Passionately Longing #2 | Damon&Bonnie

-dhruvi thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
the damon Salvatore & bonnie bennett
 two halves of a single soul-
forever sundered and struggling to unite;
 a strong want to give oneself unreservedly to another, so nothing else in the world
 matters. To be loved this way forever, for it can be insatiable in any other means.
"They were just two people, Damon and Bonnie,
who had to do the best they could" -Dark Reunion
 &that's just how the story unfolds; }
 season one.
their first official meeting literally set the temperature rising
bonnie burns damon's hand when he tries to acquire the necklace
that's hanging around her neck. a couple days later, he stops her
in the school parking lot with a different approach, telling her he
 doesn't want to harm her, but protect her.  yet, once again he fails 
to get the necklace. later on that night bonnie is possessed by her
ancestor emily, who betrays her promise to damon. angered he
attacks the possessed bonnie. time after time, he continues showing
 up in front of bonnie unexpectedly, trying to get her to give him a
second chance, but again and again she denies him. on founder's day
she saves him from dying, grateful of her, he thanks her, and tells
her he owes her. and this is only the beginning of their journey.

 read: quotes | full recap  

 obsess it.
rewatch: season one | season two
 pivsle -deviantART :title banner
 rima&wida :character sketch
 payal :fan banners
radz&yaz :honorable mentions
Edited by dhruvi. - 13 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

-dhruvi thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Welcome to the Damon&Bonnie appreciation thread, where we can share the love of Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett! You can post arts, fics, thoughts, and anything and everything else having to do with D/B in this thread.
+ Be polite! No flaming will be tolerated.
+ Make sure you stick to the topic (Damon and/or Bonnie or the actors portraying them).
+ This thread is full of spoilers. Proceed with caution.
+ Have fun, and please start posting!

If you would like to be added or have any questions and/or suggestions, please PM me.
dhruvi. | *Adorable _Anu* | Rachu-1987 | sourpuss tithi21 | 01-05
sabet | Anhdara13 | -Nayab- | curledup | ..-Zaara-.. | 06-10
HotMess | -Rajvot- | -SamPari- | Salz. | -AlfridiMalik_- | 11-15
khushix | babii.girl | *payal_15* | yasu09 | preity*zinta | 16-20
miss_neha | sunnkiised ruby20 | sabrinaa. | chhilt | 21-25
Raee_rockz | AppleBlossom Sananya09 | Hannah. | fijiana | 26-30
sharmida | nicky_ashok xoxolively | meggs | maneeshaF | 31-35
Angel-Jot. | kinjal89 | Leenasmg Pocahontas Day_Dreamer | 36-40
luv_wacko | annu02 yellow1 Twixie. | 41-44
 join the addiction. 
"The Damon-Bonnie relationship is a classic case of opposites attract: Witch vs Vampire, Evil vs Good, Good girl vs Bad boy and Angel vs Devil. However DB also have many similarities, for example they are both fiery individuals, they can't see the people they care about being hurt and they are both supernatural beings thus making their pairing a unique one unlike the common human/immortal pairings. This Bamontastic pairing is much loved because Bonnie never takes any crap from Damon and always puts him in his place. Even though they have a very few scenes together, they still managed to capture my attention with their intense UST." -Yaz.

"older sexy danger guy. little judgmental witch. sparks, both literal and metaphorical. intensity, passion: the homicidal vampire and his little bird. what's not to love?" -Radz.

"Vampire & Witch; Cocky & Sassy. A never before seen DEADLY combo, set to become the next most EPIC couple of the century... the name's Bamon. Damon & Bonnie. <3" -Anu.

"Damon is the Alpha Vampire and he needs an equal. Bonnie is his equal -the alpha female/witch. Both are strong, humorous, and intoxicating. They make the sexiest supernatural couple ever." -Anjali.

