*~*ShReE fRoM dAy 1 *~*

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Posted: 15 years ago
                    hey guys!
Here you go....I have put my time and effort in this summary...please let me know if there is anything that I need to change......
                   I will make weekly updates....
Episode 104

Mangla is confused and surprised in the June 17 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV, after she finds herself in a strange room. Shree reveals to her that magical powers used by Mangla had summoned a ghost which brought her to the room. Shree reveals to Mangla that the ghost has also provided a puzzle to solve.

As Shree tries to solve the puzzle, Mangla ties a sacred thread at the door, to keep Kangna away.

Meanwhile, Kangna, who is inside Bindiya's body, tells Damayanti that she wishes to get married in ciurt to avoid hurting Shree further. In reality, Kangna decision was motivated by her desperate need to stay away from the religious rituals.

As Shree starts working on the puzzle, Kangna starts feeling uneasy. She tries to enter the room but Kangna is prevented by the sacred thread. To add to her problems, Shree switches off the lights inside the room.

In the meantime, Mangla arrives and hypnotizes Kangna. While hypnotizing her, Mangla mentions Madhu is Anant's second wife. However, Madhu overhears Mangla and panics.What will be the consequences of Mangla's act?

Episode 103

Mangla asks Shree to look at the reflection in the mirror in the June 16 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Shree is disappointed not seeing anything and feels hopeless in defeating Kangna. However, Mangla is hopeful.

Sumati considers Shree's black magic responsible for Hari's condition and warns her to stay away from Hari. Kangna enters Riddhi and Siddhi's body and locks Shree in a room with snakes. Shree wakes-up from sleep and realizes that Sumati and Riddhi-Siddhi's incident was a nightmare.

Sumati provides emotional support to Shree. Shree is shocked that Sumati knows about Kangna's spirit inside Bindiya. Sumati reveals that ten years ago the same happened with Hari.

According to Shree's nightmare, Riddhi and Siddhi ask Shree to fetch their playing ball from a room. Shree doesn't find a snake inside the room instead finds a book. Shree realizes that her nightmare was the reflection, which Mangla was referring to. Mangla arrives and is about to hold Shree by her neck.

Is Kangna inside Mangla now?

Episode 102

Hari faints in the June 15 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV after consuming the prashaad (offering) offered by Shree. Nikita accuses Shree of mixing something in the prashaad. Shree and Mangla understand that Kangna has played a magic trick.

As Shree prays to God for Hari's survival, Hari, in his unconscious state, starts calling-out Shree's name. This angers Kangna, who is inside Bindiya's body. Kangna stops Shree from going near Hari as she believes Shree has no right over Hari. Kangna uses her black magic to increase Hari's trauma. However, Kangna has to stop as Sumati enters.

Later in the episode, as Shree sits dejected, Mangla assures her that her efforts won't go waste. Mangla takes Shree in front of the mirror and prays with her. After praying, she asks Shree to open her eyes and see the reflection. Shree is surprised at the sight.What did Shree see in the mirror? Will she and Mangla be able to defeat Kangna?

Episode 101
In spite of Kanga creating obstacles, Shree manages to complete the puja (ritual) in the June 11 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Now, Shree has to make sure Hari consumes the prashaad (offering) of the puja. Kangna vows to stop Shree in her mission.

As Shree knows Kangna will stop her, she asks Madhu to present the prashaad to Hari. However, Madhu refuses to touch the prashaad. Just then, Shree observes Madhu's reflection in the glass appearing as Kangna and understands Kangna has entered Madhu's body.

Later in the episode, when Kangna appears in front of Shree, she scolds Kangna and challenges to present the prashaad to Hari.

Kangna, who is now inside Bindiya's body, gives Hari a drink, which will stop him from consuming the prashaad. However, Hari decides to eat the prashaad before having the drink. Hence, Shree wins while Kangna has defeat written all over her face. Will Hari start loving Shree again after eating the prashaad?

Episode 100

Kangna, inside Bindiya's body, asks the kids of the Nanavati family Riddhi and Siddhi to remove the sacred sand from Shree's room and throw it from the terrace in the June 10 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV.

Riddhi wonders why Bindiya offered chocolates for the task, she informs Mangla about it. Shocked Mangla informs Shree. Kangna arrives and boasts her achievement. Shree has the last laugh as she Kangna that the sand which Riddhi and Siddhi threw away was fake.

In order to take revenge, Kangna tries to create obstacles in Mangla and Shree's puja (ritual) with the help of black-magic. As Mangla struggles to recite the mantras, Shree urges her not to lose concentration. However, Kangna proves to be too much for Mangla. Now, Shree knows she has to do something to keep the puja alive.

Will Shree be able to complete the puja and destroy Kangna?

Episode 99
As Hari and Shree reach the temple in the June 9 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV, Hari tells Shree though he wishes to marry Bindiya; he still has feelings for Shree. Shree knows Hari is saying this because of the effect of the locket and Kangna's absence.

Shree prays for Hari and Bindiya's happiness, Hari is touched. Hari helps Shree in collecting the sacred sand from the temple. Shree is pleased.

Shree receives a courier containing their divorce papers sent by Hari. Hari requests Shree to sign. Shree obliges, Kangna, inside Bindiya's body, feels angry as she thought Shree would create a fuss before signing.

While praying Shree says though she has signed the papers, she will ensure the divorce doesn't take place. Kangna, from Bindiya's body, worryingly overhears her.

What will Shree do now? Will she be able to defeat Kangna?

Episode 98

Bindiya and Hari happily prepare for their wedding in the June 8 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Shree observes a ritual under Guruji's instructions. Kangna, who is inside Bindiya's body, starts choking and panicking.

Nikita and Damayanti scold Bindiya as they find stain marks on everybody's clothes. Bindiya's unaware this is the result of Shree's intense ritual.

As Kangna is unable to bear the effects of the ritual, she orders Shree to stop. Shree refuses and vows to destroy Kangna.

Later in the episode, Shree asks Hari and Bindiya to come to the temple with her. Kangna, inside Bindiya's body, is terrified to visit the temple. Bindiya refuses to go to the temple. Hari decides go to the temple with Shree. This angers Kangna but she can do nothing about it.

Will Shree be able to defeat Kangna and win back Hari's love?

Episode 97

Guruji finally agrees to help out Shree in the June 4 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Guruji asks Shree to face Kangna's spirit fearlessly and gives her few instructions written on leaflets.

Later in the episode, Shree challenges Kangna, who is inside Bindiya's body, of snatching away Hari and Bindiya from her.

As Shree is worried whether she would be able to defeat Kangna, she starts missing her father Narottam. Just then, Narottam phones her and makes her feel good.

Next morning, the story takes a dramatic turn as Shree announces in front of the family that she has no problems with Hari and Bindiya's marriage. Kangna considers this as Shree's new trick while Mangla gets angry on Shree. However, Shree defends her decision and is confident of defeating Kangna.

Will Shree's new plan work or will it make things worse for her?

Episode 96

As Kangna casts a magic spell on Hari, he doesn't agree to listen to Shree and decides to leave the house with Bindiya in the June 3 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Just then, Shree points at Bindiya and announces in front of everyone that she is Kangna.

When Shree asks Kangna to prove that she is Bindiya, Kangna takes the God's idol in her hands. Shree realizes the idol is a fake one. As Hari has had enough, he orders Shree to stop the drama. Shree announces to prove herself right on the night of Baisakh Purnima.

Mangla takes Shree to Guruji, a black-magician and asks him to help out Shree. However, Guruji doesn't agree to help just anyone. Therefore, Shree decides to pray in front of Guruji on one leg until he agrees to help her out.

Will Shree succeed in proving herself right?

Episode 95

Shree is shocked to see Kangna's image in the mirror as Bindiya's reflection. Shree realizes in the June 2 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV that Kangna is making Bindiya do everything.

Shree informs Mangla about this, she gives Shree a magical mirror, which will force Kangna to leave Bindiya's body.

Shree fails to stop Kangna from entering Bindiya's body and she vows to marry Hari on Baisakhpurnima.

Hari finds Bindiya's letter asking him to meet her at a place. When Hari reaches the place he is furious to see Shree waiting for him. Hari criticizes Shree for her cheap act while Shree is sure Mangla is behind this.

As Hari tries to leave, Shree begs him to listen to her if he had ever loved her. Hari recalls his and Shree's marriage day.

Will Shree be able to reveal Hari about Kangna using Bindiya? Will Hari believe her?

Episode 94

After Shree leaves the house and prays disappointingly in a temple in the June 1 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV, two well-wishers provide her support and motivate her to return home and save her married life.

Sumati is delighted by Shree's return while Kangna, inside Bindiya's body, is furious. Shree is proud of her decision.

Later in the episode as Hari gets angry on Shree for returning back, Shree firmly says she won't break her relation with him. Hari vows to divorce her but Shree is unperturbed. After a while, though Shree is a bit scared, she is sure everyone's good wishes and God's blessings are with her.

Will Shree and Hari part ways forever or will Shree be able to win back Hari's love?
Episode 93

As Shree has ordered Bindiya to leave the house, she lies to the family members that she is leaving as it's not good to stay at the sisters-in-law's place for long. On the other hand, Hari, who is outside, is eager to return home as he wants to meet Bindiya for the last time in the May 28 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV.

Madhu suspects something fishy, she asks Bindiya the true reason for her leaving. Nikita spills the beans saying Bindiya loves Hari. Hari confesses in front of everyone he loves Bindiya and regrets marrying Shree. This shocks everyone.

Now Hari wants Shree to leave the house. A heartbroken Shree leaves the house recalling her marriage ceremony where Hari had vowed to consider her as her wife forever.

Is this the end of Hari and Shree's relationship? Will Kangna's spirit emerge victorious?

Episode 92

Shree is shattered to observe Hari going intimate with Bindiya in the May 27 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Hari is confused, as he doesn't know how he arrived near Bindiya, who is controlled by Kangna's spirit. 

