Saarthi Updates: June 2005 NO COMMENTS

chidchidi thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago

June 6th, 2005


Mansen's wife is applying medicine to his hand, and all family members are present (i.e. aksh, yuv,) shefali comes in with patti, wife asks mansen wht did arjun say tht it upset u so much!! Shefali then says tht this is arjun's plan to insult them, as when baisa and bade dadaji are there arjun wants a servant of the house to cut the ribbion. All are shocked. Mansen gets up in anger and walks off. Shefali thinks ek tir se do shikar, papaji ki bharosa jeet liya aur bhoomi ko raste se hata diya.!!!

Mansen goes back in the hall and tells everybody about arjuns plan, all are shocked too. Arjun is upset. Bhoomi is also upset and shefali taunts her and walks away.

Bhoomi tells arjun tht she will not cut the ribbon and as for the bhoomipoojan day because no one was there with him which is why she was there but now everybody would be there and tht at no cost will she cut the ribbon. Listening to this manasvi is very happy.

Arjun and keshav are talking about the ribbon cutting, arjun is upset and talks about wht happened on the bhoomipoojan response keshav tells arjun tht they hav to take full advantage of the situation and make mansen do the cutting. Arjun agrees.

Arjun then goes and tells baisa and bade dadaji tht he agrees he was wrong to think tht bhoomi should cut the ribbon but he could not help it since she was the only one with him on the bhoomi poojan day, but he has realised tht now since everybody would be there he would like mansen to cut the ribbon, during this conversation mansen is also present but he could not say anything as listening to arjun, baisa and bade dadaji were very happy with arjun's decision.

Next we see tht mansen tells khushal about this, khushal says tht with advantages there are disadvantages liek staying away from heritage house I can work on my plans about destroying arjun but since I am not at home these people hav taken advantage of this. Khushal also says tht the cause of all problems is yuv as he does not trust his mama. But it does not matter we will have to find a solution for this also.

On the other hand suraj receives his first checque, he is very happy. Suraj calls yuv and tells him about the cheque , yuv congratulates him  and tells him about wht arjun wants to do for his opening ceremony. Shefali is listening to all this conversation an dthinks in her mind tht she would really love to cut the ribbon so no probs is papaji does not cut the ribbon. Suraj then goes home and tells chaiji she is very happy and requests him to donate a small amount to the anat ashram, suraj says tht he will surely do tht. Suraj then goes to arjun and tells him about his cheque. Arjun tells him not to fly so much, suraj tells him congrats on your opening plans and as for flying high tht time will tell.

Thts all.


ps i have tried to keep it as long as possible...

Edited by Princess - 18 years ago


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hetal thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

June 8th, 2005

hi guys😊 i watched but im not really good with names so im just going to give very brief updaates...

shefali comes to arjun and tries to tell him that she wants to cut the ribbon and bhumi comes and tells arjun about her cooking show winning stuff...and then arjun leaves with bhumi...

Yuvraj's fater tells mamaji that he should leave the country before their actual plan comes out about arjun's com.  so mamaji is going to dubai....

manasvi is with khushi and talking to her...while suraj is there too to give money to the anathashram, while he was going, he noticed mansvi with khushi and asks her how come she there. mansvi tell her that she's adopting khushi..sujar says he's happy for her and wishes happy bday to khushi and leaves...

then suraj is going out for business and asking permission from a lady(she is blind) and asks her to take care of her self, and leaves...

here yuvraj's father sitting & drinking and his wife comes and tells him that shefali wants cut the ribbon and he leaves in hurry to meet mamaji...

mamaji tells him that he should go and ask shefali to cut ribbon so they find out if she's with arjun or he tells yuvraj about it but poor yuvraj thinks that shefali is not cheating on himm...anyways they go to shefali's room and asks her to cut the ribbon but with no surprise she says no....and yovraj is happy to hear that...and shefali says she knows how papaji's brain works....

well that's it...i havent watched the show from the begening so i dont know every character in show...but now i like to watch regularly..thanks to chidchidi...😊


Edited by Princess - 18 years ago
Nankri thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

June 9th, 2005

Yuvraj sees Mansen on TV discussing about the ribbon cutting ceremony of Arjun's factory and is angry. Manasvi comes and gives invitation for the ceremony. Yuvraj tears it and asks Shefali to cut the ribbon instead of Mansen.

Arjun and Bhoomi go to collect the cooker. As Sanjeev Kapoor fails to come, Bhoomi is given the chance to anchor the show and do the recipe.

