September 18th Mata Ki Chowki - Highlight

samirah23 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago


Vansh asks Vaishnavi to pray for him – and Vaishnavi prays for him.

Karan is attacking Natasha, and she runs to Vansh

The bad men are talking to SK about the pandits doing the evening arti

SK gets a text message from Yash – SK gets upset with Khanna


SK holds Khanna collar and tells him that he doesn't like to raise his hand on those weaker than him, and that he should learn to keep his tongue to himself.  SK sends Khanna away.

Moksh is hiding and listening. He was the one who sent the text message.

SK tries to call the number for Yash but the line is engaged.

Moksh is laughing at SK and saying – let's see what you will do.

Moksh sends SK another message saying that he should be careful and that he will see him soon …

SK gets the message and says – come Yash, I am ready to see you in front of me.


Moksh walks into the dinning room, and is looking through the pots, etc. with tea.  CM comes to talk to him and asks what he is doing so late at night and that he can't hide from her as she is her mother.  She knows his plan, but wants to hear it from his mouth.

Moksh says nervously that nothing is going on – and CM calls him on his nervousness.

CM laughs at him and says she was playing with him and has been waiting for him so that she could play a trick on him to make him scared a bit. 

She says that Mrs. Sanghi is a big believer in Vaishnavi and that CM has said all along that there is something special about Vaishnavi.  She is glad that Moksh is with them, and that Vaishnavi will help them to get to their goal.  Very soon, their dream will be fulfilled, and as long as he is with her, then they will be successful and get SK out of the way.

Sabhya (Chota Papa) is listening at the door and doesn't look pleased.


Vaishnavi is alone in her room, and Vansh comes back with a smile on his face.  He tells her that he is happy that Matarani heard Vaishnavi's prayers.  (Here he does a lot of overacting about how happy he is).  With all this yelling in the house, it's no wonder that no one can hear them.


The Badies are watching from outside and seeding how happy Vansh is – they don't know what to do – Moksh's plan is failing and Vansh is getting closer to Vaishnavi.


Sabhya confronts Choti Ma and says she is leading her son in the wrong way.  He yells at her and she says that she is happy that he has raised his voice because it proves that his brother has not taken his voice away from him. 

She tells him again that SK is ruling over an empire that was created with the money he got from her father in dowry.  And, this money should be for her son, and not SK.


Vansh is talking to Vaishnavi about how great he feels at meeting Natasha. 

It goes back to him telling her about Natasha – continues from yesterday where Vansh was comforting Natasha and Natasha is telling him that she did some bad things to him, and she can't believe he is helping her.  If he didn't come, he didn't know what would have happened to her.  He gave her life back to her.  She is leaving Karan, and wants Vansh to help her to do this.  She hugs him. 

Vaishnavi is sewing and pokes her finger with the needle.  Vansh cleaners her cut and takes the clothes away from Vaishnavi and puts on the button (why is she sewing so late at night!!)  He is sewing the button wrong, and she laughs at him. 


In Bhandhara – Pandit Sagaar is not feeling well and he tells the other pandit that he is going to sleep.  The bad men are watching him.  They follow him.


In their room, Badi Ma is making her bed on the Setee and SK looks at her.  SK asks is she wants a cover for herself, and she says all these years, she has never asked her if she wants anything.  She knows something is wrong.

SK says he keeps getting text messages, and if she has spoken with 'him' cause he is in the city.  BM wants to know who he is talking about and SK tells her Yash.  BM looks very surprised to hear this.

BM says she hasn't spoken with him, and he hasn't called her.  Years before, SK told her that she was not in the relationship between them, so why would he call her?

She says that Yash is the one who might fix SK – SK asks her why it is that when she opens her mouth, only poison comes out of it.  She says that he made her that way  - SK put that poison in her. 

She doesn't need a cover from the person who doesn't love her. 

She takes off the light and goes to bed.


The phone rings, and the bad man is talking to SK – he says that he will do exactly what SK asked him to do. 


There is a big storm coming.  Men with covered faces are chasing Pandit Sagaar with sticks.  Pandit Sangaar is calling for help. 


In her room Vaishnavi wakes up from a bad a dream and knows something is wrong – she can hear her father yelling for help and looks at Matarani.


Episode ends on Vaishnavi's face.


Comments: with Vaishnavi's prayers, her father will be saved – but I would like to see how Matarani will save him because her actions are always the best part of the show.

Sabhya is back after not being around for a long time.  It was good that he was forceful with CM, but CM still hasn't revealed her plan.  Badi Ma is showing her hatred to SK even more now … if Yash comes back, I think she will be happy.  Wondering what actually happened between SK and Yash.


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Frequent Posters

wajr thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
thankyou so much for the update😊
pratirani thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
thanks for the regular update.😊
kewl005 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks for the update.  :)
chochweety thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

thank u for a wonderful update...finally vansh n vaishnavi will b together....