Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 2 months ago

Seerat and garry had just eloped from her wedding with wAngad Singh Brar Who happens to be Garry's cousins. 

"Garry, we shouldn't have done this" She exclaimed guiltily 

"Don't worry babes,when we get married your going to think this was best decision of your life ". 

"Now calm down let's watch some TV" Garry said reassuringly 

 Garry and Seerat snuggled on a loveseat and turned on the TV 

News reporter : BREAKING NEWS!! The marriage of Mr Angad Sing Brar has gone downhill as he has been forced to marry a middle class girl after his fiance,Miss Seerat has eloped. 

"Oh no, Sahiba !"  

"Sahiba was forced Angad!, But she hates Angad!" 

"Oh no, I've ruined my sisters life" Seerat cried hysterically 

"Calm down babes, Angad is going to take good care of her " 

"No, I'm going to brar mansion,I need to talk to angad and sahiba, she can't marry him!" Seerat said as she hastily got ready to leave. 

"Seerat!" Garry called out to her. 

Seerat took an auto and went to brar mansion 

Seerat gets to Brar mansion and looks at a teary eyed sahiba and a fuming angad enter brar Mansion. 

She walks behind them and shouts "STOP" 


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Aleyamma47 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago


Very rarely people try to imagine things from the perspective of a negative character and you have done thatsmiley22. Kudos to you!!smiley32

So this story is from Seerat's point of view and Seerat seems to be a loving sister and a positive character unlike the show. Interesting!smiley9

So good to see new writers writing stories from different perspectives.

This is a three part story right?

I don't know how many would like to read Seerat's story because she is the most hated character in TMD. 

But I will try to tag a few who may be interested.

Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: Terimeridoriyan

Seerat and garry had just eloped from her wedding with wAngad Singh Brar Who happens to be Garry's cousins. 

"Garry, we shouldn't have done this" She exclaimed guiltily 

"Don't worry babes,when we get married your going to think this was best decision of your life ". 

"Now calm down let's watch some TV" Garry said reassuringly 

 Garry and Seerat snuggled on a loveseat and turned on the TV 

News reporter : BREAKING NEWS!! The marriage of Mr Angad Sing Brar has gone downhill as he has been forced to marry a middle class girl after his fiance,Miss Seerat has eloped. 

"Oh no, Sahiba !"  

"Sahiba was forced Angad!, But she hates Angad!" 

"Oh no, I've ruined my sisters life" Seerat cried hysterically 

"Calm down babes, Angad is going to take good care of her " 

"No, I'm going to brar mansion,I need to talk to angad and sahiba, she can't marry him!" Seerat said as she hastily got ready to leave. 

"Seerat!" Garry called out to her. 

Seerat took an auto and went to brar mansion 

Seerat gets to Brar mansion and looks at a teary eyed sahiba and a fuming angad enter brar Mansion. 

She walks behind them and shouts "STOP" 

Just wow. I love your Seerat 🥰🥰

I m looking forward for more 

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago


As Seerat hurried through the bustling streets, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. She finally reached the venue where her sister's wedding was taking place. With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her. Sahiba, her sister, stood at the altar, dressed in bridal attire, her face a mix of surprise and confusion.

Seerat: "Sahiba, please listen to me. I need to talk to you."

Sahiba's eyes widened in shock as she saw Seerat standing there, dressed in her bridal attire.

Sahiba: "Seerat, what are you doing here? And why are you dressed like that?"

Seerat's voice trembled as she struggled to find the right words.

Seerat: "I... I ran away from my wedding. With Angad's cousin, Gary and wanted to marry . But now I've found out that you... you married Angad!"

The room erupted into chaos as everyone tried to make sense of the revelation.

Sahiba's husband, Angad, stepped forward, his expression a mixture of anger and disbelief.

Angad: "What is she saying, Sahiba? Is this true?"

Sahiba's eyes filled with tears as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sahiba: "Yes, Angad. It's true. I... I love Seerat, and I couldn't marry you knowing that she was in pain."

Angad's face darkened, and he turned to Seerat, his eyes blazing with anger.

Angad: "So, you ran away with my cousin,lied to me and my family about your social status,decieved me with your words.and now you've ruined my wedding? Look I might not like your sister but right now I'm thanking babji I married her instead of a witch like you"

Seerat felt a pang of guilt as she realized the extent of the chaos she had caused.

Seerat: "I'm sorry, Angad. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just... I couldn't go through with the wedding knowing that you and Sahiba are enemies."

Angad's anger flared, his voice rising to a thunderous roar.

