Daylight : Sai Satya FF SaiYa

badgarlriri thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Chapter 1

Being loved is the bare minimum, make sure you are also being respected, prioritized, supported & understood

The sun was setting on a warm summer evening as the family of three made their way towards the car. Satya, dressed in a crisp white shirt and khaki pants, opened the passenger door of the car for his wife, who was wearing a bright yellow sundress. She smiled and thanked him as she settled into her seat.

Their daughter, Savi a little girl with dark hair and a pink dress, was already sitting in the backseat, looking out the window and admiring the passing scenery. As they approached the party venue, Satya parked the car and walked around to the back seat.

He opened the door and leaned in to pick up Savi, who giggled and squealed with delight as he lifted her into his arms. Sai watched with affection as Satya carried their daughter towards the party entrance.

The party was in full swing, and the sound of music and laughter filled the air. Satya-Sai walked in together smiling and greeted Chavan's the host of the party as they made their way towards the food table, with the Savi perched on Satya's arms
And Sai was walking with Vinu on her side  .

Satya was such a charmer and affable when it came to social gathering , truly the life of the party but not here with these people he stayed resrved .

When Satya saw Sai ex in-Laws walk towards them
Satya senses that she want to talk to them and offers to stay back, giving her the opportunity to spend time with her ex-in-laws.

"Don't worry ," he says with a smile. "Go talk to them. I'll stay back and take care of things here."

He said referring to Savi who was sneaking down the tables and stealing snacks 
Sai smiled and nodded and moved towards Ashwini .


Kaku started making snide remarks to the Sai, criticizing her for no apparent reason directly. Sai tried hard to ignore it but unfortunately or fortunately Satya heard it and before Sai could even reach him he told loudly

"Can yall not do that, Those comments are not respectful. Sai deserves to be treated with kindness "
Satya speaks up. His response made everything  to stand still

Sai was not shocked but flushed because Satya's firm tone bought everyone's attention to them
Sai never had experience this in her past relationship but Satya was different he demanded that everyone in his family respect her but she never expected him to stand up for her here in front of ex in-laws because Satya for most part stayed in sideline when it come to Chavans he would busy himself with kids or stand in corner and just be observant.

The party resumed in full swing, with people dancing and chatting loudly. Satya and Sai, were catching up with Karishma when Sai tiptoed by grabbing Satya shoulder . Satya turned his head to listen, his eyebrows raising in surprise at whatever Sai was saying. Sai's voice was soft and barely audible over the noise of the party. Satya leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear, and Satya felt a shiver run down his spine. When Sai whispered in "Thank you, I appreciate you standing up for me."

Sai came too close to him  in that moment, it felt like the rest of the world melted away. They were the only two people in the room, lost in their own private moment. It was as if they were communicating without words, their eyes saying everything that needed to be said.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over. They both looked away, a little shy now that the intensity had passed. But they both knew that they would never forget that look they shared, the one that had cemented their bond and made them feel closer than ever before.


The smell of barbecued food wafted through the air as the people mingled on the patio, enjoying the company of friends and family.
The air fills with the mouth-watering aroma of spices and smoke.

At one table, Satya sat with Savi his step daughter,  feeding her small bites of food from his plate. She giggled as she chewed and occasionally reached out to grab a sweets or a piece of cheese from the platter.

As the Satya finished feeding Savi, he looked around the table and realized that Sai was nowhere to be found. He scanned the people, but he couldn't spot her.

Concerned, Satya turned towards vinu and Savi  " I need you both to sit here for 5 minutes I will go look for your Aai ok " he excused himself from the table and began to walk around the patio, looking for her.

He asked several people Karishma, Mohit etc etc
 , if they had seen her, but no one had. He began to to search every corner of the party, hoping to find her.

Finally, he spotted her, Sai was in the living room with Virat. With look of it Virat was back with his misbehavior .

Satya had always known that Virat had been a source of conflict in Sai life but he had never actually thought in his wildest dream Virat would turn out to be this bad 

As Satya walked into the room, he could see that Virat was visibly agitated and was raising his voice at Sai. Satya could see the frustration angry and fear in his wife's eyes and knew that he had to do something to intervene. He calmly approached the two of them and stood between them.