Hari feels guilty of his act and clearly tells Bindiya he will never betray Shree. Bindiya performs magic on Hari, and he starts considering Bindiya as his life.

Mangla opines to Shree that Hari is not responsible for his acts as a spirit controls him. Hari tells a devastated Shree that he doesn't love her anymore as loves Bindiya. 

An angry Shree decides to throw Bindiya out of the house. Bindiya says she has no idea when she started loving Hari. However, Shree is sure she will win back Hari's love after showing Bindiya the door.

Will Hari start loving Shree again? When will Shree realize Kangna's hand in all this?

Episode 91

Shree and Mangla are surprised see Kangna's photo missing in the storeroom in the May 26 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Madhu burns the photograph and informs a stranger on phone about the completion of task. The man asks Madhu to complete another task for him.

Sumati and Damayanti are shocked to know from Madhu that Shree had been to the old bungalow. When they ask Shree the reason for her going there, Shree doesn't reveal much to their anger. Madhu feels guilty for obeying the blackmailer and revealing to Sumati and Damayanti about Shree's visit.

Nikita tells Bindiya that she has seen her getting close to Hari.

Kangna, from Bindiya's body, decides to seduce Hari at night. Shree is shocked to observe Hari and Bindiya about to go intimate.

What will Shree do now?

Episode 90

Hari is heartbroken as Shree is not present in the ritual where wives feed sweets to their husbands in the May 25 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Kangna, inside Bindiya's body, tries to complete the ritual in Shree's absence but fails to touch the bowl of sweets because of the sacred powers.

Kangna mixes a powder in the sweets enabling her to lift the bowl. Kangna urges Hari to complete the ritual, he agrees.

Hari gets to know about Shree's accident. She, had suffered minor injuries, and is discharged. At home, when Shree decides to complete the ritual, Hari informs someone has already done it refusing to reveal the name. Hari tells Shree he doesn't love her.

Mangla finds some black-magic accessories from Bindiya's room. She informs Shree that whatever Hari said today is the result of the black magic.

Will Kangna's acts be exposed?

Episode 89

At night, as Shree and Hari are about to get intimate, the evil-spirit Kangna stops them in the May 21 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Hari gets alarmed and goes away leaving Shree confused while Kangna rejoices.

Next day, Shree is worried as she suspects Hari of having an affair. Mangla informs her that the other woman in Hari's life is a spirit. Mangla decides to search for the spirit.

Kangna, who is inside Bindiya's body, calls Hari on his mobile and Shree picks-up the phone. Shree is shocked when she hears Bindiya talking seductively and asking Hari to meet her.

At night, Shree is surprised to find a stranger inside the house. When the stranger shows his face, Shree is alarmed.

Who is the stranger? Will there be further problems in Hari and Shree's relationship?

Episode 88
Kangna's spirit, inside Bindiya's body, tells Hari that Mangala is exploiting   Shree's innocence. Kangna also lies to Hari in the May 20 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV that she saw Mangla  stealing from Shree's cupboard. Later in the episode as Mangla starts talking weird, Hari orders Dayabhai to throw her  out of the house. However, Shree wants Mangla to stay. Hari thinks this issue of Mangla is creating further problems between him and Shree. As Shree doubts  Hari loves someone else, Mangla offers help to find that out. Soon, Hari confesses to Shree that these days he is feeling attracted to someone else. Shree asks Hari to put his hand on the God's photograph and see whose face he can see after closing his eyes. As Hari sees Shree's face, he apologizes to Shree. Shree makes him promise that he will never meet that other woman. Kangna is angry and frustrated on observing it. Will Kangna accept defeat?
Episode 87

Mangala tells Shree in the May 19 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV she will have to stay with her to destroy the evil spirit. Mangala enters the Nanavati household disguised as a maid. Kangna, the evil spirit inside Bindiya's body, is scared when Mangala meets her.

Mangala presents Shree a sacred color, asking her to put it in the various corners of the house and perform a puja (ritual) the next day to protect the family.

Kangna panics when Shree brings the sacred color to Bindiya and orders Shree to stay away. Bindiya finds a broom in Mangala's room and realizes that she has performed some black magic.

When Bindiya tries to expose Mangala in front of everyone, Mangala saves herself saying she was just sweeping the house. Mangala suspects something fishy by the way Bindiya tried to expose her identity before others.

Will Mangala succeed?

Episode 86

Kangna's spirit, inside Bindiya's body, informs Hari in the May 18 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV that she changed the new clothes that he had bought for Shree. As Kangna claims to be aware of Hari's attraction for her and their closeness, he is left speechless.

As Kangna tries to get intimate with Hari, he stops her saying they should not betray Shree. However, Kangna insists.

On the other hand, Shree is in a dilemma unable to decide whether Hari really went out with some other woman. Suddenly, Shree starts doubting the evil spirit Kangna behind all this. Shree tells the same to Bindiya. As Kangna is inside Bindiya's body, she lies to Shree that Hari is at fault as he is having an affair with someone.

Later in the episode, Dayabhai takes Shree to Mangalaben, who is a black-magician.

Will Kangna succeed in creating a rift between Hari and Shree?

Episode 85

The evil spirit Kangna is inside Bindiya's body. Hari mistakes Bindiya as Shree and tries to be intimate in the May 14 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV. Hari feels embarrassed at the discovery.

Hari is offended to know that Shree has gone out without telling him. He gets worried when Bindiya informs that someone has called Shree to reveal about some past secret. Kangna, from Bindiya's body, asks Hari to go out with her. Hari couldn't resist.

When Shree visits the clinic she is shocked to know that there is no one of the name of Dr Kotak.

Shree returning from the clinic observes Hari with a girl, wearing her saree, in his car. At home Shree confronts Hari. Hari denies. Shree is shocked to see her saree intact in the cupboard. Shree smells something fishy angrily walking out.

Will Kangna succeed in creating a rift between Hari and Shree?
Episode 84

Kangna's spirit, inside Bindiya's body, feels sure that someday Madhu will definitely go against Shree, who will be left alone since Nikita is already against her. Kangna dreams in the May 13 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV of having sole right over Hari.

Hari gets to know from Nihal that he had spoken with Shree. Hari is scared at his lie being caught.

Hari confesses to Shree that he had lied to her the day before. Shree happily forgives him. Shree and Hari are about to go out. However, Kangna vows to spoil their plans.

Soon, doctor Kotak calls Shree to his clinic wishing to reveal the secret incident of Hari running away with his sister-in-law ten years ago. Actually, it was Kangna's spirit who had phoned Shree. Now Shree is in dilemma whether she should visit Kotak or go out with Hari.

How long will Kangna continue to trouble Shree?

Episode 83

Shree feels bad in the May 12 episode of Shree aired on Zee TV at Hari's lackluster behaviour on their outing. Shree regrets asking Hari about his past.

Shree is alarmed to see Anant's daughter wearing Hari's sacred locket and Hari missing.  Shree phones Hari, he lies to her that he's at Nihal's place. Hari's uncontrollable attraction has led him to Bindiya.

Bindiya flirts with Hari presenting him a scarf. Shree gets to know from Nihal that Hari is not with him.

When Hari arrives, Shree is surprised to see the scarf and the lipstick marks on Hari's shirt. Hari lies again saying Nihal presented the scarf ascribing lipstick marks accidentally from someone in the crowd.

At night, Bindiya attempts intimacy with Hari but interrupted by Nikita's arrival leaves. Nikita is surprised to see Hari standing alone in the corridor.

How long will Kangna's spirit pose problems for Hari?

Episode 82

Shree is upset that Hari did not take her up on the offer of a romantic date? Hari makes the excuse of a headache but she later discovers that he has rushed off. He meets Bindya and they have romantic encounter where she gifts him a scarf and nearly kisses him? On calling Shree finds out that Hari has gone to meet Nihaal? (which she finds out is a lie since Nihaal calls? Shree also discovers that Hari has given away his OM locket to Ridhi in a game... She wonders why? When he comes back home Shree notices that he is wearing an odd scarf which he claims is Nihaal's... He lies about what happened to the OM locket... And Shree notices a lipstick mark on his shirt!! On questioning he gets angry with her as he is sick of all her questions and makes a flimsy excuse... Hari rushes off to get the shirt washed and Bindya corners him? In a moment of vulnerability? Niki shows up? watching him stand in the middle of the corridor with his eyes shut clutching a shirt to his chest!

Episode 81

Bindya is impressing the family by making breakfast for all of them? they all seem quite happy with her though Shree ends up looking like the bad one... Hari's attraction towards Bindya is growing constantly.... She has managed to call him to secret meeting place making the excuse that she is scared of going there alone to practice her dance... (Cuts her arm and shows him evidence of manhandling by some random men when she was going to that place?) Shree tries to act upon her mother's advice and asks Hari to go out and spend the day with her alone? Hari is torn? He doesn't know what to do or how to react? he says he can't as he has a headache... Shree is heartbroken?

Episode 80

Shree comes to know that Kangana was the BADI BAHU of the house... She finds out that Hari had run away with the BADI BAHU! She cant believe that Anant had been married before and is stuck as she cant even reveal this to MAdhu wiothout destroyin her entire life... shree gets the flashes of how hari loved her and asks hari about kangna.... hari gets angry and is pissed with her... as he cant seem to remember anything and is sick of her constant questioning... kangana comes in front of shree and they argue about hari's love.... Shree turns to God and instead find sher mother... who tells her to trust in her husband and have faith in her marrige....Meanwhile... bindya starts massaging hari trying to seduce him.... shree's mother explains shree about her duty of being a wife. On the other hand, bindya is trying to kiss hari and shree comes and screams Hari.. Has he been caught? Freeze.