Angad: "You've destroyed everything, Seerat! My wedding,My life,Your sisters  my family's honor, everything!"

Seerat's eyes filled with tears as she took a step back, overwhelmed by the intensity of Angad's anger.

Seerat: "I'm sorry, Angad. I never wanted to hurt you. Please, try to understand..."

But Angad was beyond reason, his anger consuming him as he turned away, his heart filled with nothing but rage and betrayal.

Edited by Amanita09 - 1 months ago
Simiyy thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

Loved the update!

Waiting for the next part eagerly!

fantasy1000a thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Amanita09


As Seerat hurried through the bustling streets, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. She finally reached the venue where her sister's wedding was taking place. With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her. Sahiba, her sister, stood at the altar, dressed in bridal attire, her face a mix of surprise and confusion.

Seerat: "Sahiba, please listen to me. I need to talk to you."

Sahiba's eyes widened in shock as she saw Seerat standing there, dressed in her bridal attire.

Sahiba: "Seerat, what are you doing here? And why are you dressed like that?"

Seerat's voice trembled as she struggled to find the right words.

Seerat: "I... I ran away from my wedding. With Angad's cousin, Gary and wanted to marry . But now I've found out that you... you married Angad!"

The room erupted into chaos as everyone tried to make sense of the revelation.

Sahiba's husband, Angad, stepped forward, his expression a mixture of anger and disbelief.

Angad: "What is she saying, Sahiba? Is this true?"

Sahiba's eyes filled with tears as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sahiba: "Yes, Angad. It's true. I... I love Seerat, and I couldn't marry you knowing that she was in pain."

Angad's face darkened, and he turned to Seerat, his eyes blazing with anger.

Angad: "So, you ran away with my cousin,lied to me and my family about your social status,decieved me with your words.and now you've ruined my wedding? Look I might not like your sister but right now I'm thanking babji I married her instead of a witch like you"

Seerat felt a pang of guilt as she realized the extent of the chaos she had caused.

Seerat: "I'm sorry, Angad. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just... I couldn't go through with the wedding knowing that you and Sahiba are enemies."

Angad's anger flared, his voice rising to a thunderous roar.

Angad: "You've destroyed everything, Seerat! My wedding,My life,Your sisters  my family's honor, everything!"

Seerat's eyes filled with tears as she took a step back, overwhelmed by the intensity of Angad's anger.

Seerat: "I'm sorry, Angad. I never wanted to hurt you. Please, try to understand..."

But Angad was beyond reason, his anger consuming him as he turned away, his heart filled with nothing but rage and betrayal.

That's an interesting take. 


Waiting for next part. 🥹❤️

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago


Seerat stayed at Garry's place for a few days, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. Each passing moment felt like a whirlwind of emotions, but amidst the chaos, she found a sense of clarity.

One evening, as Seerat sat on the balcony, gazing at the stars, Garry joined her with a cup of chai.

"Thinking about what's next?" Garry asked softly, handing her the cup.

Seerat nodded, taking a sip of the warm tea. "Yeah. I can't stay here forever. I need to figure out my next move."

Garry placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You'll figure it out, Seerat. You're stronger than you think."

Seerat managed a small smile. "Thanks, Garry. I needed to hear that."

The next morning, Seerat woke up with a sense of purpose. She knew she couldn't change the past, but she could shape her future. After breakfast, she sat down with Garry to make a plan.

"I need to start over," Seerat said, determination in her voice. "I need to find a job, a place to live... I need to build a life for myself."

Garry nodded in agreement. "I'll help you in any way I can, Seerat. You're not alone in this."

With Garry's support, Seerat began her job search. It wasn't easy, but she refused to give up. After several interviews, she finally landed a job at a local bookstore.

As she walked home from her first day of work, Seerat couldn't help but feel proud of herself. She was starting over, and this time, she was doing it on her own terms.

But just as she was starting to find her footing, she received an unexpected phone call from her father.

"Seerat, you need to come home," her father said, his voice stern.

Seerat took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "I can't, Dad. Not yet."

Her father sighed. "Fine. But just know that you're making a mistake."

Seerat hung up the phone, feeling a mix of guilt and determination. She knew her father didn't understand, but she couldn't go back to the life she had left behind.

As days turned into weeks an into months , Seerat slowly began to rebuild her life. She found a small apartment, and  made new friends.

But no matter how busy she kept herself, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt cause she ruined Angad and Sahiba's life cause of her selfishness.

Then, one day, as she was walking home from work, she bumped into Sahiba on the street. She tried to avoid Sahiba's gaze but Sahiba spotted her before she could run off. 