"Virat, that's enough," Satya said in a stern voice. "You need to calm down and awalk way ."

Virat scoffed at Satya's words and tried to push past him to get to Sai.
Satya  stood his ground and held out his hand to stop Virat from coming any closer.

"You need to leave now," Satya repeated, his voice getting firmer. "You really don't want to see my bad side virat  Thats as much grace I'm willing to give to you I have warned you countless time to behave ..You "Sai grabbed Satya arm and he turned towards her as she was trying to stop him but Satya kept his other hand over hers and turned
" You don't get to disrespect my wife like that YOU have already done enough to last for a lifetime I won't let you hurt her anymore ."

Virat tried to to argue with Satya, but Satya just didn’t pay him any heeds .

He turned to Sai and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. He could feel her trembling in his arms and knew that she had been through a lot. He promised her that he would always be there to protect her and keep her safe, no matter what.

Virat grudgingly made his way to the door and left, slamming it behind him after getting green faced by watching Satya-Sai together .


The sun has set and the room is lit with a soft glow from the lamp on the bedside table. Sai was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face buried in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Satya, standing beside her, has his hand gently resting on her back, trying to comfort her.

It's been a few hours since the incident happened with Virat They had left the party early . Although She had managed to keep Virat off and Satya had came to handel the situation, but the incident had left her shakened up a bit.

Satya knows that there is nothing he can say or do to make the pain and fear disappear completely, but he is determined to do whatever he can to ease her suffering. He sits down on his knees in front of  her
"Hi Hi hi  it's okay Sai it's Okay "Satya pulls her gently into his arms, holding her tightly as she cries.

"It's okay, I'm here," he whispers, rubbing her back soothingly. "You're safe now."

As her tears subsided, he leaned down and kissed her forehead, whispering, "You don't have to go through this alone." She looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy, and nodded, a small smile creeping onto her face.

But as Sai began to calm down, she became aware of the mess she had made. Her tears had soaked through her Satya's shirt, leaving a dark stain on the fabric. She pulled away from him, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," she said, gesturing to the ruined shirt. "I didn't mean to get your clothes all wet."

Satya smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "It's okay," he said. "You are more important to me than any piece of clothing."

Sai felt her heart swell with adoration for Satya, even as she still felt awkward about her breakdown. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

"I don't know what came over me," she said, feeling her cheeks redden. "I just couldn't stop crying."

Satya took her hand, squeezing it gently. "You don't have to apologize for your emotions," he said. "I'm here for you, always."

Sai had never felt soo much gratitude for any perosn in her life as she felt for Satya, He had given her everything and more He had been soo supportive patient understanding.

She leaned in for another hug, feeling his arms wrap around her once more. She knew that with him by her side, she could face anything that came her way. It wasn't like she couldn't face things alone but it was sooo nice to have someone be there for you having Satya in her life had made her realize that she doesn't have to fight things alone that she could take someone help and that finally after her father she had someone who always stood by her side with no questions asked in ever sense Satya had been a force for her that stood up for her against the world

Sai got up to freshen up Satya helped her to her feet. He gave her a gentle hand squeeze, feeling the weight of her sadness in her eyes.

As she went to change, Satya went downstairs to the kitchen, making a pot of tea and getting out some biscuits. He wanted to create a comfort atmosphere for her , a space where she could feel safe and comforted.

And nothing speaks comfort then having a cup of tea.

When she emerged from the restroom, wearing fresh clothes and a small smile, Satya was already arranging the tea and snacks ,he took her hand and led her to the couch. He handed her a cup of tea and a biscuit, and they sat together in silence, savoring the warmth and comfort of the moment.

Satya knew that Sai was still hurting, and that there was no quick fix for the pain she was feeling. But in that moment, he felt grateful to be able to offer her a moment of peace, a space where she could take a deep breath and gather herself



Been a while i wrote a fanfic I hope you like it :))


Edited by badgarlriri - 1 years ago


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TJ_spinelli thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 years ago

Wowww riri I didn't know that you write stories 😲

Amazing start. I loved how Satya is gelled with Sai and her little ones ❤️

And Satya made sure to stand up for sai 👏

I loved Sai and Satya's bond they are so comfortable with each other and have each others back  👍🏼

Congratulations on your story continue soon 

Renee001 thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

You've portrayed Sathya's character so beautifully !!!!



