The Philosopher's Corner - An argument FOR Mohana

ThePhilosopher thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

I am Ibby. Some of you might have seen me around posting here and there occasionally. Recently, I have graduated from Philosophy school and I aspire to become a writer one day. A writer who provokes interesting thoughts in others. I have always used the characters and shows from Indian Television in my essays to sustain my argument throughout my university. My tutors have always believed it was quite original. But, I have rarely attempted to use my philosophy to write about the shows I watch regularly. This post is my first attempt of doing so.

In what follows, I consider the arguments/frustration by many of you towards the creatives glorifying Mohana, despite that she is an evil antagonist and the positives are being neglected to an extent. The argument that evil is presented as superior.

I am going to get straight into admitting that I support the creatives in glorifying Mohana to the extent that they do. But, by no means does this suggest that I am rooting for what is evil. I am still a believer that good prevails always. The good always triumphs and indeed they do, for Mohana has not yet been successful in her aim. I believe it makes more sense for the creatives to glorify Mohana than any other characters in this show.

Firstly, the show is ABOUT an evil Dayan and her struggle to survive. It is about her eyeing an opportunity to live longer. Perhaps, it is the way we see this story telling. Some of us are inclined to see it from the standpoint of the positive characters, where the struggle is to fight a Dayan who happens to be a family member. But, some of us on the other hand quite clearly see that the story is being told from Mohana's Nazar - Mohana's perspective. When we see this tale as Mohana's story, the glorification seems to make sense. Consider, none of us ever complain that a good character is glorified too much. It seems absolutely fine to do so because we like to believe that we should always be promoting what is good. However, no story entail just the good. Our world consists of all good and bad. There are good people and then there are bad people. Further, both types of people live a story. They both have their struggles and victories. It just happens that this story showcases the victory and struggles of one who is innately evil. All stories are worth telling, since they all teach us something. Imagine, the story of Raavan or other evil personalities found in the scriptures. Sometimes they are told from the perspective of their opponent or purely from the characters themselves. Suppose, this story was about a Davansh and how he is basically doomed to be made a victim by his evil mother, then in that case the creatives would have glorified his character a little more. If this story was about a Daivik - one who comes to protect a man kind at heart from going down the evil route and become basically a dinner meal for an evil Dayan, then creatives would have followed the lines of glorifying the Daivik and all the good a power of good can do. But, that cannot be applied here and at least, not for a while because the story here is of Mohana.

Secondly, there are many ways to perceive a character. Also, different people see different characteristics. For example, some of you often disregard Pia's overall character and solely focus on her Daivik status and assume that basically means that she is the most powerful and therefore, every time she falls weak front of Mohana is frustrating and a bad way to portray the good. I shall shortly come back to this. For now, I want us to consider the fact that Mohana is an Ekyan - she is 250 years old. Now consider, what do we often call people who lived a while and know things. I am inclined to say wise and knowledgable. Mohana is the oldest character. She has lived longer. Which means that she has had all those years to graft herself. She spent time to learn about her Dayan status - what she can do and cannot - as well as learn other creatives with special powers like herself. Also, learn about those who are basically powerless. We can call her a "fountain of useful knowledge" if we like. Of course, she is going to be glorified in most instances. She knows what to do and how to face her challenges. She is confident and her life experiences are there to show this. She has been living her life this way, so she has plenty of training. Now coming back to Pia as the Daivik and Ansh as DV. They are both newcomers into the supernatural world. They have only recently realised their powers and in fact, they have only realised parts of it. They have yet to know what they can do and cannot. We learn and become knowledge because of our experience. We cannot become something overnight, at least I don't think so. Further, PiAnsh has lived most of their life as a human. They have lived like ordinary people and therefore, in most circumstances they are bound to still like one. Hence, why Pia still does not Kill Mohana because she thinks like a human who knows what it is like to lose a mother. A Daivik, on the other hand, is more likely to disregard such a matter in light of considering what is good for the world. Think of all the times, as Daivik Pia has often tried to hit Mohana with the Trident. Something which she only ever considers as a last resort. Only when Mohana does not relent. While Mohana only ever thinks from being a Dayan. So, once again, of course Mohana is going to be glorified. Since her character is that of someone who is experienced and rehearsed. Still, you might argue why is it that the good - PiAnsh and RH family - are struggling to defeat Mohana. Perhaps, this is because an evil power at the end of the day is still powerful. Think of the tales Hinduism often tells. I remember watching Mahakaali and often, Kali could not simply just kill a demon, though she was the powerful being in the world. She had to rehearse, learn about her powers, think of the circumstances and then go out to carry out her actions. Pia will need to do something along the same lines or else it won't follow. We won't be able to see how Pia came to be who she is - a powerful Daivik. While this happens, of course Mohana is going to be glorified because she knows the most and she knows who she really is.