Seerat, wait!" Sahiba  called out, running after her.

Seerat stopped in her tracks, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry, Sahiba," Seerat said, tears in her eyes. "I never meant to hurt you."

Sahiba looked at her sister, feeling a mix of  love and sadness" You know, I'm kind of glad  you eloped.

Seerat looked at her with suprised eyes 

Sahiba looked into her sister's eyes, searching for any sign of sincerity. And for the first time since she had left, she saw it.

", Seerat me and Angad workedout our differences and fell in love, and now were expecting our first child she directed at her belly  ," Sahiba said softly. 

Seerat: "Omg I'm so happy for you"

As Sahiba and Seerat hugged each other tightly, Sahiba couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could forgive her sister and move on with her life.

And as she walked away, she knew that no matter what happened, she would always have the strength to keep going. Because she was Sahiba, and nothing could ever break her spirit.



Edited by Amanita09 - 1 months ago
fantasy1000a thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Amanita09


Seerat stayed at Garry's place for a few days, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. Each passing moment felt like a whirlwind of emotions, but amidst the chaos, she found a sense of clarity.

One evening, as Seerat sat on the balcony, gazing at the stars, Garry joined her with a cup of chai.

"Thinking about what's next?" Garry asked softly, handing her the cup.

Seerat nodded, taking a sip of the warm tea. "Yeah. I can't stay here forever. I need to figure out my next move."

Garry placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You'll figure it out, Seerat. You're stronger than you think."

Seerat managed a small smile. "Thanks, Garry. I needed to hear that."

The next morning, Seerat woke up with a sense of purpose. She knew she couldn't change the past, but she could shape her future. After breakfast, she sat down with Garry to make a plan.

"I need to start over," Seerat said, determination in her voice. "I need to find a job, a place to live... I need to build a life for myself."

Garry nodded in agreement. "I'll help you in any way I can, Seerat. You're not alone in this."

With Garry's support, Seerat began her job search. It wasn't easy, but she refused to give up. After several interviews, she finally landed a job at a local bookstore.

As she walked home from her first day of work, Seerat couldn't help but feel proud of herself. She was starting over, and this time, she was doing it on her own terms.

But just as she was starting to find her footing, she received an unexpected phone call from her father.

"Seerat, you need to come home," her father said, his voice stern.

Seerat took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "I can't, Dad. Not yet."

Her father sighed. "Fine. But just know that you're making a mistake."

Seerat hung up the phone, feeling a mix of guilt and determination. She knew her father didn't understand, but she couldn't go back to the life she had left behind.

As days turned into weeks an into months , Seerat slowly began to rebuild her life. She found a small apartment, and  made new friends.

But no matter how busy she kept herself, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt cause she ruined Angad and Sahiba's life cause of her selfishness.

Then, one day, as she was walking home from work, she bumped into Sahiba on the street. She tried to avoid Sahiba's gaze but Sahiba spotted her before she could run off. 

Seerat, wait!" Sahiba  called out, running after her.

Seerat stopped in her tracks, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry, Sahiba," Seerat said, tears in her eyes. "I never meant to hurt you."

Sahiba looked at her sister, feeling a mix of  love and sadness" You know, I'm kind of glad  you eloped.

Seerat looked at her with suprised eyes 

Sahiba looked into her sister's eyes, searching for any sign of sincerity. And for the first time since she had left, she saw it.

", Seerat me and Angad workedout our differences and fell in love, and now were expecting our first child she directed at her belly  ," Sahiba said softly. 

Seerat: "Omg I'm so happy for you"

As Sahiba and Seerat hugged each other tightly, Sahiba couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could forgive her sister and move on with her life.

And as she walked away, she knew that no matter what happened, she would always have the strength to keep going. Because she was Sahiba, and nothing could ever break her spirit.



Seerat finding a job a staying at Garry's place🥹❤️

 And Redeeming herself.

I love your take on her. 

Sahiba and Seerat's hug ❤️

Simiyy thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

I love how your showing seerat is redeeming herself. Wish they showed it on the show!

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago


Sahiba takes Garry and Seerat to Brar mansion so they can make amends for their mistakes and proclaim their undying love for each other. 

Sahiba: Alright, Seerat, are you ready to face the music?

Seerat: *nervously* I guess so. Thanks for coming with me, Sahiba.

Sahiba: Of course, Seerat. And you too, Garry, for tagging along.

Garry: *chuckles* Lucky indeed. Let's hope I stay that way after this visit.

Sahiba: Don't worry, Garry. I'll make sure they don't chase you out with a broom.

