PriRa OS: Look up and kiss me

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Hello folks,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to y’all! 🤗

Some of you must’ve heard about the Santa Prompts contest the FFDT is hosting. 

So I decided to pick one of the prompts and do a little PriRa fic on it. This fic only adheres to the prompt part of the contest, the word limit ran away to  faraway land! (as usual) 

There are 2 parts to each prompt and the one I picked had:

This song ‘Love is All Around’ by the Troggs/Wet Wet Wet

Song Lyrics 

And this gif from Bridget Jones’ Diary

#bridget jones from Delicate Orchid

This is entitled ‘Look up and kiss me’ in a play on the Mary Chapin Carpenter song ‘Shut up and kiss me’ which I love (some of the lyrics fit Priya to a T) and also because of what happens in the story itself (psst Mistletoe! 😆)

Look up and Kiss me

Summary: Ram is invited to a Christmas bash at ‘Baked with love’ and the strategically placed mistletoe gives him some ideas.

Content warning: None. This is pure fluff

Hope y'all enjoy this and if yes, please do leave a like and a comment. It will motivate me to write more PriRa! 😳


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LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

(Cover credit: Grey-licious)

Look up and kiss me

Ram strode into ‘Baked with love’, hands stuck casually in the pockets of his expensive, bespoke olive green suit pants, whistling the tune of the song that was playing rather loudly on the sound system while stopping at every step he took to soak in the cheery, festive atmosphere that greeted him.  

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes,

Love is all around me, and so the feeling grows” 

he hummed aloud and spun around on one foot jauntily as he caught sight of Adi waving at him. Then his gaze caught Meera Ma’s who was beckoning to him rather urgently, with an excited air about her. He shrugged apologetically, curling his lip at Adi and walked resolutely towards Meera Ma. He was rewarded with a wrathful glare and then a resigned shake of the head from Adi. There was no choice really. Adi should know he couldn’t deny Meera Ma anything. Especially not on a night like this when he was feeling so blissfully light-hearted! It seemed like this party was reflecting all his inner cheer outwardly. ‘Twas the season to be jolly indeed and he sure as heck was going to be this evening!

His exuberance found expression as he stretched out his arms and grabbed Meera by the waist twirling her around in an awkward dance step even as she stumbled, singing aloud -

You know I love you, I always will

My mind’s made up by the way that I feel

There’s no beginning, there’ll be no end

‘Cause on my love you can deeeepeeeee…eeend…..

He dragged out the last note, closing his eyes and scrunching up his face dramatically, going totally off-key in the process. Then he glanced down to grin at Meera Ma who was clutching her ears, an expression of mock agony on her face. 

“What, Meera Ma! You’re wounding my feelings. You know I won a prize in college for singing this exact same song for Valentine’s day!”

“A prize? Really?” came a familiar sarcastic voice from his right. “Was it a contest for the most besura singer?” 

Ram bristled, prepared to retort hotly and then his breath stopped along with his speech as he gazed upon the source of the well-aimed taunts. There she stood, his wife, in a shimmering mauve chiffon saree that clung to her luscious curves at all the right places. Her glorious hair was left loose and cascaded like a glossy curtain of silk around her exquisite face. Her eyes were lined with kohl, her lips shone with some kind of pink gloss. God, she was gorgeous! He had rarely seen her dress up like this and had to gulp in huge mouthfuls of air to get his lungs to function again.

“Priya! Behave!” admonished her mother, giving her a little shove with her elbow. 

Then she dragged Ram’s rather red face down and to his complete surprise and delight, gave him a sound kiss on the cheek. He rubbed his cheek in confusion, somewhat bewildered at this sudden show of affection. He knew Meera Ma loved him, but she had rarely shown it so openly, and that too in public.

“Wow, Meera Ma. Thanks, but I had no idea you loved me so much!”

He smirked at Priya who he knew would be chagrined at her mother’s nauseating display of warmth - as she called it - towards him, and sure enough, he was rewarded by a killer glare from her. He chuckled. Serve her right after she’d aimed that undeservedly scathing barb at him!

He was about to make a teasing remark along the lines of how lovable he really was when Meera Ma hit him on his shoulder playfully. 

“Silly boy! It’s mistletoe!” 

She pointed above his head and he looked up to see a sprig of leaves dangling from the low ceiling.

Ram let out a low whistle. Then grinned when he spotted Shivi shrieking in protest as Akki cornered her under a mistletoe placed strategically at the entrance to the kitchen where she was obviously headed to grab more food.

Then he braced himself for a bear hug as Sara emerged laden with a tray of cupcakes and stuffed his mouth with one.

“Ywekannyganuusdinngkuuhoop,” he babbled as the delicious vanilla and lemon flavor burst into his mouth, prompting a long moan from him. 