Episode 79

Hari is again feeling out of sorts - as the Mangalsutra is under vahsikaran again.... shree decides to find the solution. Bindya and niki are talking about shree - here Bindya is trying to get into her good books... meanwhile danny and damyanti are talking about the incident happened 10yrs back.... shree and sumati are talking about how they can understand eachother well... as both thier husbands are in pain....Shree repeatedly asks Sumati who's wife Kangana was.... Meanwhile Bindya manages to remove the OM locket from Hari's neck.... Sumati refuses to tell Shree anything... Shree decides to go on Anshan.... Sumati tells shree tat if she comes to know about Kangana, her relation with hari will come to an end. Freeze.

Episode 78

5th May '09 - Shree tells Bindya about Kangna(daughter-in-law) , kangana(in bindya's body) ties the mangalsutra in shree's pallu.... shree decides to call everyone to asks exactly who kangna is? everyone talking about this when Nikita sees the pallu of shree's saree and the mangalsutra comes into picture,everyone is shocked and angry as Shree was questioning them about the disappearance of the Managlsutra.. while all this time it was with her only! Shree begs everyone to tell her whether kangana was HAri's wife.... Pujari is feeling bad for getting her daughter married to Hari... While on the other hand Bindya is trying to seduce Hari and kangna's face revealed. Freeze.

Episode 77

Hari tries to recollect Kangna from the photo, even shree tries to find about kangna... Bindya again puts the Vashikaran in the Mangalsutra.... Madhu tells Pujari,hari and shree about the Mahant who helped Hari from the pret aatma... they all corner Dhaya and then he tells the story of 10 yrs back kangna who was mean and evil herself... Damyanti who is angry with Dhaya for revealing even this much... out of anger she reveals that kangana was the BAHU of this house! Everyone assumes that it is Hari who had been married once before! Freeze.

Episode 76

Everybody is searching for the Mehasaani Mangalsutra. Bindya goes out of the house with Mangalsutra (making an excuse that her father is unwell and that she must return home) and does black magic on it.... Anant gives Madhu an ultimatum to stay away from Shree and that part of the family.... Simultaneously.... old torn photos are found by Shree and then joined , hari finally remembers that the girl in photos is Kangana and Kangana's face is revealed.

Episode 75

Bindya(Kangana) decides to put the Vashikaran back in the Mangalsutra, but Pujari draws a laxman-rekha on the main door which stops Bindya from moving out of the house with Mangalsutra. Anant, Danny, Damyanti, Sumati are planning something (to guard the secret with their lives).... Hari declares that he will check everyone's room for the Mangalsutra... The family is appalled... but he is adamant. Bindya hides the Mangalsutra in a showpiece but Shree nearly catches her... She convinces Shree that it's her lucky ring in the showpiece.


Episode 74

Madhu keeps her medicines aside and asks Anant about Kangana... he refuses to divulge any details... next day hari apologizes to Shree for his misbehavior in the past few weeks, when Shree forgives him like a good wife and goes to show him that she has taken out the beads from the Mehasaani Mangalsutra and has also kept the Mangalsutra securely... she doesn't find the Mangalsutra in the drawer! Someone has stolen it! They both now question the whole family as to its whereabouts... Hari, Shree and Pujari decides to find the Mangalsutra and the mystery behind it.

Episode 73

Madhu is unconcious and Bindya enters madhu's room & tries to attack her....but everyone comes and sees madhu's condition, danny calls the doctor , they all blame Shree ofr the incident bwhen they foind out that madhu drank poison to save Hari! hari is so upset that he goes on the terrace by himself... in the meanwhile bindya finds him there and once again tries to mesmerize him with her words... Hari looks confused and bedazzled once more! finally madhu gets up and everyone goes in her room...

 Episode 72

Madhu defies Anant and chooses to save her beloved devar... She drinks the Vish ka pyala -- and faints.. Shree is worried like crazy.. But Pujari reassures her that nothing will go wrong and urges her to go see if Hari is fine or not... Hari has meanwhile fainted... Shree is happy that the Vashi karan is out of the dreaded Mangalsutra... Kangana is angry and out of her mind! Bindya is worried about Shree's plight./. Just then a renewd Hari (his normal self) comes and apologizes to bindya for scaring her while she was dancing... Just then kangana enters Bindya's body!! And bindya starts to make advances towards Hari!!


Episode 71

the pujari now tells Shree that a married woman apart form Shree will have to drink the milk that has now turned into poison! Madhu takes up this challenge in order to save Hari. But while Madhu is leaving for the pooja, Anant gives Mahdu an ultimatum - either she goes and helps Hari or she will never speak to him again... Hari starts to behave badly again.. to search for someone... but Shree locks him in the room.. Kangana teklls Shree that Madhu wont be coming to her rescue... and also warns Shree that she will have to pay a heavy price for the stunt she is trying!

 Episode 70

Shree calls her father from Jankpur as she wants his help is solving the mystery behind the Mangalsutra. But she doesnt reveal the existance of the spirit. Shree and Pujari do a pooja... where they immerse the Maglasutra into pure milk... The milk immediatley turns black - forms into poison. Thats when the pujari realises that there is Vashi Karan on the Mangalsutra! Nikita creates a ruckus when she sees that Shree has called her father without informing anyone... There is more unrest between Damynati adn Sumati's family! Shree finds out from Dhaya that 10 years ago Hari had started acting in the same way that he is right now... Sumati is worried about the family which is slowly falling apart...


Episode 69

Hari is in a very befuddled state.. he constantly keeps asking Bindya where she got the ghunghroos from.. Bindya is quite shocked with his behaviour... She decides to find out exactly what is going on. Kangana threatens Shree that she will take her place in Hari's heart and that she is actually Hari's real wife and not Shree. Shree questions Hari's love for her and wonders if she is Hari's second wife. Problems start to escalate between Damynati's family and Sumati. Anant blames Sumati for all the problems that have arisen due to the Mangalsutra. Sumati on the other hand blames Mahdu for letting Shree find the Mangalsutra in the first place. Niki overhears the whole thing and takes it as a good opportunity to create a rift between the family. Hari is in a bad state when Shree finds him... he is lost and scared and asks Shree for help... he keeps wondering why he keeps trying to find someone - but cant understand why... Shree finally turns to God and he gives her a hint by making the abir ka dabba fall! Shree knows in her heart that God is trying to indicate something to her.

Episode 68

It turns out that the girl calling was Shree's sister... hari is mesmerized by the sound of a payal when he is talking to her on the phone and decides to go pick her up.. It turns out that She is Shree's sister - Bindiya! Once she is home Hari hears the sound of Payal again and he follows it? He sees Shree's sister changing.. he is mesmerized? Shree nearly sees him doing this but he covers up at the last moment! Hari now has a dream that he will find 'her' on 16th April at 11:30pm? Shree is shocked as this is the date that Kangana had issued her ultimatum of! We see that Bindya has found a pair of ghunghroos and is practising dance (the reason she has come to Mumbai) ? Sumati and Damyanti look very disturbed to see these ghunghroos here?Hari is getting increasingly mesmerized by this new girl?Shree on the other hand is very agitated with Hari's changing behaviour and locks herself and Hari into a room with her ? till he answers her questions about the Mehasaani Mangalsutra! The family is also very worried about the two of them (and the secrets they are hiding) - but Shree refuses to let hari out of the room till he gives her answers? this gets Hari very angry and he slaps Shree! When she still keeps probing him he tells her at 11:29 pm on 16th Apr(the date Kangana had told Shree about) that he had tied this Mangalsutra to someone else... He then leaves the room? Only to go find himself standing in front of Bindya who is dancing with fervour oblivious to the fact that Hari is watching her completely enchanted!


Episode 67

Hari and Shree now are on chowpatty beach and buy their golas? When suddenly Hari disappears! Shree sees him deserting her on the beach and driving off! She is panic stricken but decides to wait for him?Hari finally returns and is angry with Shree? he asks her why she didn't return home? Shree is shocked with his constantly changing behaviour? Once they reach home.. Shree tells the family that they got late as they spent the whole day together - having fun (covering up for Hari)? Kangana issues Shree an ultimatum - To leave immediately or stay and face her wrath. Shree chooses to fight and Kangana gives her the date of 16th Apr when she will teach Shree a big lesson! In the night Hari wakes up to get a glass of water? He sees a note that says wait for my phone call? He gets a phone call and wee see the montage of a girl who is standing in the rain calling form a phone booth!

Episode 66 Hari nearly manages to get out the front door when Anant and Danny stop him? Hari makes excuses but they don't listen. Shree is very relieved that Hari is still at home and tries to talk to him... Hari makes an excuse of eating baraf ka gola and asks Shree to go with him... meanwhile Dhaya mentions in front of everyone that once long ago Hari had also started behaving in the same way? Sumati stops him before he can say anymore? Madhu convinces the family to let her go with Hari even though everyone is very apprehensive about this? Even though she feels some mystery surrounds the whole situation?!

Episode 65 -

Madhu, Shree and Sumati share an emotional moment before Shree has to leave for her honeymoon to Manali?But soon all of them start to worry about the fact that hari has still not shown up?Everyone is terribly worried and finally it becomes so late that Shree and Hari miss the flight to Manali? when Shree is crying and worrying for Hari, suddenly Kangana appears and laughs.. She tells her about the fact that the Mangalsutra is in fact responsible for the disappearance of the Mangalsutra?Hari finally returns? Nihaal has brought him back but Hari is very dazed and disoriented? Nihaal informs the family that he found Hari at Borivali station looking for someone.. Shree is in shock after seeing her husband's state... It's so bad that hari doesn't even recognize her! After Hari is asleep ? He keeps muttering that he will find someone... Shree is utterly confused? Kangana and Shree come face to face again? Shree realises that Hari is trying to leave the house again and she runs after him only to crash into Niki who is carrying a plate of Jelly which breaks! Niki refuses to let Shree go and the she drags shree with her to make more jelly. 

