FF: A Second Chance at Happiness updated page 10

mpleo thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

This is my first post in the ltl forum.  I've been working on it for a while.  I included quite a bit of female-oriented action sequences, which I hope to see in the future in Indian films and television.  Hope you enjoy it. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. 


Nakusha had tried really hard to convince Dutta that she was the same person he fell in love with.  On the contrary, Kalavati succeeded in poisoning Dutta's mind against Nakusha and Baji.  Naksuha couldn't take it after Dutta accused her and Baji of having an affair behind his back.  Unable to tolerate the humiliation, Nakusha, her family, and Baji left Patil residence.

One year had passed since Nakusha had left.  Dutta had returned to his old ways; in fact, people feared him more than ever. Sudharshan had taken Baji's place and was managing most of the business for Dutta. Aayi Saheb couldn't do anything but pray that happiness would return to her house.  Many enemies tried to hurt Dutta, but some miracle always managed to save him.  Even though Nakusha wasn't living with them, she was still considered Dutta's wife and that always proved to be a shield for him.  Lately Dutta had been dealing with a new enemy'Vikrant.  Vikrant had recently shifted his business to Mumbai and has been trying to take over Dutta's territory for the last six months.  Fortunately, all his attempts went in vain. Dutta was returning from a meeting, when some of Vikrant's men attacked him and took him hostage.  Luckily, Dutta managed to text Kishore before he was taken.  All he could is hope that Kishore gets him help as soon as possible.  The men had taken Dutta to a deserted factory where they had tied him to a pillar.  They then sat down and started their game of cards.

 Man 1:  I've called Vikrant saab and told him we have his enemy as hostage.  He said he will be here in an hour.

 Man 2:  About time.  He was getting frustrated with all our failed attempts.  Now no one can save him.

The men turned towards Dutta and laughed at his situation; however, he remained calm throughout the whole ordeal.  A few minutes later, they heard sounds of a motorbike.  The man immediately grabbed their weapons and gathered around the entrance of the factory, waiting for the rider to enter.  To their surprise, a bike barged in through the back windows and immediately charged at the men.  The rider managed to knock out two men with his bike and headed towards Dutta.  The rider untied Dutta and directed him to sit on the bike.  Before the remaining men could get a hold of them, the rider sped out of the factory.  The men headed for their jeep but noticed that the tires had been flattened, making it impossible to catch their hostage. 

            Once they were out of the enemy's reach.  Dutta taped the rider to get his attention.


Dutta: Who are you?  Did Kishore send you?

            The rider did not give an answer, but pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number and gave the phone to Dutta.  Dutta grabbed the phone and answered the individual on the phone.


Dutta: Hello?

Voice:  Dutta'this is Kaka babu.

            Dutta was relieved to hear Kaka Babu's voice.  Kaka Babu is one of Dutta's seniors in the business.  He's always offered Dutta guidance, and is, in some way, a fatherly figure. 


Kaka Babu:  Relax.  I found out from Kishore that you were taken hostage.  You can trust the rider.  Your family is here at my house.  The rider will bring you here.


Dutta: Okay. I'll see you soon'[Dutta returns the phone to the rider]'Thanks


            After a few minutes, Dutta found him in front of a huge house.  He spotted his family along with Kaka Babu coming out to greet him.  Aayi Saheb embraced her son. 

Aayi:  Thank god you are okay.

            Dutta then greeted Kaka Babu with a huge embrace.

Dutta:  When did you arrive in Mumbai.  Why didn't you tell me?

Kaka Babu:  I was going to surprise you after I settled in.  I'm glad to see you.  Are you okay?

Dutta: Yeah, your man got me out of there quickly.

            Dutta turned around to properly thank the individual riding the bike, but he noticed that the rider had already taken off. 

Kaka Babu:  Don't worry, you can thank her later.

Dutta:  Her?

Kaka Babu: Didn't you notice?  The rider was a woman?