Can't wait to read SaiYa's bonding in next chapters.

Edited by Renee001 - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

OMG. Why havent you been writing FFs all this time?! this was SO great. You had such a flow. I could literally imagine the scene- Savi bein mishcevious, I could imagine every expression on saiYa, Savi and even Vs face as all these scenes played out. And I love the part of Sai crying and letting her emotions out after bottling up her anger, pain, angst, frustration, and just loneliness of so many years and finally having a person to just sit by her, hold her, and be there for her without judgement. She feels comfortable and secure with him to actually emote and express freely. earlier the cameo of Sahiba on the show was a moment where a stranger told her to let herself feel and that helped because atleast Sai was able to go lock herself in the bathroom and just break down. but now instead of crying in a closed room where no one can see her, she can actually let her emotions flow in front of a person who will stand by her, who is there for her with no questions. 


Although now that you have demonstrated your inner writing talent, you have opened the doors for nagging from my side to read more FFs from your side!

I will look forward to reading many more OS, FFs from you now!

Even AU FFs would be great, where perhaps there were no kids in picture or maybe Girija was like V or P and wasnt dead but cheated on Sattu just like V betrayed Sai....

KaalaCoat thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 1 years ago

Okay..the quotation in the starting of your piece were simply marvellous. And the underlying theme of your OS is clearly the idea of a safe space. Something that Sai had lacked since the passing of Kamal Joshi and it is indeed, refreshing to imagine Satya creating a space for her where she can get vulnerable, cry and then heal. Something that Virat had failed to do. Safe spaces make or break relationships and the budding safe space in your OS is just warm and wonderful. 

Keep up !!! I wish we'll see more of SaiYa from you.

Posted: 1 years ago

when are you writing more. need follow up of Sai Arjun and more SaiYa.

Infact even though I dont care for Sairat anymore, I have good memories of what could have been and I'd love to read even follow up of the other story of Sai V post her injury and Sam-Savitri. That never was completed right?

Edited by Nja91 - 1 years ago
KaalaCoat thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Nja91

when are you writing more. need follow up of Sai Arjun and more SaiYa.

Infact even though I dont care for Sairat anymore, I have good memories of what could have been and I'd love to read even follow up of the other story of Sai V post her injury and Sam-Savitri. That never was completed right?

I planned on writing one for Sai and Arjun and that SaiYa OS of mine over the weekend. 

SaiRat on the other hand, I was thinking of it the other day and that version of Virat is very special to me. I want to write more of it. But it'll take a little more time probably by June, I can start writing that. Because that Virat buys menstrual cups for his wife. Idk how much more sweeter I can make him. But I shall aim high.

AayaTohModiJi thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

this is one beautiful piece of writing 

loved the bonding of Satya n Savi...

glad that Satya stood for Sai .....she never get it in the past ....

someone is there for Sai also...

moments, the conversation with Sai Satya is so beautiful and mature. both have immense understanding n loved it... 

badgarlriri thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: TJ_spinelli

Wowww riri I didn't know that you write stories 😲

Amazing start. I loved how Satya is gelled with Sai and her little ones ❤️

And Satya made sure to stand up for sai 👏

I loved Sai and Satya's bond they are so comfortable with each other and have each others back  👍🏼

Congratulations on your story continue soon 

Aww thanks soo much Sid 🤗

Satya adores Sai's cubs 

Sai Satya being soo comfortable around each in today's episode insipred me to write these 🥳

Thanks soo much 

Your word of encouragement means alot to me 🫶🏾💓🙏🏾

badgarlriri thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Renee001

You've portrayed Sathya's character so beautifully !!!!



Can't wait to read SaiYa's bonding in next chapters.

I'm falling in love with Satya 🤌🏾💓 myself 

Aww thanks soo much ☺️ 💕 

Will definitely tag you in next chapter 🥳