Episode 64

Madhu finds the Mangalsutra with Shree and Shree spills the entire truth (apart from the fact that Kangana has lead her to the Mangalsutra). Madhu asks Damyanti about the Mangalsutra and Damyanti makes up some silly story as to why Hari got scared on seeing it (childhood story). Back in the office... Hari tells Anant about Shree finding out about the Mehasaani Mangalsutra! Anant is equally worried' Shree now overhears Damyanti telling Sumati that she lied to Madhu and Shree and that the Mangalsutra with which so many secrets are attached is out! They decide that they must protect this secret with their lives and not let any of the Bahu's - especially Shree ' find out the truth! Once the Mangalsutra is back in the Taikhana'hari starts to behave normally' He even informs Shree that they will both be going to Manali! But unfortunately he bumps into Jigna who has now taken out the Pitaara which has the Mangalsutra in it (as Nikita had ordered her to do so') Hari dramatically becomes tensed and angry once more!!

Episode 63

Madhu finds the Mangalsutra with Shree and Shree spills the entire truth (apart from the fact that Kangana has lead her to the Mangalsutra). Madhu asks Damyanti about the Mangalsutra and Damyanti makes up some silly story as to why Hari got scared on seeing it (childhood story). Back in the office... Hari tells Anant about Shree finding out about the Mehasaani Mangalsutra! Anant is equally worried' Shree now overhears Damyanti telling Sumati that she lied to Madhu and Shree and that the Mangalsutra with which so many secrets are attached is out! They decide that they must protect this secret with their lives and not let any of the Bahu's - especially Shree ' find out the truth!!

Episode 62

Shree finally find the Laal Pudhiya... In which is kept a Mangalsutra! Hari comes looking for Shree and he sees the Mangalsutra... He has a shocked reaction and starts to tremble. He subsequently disappears' Shree calls him but he cuts her calls' In the Puja, Madhu and Anant swing the palna of Krishna instead of Hari and Shree who were actually supposed to do so' Hari returns in the night ' very drunk' He is not in a state to answer any questions so Shree vows to ask him why he reacted in a peculiar manner in the morning' But when she gets up in the morning.. Hari is gone ' And so is the Mangalsutra!!

Episode 61

The whole family is preparing for the festival of ram Navmi' Shree is anxious to get to the Taikhana' Sumati is very upset and talks to Tribhuvan about the sad

memories and secrets attached to the day of Ram Navmi'At the end moment the Taikhana keys don't work and even the duplicate keys which are with Sumati disappear. There is a lot of anxiety' but finally Jigna finds the keys which had mysteriously been kept on the Jhula' Shree finally gets inside the Taikhana but can't see the Laal Pudhiya anywhere. The family gathers the things they need and leave'Shree stays behind making an excuse that she wants to lock the door... She starts to hunt and makes a vow that she must find the secret behind the Laal Pudhiya.

Episode 60

Hari now notices the confidence and calm in Shree' they are both happy' The family decides that its time to forgive and forget and start afresh. Shree finally tells Madhu the whole truth' Shree also challenges the spirit and says that she is ready for a battle and that she will never let Kangana win as long as she is alive. A very happy Hari decides that this year Ram Navmi will be celebrated with even more panache'as it is a very important festival celebrated every year' While Hari is convincing everyone of this we see Kangana reveals to Shree that she will find a Red cloth in the Taikhana where a big secret will be revealed. This secret will destroy the whole Raghuvanshi family forever!

Episode 59

The next morning Madhu brings it to everyone's notice that Shree is not at home' Hari though shocked covers up and tells everyone that he has sent Shree to the doctor and told her that he will meet her there. Shree reaches Janakpur after a whole night of traveling' There she comes face to face with her mother who comes back from heaven to make Shree realize her mistake and gives her courage to stand up to evil and fight for her husband and marriage. Shree's father gets a sixth sense that his daughter is unhappy or in trouble... Faibaa reassures him that all will be fine' While leaving the village Lappu sees Shree' And Hari finds out from Lappu that Shree is coming back from Janakpur' Hari goes to the station where they both meet like long lost lovers!

Episode 58

Shree is in shock after coming face to face with Kangana' Madhu suspects that the Pret Aatmaa is the reason for Shree's state. Hari is extremely worried and unhappy that nothing seems to be going right for Shree and them. Shree finally manages to control herself a bit and makes a very dramatic decision ' Deathly afraid of the spirit' She decides that she will leave Hari and his family and go back as she is bringing nothing but trouble to them all'. She packs her bags and leaves the house in the middle of the night!

Episode 57

Shree is convinced by Madhu to go to a temple. Here Shree meets Betiyaan cast. They give her the support and motivation to fight for her marriage against an evil spirit. Shree decides that she needs to woo her husband and that he is the center of her world. She is very romantic with him for the first time' The family decides to forgive and forget and move on' Hari leaves Shree romantic notes to follow him to a place where he shall be waiting. (Consummation). In the room ' instead of seeing Hari, Shree comes face to face with Kangana for the first time and she is shaken to the core!!

Episode 56

Niki and Danny and Anant come for the Pooja wearing the wrong colours. Sumati tries to pretend that she is too ill to attend the pooja. But, Shree is insistent. Damyanti settles the matter by saying that Sumati will come for the last part (putting tika part) of the pooja. Sumati valiantly tries to poison the charanamrit as a last resort - but the drink falls from Dhaya's hands! Finally Shree manages to tie the pious dhaga on Sumati ' the spirit is forced to leave the body! Shree corners Madhu in the middle of the night and forces the truth of the mystery surrounding Hari out of her' Madhu reveals that a spirit is haunting Hari. Shree faints!

Episode 55

Sumati tries to create problems in the Pooja indirectly ' Niki refuses to sit for it along with Danny' Danny for the first time is angry with his family while Niki adds fuel to fire. Hari is very angry with Danny and talks rudely to him. Later on Shree's coaxing he apologizes. Niki smartly accepts his apology though she is as insincere as ever. Sumati warns Shree that the pooja will never happen. While Dhaya seeing all this happening with his own eyes and sort of warns Shree ' he mentions the presence of a doosri hawa! Shree is shocked!

Episode 54

Shree is falsely accused by Hari for the incident with his father (he had eaten kacche ber) which made him very ill' Hari is very upset with his wife and refuses to speak to her. Shree decides its time to take matters into her own hands and tells Hari that she will do a pooja (as she notices that Sumati seems to be afraid of God and God's idols). Hari is happy with the thought and promises to support her. We see Shree determined to do something for the first time.

Episode 53

Hari decides to take Shree out for a romantic date. Sumati encourages him and says that it seems that Shree has not adjusted at all according to the norms of the family and maybe Hari needs to take her out for an entire evening. Shree confronts Hari about the whole 12 rishta's being broken mess. Hari brushes it off completely. While Shree and Hari are leaving ' Sumati suddenly stops them (panic stricken). She asks Hari why he is leaving with Shree, when she had specifically told Shree that your father's has become violently ill' Shree tries to deny this false accusation.. But Hari believes his mother and after glaring at Shree angrily, rushes off to see his father's state. Sumati laughs at Shree scornfully ' while poor Shree wonders what she should do in order to stop these problems from happening.

Episode 52

Madhu finds out from the Mahant that Kangana is in Sumati's body. She tries to protect the house from evil by putting sacred things everywhere. But alas, the plan does not work ' Sumati manages to dodge this. Shree understands that Sumati is evilly trying to corrupt Hari's mind and confronts Madhu demanding to know all that has happened. Madhu evades her. But at the end Shree overhears Dhaya who says that Hari's fate is tainted as 12 rishta's had come and had been broken without any rhyme or reason. Shree is shocked!

Episode 51

While Shree is leaving ' She touches Sumati's feet and has hidden the Shivji murti close to her ' The spirit is driven out for a few minutes. Sumati comes back to normal and she asks Shree and Hari to go together to Janakpur. But the spirit not willing to accept defeat so easily' plays a trick and makes Hari deliberately hurt his foot ' Shree's family leaves and the Janakpur plan is cancelled. Shree confused as to what has happened here. Now suspicious of what is being hidden from her she ponders about what the actual truth really is..

Episode 50

Hari agrees to let Shree go to Janakpur ' even though his heart is breaking... Shree is also hurt as her husband didn't even put up a fight and got ready to drop her off to Janakpur himself'. While Shree is leaving ' Shree's father, Faibaa and her younger brother turn up! After a whole lot of coaxing - Shree breaks down and tells her father the whole truth' He gives her support and encourages her to find the solution to her problems' Shree then remembers just how scared Sumati gets of God's idol and decides to test this theory again' While leaving' She forces Sumati to put tika on her forehead in front of everyone! The spirit inside Sumati is going mad with fear'

Episode 49

Shree notices that Sumati is afraid of the statue of Shivji. She tells Hari that she wants to leave for Janakpur as she is not fit to be his wife. Hari tries to stop her ' he even goes to Anant and Madhu to get their help in convincing them to stop Shree from leaving ' But Anant is happy to be rid of the girl he thinks is nothing but trouble. Hari dejected ' Shree again encounters Sumati and sees just how afraid Sumati is off the Shiv idol ' For the second time it registers in her head as something very odd.

Episode 48

Now even Madhu, Shree's sole supporter is angry with her. Anant is in a bad state' The whole family is talking negatively about Shree. For the first time even hari is angry with his wife. He is drunk' and drinks even more. In this state he tells Shree that she should leave him ' as it seems that she has never loved him! Shree is traumatized. Her husband- the one person she had always trusted would be on her side is now also treating her same as everyone else! Shree's family calls from Janakpur. The Pujari notices the strain in Shree's voice and worries about his daughter. When Shree goes to confront Sumati to ask her the reason for this hatred... Sumati refuses to give her any reason. But what Shree notices is that Sumati is scared of the Shivji idol which Shree is carrying with her. The family shuns Shree once again' And Hari tries to apologize for the way he had behaved earlier. But this time it is Shree who decides that she will leave for Janakpur and leave Hari and his family alone!