Dutta was surprised to realize that a woman had saved his life.

Sudharshan:  Kaka Babu, since when did you start hiring women to work for you?

Kaka Babu [with distaste]: Since the sons started to become unreliable.

Kaka Babu had given Sudharshan a piercing glare.  He was never fond of Leela's husband, but tolerated him because of Dutta.  Kaka Babu directed everyone inside of his house, where his wife had already prepared a meal for everyone.  Aayi Saheb and his daughters became engaged in a conversation with Kaki Ma (Kaka Babu's wife), while Dutta, Kishore, and Kaka Babu discussed business and Sudharshan pretended to be part of the conversation.  They were nearly finished with the meal, when Kaka Babu's son'Shivum stormed into the house. 


Shivum:  Baba...where are your loyal servants?  Today they crossed their limits...WHERE ARE THEY?


Kaka Babu continued to eat, which surprised Dutta because he would never let Shivum talk like that.  Before Shivum could say another word, a young girl, about Roops' age, entered the room and stood right in front of Shivum.


Girl:  Why are you shouting Shivum?  Can't you let others eat in peace?


Shivum:  Oh shut up, Kaya.  Where is that husband of yours? He's always interfering in my business, I've had enough.


Kaya:  Maybe if you stopped acting so stupid, he would stop interfering.  He and my sister have no interest in butting into your business, but when you start screwing up they have to step in.  They'll stay out of your way, if you start using your head.


            This was the first time, Dutta had seen someone other than Kaka Babu speak to Shivum like that.  Shivum was fuming red by then, and he raised his hand to smack her but it was quickly grabbed by someone else.  When everyone looked towards the individual holding Shivum back, they were surprised to see Baji standing there.  In the past year, Baji seemed to have matured quite a bit.  He seemed far more intimidating and his anger was evident.


Baji:  If you have a problem, talk to me.  But don't you dare, raise your voice or your hand at my wife.  This is my last warning to you.


            Baji forcefully dropped Shivum's hand and continued to give him a deathly glare.  Dutta and his family didn't know what surprised them more'the fact that Baji was standing in front of them or the fact that he was married. 


Shivum:  How dare you kick my friends out of the hotel?  How many times do I have to tell you to leave my friends alone?  And where is that friend of yours?  I want some answers from her as well.


            Just then, the rider who had saved Dutta's life entered the house.  She still had her helmet on, but as soon as she stepped in everyone got up from their seat.  Dutta quickly scanned the rider, and noticed the feminine figure with the black boots, tight jeans, and leather jacket with a white tank top underneath.  The rider walked right in front of Shivum and gently removed her helmet, which shocked Dutta and his family even further.  The rider was none other than Nakusha.  For a moment, Dutta couldn't recognize her.  The innocence he once saw on her face was gone.  There wasn't a single sign of weakness in her posture or her face. 


Shivum:  Who the hell do you think you are?  How dare you kick my friends out of my father's hotel?


Nakusha (blatantly answers): People who misuse you for their own self interests aren't considered as friends.


            Nakusha remained calm and strong when speaking to Shivum.  This was the first time Dutta had seen Nakusha talking to someone without having any fear in her voice.  Whenever she would talk to him, she always had some hesitation.  Shivum, on the other hand, was losing his patience.  He harshly grabbed Nakusha's arm, and Dutta instinctively took a step towards them but Kaka Babu held him back.  Dutta was surpsied by this action, but when he returned his focus on Shivum he noticed that Nakusha had grabbed Shivum's arm and turned it in such a way that he was yelping in pain.


Nakusha:  Next time you touch me without my permission, you won't have an arm.


            After Nakusha had released his arm, Shivum could no longer tolerate the humiliation and stormed off.  Nakusha then turned towards Kaka Babu.


Nakusha:  Kaka Babu, I came here to let you know that I took care of everything at the meeting.  The papers are in your room.  I'll take your leave. [Nakusha takes a step towards the exit]


Dutta: Hold it right there!