"She's the fire that'll scorch his heart; he's the personality that makes her feel alive. He's protected her past and he'll protect her future, because she's more than his humanity,
she's his moral compass." -Dhruvi. 
Dhruvi | Radz | Anu 
Edited by dhruvi. - 13 years ago
-dhruvi thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Damon and Bonnie are portrayed by the amazingly talented and gorgeous actors,
KATERINA ALEXANDRE GRAHAM; born September 5, 1989, she is a Swiss born American actress, singer, record producer, dancer, and model.
"...Kevin got a complimentary email about the casting of Bonnie...[from LJ Smith]" -Julie Plec, VRO."
"Bonnie can hold her own…with Damon. Anyone who can put Damon down on the ground -- and not in a sexual way -- is a problem. [Laughs] She's a big problem for him. She's a contender ... I think if anything, she's gonna prove to be useful." -Ian.
IAN JOSEPH SOMERHALDER; born December 8, 1978, he is an American fashion model,
actor and producer. He is also a very passionate environmentalist.
"Ian is an animal lover and he's such a teddy bear in real life. When he's in character, I'm like, 'wow, what a phenomenal actor' because he's so sweet and charming and he can switch like that into an evil, crazy vampire. It's pretty awesome to watch." -Kat.
As long as Bonnie evolves I'm happy. If that happens with Damon than so be it. [...]" -Kat. 
KG about Team Damon: "I think he's got a lot to get over […] He could turn out to really prove himself. I think everyone deserves another chance."
the Song Bird's Twitter | the Crow's Twitter
Edited by dhruvi. - 13 years ago
-dhruvi thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

OMG, like we always dreamed of: thread#2 before the premiere of season two - finally achieved. I am soooooo happy you guys! Today is not only special because of this but it's also our Bonnie, well our actress protreying her's birthday: Katherina Graham! This for sure calls for a HUGE bamonation celebration! So bring out your cakes, cookies, brownies, and all those yummy snackes, and I'll provide the bamonade, and lets throw ourselves the biggest VD party ever! Who's with me? CHEERS! :D :D :D :D

chip. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Congrats on the second thread, Bamonators! Way to go! πŸ‘   Great work on the thread, Dhruvi! Everything looks so fab!
Edited by chip. - 13 years ago
chhilt thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Eeeeppp!!!! *dances happily* Yay! Go Bamonators! :D Oh and a happy happy birthday to our dear sweet Kat :) <3
Edited by chhilt - 13 years ago
patakhaguddi thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Congo On #2!!!!
Angel-Jot thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago


OMG! Dhruvz!! Congo to you and every other Bamonater for the 2nd thread! The first page sweets looks magnifique! It is soo amazing. So simple yet....amazing. πŸ˜† HEY! I'v changed my username and seeing my earlier username makes me sad. =(πŸ˜†
....Ignore that part....i don't know why i even mentioned that. πŸ˜•
Well......lets get to the point here because i dont wanna bore you or anyone else whos reading this to-*waves hi!*....sorry......okay, i just simply adore Bonnie and Damon but as most people know and can tell from my beautiful sig, i'm more of a Delena Shipper. Oh what the heck! I love em both! <3 I dont even remember how i started loving Bamon....OH right! I was watching random TVD vids on YT and i came upon a Bamon vid and from one vid, i kept watching more and before i knew, i was in love with them!! I spammed the previous thread with the vids i watched..πŸ˜† Dhruvi you remember that? Yeah? Good.
Now....i hope we have many more threads so...spammers...WELCOME!πŸ˜† We need you.πŸ˜‰
...UGH! I had this perfect LONG comment that was just soo awesome but i don't remember it now. 😳 I can't wait for Season 2 though!! Wait...everyone can't....UGH! Ignore that part as well. πŸ˜•πŸ˜† 
Ohhh and....i guess thats it since i dont remember my awesome speech. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜† For now, ciao darlings! Katherine has more important stuff to do.
Don't finish this thread without moi. πŸ˜† I'll try to be more active.
Edited by Angel-Jot. - 13 years ago
sunnkiised thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
why is everyone reserving?????πŸ˜• is it like if tradition to post a message on a new thread??? sorry this is the first one of me.......................
btw the thread is awesome really love it didnt know you could top the old one but you didπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘
Anhdara13 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
ohmygosh! D! the thread is gorgeous! absolutely, wonderfully stunning! I love everything! it is so pretty. *gets lost in the prettiness*

oh, right - btw, I added you as a friend on lj - 67chevywinpala. I followed the links, and found out you created an lj, and posted the writeup? yay. haha, I'll work on the writeups for the individual scenes soon. expect something with my opinions peppered through them. haha.