Episode 47

Shree is stunned with what has happened' Madhu comes and tries to reassure her ' she reminds Shree that it is Holi. That's when Shree decides that she will make amends and try and repair the relations she has severed. When the family is burning Holi, Shree is dressed beautifully. When Anant comments on how Hari won't be able to keep his hands of her ' Shree runs inside and changes. This is the gravity of her fear of Sumati. Sumati once again traps Shree' Madhu had specifically warned Shree not to throw colour on Anant. Sumati takes advantage of this fact and throws colour on Anant herself! When Shree comes to help Anant' The family thinks that it is Shree who has thrown the colour on Anant! Two more members are now against Shree!

Episode 46

Shree begs Damyanti for her forgiveness but Damyanti looses her trust in Shree and refuses to forgive her. Hari is very upset with his family and their treatment of his new bride. He wants to sort things out himself. But Shree intervenes and tells him that she must fight this battle herself... He lets the matter drop. The next day, Riddhi and Siddhi come to Shree for help - they need her to teach them for an exam the next day. When they tell her that Sumati has sent them to her, Shree thinks its another trap and refuses to help them. When they ask her if they can use the method that their friend uses to pass she supports them unknowingly. The next day there is an uproar in the house as the family members find out that Riddhi and Siddhi have cheated. Danny is very upset and slaps his daughter! When Sumati brings up the fact that she had sent the two girls to Shree for help, It is revealed that Shre has supported them in their decision to cheat! extremely angry and disappointed, Danny adn his daughters also turn against Shree... Sumati is extrmely satisfied with her devious tricks and threatens Shree to elave the house once more.

Episode 45

Shree is agitated with Sumati's behaviour and Hari notices this. When he asks her what is wrong, Sumati interrupts and tells him that Shree is crying as she misses him when she is gone. Sumati plays another trick on Shree ' She asks her to help clean Damyanti's room and in turn makes Shree throw out Damyanti's prized possession ' her dead husband's trunk with his material possessions in them. Tribhuvan notices the whole scene. He is the only one who knows what is going on in the family. Meanwhile Madhu is upset with Niki and Danny as they did not take Shree's side even though Shree was telling the truth. Niki tries to join hands with Sumati who is possessed, but Sumati tells her that no one comes in between Shree and Her. An irritated Niki tells Hari all about the problems Sumati has with his new bride. Hari reaches inside to see a very upset Damyanti 'The blame falls on Shree once more and she looses the support of one main member of the family. Sumati seems to be following through with her plan.

Episode 44

Madhu tells Damyanti the whole story and this leads to a confrontation between Sumati and Shree... In order to keep peace in the family, Shree accpets the blame and tells everyone that she was actually lying. Madhu is shocked that Shree would lie and not even defend herself! Hari sees the whole thing and explains to Shree that as much as he loves her , he respects his mother too... next morning - Sumati catches Shree while she is doing pooja and warns her that if she does not go away form this house within 7 day - she will turn the entire family against her!!

Episode 43

Niki tells Danny about the latest development.. he is shocked and they both have a tiff for the first time! In turn - Danny tells Madhu. Mahdu finds it hard to belive... Sumati feeds Hari a glass of milk which makes him pass out. That's when Sumati grabs hold of poor Shree and shoves her out of Hari's room.. She makes her spend the night in the hallway...In the morning during pooja, Mahdu notices SHree's marks (burnt and bruised).. And on alot of coaxing Shree breaks down and tells Madhu the whole thing!

Episode 42

When Hari leaves Sumati once again tortures Shree by pinching her... Niki notices the whole thing and we end on a very sad and traumatized Shree. Shree rushes to her room crying... there Hari notices that she looks upset. He talks about his family and how sweet they are specially his mother.. Shree does not know how to confide in him.... Hari's button breaks and he is going to Madhu for help, when Shree stops him and does it herslef. Sumati notices this and is very angry. In the kitchen when Shree is cooking.. Dhaya notices her bruises bu Suamti comes and send dhaya away.. She now warns Shree never to touch Hari agin and burns her with hot oil! Niki notices this and is very happey to see SHree treated badly as she hates her herself.

Episode 41

Hari covers up the sleeping on the sofa on the situation by telling everyone that He and Shree both slept on the sofa'Niki doesn't believe him at all' Sumati is very mean to Shree and pinches her till her arm becomes blue' Dhaya notices that Sumati is behaving strangely but brushes it off' Niki tries to taunt Shree now as she sees that the new Bahu is looking very upset. Hari buys Shree a diamond necklace to make her happy.. But Shree is afraid to accept this gift' Just then Sumati comes and tells Hari that he should only give Shree the necklace when she accepts it wholeheartedly

Episode 40

Shree wakes Hari up early in the morning as she wants to bathe. While Hari is going to dry her towel he bumps into Nikita who is now suspicious as to why Hari doesn't look very happy. Shree does a wonderful aarti in the morning. Everyone is impressed though Nikita is mean to Shree and does not give her aashirwaad. Shree returns to her room after the aarti and is picking up the blanket from the sofa where Hari spent the night ' just then Madhu comes in and is shocked to see that Hari spent the night on the sofa! Hari covers up for Shree' Shree now has to make Sheera for everyone as a first ritual of her married life' She is thinking about what Sumati had said to her the night before and she burns the sheera. Nikita taunts her and Shree runs to her room crying. Hari peps her up and she tries again. This time she makes amazing sheera. Just when everyone is happy Hari says that if he gets such love from his wife ' he is willing to spend every night sleeping on the sofa! The family is shocked.. Sumati is hurt and angry and questions Shree' Shree does not know what to do as it was Sumati herself who had warned Shree not to get physically close to Hari.

Episode 39

Sumati takes the vow from Shree and just then Damyanti comes and takes Shree to the room where Hari awaits. There Hari eagerly awaits his wife's arrival and Nihaal is pumping him up with courage for his first night with Shree. Hari enters the room and in the ghoonghat it's actually Dhaya! The family has played a prank on Hari. Madhu and Anant have another confrontation where Anant berates his wife for her superstitious behaviour. Hari and Shree are finally alone and things are getting romantic between the two. Here Sumati has no idea what she has told Shree and starts to talk to Tribhuvan. She has no idea she has been possessed and Tribhuvan is highly disturbed by his wife's behaviour. Just when hari and Shree are about to get close' The window opens and a vase breaks... Shree suddenly snaps out of her romantic mood and begs Hari not to come close to her' He is shocked with the sudden change ion his wife. But accepts it and goes and sleeps on the sofa.

Episode 38

It turns out that it was Damyanti herself who had taken the ring just for a few laughs! Damyanti is emotional as her husband is not here to witness this joyous moment in their lives'. She asks Sumati to treat Shree with love but Sumati remains non committal. Nikita comes face to face with Shree and puts her down meanly. Shree's family leaves for the village again and Shree is very emotional as she watches her father and Faibaa leave her in this new atmosphere. Hari vows to do everything to keep Shree happy. The Mahant leaves for Kaashi as he now needs to perform a big Yagna to capture the spirit (who is now very powerful). The biggest trauma Shree faces is when the spirit enters Sumati and takes a vow from Shree that she will never let Hari touch her or vice versa!

Episode 37

The pandit walks off in a huff and says that he won't marry the two' It is then decided that the Pujari will marry Hari and Shree' The Mahant starts making efforts to control the spirit'. The spirit starts to choke Shree during the ceremony' without knowledge of any other people in the hall. But when hari puts the Mangalsutra around Shree's neck the spirit is forced t6o back off. The spirit finally reveals itself and talks to the Mahant in Madhu's presence... It says that its name is Kangana' And that she will never let Hari and Shree be together! Hari and Shree finally get married... but when they start playing a game (a ritual to find the rings in a parath) the ring suddenly disappears leaving Madhu and everyone else get scared and flummoxed!

Episode 36

It turns out that it was Damyanti herself who had taken the ring just for a few laughs! Damyanti is emotional as her husband is not here to witness this joyous moment in their lives'. She asks Sumati to treat Shree with love but Sumati remains non committal. Nikita comes face to face with Shree and puts her down meanly. Shree's family leaves for the village again and Shree is very emotional as she watches her father and Faibaa leave her in this new atmosphere. Hari vows to do everything to keep Shree happy. The Mahant leaves for Kaashi as he now needs to perform a big Yagna to capture the spirit (who is now very powerful). The biggest trauma Shree faces is when the spirit enters Sumati and takes a vow from Shree that she will never let Hari touch her or vice versa!

Episode 35

The pandit walks off in a huff and says that he won't marry the two' It is then decided that the Pujari will marry Hari and Shree' The Mahant starts making efforts to control the spirit'. The spirit starts to choke Shree during the ceremony' without knowledge of any other people in the hall. But when hari puts the Mangalsutra around Shree's neck the spirit is forced t6o back off. The spirit finally reveals itself and talks to the Mahant in Madhu's presence... It says that its name is Kangana' And that she will never let Hari and Shree be together! Hari and Shree finally get married... but when they start playing a game (a ritual to find the rings in a parath) the ring suddenly disappears leaving Madhu and everyone else very scared and flummoxed!

Episode 34

Madhu is reprimanded by Anant for creating a scene and for believing all the nonsense about the spirits' Madhu decides that she must tell the Mahant about the bottle breaking at the earliest. Sumati seems happy with the whole rishta and is including Tribhuvan in her conversations as much as she can. The spirit starts to hurt the Mahant' The Pujari gives Shree two protective instruments ' A kalash and a knife which will keep her safe as long as she keeps the two close to her always' The pheras start and Madhu has gone missing (to meet the Mahant)' Anant gets very angry when he realises this fact' The POV tries to hurt Shree and the shaadi stops as the pillar of the mandap falls! The Pandit stands up saying that the wedding can not happen as this is a very big abshagun!