            Nakusha calmly turned around and waited for Dutta to come and approach her.  By then he was clearly infuriated.  Kalavati and her sisters looking forward to what Dutta was going to do to Nakusha; after all, they enjoy watching Nakusha get humiliated.  Aayi Saheb and Madhu on the other hand, feared what Dutta would do next.


Dutta:  What the hell are you doing here?  What are you trying to prove by saving me?


Nakusha: It's not my fault that Sudharshan can't do his job efficiently and ensure your safety.  If me saving you from those men bothers you so much, I can always hand you back to them.  I'm sure they would be happy to have their hostage again.


            Dutta's eyes widened by Nakusha's response.   He was shocked to see that his anger had no effect on her.  His gaze didn't shake every nerve like it used to.  It was as if he was talking to a dead body.  When he didn't have a response to give her, Nakusha spoke up one more time.


Nakusha:  If you evey raise your voice at me again, I swear I won't think twice before breaking your legs right in front of your mother.


            With that warning, Nakusha left, leaving everyone except Kaka Babu, Baji, and Kaya stunned.  Once everyone had regained their composure, Baji guided Kaya to where Aayi Saheb was standing. 


Baji:  Kaya, this is my Aayi Saheb.  And Aayi Saheb, this is my wife, Kaya.  We got married about eight months ago.


            Kaya and Baji bent down to take Aayi Saheb's blessings who willingly wished them all the happiness.  Afterwards, the couple left without acknowledging anyone else.  Once Baji and Kaya had left, Dutta confronted Kaka Babu.


Dutta:  Why are you letting them work for you?  Why didn't you tell me?


Kaka Babu: 1-I am not answerable to you. 2-Just because you doubted them, that doesn't mean that I should as well.  Don't forget that I have more experience in judging one's loyalty and character.  Now, I think we have had a lot to deal with today, so all of you should go home and get some rest.  Dutta, I will see you tomorrow at my warehouse.  We have some things to discuss. 


            No one at Patil residence slept in peace that night.  Kalavati, Leela, and Roops were in one room pondering over the changes in Nakusha.  Aayi Saheb was praying that her family would survive the storm that was lurking around. Dutta was at his bar, replaying the day's incident in his mind.  He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not realize that Madhu had come and sat next to him.  In the past year, Madhu had managed to build a certain comfort level with Dutta.  Dutta had managed to develop concern for and acknowledged her opinions.


Madhu:  Are you thinking about Naku, bhai?


Dutta:  She's changed so much.  There was a time when, Naku would never talk to me eye to eye.  She was so soft spoken around me.  Today, I felt I was talking to someone else.  Did the Naku, I ever loved even exist?


Madhu:  You noticed the harshness in her voice, you noticed the anger in her actions, but you failed to notice something else?


Dutta: What?


Madhu:  Pain-you didn't see the pain in her eyes.  The Naku that lived here was soft spoken, but she was full of life and hope.  Her eyes bought a smile to anyone's face.  Today, I felt as if I saw a living corpse. 


            With that said, Madhu left with a new seed of thought in her brother's mind.  Dutta had to admit, his sister was right.  How could he have missed this major detail?  He felt as if something had happened that made Naku this way, and he was going to find out.     


            The next day, Dutta and Sudharshan met up with Kaka Babu at his warehouse.  Baji was in the back giving instructions to the men on what to do with all the material.  Watching Baji work, made Dutta realized how much he missed his friend.  Kaka Babu met up with them in his office, where they discussed how to deal with Vikrant's competition and some new other deals.  When they were about to end the meeting Baji barged into the office.


Baji:  Kaka Babu, I just found out that one of Shivum's friends is using our other warehouse organize a fight for people to bet.  Someone can easily get in and steal our material.


Kaka Babu:  Make sure you stop them.  Do you want me to come?