He stole a sideways glance at Priya, deliberately and wickedly drawing out the sounds he made at the sight of her expression. Aha! It was kind of gratifying to see his wife blushing crimson while eyeing his mouth! Nope, it was downright awesome!

“Damn, if that isn’t the most sinful thing I’ve ever tasted!” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at Priya suggestively and then blowing Sara a chef’s kiss.

She smiled in acknowledgement. “That isn’t what you were saying, brother-in-law!”

“Right. I was saying you weren’t kidding when you said this would be the hottest Christmas party this side of town! I mean look at this crowd. It’s lit! In Sandyspeak.”

“Someone call me?” 

The youngest Sood sibling appeared like a jack-in-the-box popping up between Ram and Priya and winked at Ram.

“Aren’t you glad now that you gave that boring, highbrow, Bandstand party a miss?” Sara said and Ram nodded vigorously.

“You bet I am! This party is fun and cool! And full credit to whoever placed those mistletoes! Man, that’s a strategic thinker if I ever saw one!” 

His gaze wandered to Adi and Brinda kissing shamelessly in a corner at the far end, well-hidden from the public eye. Or so they thought, he chuckled to himself in glee at the thought of ribbing them later about their kiss.

“That would be our Priya di,” said Sandy giving her sister a kiss on the cheek and rushing off yelling, “Mistletoeeeee!” as Priya raised her hand in mock anger at her.

Ram’s brows were lifted questioningly as he looked at his wife, scarcely noticing as his mother-in-law and sister-in-law discreetly eased away from the scene leaving them alone.

“You put up the mistletoes?” he quizzed as her eyes dropped to the floor, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“Y..yes, but I thought it would just be part of the Christmas decor! I didn’t expect people to actually go around kissing other people!” she said with some warmth, her eyelids fluttering as she met his probing gaze. 

She caught the teasing glint in his eyes and hurriedly looked away.

“And why not? It’s the season for love! And kissing is a means of expressing that love!” 

“Umm..I… I have to go and help Sara di,” she muttered, clearly flustered at the turn the conversation had taken, and hurrying away even as Ram was about to probe her further. 

He chuckled. He was interested in this kissing-under-the-mistletoe thing. Very, very, interested. Before the day ended - he swore to himself - he was going to catch his delectable, but skittish wife under a mistletoe and plant an extremely strategic and satisfying kiss on her. As strategic as her mistletoe placement. Or his name wasn’t Ram Amarnath Kapoor.

Priya rushed past a couple who were tonsil wrestling, rolling her eyes as they made loud, smacking noises oblivious to everyone around them. This was the worst idea she’d had! Everyone was either kissing or being kissed and Priya tried to stave off the painful yearning arising deep down in her belly as she let out a wistful sigh. Then firmly shaking herself, she went about the task of laying out trays of calzones on the snacks counter. The party was a success, everyone seemed to be having fun and she should have been glad. Instead she was filled with this sudden longing and a feeling of missing out on something precious that she couldn’t seem to get rid of. She smiled a greeting at Shashi and Sid and walked towards the tiny outdoor patio just off the kitchen to get some air. Then she stopped in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. 

Her husband was standing with his back turned to her, leaning against the railing, a drink in his hand, looking impossibly handsome. The soft winter breeze was blowing at his unruly hair, ruffling them even more than usual. He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to straighten them, and failed. Priya was immediately seized by the urge to reach up and smooth those curly strands. Then she shook her head, chastising herself, angry at her foolishness. Stupid, attractive man with his perfectly handsome face and unbelievably blue eyes and that darn curly, impossible-to-tame hair! He had no right to make her heart jump and her belly flutter like this! 

She couldn’t lie to herself - the thought of kissing him under a mistletoe had occurred to her even as she had been putting the boughs up earlier. As if on cue he moved along the deck and stood at the far end looking out at the brightly lit street. A gasp escaped her as she looked at where he was standing - right underneath a sprig of mistletoe! Should she? Her steps faltered as she made a move towards him and then froze, her heart squeezing with agonizing jealousy as she watched Vedika slink up to Ram, touch him on the shoulder and stand on her tiptoes, clearly aiming for Ram’s lips. Back off, he’s mine! Priya wanted to scream but simply stood there rooted, the hollow ache in her belly spreading insidiously all over her.

Ram was clearly startled and he jerked his head so Vedika’s kiss landed on his scruff-laden cheek. Priya stifled an impulse to pump her fists and break into a jig. Yes! His distaste was evident as he moved backwards to put some more distance between him and Vedika. The woman looked more than a little displeased and Priya could see her lips moving as she pointed up at the mistletoe above him, to which Ram simply nodded with his trademark awkward smile and pointing to his now empty glass moved towards the kitchen. Shit! He was coming straight towards her! Before she could attempt to move away, he was there, and he looked all red and flustered and adorable.