Episode 33

Damyanti schemes to make Hari and Shree dance together while Madhu is back at home frantically searching for the bottle. At the function they all start to play pass in the parcel game where the bottle is being passed around! The family is having fun playing and finally the bottle lands on Shree and as her punishment she s made to dance with Hari! Nikita creates a scene where she points out that Shree is nothing but a mistake. The bottle is now part of a game the entire family is playing. Nikita and Madhu have another friction full encounter. At the last minute after searching the whole house.. Madhu reaches the family where Hari and Shree are dancing! She screams when she sees the bottle and the bottle breaks due to Madhu's shriek! The Spirit is finally free'.

Episode 32

Mahant and Madhu reach the construction site where the bottle has been buried. The Mahant senses that the bottle is now very close to the Raghuvanshi house and that Shree is in grave danger.The Pujari gives Shree a sacred Mangalsutra, which belonged to Shree's mother and this Mangalsutra helps in keeping the spirit at bay (The spirit gets restless when Shree holds it and expresses her love for Hari). Madhu returns home in a frenzy and hurries out without paying proper attention to the family members. Anant notices that something is wrong with his wife. Madhu is frantically searching for the bottle, but Anant interrupts her. He asks her what the problem is and she pours out all her stresses. Anant gets very angry with Madhu's behaviour and asks her to snap out of this ridiculous superstitious web. Here, the bottle with the spirit is watching a romantic scene unfold between Hari and Shree where he is tying a saree for his innocent wife. The bottle is about to break when Faibaa reaches out and saves it from falling. Shree now enters the hall where the first ceremony of her being formally inducted into the family is taking place. Meanwhile Madhu has gone to the Mahant and there he sketches the bottle which is in the house and is wreaking all the havoc! Madhu is shocked' the Mahant warns

her that now the spirit will try its best to break the bottle and escape!

Episode 31

Nikita blames Shree for her daughter's predicament. Shree is petrified for the girl and scared of the backlash from Hari's family. Hari apologizes to Shree on behalf of Nikita. But Shree brushes it off saying that elders have a right to scold younger members of the family. They share a very romantic moment and the chemistry between them builds. The POV gets very agitated with this new closeness between Hari and Shree. The sacred coconut which Mahant had given Madhu starts to turn black in colour from an auspicious red. An odd event occurs in the house when everyone's watch stop working at the same time ' 11 o clock the previous night. Nikita is suspicious of the same and she shows her displeasure when Pujari announces that he has set a date for Hari and Shree's wedding ceremony. There are weird black stains all over the Raghuvanshi house and this strikes Madhu as odd. She can hear weird laughter sounds all over the house' She tries to find the source ' just then she sees the sacred coconut' It has turned black! Dripping liquid from it and spreading it everywhere! Madhu is shocked and alarmed.. What does this mean?? Freeze.

Episode 30

Pujari shares his concerns with Madhu but she tells him not to worry and also asks him not to mention this to the family. The family starts to interrogate poor Shree' She tries her best to please them. Hari comically prepares himself to go and save Shree from his devious family. But, Shree floors everyone with her knowledge about love and marriage and we also see the kind of faith Hari has in Shree. The family raises a vote' To accept or reject Shree'But the majority votes in her favour... Shree is happy and starts to mix with the family - Starting with young Siddhi. But the spirit gets angry on seeing the budding rapport between Siddhi and Shree. The spirit does evil magic and Siddhi gets an Asthma attack!

Episode 29

At home the family shows the Pujari Shree and Hari's kundali so that they maybe married in a traditional way on an auspicious date. Shree now faces the differences of the Raghuvanshi household ' their style of living and the products they use. Pujari and Hari share an emotional conversation. The bottle now makes its presence felt by targeting the maid Jigna. Meanwhile Hari tries to give Shree the showpiece but she tells him she will accept it in her own time. Nikita decides to leave the house. But, Hari convinces the entire family to pacify Nikita and they convince her to stay on. Damyanti finally gives the bottle to Shree who keeps it on the table as a showpiece. Meanwhile she leaves with Damyanti to have a formal introduction with

the family. The Pujari is reading Hari and Shree's kundali ' trying to set a date - when the POV does magic and makes him read death in the kids Kundali's' Then suddenly the kundali's multiply into four' everything goes haywire.. The spirit has started wreaking havoc. Freeze.

Episode 28

Faibaa is very angry with Hari and his family. She tries to convince them to leave for the village. But the Pujari still gives Hari the benefit of doubt. Shree is very worried about the family and anxiously awaits Hari's return. Nikita is very angry along with Sumati due to the turn of events. Sumati completely disagrees with Hari's thoughts about Shree. Faibaa meanwhile is completely negative about the whole deal. Rajni finally speaks up and declares that she herself does not want to marry Hari. She steps out of the way. Hari finally convinces his mother and Sumati accepts the union and Shree is brought home - along with the bottle in which the spirit resides.

Episode 27

Nikita and Rajni talk and Rajni is very apprehensive about the whole thing. Hari reaches home. Suddenly everyone surprises him. But the happiness turns into shock when they see Shree and he introduces her to everyone as his wife. Nikita totally disrespects Shree and her family but Hari convinces them to stay while he convinces his mother to accept Shree. Madhu also faces the flak from Nikita. Just then Nikita gives Hari an ultimatum - either marry her sister Rajni or the family will no longer be united. Freeze.

Episode 26

Just when Shree is about to touch the bottle... faibaa interrupts them. Back at home Nikita tells Anant how she is very grateful to Madhu for everything. Shree is very emotional about leaving her father and her family behind. Madhu on the other hand worries about Shree's well being. In Mumbai everyone is very happy about the rishta of Hari and Rajni. Madhu doesn't tell Hari about Rajni as she doesn't want him to be upset as he seems so happy to be around Shree. The family starts to get ready while Madhu and Hari are on thier way back home with Shree.... Freeze.

Episode 25

Shree is very emotional about leaving her house and the memories of her mother. The Pujari is very worried and prays to god for his daughter's safty. Madhu is very anxious about facing the family members back in Mumbai. Shree and Hari share a

romantic moment on the way to Mumbai. the spirit makes the traveller return the bottle back to the Karigar. On the way Hari's car gets spoilt. There, Shree spots the bottle and seems to take a fancy to it. The karigar quotes a very high price for it. But the spirit forces the karigar to give Hari the bottle. Hari presents the bottle to Shree and she is about to reach out for it. Freeze

Episode 24

Hari manages to save Shree' He reassures everyone that he will not let any harm befall Shree' At the dhaba the bottle with the spirit catches Shree's fancy. Hari tries to buy the bottle but the Karigar quotes to high a price' Just when Hari is about to give up' the POV manipulates the Karigar and forces him to hand over the bottle to Hari. Madhu reassures a very scared Shree who is worrying about her father and wondering who will take care of him form now on. Sumati and Tribhuvan share an emotional moment as both think of their son and his bride to be - Rajni's, future. Hari is completely smitten with Shree at the dhaba. Once the cars are repaired and they all settle back in, the POV tries to hurt Shree once more' But Hari saves her yet again! In Mumbai Rajni is very anxious and scared that her dreams will break again' nikita reassures her that all will go well' Hari reaches Mumbai where the whole family surprises him with the news of his engagement... just then' from behind him' emerges Shree' everyone is shocked. Who is the village girl hiding behind Hari?? Why has he brought her home??

Episode 23

Shree is heartbroken that she is leaving the house she has grown up in' Madhu is very apprehensive about this decision on Hari's part' The Family calls Madhu asking where she is' Hari insists that Madhu should not tell them about the fact that he has gotten married in Janakpur' On the other hand, the family does not tell Madhu about the surprise they have planned. The POV has now transferred itself to a traveler who has bought the bottle form the karigar' The POV gains strength every passing day' After a very sad and heart wrenching vidaai' Shree leaves Janakpur leaving behind her childhood and her childhood friends forever. Meanwhile the POV is wreaking havoc and the man who bought the bottle from the karigar comes back to return it as he feels that it is evil. The karigar now thinks this bottle is very lucky for him as it has come back to him and the man has paid him 1000 rupees to take it back! The spirit causes an accident that forces Shree and Hari's car to stop at the dhaba! We leave the hook not knowing whether Shree is ok.

Episode 22

Even though Madhu says that hari and Shree's rishta is not possible, a very determined Hari goes to talk to the Pujari. Back in Mumbai the family prepares for Rajni to become one of them. They have fallen in love with her simplicity and are now planning a surprise party for Hari when he returns. Meanwhile Shree is unconcerned about the outcome of Hari's talk with her father. She seems to think that her father will set everything right. Madhu is very worried about the future of her beloved devar. The bottle now attaches itself to a Karigar who seems to think that the bottle is a gift form God. Hari finally convinces the Pujari after a lot of effort that he is the man for Shree' Pujari asks Shree to pack her bags as she is going to Mumbai. Shree is scared and very apprehensive about leaving her house but finally agrees to do so.Even Hari tells Shree about how dedicated he is t her and how pure his love is for her.. But Shree is not ready to accept this change in he fate' Plans for leaving are set in place' Just then' Hari also invites Shree's family to come with him to Mumbai.

Episode 21

Hari is unconscious. The villagers pick him up and throw him outside the village boundary' Madhu finds Hari there and realises the extent of his love for Shree. Pujari and Faibaa are extremely worried about Shree and her future' The Bottle now uses its power and gets in the back of a truck' Seeing his state Madhu promises to set things right with the Pujari. In Mumbai, everyone eagerly awaits Hari's return so that the marriage to Rajni can happen. Nikita is agitated that Madhu hasn't returned with Hari yet' Madhu goes to speak to the Pujari about Hari and Shree' But when she tries she sees that she can not promise the Pujari that his daughter will remain safe that all will go well' specially considering Shree's kundali. Madhu tells a very anxious hari to forget all about the rishta!