Vajesan is in a restaurant where Bhoomi and Arjun are having Pizza. He gets a call from Kushal and is asked to click pictures of Bhoomi and Arjun together. Vajesan clicks the photo in his mobile and sends them to Kushal..


Edited by Princess - 18 years ago
Nankri thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

June 13th, 2005

Kushal sends the SMS pics of Arjun and Bhoomika to Mansen.

Bhoomi tells Baisa about her appearance on T.V.

Manasvi tells Shefali that if the latter cuts the ribbon, she will announce in the media that Arjun's Bhabhi and Goenka Family's bahu has cut the ribbon. Shefali thinks that she wants to be known as Arjun's wife.

Everyone does the Pooja and the Aarthi is done by Arjun.

In the opening ceremony, Mansen refuses to cut the ribbon and says that since the Goenka's did not attend the Bhoomi Poojan and only Bhoomika stood by Arjun's side during that time, it will be fitting for the naukrani Bhoomi to cut the ribbon.

Arjun is pleased, while Bhoomi cuts the ribbon.


I think the makers of the show are stretching the opening ceremony episode 2 much. With a good storyline, I don't think the serial should go haywire, just for the sake of it. It's my opinion. Other members do post your views😊


Edited by Princess - 18 years ago
chidchidi thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

june 14th

bhoomi is very happy tht she cut the ribbon. arjun takes blessings and congratulations from all elders of the family,(baisa, bade dadaji, his parents and manasvi and satya)

bhoomi is surrounded by reporters askin her questions bhoomi is hesistant in answering, she sees keshav and he also sees her and gets worried and tells this to arjun, keshav is about to go and help her out but arjun stops him and tells him tht let her answer all the questions by herself! they wait. then bhoomi says tht agreed tht i am the servant but arjun and me are good friends since childhood and tht arjun has given this opportunity to his friend and as i friend i am very honoured tht he let me do this, and then says thank you. arjun and keshav are both happy listening to her answer.

keshav goes to mansen and tells him tht they are very honoured tht mansen gave bhoomi such a chances and "samman", mansen says tht behind every successful man there are small ppl - "chotte loog", keshav is upset and then mansen walks away for an interview. keshav is then joined by manasvi and arjun, they all conclude tht there has to be something which is why mansen has taken this step and tht we will soon find out about this.

manasvi and arjun also observe tht shefali tells the press tht such a big person got their opening done bby a mamuli servant , it was their choice so i cant say anything, to add to it vishaka and aksh very bluntly say tht they have no comments on this event.

at home yuv, aksh and shefali are in the drwaing area. shefali is silent but yuv and aksh express their disturbance tht their father's decision has caused and are upset abd confused as to why did mansen after all take such a step . jus then mansen arrives and tells them to relax and wait for the next days ppr , also tht he would never want anything bad for his children.

bhoomi is very happy, she goes to keshav and says tht she is very happy as she cut the ribbon and tht her photo will come in the paper, listening to this keshav get a slight idea of the badnami thing, bhoomi gives him ice scream for the happiness of the day and then goes to give ice scream to her father. keshav is upset and says tht bhoomi u r very innocent and tht you have no idea wht will happen tomorrow.

shefali is sitting and thinking about the events of the day and is very upset and angry, jus then manasvi arrives, shefali tells her tht so you hav come to "jale pe namak chidkane aaye ho" manasvi tells no. shefali then says tht remember you had told me tht you would says tht arjun's bhabi cut the ribbon and i would says tht arjun's premika cut the ribbon! well the bhabi did not cut the ribbon but the premika definitely did, manasvi gets furious and tells shefali tht she is crossing her limits, shefali then tells manasvi tht arjun also knowz tht bhoomi loves him but he has told her no , also tht by manasvi wearing the kangan it doe snot mean tht she also closes her eyes. shefali tells manasvi tht to go and try to sleep even thoiugh she knows tht manasvi wont be able to sleep but she still needs to try as the next day would bring in a very big storm. shefali leaves manasvi is worried and thinking.

next day bhoomi sees the paper and is happy to see her photo in the paper but when she reads it she is upset and has tears in her eyes, the paper had a photo of bhoomi cutting the ribbon with arjun and mansen standing on either side of her, and the title read "malik aur naukrani ki anokhi prem kahani" the next scenes are of bade dadaji, baisa, siddharnt, shakuntala, manasvi, satya, arjun and keshav seeing the headlines and getting shocked. while mansen, aksh and yuv seeing th paper and getting happy. yuv and aksh both tell sorry to mansen. mansen then tells shefali tht arent you happy tht ur rival has gotten badnam, shefali says tht she is very happy about it and says tht she made a right decision by not listening to mansen when he asked her to cut the ribbon. mansen also says by doin so you have proved tht arjun is ur enemy as he is ours.