Baji:  No, we'll be okay. I'll call you later.


Dutta:  Kaka Babu, I'll go with Baji'after all my material is there as well.


Kaka Babu:  Very well.


            Baji headed towards his jeep and quietly waited for Dutta to sit in the passenger's seat.  He then quickly drove off.  Throughout the ride, Baji did not utter a word to Dutta.  The silence finally got the better of Dutta and he decided to start a conversation.


Dutta:  How long have you been working for Kaka Babu?


Baji:  We ran into him shortly after leaving Patil residence.  I joined his business immediately, while Naku trained with Ali Mamu.  Shortly afterwards, I met Kaya and we got married.


Dutta:  Are you happy with her?


Baji:  Absolutely'she's given me a reason to live.  I can't imagine life without her anymore.


            Dutta could sense the sincerity in Baji's words, and he was somewhat ashamed that he doubted Naku and Baji's relationship. 

            By the time they had arrived at the warehouse, there was a crowd gathered.  Baji tried to search for Shivum or his friend, but it was hard to find anyone in the crowd.  Just then his cell rang'it was Nakusha.  She provided Baji instructions, which Dutta couldn't hear. 

Baji:  Bhao'let's just go inside and wait for Naku to do her job.


Dutta:  What is she going to do?


Baji:  You'll see.


            Dutta was confused by the smirk Baji gave.  He followed Baji to the fighting arena where a fight was about to come to an end.  Once the two fighters left the ring, Shivum's friend asked for everyone's attention.


Friend:  Gentleman'today is your lucky night because in the next fight, our very own Shivum is being challenged. 


            The crowd gave a cheer when Shivum entered and stood next to his friend.  He had a gray wife beater on top of black pants.  It seemed as if he was ready to kill anyone.


Friend:  And the special treat is that his challenger is none other than this pretty lady.


            Everyone turned towards the direction that Shivum's friend was pointing.  Nakusha had made her way through the crowd and stood in the middle of the arena.  Shivum's friend came and put his arm around Nakusha, which managed to bother Dutta.


Friend:  So pretty lady what is at stake?


Naku:  If I win, Shivum will take his little crew and leave this warehouse and won't use his father's working area for his entertainment.


Shivum: And if I win, you will leave this city.


Naku:  Agreed.


Friend:  Let the fight begin.


            Shivum and Naku came forth and stood face to face.  Naku took off her leather jacket, revealing her purple tank top.  Many men managed to whistle at her beauty and throw inappropriate comments, which made Dutta want to crack their necks.  As soon as the bell was rung, Shivum immediately lifted his arm to punch Naku, which she blocked off quickly.  For the next few minutes, Shivum continued to strike Naku but she blocked them off with ease.  Once he was tired out, Naku decided to pay him back.  She managed to punch him a few times and ended the whole ordeal with a strong kick, which landed Shivum on the floor yelping in pain.  The entire audience, including Dutta, was amazed by Naku's fighting skills.  She seemed like a complete professional when fighting. 


Naku:  I'm giving all of you five minutes to leave this place, and if by any chance you have taken anything, you better put it back before I catch you.


            After watching what Naku did to Shivum, no one wanted to get onto her bad side, so everyone did what she instructed.  Once the intruders had left, Baji instructed his men to make sure everything was still in place.  Nakusha grabbed her jacket and left the warehouse.  She was heading towards her bike when Dutta caught up with her and forced her to turn around and face him.


Dutta: Have you lost your mind?  You could have been hurt? 


Naku:  And why do you care?


Dutta:  I'I don't care'but at least think about those that love you.  Your family'what about your parents?


At the mention of her parents, Naku acted instinctively and grabbed Dutta's collar.  She glared at him as if she was going to kill him at the moment.


Naku:  Do yourself a favor and don't mention my family ever again'I am not your servant who will blindly follow whatever you say.  On the contrary, I am putting up with you because of Kaka Babu, but if you push my limits, I won't show him that respect either.  So it is in your best interest that you stay out of my way.