Episode 20

Everyone is shocked into silence with what Hari has done! Madhu is teary eyed... She implores Hari to see what he has done without thinking.. Shree can not even comprehend the situation and runs away... the Pujari is worried and he remembers everything written in Shree's kundali' In the Kumar's shop the bottle has wreaked havoc and all things lie broken everywhere'Pujari finds Shree' She is very distressed and keeps saying that she won't leave her father and go anywhere' The Raghuvanshi family calls Madhu in the middle of all this chaos' they tell Hari the news of his marriage with Rajni but he doesn't hear this as he hand the phone back to Madhu'Madhu is extremely agitated as she doesn't know how to handle this situation' Lappu give Shree a reality check and says that she needs to grow up and face that fact that she is now a married woman! Shree is inconsolable... She runs home and tries to rub the sindoor of her maang... but to no avail!! The Pujari feels helpless but vows not to let anything bad happen to his daughter! Here, Madhu is in a fix' She wants to support Hari and his love for Shree... but what face will she show back at home where all the preparations for Hari and Rajni's marriage have already been done! A panchayat meeting is called' Where the decision as to what to do is left up to the Pujari' just then Hari shows up and states that he will never leave Janakpur without his wife! Village men attack Hari' but he does not retaliate as he knows that it will scare Shree' he faints when he can take it no longer... Seeing this violence even Shree faints right next to him' with her hand in his! Is this a sign from God' will Hari have to leave Janakpur without Shree??

  Episode 19

A pandit is called home and reveals that Hari's marriage muhoorat is today itself! All are shocked upon hearing this' In Janakpur, the Pujari is extremely worried about Shree as today is the 16th day which Shree must cross without harm coming to her' The fisherman who has the bottle with him is commanded by the spirit to leave the bottle in front of a Kumar's shop' In Mumbai, the pandit takes Hari's kundali home to review it once again.. Anant is worried about Madhu and whether she will be able to sort things out in time' Hari comes to ask Pujari for Shree's hand in marriage' but seeing how tensed he is, Hari decides to talk to him a bit later' Everyone is ready for the Samuh Vivah ceremony to begin' Just then, the Pagal Bhudiyaa shows up and screams at Hari to leave immediately. She says that he is the cause for everything bad that is going to happen' the villagers laugh and shrug of her warnings. The Kumar who is now in possession of the bottle is shocked as the bottle has made itself appear very beautiful' A scared Shree goes back home to fetch the Raksha required for the ceremony' Shree returns home to find Madhu who is looking for Hari' Shree gets very frightened thinking that Madhu is some chudail' But Madhu reassures her that she is just looking for someone... that's when Shree directs her towards the Samuh Vivah' The Samuh Vivah starts and all the grooms put sindoor in their brides maang's' Hari is mesmerized by Shree and can't seem to think of anyone else... he asks God for a sign to show him some direction' Suddenly there is a drastic change in the weather' Pagal Bhudiyaa gets extremely worried... Madhu is also hurrying towards the venue of the Samuh Vivah'The spirit is getting more and more agitated' When suddenly, Hari picks up the sindoor and puts it in Shree's maang!! Madhu is shocked as she sees this happening right when she reaches! What will happen next? What will be the repercussion of this act on Hari and his family?? Will Shree accept Hari as her husband?

Episode 18

Madhu fervently hopes that what she has heard form Hari proves to be wrong' it would bring a lot of problems to her and the family'.Hari is worried and wishes to speak to Madhu himself... he needs her guidance.. Instead Nihaal encourages him to go and tell Shree how her really feels'The bottle has now been uncovered due to the construction work.. A child and his dog passing by stop. The spirit beckons him to pick the bottle up' And he does so falling into the spirits trap! Madhu is worried and she tells Anant about her conversation with Hari. Anant advises her to let Nikita know exactly what Hari said so that she does not feel betrayed at the end'The boy with the bottle is forced by his father to throw the bottle in the river' we see that the spirits eerie journey has begun' Hari tells Shree that he loves her in the Mandir' but Shree instead of reciprocating tells Hari that she doesn't feel the same way and that he scares her with his words! She runs away crying' Madhu ties to tell Nikita about her conversation... But Nikita is in a hyper mood and is not ready to listen to anything' She vows that she will not let anyone come in between Hari and Rajni. Shree innocently tells Lappu that she wishes Hari leaves Janakpur and stays away from her' The bottle now attracts a fisherman and he keeps the bottle with himself... a change coming over him instantaneously! Madhu is very worried about the situation with Hari and she decides to leave for Janakpur immediately' She wants to sort things out before the situation worsens'

Episode 17

Faibaa is pressurizing Pujari to get Shree married in the Samuh Vivah' hari hears their exchange and is very disheartened' Rajni's parents arrive and the celebrations start with vigor' A boy comes to meet Shree but Hari and Nihaal play a prank on him and his family and they run away. Chotu sees this whole exchange and decides to squeal on Hari to Faibaa. Faibaa yells at Hari and Shree also tells him to stay away as she can't bear to see her family upset or hurt' Hari decides that it won't be easy to win over Shree and her family this way. The ceremony is going on at home' Anant is uncomfortable as all this is happening without Hari's approval' Madhu decides to try and reach Hari once again... She finally gets through' But before she can tell him anything' hari announces something about a girl... love'. Bahu' Madhu is shocked!! How will she handle this situation... is this a sign of impending doom??

Episode 16

Shree and Hari start to prepare for the Samuh Vivah... they share light hearted comical moments with each other' Here Madhu and the family prepare for Rajni 'Shrifal Vidhi'. On the other hand... the place where Madhu had buried the spirit in the bottle' A construction company starts work! Nikita makes amends and thanks Madhu for all her efforts' Nikita is worried about her sisters well being and the entire family gets a bit emotional. But Madhu reassures her that everything will go smoothly. In Janakpur, Hari daydreams about marrying Shree and making her his bride. He voices his feelings and asks Shree if she also feels that they both are meant to be together till eternity' Will Shree feel the same way as Hari'? Will these two be united till death do them part??

Episode 15

Mahdu manages to take the bottle away from the cop. Anant and Danny reach the Mahant's place and rudely ask him about Madhu's whereabouts. He tells them that she is where she ought to be... Madhu finally manages to bury the evil spirit. Shree goes to tell Hari that she wants him to help her with the Samuh Vivaah preparations but Chotu and Lappu are'nt happy with the idea. Shree tells Hari that she likes him..and that she thinks he should definately help her... He gets extremely excited and gets ready to help her in a heart beat. Shree and Hari start the work and they share romantic moments.. But skittish Shree runs away as she is shy. A rishta comes for Shree... Faibaa tries to convince the Pujari to get Shree married. In mumbai, Madhu comes home after burying the bottle and apologizes for her disappearance. She whole heartedly agrees to convince Hari to marry Rajni. She takes the onus upon herself to do so as soon as possible! Will this be the end for Hari and Shree??

Episode 14

Madhu Bhabhi leaves to bury the bottle. Sumati calls her.. the family is angry that Madhu disappeared without saying anything and she informs Madhu that they have decided that Rajni and Hari will get married. Sumati gives Madhu the responsibility of getting Hari to agree to this relationship. The Pujari thanks Hari for deciding against breaking the Mandir. He tells him that they will not be leaving town now as there is a Samuh vivah... which is one of the most pure marrige ceremonies. He invites Hari to see it for himself.. Hari and Shree are fast friends... Hari is excited about everything and wishes to tell Madhu about the girl of his dreams... Meanwhile the spirit is trying every tactic to deter Madhu from reaching her destination. Chotu tries to turn Shree against Hari... while Shree is trying her best to include Hari into the 'Gang'. There Madhu faces another hurdle when the police catches the cab driver and decides to keep the bottle for himself! Will the spirit be free once again!?

Episode 13

Shree gets saved in the nick of time as Hari comes back with the doctor. meanwhile the Mahant is trying with full vigor to cpature the spirit. Hari gets very emotional thinking of a life without his beloved Shree. The Mahant captures the spirit and simultaneously Shree becomes ok!! When asked why Shree fell in to the well... Shree talks about the child she saw but can't seem to remember anything much after that...Back in Mumbai everyone is very worried about Madhu's whereabouts. She is missing and Nikita is very agitated about the fact that Madhu is not happy about Rajni and Hari's rishta. the Mahant tells Madhu to bury the bottle in which the spirit is captured 13 miles away from home and warns her that the bottle should not break. He warns her that the spirit will try to escape but she should not get swayed. Anant tries to find out where the Mahant lives... Shree is very worried about the fact that she can't remember the incident. Hari and Shree share a romantic moment. They decide to be friends... Is this the beggining of a beautiful relationship now that the spirit is out of the way?? Is the spirit really out of the way??

Episode 12

Shree sees a little child sitting on the well who is about to jump in.... She is petrified and goes to help the child... Meanhwile the Mahant is trying his best to stop the girl who the POV is trying to hurt from succumbing to the POV's efforts. Hari is desperately looking for Shree...At home the Pujari is desperately awating Shree... But, The POV pushes Shree into the well! Here, hari finally finds her and jumps into the well to save his beloved Shree... He rescues her and takes her to a swasth kendra nearby as she has fallen unconcious. The Mahant is trying to capture the spirit into the bottle. He knows that this is his only chance. Madhu thinks that the girl in trouble (whom the Mahant is trying to save) is none other than rajni! On the other hand the family mebers are wondering where madhu has suddenly disappeared and are scared that she has gone back to the Mahant. Hari finally reaches the hospital but leaves Shree there to go find the doctor! The POV doesn't give up yet.. It follows Shree there too and tires to take her life by making a moving fan fall onto an unconcious Shree!

Episode 11

Hari finds out that Lappu was only joking and puts a plan into action to stop Shree from leaving... Shree and Hari share some more comical moments... The Mahant is still trying to capture the spirit with full ferver...Shree finds out about the fact that Hari is going to break the sacred Mandir and Pujari gets very emotional thinking about the well being of his daughter and the Mandir being broken. Shree goes to Hari - very agitated with this decision of his and tells him about how much the Mandir means to her and the villagers.... Hari sees Shree crying and upset and agrees instantaneously to not break the Mandir... Shree is happy that she changed Hari's mind.. But in this excitement she gets lost on her way home. Just then.. She hears a child call out her name from a nearby well...!