Seerat: *giggles* Thanks, Sahiba. You always know how to lighten the mood.

Sahiba: Alright, let's go. Remember, we're here to apologize and make things right.

*They enter the in-laws' house, where Seerat's parents, Garry's parents, and Sahiba's husband, Angad, are waiting.*

Sahiba: *bows respectfully* Sat Sri Akaal, Aunties and Uncles. We have come here with humble hearts to seek your forgiveness.

Seerat: *nervously* We know we made a mistake by eloping, and we deeply regret the pain we caused.

Garry: *awkwardly* We understand that our actions were impulsive and disrespectful.

Seerat's Mother: *tearfully* Oh, Seerat, my dear daughter, we were worried sick about you! But seeing you here safe and sound is a blessing.

Sahiba: *placing a reassuring hand on Seerat's shoulder* Auntie, Uncle, we promise to make amends and set things right.

Garry's Father: *sternly* You have dishonored our families with your actions. But if you're truly remorseful, we are willing to forgive.

Sahiba: Thank you, Uncle. We won't let you down.

Seerat: *wiping away tears* I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I never meant to hurt you.

Garry: And I promise, Uncle, Auntie, I'll always cherish and protect Seerat.

Angad: *his voice trembling with anger* And what about me, Seerat? Do you have any idea how you humiliated me by eloping on our wedding day? You made a mockery of our love and commitment!

Sahiba: Angad, please...

Angad: *ignoring Sahiba, his anger palpable* You didn't just betray me, Seerat. You shattered my trust, my faith in us! How could you do this to me?

Seerat: *tearfully* Angad, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was confused, scared...

Angad: *cutting her off* Confused? Scared? That's not an excuse, Seerat. You made a choice, and you chose to break my heart.

*Sahiba and Garry exchange worried glances as the room fills with tension, Angad's anger echoing through the silence.*

Sahiba: Angad, please, I understand you're angry, but yelling won't solve anything.

Angad: *breathing heavily, trying to compose himself* You're right, Sahiba. I'm sorry.

Seerat: Angad, I know I can never fully make it up to you, but I promise to spend the rest of my life trying.

Garry: And I'll stand by Seerat every step of the way, ensuring she keeps her promise.

Ajeet: *placing a hand on Angad's shoulder* Son, we understand your pain, but forgiveness is a part of healing.

Jasleen: And we believe in the strength of love to overcome even the most difficult obstacles.

Angad: *taking a deep breath, his anger softening* I... I appreciate your words. Seerat, Garry, I don't know if I can forgive you right now, but I'm willing to try.

Seerat: *nodding tearfully* Thank you, Angad.

Sahiba: *placing a hand on Angad's other shoulder* We'll get through this together, Angad. As a family.

Angad: *weakly smiling* Yes, Sahiba. As a family.

Garry: *clearing his throat nervously* Um, there's something we need to tell everyone. Seerat and I, we... we want to get married.

*Sahiba and Angad exchange surprised glances, while the others in the room look on with mixed emotions.*

Seerat's Mother: *tears welling up* Oh, my dear Seerat!

Ajeet: *proudly* If this is what you both want, we'll support you every step of the way.

Garry's Father: *nodding approvingly* Love has a funny way of working things out, doesn't it?

Angad: *speechless for a moment, then nodding slowly* If this is what will make you both happy, then I... I wish you all the best.

Sahiba: *smiling warmly* Congratulations, you two. May your love continue to grow stronger each day.

*As the news sinks in, the room fills with a mixture of emotions—joy, relief, and the promise of new beginnings, as Seerat and Garry embark on a journey to rebuild their relationship and create a future together.*


On the morning of Garry and Seerat's wedding day, the air was imbued with the sweet promise of romance, as if even the birds chirping in the trees were singing love songs in their honor.

Garry, unable to contain his excitement, stole a moment alone with Seerat before the festivities began. "Seerat, my love," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion, "today is the day I've been dreaming of since the moment I met you. You are more beautiful than I ever imagined, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world to call you mine."

Seerat's eyes shimmered with tears of joy as she gazed into Garry's adoring eyes. "Garry," she whispered back, her voice filled with love, "today is the beginning of our forever. I never knew love could feel like this until I met you. You are my soulmate, my rock, and I promise to love you with all that I am for all eternity."

As they stood there, lost in each other's embrace, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the love that bound them together. In that moment, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, their love would always be their guiding light.

And so, with hearts full of love and anticipation, Garry and Seerat embarked on their journey together, ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything. 


Edited by Amanita09 - 1 months ago