“Uhmm, just getting a refill,” he said, lifting his glass at her, his expressive face lined with guilt. 

“Of course! You need some sustenance to bolster your strength for all that heavy kissing under the mistletoe!” 

Her tone was severe, and laced with sarcasm and hurt although she knew it wasn’t his fault. That vile woman had fairly accosted him. She silently berated herself for attacking him so unfairly, though she needn’t have bothered.

Instead of deepening his guilt, her sarcasm had quite the opposite effect on him. The incorrigible man was grinning at her! 

“What can I say? I’m a nice guy! Cannot refuse beautiful women asking to be kissed under the mistletoe! Plus, it’s Christmas. It’s hardly becoming of me to turn churlish when it’s the season of kindness and generosity of spirit!”

She snorted, crossing her arms around her chest. “Yeah. Right. Kindness and generosity!” 

Then with a huff she turned around and walked away. She wanted to claw that vile Vedika’s eyes out and rip her hair off from its roots. She was assailed by a vivid vision of her doing exactly that to Vedika and felt an immense surge of satisfaction. Shameless, impudent hussy! Chasing after Priya’s husband when she had a husband of her own! Generosity of spirit, eh? She’d show Vedika ample generosity of spirit by holding nothing back when she punched her in the face!

Priya sighed as she gripped a kitchen towel, balling it in her fist. She needed a drink and something stronger than the apple cider Sara was serving, she decided, walking purposefully to the bar that was being manned by Kunaal.

Soon, after downing a couple of small glasses of champagne, she felt light-headed. As if she was floating. Kunaal would only allow her a very light drink, telling her she couldn’t handle anything stronger, that had made her bristle in indignation. But now she had to admit he was right. Good God, were all those high-pitched giggles coming from her? She was mortified, but couldn’t seem to stop herself. She also could not trust herself in this state. Careful not to mingle, she stood discreetly inside the kitchen, watching through the glass window as couples danced on the impromptu dance floor Akki had created on the patio deck. ‘Love is all around’ was playing again for the nth time. It seemed to be a clear favorite among the eclectic party crowd.

“… if you really love me, come on and let it show…

A familiar voice hummed low and close in her ear and she whirled around only to come face-to-face with her husband. Before she could react, he had grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close to him. His scent - spice, and earth and wood wafted across to her together with a hint of wine that sent her senses spinning. She reeled, steadying herself against his firm shoulders, intending to push him away. Instead, her fingers inadvertently curled around his biceps. Good heavens! What was she doing? She must be more drunk than she realized!

His lips were close to hers - tantalizingly, mesmerizingly close and her senses were struck numb. That feeling of light-headedness hit her again, but this time she knew it wasn’t the champagne that was causing it.

“Wha…what are you doing?” she managed.

You gave your promise to me, and I gave mine to you,” he whisper-sang as his head bent lower. 

Alarmed, her heart pounding with the speed of a jet engine, she pushed her hands against his chest.

“What pr..omise?” she stuttered lamely, trying not to meet his eyes, instead focusing it on the spot below his neck. His shirt buttons were open, revealing a hint of bronzed skin and a smattering of chest hair and she resisted the urge to kiss him right there at that spot. Immediately, her eyes jumped back to his. Bad idea, Priya! Wherever she looked, her senses were full of him. There was no escape. He surrounded her.

He let out an exaggerated sigh. “Our promise to each other? When we married? To love, honor, cherish, protect ….”

She pushed at his chest struggling to free herself but in vain. His grip only tightened around her. He was persistent. She had to give him that.

“Our marriage was unconventional and you know it,” she said harshly, wanting - no, needing - him to refute that statement.

‘“Of course it was,” he said easily and her heart sank in disappointment. 

But his next words made her soar. 

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Not just our marriage, but you, my dear wife, are unconventional.” 

He paused and then his voice dropped several octaves becoming low and thick and bone-meltingly sexy. “And so damn alluring.”

He pulled her closer until there was not even the thinnest sliver of space between them. 

“What are you doing?” she repeated again stupidly as if her brain had been wiped clean of the ability to form any other words. 

“Mistletoe above. Check. Beautiful woman in arms. Double check. Dutch courage gathered through lavish imbibing of alcoholic drink. Check. Christmassy feeling in the air. Three checks. Last item unchecked. Kiss.” 

He stopped and so did her breath, her eyes briefly scanning the mistletoe above them and then dropping to his lips that were inching closer. He really meant to kiss her? Her heart was thundering in her ribs, so loud she felt certain he could hear it. He was doing his best to seduce her and had already succeeded. She had no resistance left.

