to 10..10 being best.. 😉

britney spears
brad pitt
angela jolie
salman khan
john abrahim
mallika sherawat 😛

*will u be my friend? 😃

i guess its enough for now.will be back later 😉 enjoy being balli ki bakri 😉 😆

sweetrani_neha thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Priyaaaaaaa😛 (I loveee writing your name like that😳) Congrats sweetieee🤗.. Veryyy wellll deserved👏 Welcome to the hot seat😊

Haila!! Anku you have something against my pyaari Priyu kyaa😆...  looks like you're ready to torture Priya with the above grilling😆😆

Alright... I already you know sooo well so you know I won't be asking basic questions😉.... I'm sorry with exam prep I'm unfortunately out of creative mode... but here you go for now😛

*What's the most romantic thing hubby Jay Sean has done for you? (AHEM... please keep it PG😳😉😆)

*Most memorable moment from your ML wedding/reception with Jay Sean? (don't say all of it jee... something must stick out in your mind😉... we all had loadsss of fun at it😃)

*While we're at it.... any favorite, memorable IF moments?

*Hmmm... Favorite IF topic/thread? Favorite section?😉 I-F then (when .in was a part) or now?

*What do you miss most about SRK? kuch to zaroor hoga...😉

*If you could escape to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

*Stranded on an island... you know the drill😉.. 3 luxuries you absolutely need to have with you??

*3 words to describe me😳😛 LOL Just kidding!😆 I mean... 3 words to describe yourself😃 (don't be modest yaar😉 :P)

*If you were by chance banned from IF... what would you do😆

Achaa Priyaaaaa enjoy your week dear😛 Congo again!! (Oh yeah, check out page 1 again😉)

Love you lotsssssssss sis🤗


Edited by sweetrani_neha - 18 years ago
popkurn thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: Adorable_Ankita

congrads priya for being motw 👏..i hav been reading ur posts for long but didnt got any chance to noe u personally.hope to noe u better.. 😊 so here goes my questions.. 😉

Hey thankz😃

Do u like india?


Do u like nature?


Do u hav any secrets?


r u pink nd quiet/red nd hot?

Red and hot..(hope you mean hot as in not quiet😆)

u prefer dreams ya neend?


u r adventurous/docile?


*ur most cherished moment wit ur if frndz

All of the moments spent with my friends are a cherish to me😊

*ur dream u saw nd if remember it bring a smile 2 ur face

Any dreams about my family and friends

*ur dream u saw nd if remember it makes u blush

My hubby-Jay😳

u were on cloud 9 when......

Many times...but the last time was just this Friday when I got in 8th place for the top grade 9 averages😃

*1 thing missing in ur life is?

Nothing as of yet (this questionn made me think😆😳)

*oops !u made a mistake when? 😛

Everything happens for a reason😉 mistakes just reasons

*movies u wuld like 2 watch again nd again

All movies of the actors and actresses in my sig😆

*u cant live without?

Family, friends, air

*the ideal proposal for u wuld b?

Wedding proposal?😳

Me and Jay are married..this is how he proposed😛

In an empty big room..with me wearing red and Jay wearing black..having dinner..nothing but a the candle light shines (besides my teeth and eyes😛) I get up to leave...Jay bends down..and takes out the ring..and VOILA😃😛

*u wuld go on a date 2 a beach/hills?

Hills..quite and peaceful..just the 2 of us😃😉

*u trust any1 easily/after a long time

Very easily Im more careful

*r u an early bird /late nighter?

Late nighter..right now its 11 PM..Im talking to Eisha on msn😆..and I have school tomorrow😳

*whu is a true frnd?

A person that never lies to you, helpful person basically a person that acts like a shoulder pad whenever you need it

*letter P se apne fav 5 shabd batayiye

Princess, Pesky, Pretty, Priya😳, Prom

*u noe driving

Sort of..the time I drove was in the farm..and in the pickup😆

*ur mr right shuld hav 5 qualities namely?

