9th October 08 Written Update - complete

bubblez91 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

hey guys sorry i had some work to do, so the update will be up tomorrow - in more detail!! i will leave a few points below!!!

    Shanta has a phoen convo with Gudiya and tells her shes coming back, Gudiya tells her about Saagar, Shanta is shocked Saagar and Ganga are so close, but yet fail to realise!! Saagar is injured, and while being wheeled out of a ward hes feet must have touched Ganga, but she doesnt realise!! A new entry - someone that came in with Saagar wanting him to be good - i think she is dodgy!!! Puttan and Minisha at home - Alka sees!!
  • Ganga consoled Kaveri when she started to cry after hearing some woman say that a girl has been married for 2 months and the sindoor of her parting has been 'rubbed' off!!

(this is not in order!)

a further detailed update will be up tomorrow!!!
Detailed update!
    A new entry - a woman dressed in panjab attire is wlaking through the hospital - and different camera angles are shown!
  • Puttan is at home and tells Alka to bring him some tea! The doorbell rings, Alka goes to open it, but Puttan stops her and opens it instead, its Minisha! He invites Minisha in, and realises Alka is standing there, He thinks that the outsider has come while the insider is still here! He shouts at Alka nad tells her to go and do what he said! She goes! Minisha asks who it was he said the maid 😡! Minisha says she has never seen her, Puttan says that she has just been employed!!! Minisha then says that she came to talk to Jhanvi as she has some important work but her phone is unreachable! Puttan tells her about Saagar, Minisha is shocked! Minisha prays to God that Saagar is okay, Puttan looks at her uncomfortabley! Puttan then says that its not a good time to disturb Jhanvi so if there is any work to ask him and he will pass it on to her! Minisha agrees and gives Puttan some files! He then shows her the door, and she leaves! Alka comes back and asks who it was! Puttan says that she works in the office, she can read and write and is smart and isnt illiterate like you! 😡 He then shouts at her to put the tea down and go! (how does she put up with him, i would have walked out on him now!)


    The woman asks someone in the corridor where the doctor is! The man shows her the place! She walks over and says that she has been waiting for four hours with ehr patient, forget about moving him into a good ward, there is noone to check him properly! she continues to say with annoyance that she cannot wait any more! The doctor asks if she has filled in the forms! The woman says that the patient is ill, is she supposed to stay with him or fill out forms or sutin! The doctor says that so you havent filled in the forms, then we cannot help you! She says that, if the patients name aint on a form then you going to let him die, what kind of doctor are you? She continues to say that there has been such a big incident, and your concerned about forms! She contiunes to say that whatever i say is not enough, why are you standing there bring me a form! The nurse gives a form from over the counter! She shouts at the doctor to go and check the patient first! Everyone walking past is shocked and looks at this! The doctor walks off, the woman is walking backwards, while Ganga is wlaking too! The woman and Ganga bang in to each other! The face of the woman is actually shown! The forms go flying and Ganga apologises and helps to pick them up! They both walk off in opposite directions! the woman is in a ward with the doctor an a patientm, whose face is covered by other patients! The woman is filling out the forms while the doctor is checking on the patient! The doc says that he has hurt his head thats why he is unconscious and there is no need to get worried! The woman says to do what they have to but nothing should happen to him! She hands the form over to the doc saying she has filled them in! The doctor looks at them and sees that the relations space is empty! He asks her what her relation is, she says friend! The doc says that a familiy member needs to be present and she should call them! The woman says that the family will come but first treat him! The doc starts to walk off, the woman stops him and asks to move the patient to a good ward, where the treatment can be good! The doc says that there are so many patients here, how will they find a good ward! The woman says that his excuses wont work with her, she has said that she wants a good ward for him, at any cost! The doc agrees and says to give him time and he will move him to another ward! The woman looks up and prays to God saying that He saved his life, mnay thanks! A woman sitting on a nearby bed said that at times at this a doc never cares for people like this, but even oyu have made him helpless, being a friend you are doing so much for him! She says that she had to ask she cannot let anything happen to him and she know shes her God wouldn't not listen to her!
  • Kaveri is in a corridor pacing up and down looking worried! She says to herself: Oh god, who knoes when this list will be up! She sits down and looks around with tears in her eyes! Ganga comes also looking worried, and sees Kaveri sitting there! She stares at her for a bit and then mounts up the courage to talk to her! She walks over there, Kaveri looks up and sees her! She jumps of her seat: Jhanvi did you find out anything!

Ganga: There is no information about Saagar, didi! i dont understand that .... how will he be ... in what state!

A woman walks past crying, while a person is being wheeled across the corridor, she is saying what has happened, you cant leave me, there is noone besides you! Kaveri and Ganga look at this! Two other woman come after saying: Nature has been unjust with this poor girl, only two months ago she was married, before the mehndi disappeared from her hands, the sindoor on her head has been desolated! Ganga and Kaveri hear this and are shocked, the other two woman walk off!   Kaveri: That wont happen to me will it! huh? Jahnvi ... that wont happen to me will it? (getting panicky!) Nature wont be this unjust with me will it? Why will nature? It wont isnt it? Jhanvi, what if the sindoor on my head ....   Ganga: (holding Kaveri's face!) Nothing will happen! Nothing will happen to the sindoor on your head! Nothing will happen to Saagar! (she pulls Kaveri down!) Sit... Sit! (she makes Kaveri sit down, and Kaveri puts her head on Ganga's shoulder! Kaveri cries, while Ganga also cries silently!   ****************************************************************  
  • Gudiya is in her room lying on the bed on her fornt, looking at a doll house on the end of the bed! She is crying!