Thirdly, it maybe possible to see the glorification of Mohana as a way of believing that is how she perceives herself, as this story is about her. When we see Mohana as triumphing against most of her struggles and being the confident woman she is - perhaps we can say that she glorifies herself. She takes herself to be this powerful Dayan who cannot be tamed and one who always has a solution to her problem. The representation of her character in her show is a vision of who she takes herself to be.

Finally, I want to say that it is quite unusual to tell a story from the antagonist perspective. Often, they are represented in a story as this other' character who is basically a part of someone else's story. I think this is unique. The antagonist at the end of the day lives a story too, where he or she is the most central character and everyone else is just merely a part of their story. We often see a story of Raven through Ram's, Sita's or Shani's vision, but never through Ravan himself - mainly because it may mean that we will have to glorify the instances he has lived proudly. But, why is that a problem? At the end of the day, he has lived a story and his story tells a truth too. That being blinded by one's confidence and powers and committing atrocity and immoral actions only lead to a bad end. Similarly, Mohana's story will meet a fate similar, but whatever is wrong to see this end from her own perspective rather than someone else's? I do not think there is any.

That is all. Thank you for reading and being a part of this new beginning of The Philosopher's Corner'.

Kind Regards.
Edited by ThePhilosopher - 5 years ago


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Fruitcustard_9 thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
first of all nice analysis ๐Ÿ‘
but  i dont agree with u , yes this story is about an evil Dayan but not about  her struggle to survive, mohna want 2 became supreme power thats why she needed DV's powers coz DV is said 2 be d most powerful person , she wanted 2 eat up ansh age & powers both , she want 2 became dukayan .

i req u dont insult raavan by comparing him with mohna , yes raavan did many crimes but he had several gud qualities in him as well , he was extremely learned person , very gud king , son , brother & father . it tv industry which show raavan a complete black character varna raavan was not that bad , ehich tv industry portrayed him , before becoming king raavan faced severe injustice from society , he took responsibility of those who were not treated well by society ,infact if u had read valmiki ramayan in it mentioned raavan was aware of ram being incarnation of lord vishnu , in order 2 uddhar of his demon clan , he voluntarily took enmity with lord ram coz by dying from lord ram's hands( god vishnu incarnation )his demon clan will attain moksh , raavan did a lot 4 others 

 can u point out one gud quality of mohna which she has done 4 others 

reserve dont post.
Edited by deepikagupta9 - 5 years ago
Karismajain99 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Nice analysis ...but don't compare ravan with Mohana ...ravana was saint only crime he committed is eyeing sum body's else wife wich led to his vadh ...Mohana is just an evil who is craving for power and age on the cost of anything ...piya is poorly written character ... cvs has killed the meaning of daivik ...u don't need to be a daivik ...just try and snatch a child from a mom ...she is just flooding jungle now she forgot trees n leaves and water all over power her ...always wanting sum body else to protect her ...yuck mahakali and transformation of Parvati to mahakali wen demons snatch kartik aya from her ...rush badass devi ... piya is just a cry baby from day one its really irritating now how cvs have killed her character ...pathetic daivik even Normal beings have got guts
ThePhilosopher thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: deepikagupta9

first of all nice analysis๐Ÿ‘

but i dont agree with u , yes this story is aboutan evil Dayan but not about her struggle to survive, mohna want 2 became supreme power thats why she needed DV's powers coz DV is said 2 be d most powerful person , she wanted 2 eat up ansh age & powers both , she want 2 became dukayan .

i req u dont insult raavan by comparing him with mohna , yes raavan did many crimes but he had several gud qualities in him as well , he was extremely learned person , very gud king , son , brother & father . it tv industry which show raavan a complete black character varna raavan was not that bad , ehich tv industry portrayed him , before becoming king raavan faced severe injustice from society , he took responsibility of those who were not treated well by society ,infact if u had read valmiki ramayan in it mentioned raavan was aware of ram being incarnation of lord vishnu , in order 2 uddhar of his demon clan , he voluntarily took enmity with lord ram coz by dying from lord ram's hands( god vishnu incarnation )his demon clan will attain moksh , raavan did a lot 4 others

can u point out one gud quality of mohna which she has done 4 others

reserve dont post.