bade dadaji calls everybody in the hall and tells them tht at this point before anybody makes a statement to the press they better consult him first . he also says tht he knows this is a big conispricay against the goenkas family and tht they need to fight it as one. mansen then says tht because of arjun even his family hav to undergo the humilation. arjun then says tht i am going to sue the paper but i will also find out who has done this!! while sayin this he stares at mansen , manasvi also gives a look at mansen.

everybody leaves, siddharnt goes to talk to mansen when mansen cuts him of and tells him tht it is because of his emotions tht he is not doin anything, on tht siddharnt (for a change he gives back to mansen) says tht you hav done nothing using your emotions, nothing is done by you ! i guees indirectly pointing towards khushal. siddharnt walks away.!!

tht is the end . hope you dontr mind it barbie as i did today's update!!😊

also since we should not be posting any comments here maybe who ever read this first can post a new topic sayin comments about todays episode so we can atleast know wht we are all thinkin about.!!

Edited by chidchidi - 18 years ago
#1tvfan thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

15th june update- very brief

sorry guys could not watch more than half the episode as i had no electricity. But here it goes-

Shefali had told /manasvi that Bhoomi loves Arjun and she is a servant so what will Manasvi do about it. (no electricity) Suraj Kiran comes to know somehow that he is an illegitaamte child an dChaiji also knew it all along. He is very upset goes off alone and cries.

Then Krishanji is shown saying this one thing has given u so much pain why do u want to know who is your mother and invite more pai and ridicule? then suraj Kiran makes a reolve that I do not want to know about anyone.

Sorry guys, guess the rest we will see on 16th in the recap.


chidchidi thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Recap of 15th

These r bits tht #1tvfan  missed out on..


After the paper has been read by all and their reactions have been revealed , keshav goes to mansen and gives him a piece of his mind and " uthaofyes his ungli on his malik " (which is considered bad!!) anycase manasvi goes to bhoomi and tells bhoomi tht she knows tht bhoomi loves arjun and tht they should not hav hidden this fact from manasvi and tht now since they had not told manasvi about it mansen has taken adv of it and tht now wht has happened does not matter but wht will happen  is the thing they need to worry about at present !! and tht now wht ever willl haoooen in the next few days will be arjun's and bhoomi's testing days!! (tht must hav really scared the hell out of bhoomi !!) anycase arjun calls a press conference where he looses his control and instead of clearing up all misunderstandings things get bad and go against him, and the press reporter tells arjun tht he would hav to pay for their insult, arjun is still wild !!then the whole suraj kiran thing happens..!


16th june

Arjun gets a call frm the reporter he had misbehaved with and the reporter tells him to look at the paper. Arjun then sees his and bhoomi's pic which was taken by someone when they had gone to eat pizza !! (the pic which vajesan had taken). Arjun then goes to keshav and talks about it, keshav says tht they cannot do anything and he also says tht I know this is all pre planned by someone and tht he was somewhat sure tht this was all done by KAKASAHIB arjun then says tht the day he gets even I piece of evidence against mansen he himself will go to the police.

Next shefali goes to bhoomi and shows her the paper and as usual insults her big time and sasy tht the only thing you can give arjun is badnami and nothing else and tht I (shefali) will not let tht happen. She throws the paper on the sofa and walks away, bhoomi is in tears.

Shaku is screaming at arjun saying tht at least u have brains and tht bhoomi is innocent and is uneducated at least you should not have done something thing like this and now because of u the whole of goenka's is at shame !! shaku leaves. Arjun tries to tell manasvi tht bhoomi is not at fault and how do I make my mother understand this!!?? Manasvi tells him tht I know and tht only you are to blame for it , she also tells him tht she came to know thth bhoomi loves him , she tells arjun tht everybody is worried about you , wht about bhoomi ??? for you there will be thousand other girls but wht about bhoomi and tht by no in her community the talk must have spread tht bhoomi is having an affair with her malik !! who will marry bhoomi ?? manasvi also says tht she is not worried about arjun and tht she is only worried about her bhoomi. ( this was a very sweet scene and touching !!)