Before she could prepare herself for what was coming, his lips met hers, gently, fleetingly at first, closing on her upper lip, his hands framing her face, angling it and then holding it steady. Then he deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth thoroughly with his and Priya gave in to the glorious sensation. He tasted of vanilla and wine and pure sin. She felt dizzy with desire and – and love. Oh God, yes. It struck her like a lightning blitz - sudden and electrifying. She loved him. She suspected she had been in love with him for a while now. It just took her until now to realize it. Here in his arms, intoxicated by champagne and his kiss. She had never been kissed like this, and oh, it was beautiful. Exquisite. There was a reverence in his kiss coupled with a sweet adoration and a hint of something sexy and seductive in the offing. How did he do this? He was masterful and commanding and she was lost, drowning in the sensations of the softness of his lips contrasting with the roughness of his scruff. 

She whimpered in protest as he pulled away for a moment, drawing a ragged breath, his aquamarine eyes heavy-lidded and molten, fixed on hers. She had the strangest sensation of plunging into a limitless, deep ocean while at the same time being swallowed by the vast, infinite sky. Then he stroked her face tenderly with his palms before diving in for another kiss. She had no idea how long they kissed. It felt like eternity though it was probably just a few seconds. They had to eventually break apart for more practical things like breathing - more was the pity. Pure exhilaration flooded her and she was conscious of being full, a feeling of … fulfillment. This! This was what she’d been missing out on! It was what had led to that yearning, that emptiness she had been feeling all day.

His hands were still bracketing her cheeks, her eyes were closed, her breath coming in short spurts, her mind whirling in a daze as she murmured, 

“Wait a minute. Didn’t you just claim to be a nice guy? Nice boys don’t kiss like that!”

He chuckled, the delicious sound reaching deep within her, stoking a fire that had begun to rage inside.

“And what would you know about how nice boys kiss? You’ve kissed many, have you?”

Her eyes flew open.

“Not exactly.” 

His brows raised in a disbelieving look and she let out a reluctant smile.

“Okay. Okay. Not a single one.” You’re the first one to kiss me like that. She couldn’t say that out loud though.

But goodness, when had she learned to speak in throaty whispers?  

“Well, I’ve got news for you, Mrs. Priya Sood Kapoor. Nice boys damn well kiss like this. And they do a lot more than just kiss. I’d be happy to demonstrate.”

She noted the smirk on his face that was growing more pronounced by the minute and smiled, shaking her head as the soft strains of the music playing wafted over them.

It’s written in the wind, it’s everywhere I go…

So if you really love me, come on and let it show….

Perhaps it was time to show him, she mused as she looked up at the sprig of mistletoe dangling above them like a benign Angel bestowing it’s blessings on them. She was happy to let the fire consume her.

In a determined move, she wrapped her hand around the back of his head, threading her fingers through his thick curls and pulled him down for another searing kiss, sealing it with the promise of something more. Closer. Stronger. Deeper. Yes, she wasn’t going to be afraid to let it show. 

- Fin -

Edited by LizzieBennet - 2 years ago
DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Loved it!❤️ Happy to see Ram and Priya so much in love. Hope Vedika and Neeraj have also made a note that they have moved on 😆

Happy New Year, Liz. 🤗

vimeo thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Thnx for the wondeful OS to start the new year! Wish u a very happy healthy and prosperous new year 2022!

wallflowergirl thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago


So many explicit thoughts this early in the morning 🙈🙈

It's soo beautiful 😍

Loved their kitchen conversation.

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: tournesol

Loved it!❤️ Happy to see Ram and Priya so much in love. Hope Vedika and Neeraj have also made a note that they have moved on 😆

Happy New Year, Liz. 🤗

Aww thank you! Glad you liked it! ❤️

Happy New Year to you too, Tiara!! ❤️🤗

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: vimeo

Thnx for the wondeful OS to start the new year! Wish u a very happy healthy and prosperous new year 2022!

Thank you so much for reading! 🤗

Wish you a joyous 2022 as well! 🤗

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: RitikaS99


So many explicit thoughts this early in the morning 🙈🙈

It's soo beautiful 😍

Loved their kitchen conversation.

Thanks Ritika! So glad you enjoyed this! 😳

Wish you a very happy new year! ❤️

Redrose1208 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

What a splendid beginning right in the morning of this first day of New Year....

Oh I so so so wish sonething like this could be shown on the ITV...however your writing is so so wonderful that there was nothing left to imagination.,...😳

That kiss stirred what not thoughts in the morning itself....☺️

And If I may say so ....I would so love to read furthur about the stronger deeper promises of so much more that might be coming after that kiss.....pretty please....😉.

Happy New Year to you❤️

wallflowergirl thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Welcome ❤️

And happy new year to you too.🥳