But, would not say that whatever she is having to go through. The fact that she is having to face Daivik, the family, her son Davansh, Chudail and Dola all constitute a struggle? It is not a struggle if she is able to fulfil her aim straightforwardly. But, that is not the case. So I see this as her struggle to survive, where she will eventually not succeed. Then again, I suppose this my perspective only.

On the other hand, I apologise to all of you for the comparisons I have made. I am not a Hindu and I only remember Raavan's story from seeing it on some of the shows like Ramayan and recently Shani. I am not too educated on Raavan's story. Perhaps, I should have researched more before making such a point. However, it was only a point from a particular standpoint I have. It was not a direct comparison between Mohana and Ravan. But, I do apologise nonetheless if it has hurt any sentiments.
ThePhilosopher thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
And no, I cannot point out any good Mohana has done for others. Then again, this post was not to glorify Mohana in that sense, but only in the sense that she is the central character of this show. I spoke about Ravan in terms of his story portrayal from a perspective of another character, rather than of his own. I was suggesting that creatives shows tell a story about a character at least from their own point of view. After all, there are various ways to see a character isn't there? We can see Mahakali from the perspective from Mahadev and vice versa. But, at the same time, we can see both of these from their own perspective. It is all about perspectives. My comparison wasn't based on what a character is like or does, but rather what angle they are being presented from. I hope this makes clear what I was attempting to say.Edited by ThePhilosopher - 5 years ago
slippery_chilka thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hi, Ibby. I loved reading your insightful take on the story, it matches my perspective too and hence I agree with you 99%. What I don't agree with is that the story is from Mohana's perspective. The show has made it clear from the start that the story is from RH family's perspective and their struggles to save themselves from the Daayan's nazar. Mohana is the big bad of the show and hence her glorification is expected, at least by me, but all I want/expect is that the good be just as smart and glorified. I expected a battle of two equals. An Ekaayan and a Daivik-Davansh. Perhaps, like Sherlock was with Moriarty. I want(ed) Mohana and D-DV to best and keep each other on their toes. 
Yes, I have made reservations for Pia and Ansh because they are newbies and are still not aware of all their powers. I've been very vocal about it here and any social media. In front of a 250 year old Mohana, Piansh are like fetuses, struggling to cope up with a power to behold. But all I want is that they at least try to fight her, which they have begun doing now. So I'm satisfied with that. I don't expect them to win ALL the battles but they should win enough so that they don't look like a pathetic waste of space in the show. They are there for a purpose and they have to live up to it. 
slippery_chilka thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Karismajain99

Nice analysis ...but don't compare ravan with Mohana ...ravana was saint only crime he committed is eyeing sum body's else wife wich led to his vadh ...Mohana is just an evil who is craving for power and age on the cost of anything ...piya is poorly written character ... cvs has killed the meaning of daivik ...u don't need to be a daivik ...just try and snatch a child from a mom ...she is just flooding jungle now she forgot trees n leaves and water all over power her ...always wanting sum body else to protect her ...yuck mahakali and transformation of Parvati to mahakali wen demons snatch kartik aya from her ...rush badass devi ... piya is just a cry baby from day one its really irritating now how cvs have killed her character ...pathetic daivik even Normal beings have got guts

I'm sorry but I am struggling to understand your disdain and hatred for Pia's character right now. Yes, she was shown as a watering can in the beginning because she was unaware of her powers and lacked confidence but she is fighting and making use of them now. She protects herself and does not need anyone else to do it for her. In fact in the recent episodes, she is the one who keeps saying Mohana has to be dealt with(killed) but Ved and Ansh are shutting her down because she is pregnant. So what exactly makes her a pathetic Daivik right now? Can you explain so I can understand your POV? 
slippery_chilka thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: ThePhilosopher

But, would not say that whatever she is having to go through. The fact that she is having to face Daivik, the family, her son Davansh, Chudail and Dola all constitute a struggle? It is not a struggle if she is able to fulfil her aim straightforwardly. But, that is not the case. So I see this as her struggle to survive, where she will eventually not succeed. Then again, I suppose this my perspective only.