Arjun then goes to see bhoomi, seeing him there she closes all the doors and windows and says tht the fellow hwo took their pic must be around, on tht arjun tells bhoomi tht wht will the family think when they see is within theses closed doors, bhoomi then goes to open all the doors and windows ( it is like she has lost her senses! ) arjun holds her by her arms and tells her to get a grip of herself , bhoomi is still crying and then tells arjun to leave and she also pleads with her hands folded, arjun leaves the room but is still outside. Bhoomi does not know tht and talks aloud (anycase she is crying and when u cry and talk you are even more louder) she says tht arjun this does not hurt me, the only time I was affected and bronken was when u rejected me , and tht I can live without you but I cannot live with the fact tht because of me u are in trouble, she says the I have loved you , I do love you and will always love you. Arjun who is listening to all this is still shocked he then walks into the room but bhoomi does nto see him . (there is a break and then they don't show anything about arjun and bhoomi's room – so I guess he must have jus gone off)

Keshav is walkin in the garden when mansen comes with the paper and talks badly to keshav sayin tht yesterday u pointed fingers at me now u tell me wht is this. Mansen then tells keshav tht cant he tell his friend arjun or because arjun is his friend which is why he can do anything with bhoomi and get away. Keshav tells mansen to stop and tht mansen was crossing his limits , mansen does not stop and keshav also gets wild and tells him tht he dare nto talk about his sister anymore and tht wht ever respect keshav had for mansen is now gone, as they both are  screamin at each other vasudev appears and tries to stop keshav, mansen tells vasudev tht you have been a very faithful servant of this house and tht vasudev has always stayed in his limits (tht is being a servant) and really wished tht vasudev had thought something to his children , this blows keshav off and he also tells mansen tht he (keshav) also wished tht mansen had learnt something from his parents !! (tht was excellent!! But not for keshav !!) at this vasudev slaps keshav, (poor thing) and pushes him away,  vasudev then folds his hands and asks for forgivness. Mansen shows him his hand (telling him to shutup I mean the bas kind of thing) 

Bhoomi then is goin takin milk for keshav wht her father takes the glass from her, he takes the milk for keshav and sits next to him. Keshav smiles, vasudev then tells keshav tht he was sorry tht he slapped him. Keshav tells him tht he has no complains and tht the same hand tht slapped him also gives him blessings ,and tht when vasudev slapped him he got a feeling of apnapan and love !! keshav then says tht he did not understand why did vasu (vasudev) hatjodofy in front of mansen, did he forget tht vasu is bhoomi's father?? Vasu says tht over the years a bond has been formed and maybe because of tht. Vasu also says tht after all you'll both grew up here how can I forget tht.  Keshav then says tht thought we are servants we are also human beings and tht vasu has never been scolded by the eldest ppl in the house and mentions baisa, her hubby and bade  dadaji. Vasu agrees. Keshav also says tht today the limits were crossed, even I hav never said anything , even when vishaka used to insult my sister I never said anything but now the situation is different and tht now when ever bhoomi goes in tht house she will be insulted and I cannot stand another insult for my sister. Also tht things would not be very nice between arjuns family and them anymore.( Keshav then throws the bomb,)he tells vasu tht it is better we lead a respectful life of being humans then being treated like this as servants!! Keshav then says tht they should leave this place. Bhoomi is very upset listening to this . then it freezes the end!!

Have a nice weekend !


Nankri thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Brief update for 20th June

I missed the first few scenes. Hope someone will update that.

Manasvi comes into the kitchen enquiring about Bhoomi. Dhanu Kaka says after so much insult its not possible for her to come again. Just then Bhoomi enters. She decides to make everyone's fav food.

Mansen and Kushal talk on the phone and the former says to Kushal that Shefali is on their side and his suspiscion was wrong. He tells him of his decision to oust Keshav from the company. Kushal suggests that Suraj Kiran would be able to take up Keshav's duties.

Yuv tells Suraj about Arjun. But he says that he had gone to Meerut and is again lost in thoughts.

Hemraj, Baisa, Bade Dada and Manasvi are sitting in the hall, while Bhoomi and Keshav come to take leave. Dada asks Keshav and on much insistence he tells about Mansen's behaviour. Everyone is sad.

Bhoomi gets memories of herself with Arjun.Lord Krishna comes and says that the time has come for a change(Parivartan).

Maybe in her destiny, Lord has written something else!

Bhoomi asks to protect the house. Krishna says he is always with those who think of others and wherever Bhoomi is, he will be there.

Mansen declares in the board meeting that Keshav would no longer be with the company. Everyone votes for that. Suraj is thinking. Keshav offers his resignation Mansen says that Suraj would take Keshav's duties. Keshav wishes Suraj and leaves. Mansen is happy.





Nankri thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Update for 21st June

Bhoomi calls Arjun Outside and talks with him alone. She shows her the 'Marble'(Kancha), A Song Cassette and a doll from her potli and gives him the potli as a token of rememberance.