Naku forcefully released a stunned Dutta and drove off.  Baji, who had witnessed the encounter between the two from far away, approached Dutta.


Baji:  Everything is intact and the warehouse is securely locked. 


Dutta [in his own little word]:  How did she change so much?


Baji:  She never wanted to be like this'the world made her like this.  The Naku that you knew died a long time ago.

Edited by mpleo - 12 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Sophia21 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
Heyy... Great FF .. n i love the storyline....
Woahhhh 2day i read 3 different FFs n in all of them Nakku has been bindas lol...
Awww Baaji is married to Kaya... n Nakku is Wooow! lol
She locked all her pain and appears tough.. i like it..
Heyy Please PM me when u update if u can... Continue soon
ushankitvc thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Congrat fr ur new FF..............Fabulous start!!!!!!!!!!! luve it vry much..............2day this is the 3rd FF I m reading..........all the ff nakku is in SHERNI mode.............liking her vry much.............liked ur approach..............Baaji married Kaya.............Nakku - dutta convo in the end i liked it mre than anything....keep going...........lking frwrd fr ur nxt updt.........updt sooooooon..........please add me to ur PM list.................

Edited by ushankitvc - 13 years ago
vikadesigirl thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
Amazing is all I can say!! Naku a fighter.. dutta left speechless.. baaji-married.. Love it.. Would love see Naku kick dutta a** Wonderful start.. pls PM when u update.
Prinsesse.Suvi thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Congrats for your first FF and welcome to the forum🤗
Its fabulous! I love the concept of the new, bold Naku
Why did she get so angry at the mention of her family? Are they dead?😲
How does Dutta expect her to be the same after all that he has put her through?
OMG I just love Naku fighting everyone..really good
Continue soon
take care
kiran255 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
wooooooooooooo mpleo 
LOve the story 
wow Naku has become more dangerous than DUtta 
really nice 
looking forward for next update 
do pm me :)
Wanderbug thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Nice FF!!!
but my appologies can't equate naku with Kickboxing....
but i will see her as different then in the show...
plz try to make Dutta's character stronger..somehow..here he feels weaker...if it was clash of the titans...Dutta-Nakusha...it would be more fun..
plz don't mind..just my suggestion..nakku is like chalie's angels....i m loving that..
swati2008 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
its awesome........i love Naku in ur FF.......she's so strong........but what brought the change in her......why she dn't want to talk about her family........update soon.......
Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
wow what an amazing ff...
i first thrt the person on the bike was baji wen he didnt speak, thn wen kaka babu sed its a girl i thrt mayb madhu bt wen i saw baji enter the house i was convinced it mus hav been nakusha..wow cnt believe nakusha is a fighter!!
oi hoi hoi dutta gtin jealous wen men wer whistling at her...lol...
oh she gt a little annoyed wen dutta mentioned family...r her parents dead????????????
update soon n pls drop me a PM wen u do...
btw i hav added ur ff link in media center thread its on pg 5 scroll down n u'll c it.. all ff links r there so i thrt i'll put urs in too...😳
Edited by Yuvika_15 - 13 years ago
Wanderbug thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Yuvika_15

wow what an amazing ff...

i first thrt the person on the bike was baji wen he didnt speak, thn wen kaka babu sed its a girl i thrt mayb madhu bt wen i saw baji enter the house i was convinced it mus hav been nakusha..wow cnt believe nakusha is a fighter!!
oi hoi hoi dutta gtin jealous wen men wer whistling at her...lol...
oh she gt a little annoyed wen dutta mentioned family...r her parents dead????????????
update soon n pls drop me a PM wen u do...
btw i hav added ur ff link in media center thread its on pg 5 scroll down n u'll c it.. all ff links r there so i thrt i'll put urs in too...😳

thanks for reminding yuvi..*runs to add her ff in media center*