Balancing act for Urmila (Heer) - article

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Posted: 16 years ago
Balancing act for Urmila
DANCING QUEEN: Urmila Kanetkar (TOI Photo)
She is a familiar face in Marathi films and TV serials. She was last seen playing the role of the elder sister Raji in the Hindi serial Maayka. And now Urmila Kanetkar is back in a lead role in Mera Sasural playing the role of Heera, a Kashmiri girl.

So how did she grab the role? "The creative team of the serial Maayka and Mera Sasural is the same. And they thought that I fitted the character perfectly well. So they called me,"  says the girl who's been into acting or nearly four years now.

So how has her experience been while working in Mera Sasural ? "I'm getting to know a lot of people. My co-actors are very good and working with them is great fun," says Urmila. And how is the story of the serial shaping up? "It's a simple story, very much similar to day to day life and very simply portrayed. The creative team too is going all out to ensure that the story is as real to life as possible."

Considering that she's a trained Kathak dancer with many awards and accolades to her name, how did she land up into acting? "I never thought I would act. I was always into dancing. But then it just happened. There was an audition for a Marathi serial Tujeavina and I got selected. Slowly one offer led to another," she reveals.

Urmila has acted in four Marathi films as well as in a bilingual film titled Antarnaad . Right now two of her shows are on air — Mera Sasural and Marathi serial Asambhav .

And what are her future plans? "I want to pursue dancing with acting. So I participate in dance shows as much as possible and also make sure that I make myself available whenever there are dance performances," she signs off.