She says that although she tried hard, she could not stop telling him that how much she loves Arjun. She asks him to see the T.V. Program and Arjun is left emotionally thinking.

The entire  Goenka family is in Heritage House and Vasudev comes to take leave with Keshav and Bhoomi. Baisa consoles Vasudev. The latter goes to Bade Dadaji and Dadaji hugs Vasudev. Hemraj is also in tears. Vasudev says Namaskar to all.

Mansen and Baisa exchange glances and so does Arjun and Shefali

Siddharth says that Vasudev will stay will in their house. But Keshav declines. He tries to convince them, and eventually they agree.

Yuvraj says that he is happy Suraj has been placed instead of Arjun. Mansen's says he is happy that Arjun has been defamed and Keshav left. Shefali asks whether he knows the person behind the defamation of Arjun, but Mansen declines. Shefali offers that they should find the person and Mansen says he has already started the search for that person and would find out soon. Mansen leaves.

Shefali asks Yuvraj and he says that profit is theirs, and it doesnt matter whoever is behind. Yuvraj leaves.

Shefali says to herself that Arjun's enemy is her enemy. Her profit is only that of Bhoomika leaving the house and next are Mansen and Yuvraj.

Keshav, Satya, Arjun, Bhoomi, Vasudev come to the new house and Manasvi is standing there with a thaali and welcomes them.

They all go inside the house and the others leave(Manasvi, Satya and Arjun)

Bhoomi talks to a photo of Arjun. Keshav watches it and goes away.She has memories of Old days.

In Heritage House, Mansen is confronted by Baisa. She tells him to take care of his health and not to think of others day and night. She then tells him that its Mansen's hand behind Arjun's defamation. Mansen declines to comment. Baisa advices again that he has lost Faithfullness, Trust , Joy in form of Vasudev, Keshav and Bhoomi.

Baisa leaves and Mansen thinks again.




Nankri thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Update for 22nd June

Baisa has some memories of Bhoomi, while Manasvi walks in with food for her and they talk about her. Baisa gets emotional and suddenly hears some noise. It turns out to be Bhoomi's cookery programme on T.V.(Arjun is already watching). All the members gather and watch. Keshav and Bhoomi are watching in their house. Mansen, Yuv and Shefali are not happy. Baisa claps her hand and others join, after the programme is over.

Keshav hugs Bhoomi and is very happy.

Arjun is sad and Manasvi comes. She talks about relationships and how Vasudev was with their house for 40 years and suddenly this happened. Arjun says such an incident can happen to them also. He adds that they will realise Keshav's importance in Goenka Industries soon. Manasvi talks about Bhoomi and Arjun tells that Bhoomi told she still loves him and wonders what would be happening with her.

Bhoomi is talking to herself about Arjun and Vasudev is watching. Lord Krishna comes and says that its her testing time.

Vasudev is upset and Krishna says that its impossible for Bhoomi to forget Arjun. Krishna asks her to continue thinking about Arjun.

Hemraj is also having flashback of Bhoomi and tries to get up off his wheelchair, while Baisa comes and asks him to try getting up.

Hemraj asks for phone. Baisa calls Bhoomi and tells her that Hemraj and herself are thinking about her and she would massage her dadaji's foot and Hemraj tried getting up.

She tells that Bhoomi should continue her massage. Bhoomi refuses to come to that house and Baisa tells her to come for her sake as a guest.

Bhoomi tells Keshav and tries to leave. Keshav says he would not stop her, but asks her to  mind her limits.

Aksh is scolding the servant for not cooking the foof properly. Kaka says Bhoomi used to make all the items.
Manasvi says she used to take into account everyone's taste and is happy that those people remember her. Bhoomi comes in. Mansen is tensed. Manasvi goes to her and Bhoomi tells about Baisa.

Aksh says to Bhoomi to prepare Samosa, Juice and Coffee. Baisa reprimands him that she is her  guest and not servant. Mansen says Bhoomi did Natak Of going off from the house and coming again. Baisa again says that she has called her and she is her guest and called her for his dad's cure. Mansen walks off.

Yuv is agitated. Bhoomi massages Hemraj's legs and assures that he will walk soon. Baisa asks about her welfare.

Arjun and Shefali are talking about Keshav's ousting from Goenka Industries and Shefali's Vote against Keshav. Shefali says she had to vote against Keshav so as to not raise any suspiscion against her.

Dhanu comes to inform that Bhoomi has come. Arjun goes off and Shefali is worried and irritated.