On the other hand, I apologise to all of you for the comparisons I have made. I am not a Hindu and I only remember Raavan's story from seeing it on some of the shows like Ramayan and recently Shani. I am not too educated on Raavan's story. Perhaps, I should have researched more before making such a point. However, it was only a point from a particular standpoint I have. It was not a direct comparison between Mohana and Ravan. But, I do apologise nonetheless if it has hurt any sentiments.

You don't need to apologise for your example of Ravana. I thought you made excellent points without glorifying what Ravana did. In fact, I think in Sri Lanka, the story is told from his POV and he is revered and even worshipped. There are temples for him too. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Fruitcustard_9 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago
U don't 2 have 2 apologize coz I stated what u think but I definitely  d dint  glorified raavan 4 what he did , not I denied his crimes , people don't have knowledge about raavan & his storywill think it as glorification only can't help such people coz they only go by what tellywood show 
I stated it's as insult 4 raavan 2 be compared 2 mohna coz mohna is extremely selfish & sadist person which raavan was definitely not 

Glorification is ok but over glorification & obsession of a  character 2 such extend That it lead 2 start dominating other characters , is not gud at all.

I can prove also how makers over glorify mohna Whenever a  new villain enter , it being told he or she will more powerful than mohna be it dilruba , dola or latest asuransh as soon they join mohna they reduced 2 be a joke in d serial

Initially ruby was shown a powerful daayan , she was reduced into a slave mohna

Dilruba is said 2 be most powerfulc & khatarnak chudaill But infront of mohna her powers don't work 

Dola was said 2 be more evil than mohna but in serial she is better than mohna

EDV came he turned into a puppet of mohna

Noww latest this asuransh , currently he is being shown 2 be powerful than mohna but I can guarantee u as soon he will join mohna , he will reduce into a slave of mohna or turned into a joke

Does these things r not called over glorification , what is d need of bringing new villAin if u Have 2 show mohna d supreme powers

I m not from Sri Lanka also , infact I belong 2 Lucknow part of India 
ThePhilosopher thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: deepikagupta9

U don't 2 have 2 apologize coz I stated what u think but I definitely d dint glorified raavan 4 what he did , not I denied his crimes , people don't have knowledge about raavan & his storywill think it as glorification only can't help such people coz they only go by what tellywood show

I stated it's as insult 4 raavan 2 be compared 2 mohna coz mohna is extremely selfish & sadist person which raavan was definitely not

Glorification is ok but over glorification & obsession of a character 2 such extend That it lead 2 start dominating other characters , is not gud at all.

I can prove also how makers over glorify mohna Whenever a new villain enter , it being told he or she will more powerful than mohna be it dilruba , dola or latest asuransh as soon they join mohna they reduced 2 be a joke in d serial

Initially ruby was shown a powerful daayan , she was reduced into a slave mohna

Dilruba is said 2 be most powerfulc & khatarnak chudaill But infront of mohna her powers don't work

Dola was said 2 be more evil than mohna but in serial she is better than mohna

EDV came he turned into a puppet of mohna

Noww latest this asuransh , currently he is being shown 2 be powerful than mohna but I can guarantee u as soon he will join mohna , he will reduce into a slave of mohna or turned into a joke

Does these things r not called over glorification , what is d need of bringing new villAin if u Have 2 show mohna d supreme powers

I m not from Sri Lanka also , infact I belong 2 Lucknow part of India

Thank you for your insight. Well, Ruby was shown as a powerful Dayan because he was being guided by one. Let's face it, Ruby has made some silly mistakes in absence of Mohana. At the end of the day, she was a puppet at the hand of Mohana.

You might not see many points of bringing several characters (villains) in this story, if Mohana is the most powerful. But, there in fact is and that is precisely that in our life we have people come and go. Some are good and some are bad. Similarly, I see these characters are obstacles for Mohana to overcome to survive. Like I said, Mohana has done her research and is aware of what other creatures are capable of. She has years of training on how to trick people into believing that she is a part of their team - she is a Dayan and she cannot be true to anyone, but herself. It is just that there is always someone better or more powerful, but everyone comes with a shortcoming. Which can be used against them to defeat their position. So, for me it boils down to Mohana's way of thinking.

On the other hand, man I must really like Mohana. I don't think I have ever written so much about a character before or analysed. ๐Ÿ˜†