Jay has these qualities:

Handsome, truthful, adventurous, funny, best friend

*the weirdest person u met online

Cant name..but this person that wanted my msn addy..and me being the stupied person gave it to them and they wanted to see my pic and stuff..then I blocked and deleted them😳

*u had ur 1st crush on

Shah Rukh Khan and this kid named Mark😳

*ur first friend on if..ur best friend on if

Since Preeti is a friend outside of IF..wont choose her😛

First friend: can not remember at all😆

Best friend: sweetrani_neha aka Sweetz di😳

*u can tell lies for....

Everything😳😆..< thats a lie😉

Rate dese ppl on scale 1 to 10..10 being best.. 😉

aishwariya - 10
abhishek - 8
britney spears - 5
brad pitt - 7
angela jolie - 4
salman khan - 10
hiten - 10
gauri - 10
rakshanda - 9
john abrahim - 9.5 (my friend is meeting him..cuz her uncle knows she will meet him in person)
mallika sherawat 😛 - 8

*will u be my friend? 😃

No (again..a lie😉)

i guess its enough for now.will be back later 😉 enjoy being balli ki bakri 😉 😆

Thankz..and I will enjoy😃



popkurn thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: sweetrani_neha

Priyaaaaaaa😛 (I loveee writing your name like that😳) Congrats sweetieee🤗.. Veryyy wellll deserved👏 Welcome to the hot seat😊

Sweeeeeetz di! Thankz di😃

Haila!! Anku you have something against my pyaari Priyu kyaa😆...  looks like you're ready to torture Priya with the above grilling😆😆

Against me? Im the most sweetest person ever😈

Alright... I already you know sooo well so you know I won't be asking basic questions😉.... I'm sorry with exam prep I'm unfortunately out of creative mode... but here you go for now😛

No worriez sorriez or thankz in friendship..(excuse my thankz this time😆)

*What's the most romantic thing hubby Jay Sean has done for you? (AHEM... please keep it PG😳😉😆)

LOL!😆😆..the proposal was a romantic thing😃..well he has taken me out on some romantic dates as along the the dark nothing but the moon having dinner..brings back memories❤️

*Most memorable moment from your ML wedding/reception with Jay Sean? (don't say all of it jee... something must stick out in your mind😉... we all had loadsss of fun at it😃)

The food!!! The food was greaaaaaaaaat..but better than that was amount of members that showed up and my clothes😃😃😳 I was looking quite dashing na😉

*While we're at it.... any favorite, memorable IF moments?

Sorry to say..but ALL have been a treasure to me😊..of course meeting you is the MOST memorable moment for me😳

*Hmmm... Favorite IF topic/thread? Favorite section?😉 I-F then (when .in was a part) or now?

Fav IF wedding😳..fav much laughter going on in here😊..IF then..there were lots of games and jokes and it was so small..only about 100-200 members on at a time..Im not saying IF is bad now..its just that I miss the old was like a small has grown so much..Im so proud of my family😭 (tears of happiness😛😆).

*What do you miss most about SRK? kuch to zaroor hoga...😉

Everything..I sacrificed SRK for Jem she let go of him too😡😆..his acting is just FAB!..*drools* Eisha watch out😉

*If you could escape to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

In a quite place with nothing but music zooming in and around. Why? Because it would just let me get away from my HUGE family and let me have some piece and quite..and time to think about myself instead of school.

*Stranded on an island... you know the drill😉.. 3 luxuries you absolutely need to have with you?? family (that counts as 1 thing😛), computer, music

*3 words to describe me😳😛 LOL Just kidding!😆 I mean... 3 words to describe yourself😃 (don't be modest yaar😉 :P)

Lol..funny😆, out-going (cool)😎, intelligent🤓

Lol just had to use those emoticons😆

*If you were by chance banned from IF... what would you do😆

Sue Vijay 😈

Achaa Priyaaaaa enjoy your week dear😛 Congo again!! (Oh yeah, check out page 1 again😉)

Thankz di🤗..checked out page one again..there are some images that dont show😳

Love you lotsssssssss sis🤗

Love you too Sweetz🤗🤗😃