Episode 10

The PUjari is worreied about an incident that had happened 15 years ago.... He claims that everything indicates that he must protect Shree at any cost.. Mahant battles to capture the spirit.The pagal budhiya warns Pujari to leave the town with Shree again... Torrid winds start blowing... Seeing all this Shree herself starts to wonder why all this is happeneing... and what is this got to do with her... Pujari decides to leave with Shree to Vadodhra.. Back in Mumbai... the preparations for the wedding are going on without Hari having any inkling but Sumatiben seems very sure that Hari will accept the marrige... Hari seems fully imersed in Shree's love..But he finds out at the last minute that Shree is loevaing Janakpur for 15 days... By the time she comes back Hari will have left!

Episode 9

The POV hovers around Shree cooking in the kitchen and tries to hurt her.. But Lappu comes just in times and saves Shree. Meanwhile sneaky chotu tries to convince Hari to leave Janakpur... Hari goes along with the joke and takes that moment to tell Shree that he really likes her... Back at home evryone is very excited about choosing Rajni to be Hari's wife... Rajni also agrees to the rishta... madhu tries to call Hari and tell him the good news... but is unsuccessful... The spirit attacks the Mahant during his pooja ceremony... Hari confesses his love for Shree to Nihaal yet gaain.. while Shree is also thinking about Hari and his antics.. Just then.. the weather turns omnious again.. The Pujari sees this and once again he worries about the coming 16 days and how they will affect the course of his daughters life!

Episode 8

Hari is baffled with the turn of events' He still tries to repair the nest when Chotu sees him and devilishly goes and tells Shree that Hari is trying to break the nest' Shree is provoked by the kids into hitting Hari with a bechki' (In order to stop him from breaking the nest) When Hari sees her as the culprit who hit him ' instead of anger he feels love' he is smitten! Shrii is petrified and starts running! Hari saves Shree from a pond. But Alas! Faibaa is witness to the whole thing and gets the wrong meaning out of it! Meanwhile the Mahant is doing a pooja with Madhu. The Mahant gives Madhu a coconut form the Pooja and tells her that on Ashtami' he will capture the ghost into the bottle'Will the Mahant be successful form shielding Hari and Shree from the evil spirit?

Episode 7

At Mehta house there is a confrontation between the members and Madhu' She is worried about Rajni's well being and is therefore reluctant to get her married to Hari. In Janakpur, Hari hears a voice singing early in the morning and is enchanted with it'. He sees its none other than Shree! Shree and Pujari have an emotional moment when Pujari reveals to his daughter that there is a shaadi ka yog in her kundali within the next 16 days.Just then the Bhudiyaa comes and screams at him to take Shrii far far away... She tells him that if he wants Shrii's welfare then he must leave the village immediately. Meanwhile, Hari comes across a broken nest on his morning walk' When he is trying to fix it an old man comes up to him and tells him something.. then oddly enough the old man disappears into thin air' Hari is baffled with the turn of events'On the home front' Rajni comes to the Raghuvanshi household' She is greeted warmly by all the members of the house.. But a scared and apprehensive Madhu stands apart and wonders what the fate of this girl and Hari is to be'.! Is Rajni the one that is fated to be Hari's wife?

Episode 6

Anant and Madhu have a heart to heart where Anant tells his wife to relax and not be so stressed about Hari's wedding' Nikita is irritated with Madhu as she seems apprehensive about Hari and Rajni's rishta' Meanwhile, Faibaa meanwhile is also pressurizing Pujari about Shree's janam patri' She finds it and forces Pujari to look. Pujari doesn't want to as something grave had happened when he had done so (a mystery). Shree goes to meet Hari and, the meeting is comical yet romantic. The POV hovers around them agitated with the whole scene. There is lightning and wind. Shrii runs into Hari's arms as she is scared. The Pujari sees the bad weather as an omen'an omen which is backed by the kundali' which says if she does marry within the next 16 days she will have to face a lot of hurdles in the near future. The Bhudiyaa has an inkling of the spirit surrounding poor Shrii' she tries to appease God and rid Shrii of the spirit' but to no avail'Suddenly the storm comes to an abrupt end'But the two don't pay much attention to their surroundings' Is this the start of a beautiful love story.. Or merely an inkling of impending doom??

Episode 5

The angry POV follows Shree inside the house' but is forced to leave when it sees God's image inside the hut. Hari on the other hand is completely smitten by Shrii and is in a haze' meanwhile Faibaa is convincing Shrii to go visit the engineer and apologize to him. Shrii point blank refuses to do so' back at Mehta house they are all considering Nikki's sister as a match for Hari... they want Madhu Bhabhi's opinion. She is apprehensive as she knows that the girl who marries Hari will face a lot of trials and will need to be extremely brave. Hari meanwhile is talking animatedly with Nihaal (we see POV getting agitated by this) about Shrii, when he suddenly sees the Bhudiyaa... who holds Hari's hand with terror in her eyes ' and then runs' Hari is baffled. At Mehta house, Nikita is wondering why Madhu Bhabhi is behaving so indecisive about Rajni's rishta for Hari. At Shree's house Faibaa and Pujari finally convince Shrii to go to Hari with kada' What new encounter will ensue between these two innocents??

Episode 4

In Janakpur everyone is making arrangements to welcome the engineer who is coming to build up a Mall in place of the Old Temple. Pujari decides to take Shree to the Bhudhiya to help him rid Shree of her baseless fears. The Bhudhiya runs away screaming with terror as soon as she touches Shree. Pujari tells Shree that how much it hurts him when other people make fun of Shree' Shree, in order to win her father's respect decides to venture into the forest to get wood... Chotu tries to scare Shree by telling her horror stories about Pighalta Pappu! Hari on the other hand is approaching Janakpur thru the jungle when his car gets bad and he walks towards the river to fetch some water. That's when Shree and Hari meet in the jungle in a comical way and in fear Shree hits Hari on the head with a stone causing him to fall into mud. When she sees him covered from head to toe in dirt she screams and runs for her life'! She thinks it is actually Pighalta Pappu! She reaches the village Chauraha and that's when Hari's eyes rest on the girl of his dreams... Shree'! Now, the spirit is also there thru heavy wind and it is becoming more and more furious by the second as it sees Hari constantly staring at Shree' Is Hari finally in love?? Will the Spirit allow Hari and Shree to get together???

Episode 3 -

We show Hari who had just tripped and therefore had screamed. He has the dhaga safe and sound. But alas, the sun ahs set and a very worried Madhu Bhabhi can no longer tie the thread on his hand. Back in the village Faibaa has convinced the Pujari to take Shree to the village Bhudhiya who is known to remove all fear from a person's heart. The Pujari agrees. And now Madhu Bhabhi is hell bent on tying the thread on Hari. When she tries to look for him ' she along with the whole family realize that Hari has left for Janakpur to complete a project! Madhu Bhabhi is scared and tensed. He left without tying the thread'! Madhu Bhabhi calls Hari and tells him that she will be sending the thread by courier and makes him promise to wear it. Hari finally agrees. We show Madhu Bhabhi giving a courier guy a parcel with the dhaga. The POV is following the courier guy and uses some magic and the parcel is left on the road!! What will happen to Hari now?? Will this spirit conquer all and never allow Hari's marriage to Shree??

Episode 2 -

Shree's father Pujari is worried for his meek daughter and wonders who will marry this girl. On the other hand Mahant gives Madhu Bhabhee a Dhaga and asks her to tie it in Hari's wrist so that the spirit doesn't harm him. Madhu returns home and tries to inform the family about the Mahant's prediction but no one believes her and thinks that it is a joint effort by the Devar and Bhabhee to stall the wedding as Hari is in no mood to get married and settled as he wants to fulfil his dreams. Meanwhile back at Shree's house we see Shree's Faibaa is hell bent on making Shree a bit braver. Unfortunately Shree proves just the opposite and creates drama in the whole village again! The following evening Madhu Bhabhi has made up her mind ' come what may ' today she will tie the protective dhaga on Hari before the sun sets and she rushes to the terrace where she was supposed to tie the thread on Hari. On reaching the terrace she spots the thread and tries to reach for it but some unseen force stops her. Just then Hari enters and Madhu Bhabhi is able to pick up the thread. She is just about to tie it when a gust of wind makes it fly towards a dark staircase. Hari follows it instinctively and he is engulfed by darkness and we hear his scream!! What has happened to Hari?? Has the spirit got to him??

Episode 1 -

There are many people who believe that Ghosts and Spirits do exist in this world, for some it is truth and for others it is just plain superstition! The Bridge between the truth and superstition hasn't been crossed yet. A close knit joint Royal Gujarati Raghuvanshi family based in Mumbai is a happy family but the only cause of concern for the family is to get the daredevil eligible bachelor son Hari, married. The problem is that every rishta that comes Hari's way goes wrong for some reason or the other. After much wait out comes the culprit which is none other than an evil spirit which is desperately coming in way of Hari's marriage. A renowned Mahant meets Madhu Bhabhee the matriarch of the family and predicts that the marriage is predicted to happen within the next 16 days' but the Girl has to be extremely brave. Simultaneously we see an introduction of Shree here a mousy girl who is scared of everything including her own shadow! Will destiny take Hari to Shree and get them together'??? Will the evil spirit allow this to happen'???

Edited by devashree_h - 14 years ago


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devashree_h thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks....for putting all of it together.
Sillykitty thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks a LOT!!
I am just bumping this thread up, because every one will need this..
Can someone make this a sticky?
and keep on updating it.
Thank you
sisler thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
thanks a lottt ....for all this effort:D
loveprincess thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
oh thnk u so much...this is gr8............