Gudiya: No Saagar Chachu, why did you leave me and go! Why were chachi and Puttan chachu saying that something has happened to you! Saagar chachu, come back soon, your Gudiya is misisng you alot! (She cries and wipes her tears!)

The phone rings! Gudiya answers it!   Gudiya: Hello!   Shanta: Hello? Gudiya beta, how are you? Do you know, Bua is coming to you very soon! And do you know, Bua has bought you loads of toys, she has done so much shopping! Oright, tell me where has everyone else gone? i have been ringing for ages and no one is picking up the phone! (Gudiya starts to cry down the phone!) Gudiya? What happened beta? Why are you crying? Gudiya, tell me beta? Wont you even tell Bua? Tell me what happened beta!   Gudiya: Bua, Saagar chachu ...   Shanta: Saagar? What happened beta to Saagar?   Gudiya: Saagar chachu's train had an accident! (Shanta is shcoked, she gets up from the bed!)   Shanta: What?   Gudiya: Everyone has gone to look for him!   Shanta: Saagar? Saagar's accident?  
  • Kaveri is crying, Ganga is trying to console her!

Ganga: Didi ... Didi, look after oyurself! Nothing will happen to Saagar! Nothing will happen to him! We have to keep high the hope of finding Saagar! Ntohing will happen to Saagar! Nothing! (Shubdoh comes! Ganga gets up!) Bhaiya? Did you find out anything on Saagar? We have looked in every palce here! There is no information on him!

Shubodh: i ... i am coming from the place of the incident! There is no information on Saagar! Rahul even rung, even he ... even he didn't get any news on Saagar!   Kaveri falls to the chair and starts to cry! Shubodh and Ganga look worried, while Ganga also has tears in her eyes! Shubodh sits down next to Kaveri and tries to console her! While Ganga runs off!  
    Ganga runs into a corridor crying, she stops at a wall and sobs! She then looks on her left and sees a man on a trolley with a waistecoat, his face cannot be seen! Ganga is shocked! The doctors and nurses put a white cloth over him (i think he seems to be dead!) They start to wheel the trolley off, Ganga continues to stare at him! She shouts Saagar, and starts to chase the trolley! The hospital staff stop the trolley! Ganga starts to shout telling them to stop and see Saagar atleast once! The nurse says that he aint Saagar! Ganga says that she knows he is her Saagar! after fighting through, she lifts the cloth and is shocked! The face is shown and it isnt Saagar! She continues to be shocked! Teh trolley is wheeled off again! She is left standing there with tears in her eyes! Another trolley is wheeled in from her left, the feet of the person touches her arm! The panjabi woman is with the trolley! The trolley is wheeled off, without Ganga looking at who it is! She again leans against the wall and cries/sobs/weeps!
  • The doctor brings in the trolley into a room! The doc says to shift the patient to the bed! He moves out the way and Saagar is shown, with a bandage around his head! (He looked HAWT!!!!!!! 😳) They move him to the bed, the woman then puts the sheet over him! She thanks the doctor for giving a private ward, now his treatment will be good! The doctor says to forget abotu treatment, his condition is more stable then before! The doc then says that there is some medicines which cannot be found in the hospital, he tells the woman that he will write a list and she should order them from the market! The woman nods! The doc gets out a notepad from his pocket and writes some things nad gives it to the woman! The woman says that she will go and get them! The doctor asks if she has contacted the family! The woman replies yes ...! The doc says that his family being here will be even better! The doctor leaves telling her to get the medicine!

Woman: I will get the medicine ... but how! i dont have nay money! (she thinks! and then smiles!) But theres a way! (She goes through an envelope with Saagar's things and takes out his wallet! she looks in it and is shocked!) We can definately get medicine from this! (She puts the envelope back on a shelf and is about to walk out but stops!) Theres so much stuf, if a theif comes then??? (She takes the envelope with her!)

The camera zooms in on Saagar's face and ends on his sweet/cute/hot face!   PRECAP: Bua and Puttan in their room, Puttan says that at Saagar's funeral everyone will need to know how big they are, and how they own the Bhatiya wealth! Bua says forget that, the whole city will know when you are the owner of the Bhatiya business! Bua says that she thinks that right now Saagar is not in this world but (signing that he has gone up!) Bua looks behind and is shocked, Puttan look sbehind and is also shocked!   **************************************************************** YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Saagar is alive! but i wonder how long it takes for the family to realise that he is there! It was so good to see his hot face again, after so long! The story is getting interesting, i wonder who that girl is, i got a feeling that she is from Lucknow! Maybe over the next few weeks we wiull find out, maybe she is related to Shubodh and helped Saagar! But she does seem like a dodgy character by taking Saagar's wallet, but at the same time she seems to care bout him! Please don't make her also like Saagar!!! Although i know he has that affect on people, but then its going to get more complicated for Ganga!!! Puttan and Bua are just unpredictable, how can they think about it like that, i wonder who heard them tlaking, i hope they get exposed soon! today was a very emotional episode, and what is Alka doing, how cna she tolerate Puttan's behaviour, ebing compared to someone else and called illiterate!!! Well i hope over the next few weeks she also gains some courage to go against Puttan, and amyeb expose him!! Well sorry for the late update! Hope u enjoy, sorry for the mistakes!!
Edited by bubblez91 - 15 years ago


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Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks for the awesome update!