again story for Viplav and Danhy

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Posted: 5 years ago
And so he left everything.
 He could not withstand pressure. His weakness was great. For the first time in life he fell in love. For the first time in his life, he felt something he did not dare to feel. His assistant told him not to do it. And he did not listen. He thought he would not be able to hear it. To fall in love like a teenager is something he could not even imagine.
He had to leave, he had to finish the series earlier because he could not be near her. His life is slowly pretending to hell. His partner was a beautiful girl who was much younger than him. She fell in love with her and it was not messy.

That's why he decided on this step.

Viplav went with his car to Palestine. His job, which had been unmoved for acting, was now a priority. He had to start dreaming again. His dream was to be a leader in a law firm. His acting was a passion and his son of childhood. His father and mother were his supporters, and he was most fond of his sister who was also a great help in everything.

He had a great job to do. They sought to defend the Prince who was convicted of corruption. He had to prepare for trial. He did not mind, but he had to accept it.
First, because he was cast to defend someone from the royal family, and the second and most important thing he had to leave Banaras. It's all about it. Her long hair and her big eyes ... God I love her))) Viplav thought ...

-What should I do? How can I forget it? She's a young girl for me. I'm 33 and she's barely 18. She got hold of her head and thought her life was hell.
I have to stop thinking about it. I know it will be difficult but I have to try.
How did I hang on my pins? He slowly closed his eyes and in front of his eyes, she appeared to her. She, his weakness and his strength. He was not able to open his eyes because he had the sense that if he opened his eyes, it would break and she would go forever.
He knew that it was dreaming, but he was comfortable, so he did not even starve to open his eyes.

, He was thinking of Dhani. He is the one that came under his skin. Dhani, how wonderful name but ...

He had to stop thinking about her. In the car was also his best friend Bred Golden Retriever. He never put it down. He looked at him and said
-Brad, you and I are going this way but I'm not sure when we'll be back home. I know that Andaj is waiting for you, but now you will be with me. Brad looked at his warm eyes and waved his tail as though he understood it.
He arrived in Palestine and slowly went to his destination. He arrived at the palace where the Prince's people were received. He was a little embarrassed about the weapons that the caretakers wore, but he knew that time and environment allowed it. And while they were searching for him, Bred was ashamed, as if he did not like this behavior.
Viplav stepped into his room and was pleasantly surprised by the look of the room. It had a huge room with a sea view. He spotted the window and saw the most beautiful scene that was video in his life. She grew agile and slid into her suitcase. He took all the stuff out of the box and put it in the closet. Then he went into the bathroom and became nervous. And then it happened. A set of scenes in the bathroom was shot with Dhani. Uh, in that bathroom he realized he liked it. He had to flee to hide from himself and his emotions.


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Posted: 5 years ago
He went into the room and lay in bed. He tried to sleep, but he could not. Too many things happened to him in a short period of time. He only wanted a little peace and could think what else?
_ What should I do? he asked himself. At that moment, he rang the phone and saw Dahan's mother call him. He spoke with some anxieties.
 Please, Mrs. Durga.
Viplav, please keep away from my daughter ..
 That's what her mom says. Dhani is still young and her life is just ahead of her. Please, prepare for a new role now. I know you fell in love with her. And she told me everything, but I beg you not to stand in the way of her happiness. The guy who has now got a role is young and he likes Dhani very much. Like a man, I beg you, do not ask for more.
He listened with a lot of pain in his eyes. So she started filming a new series. God give me the strength to overcome this. Tomorrow he got up early and went to get ready for the court.
 After a month, he managed to rescue the prince of the prison, and now the moment has come to return home. He watched the recording of the new series, but he did not even call Dhany once.
He slowly calmed down, but he felt that he would have to face his problem one day. He managed to get around a little bit because he was preoccupied with the big battle in the courtroom. The Prince was very pleased and rewarded him richly. And by the way he copied a small little house on the sea that he could come whenever he wanted. He did not return home, but he had to.
 After two days he arrived in Mumbai. Brad followed him again. He was very fond of his company. Brad waved his tail and he was very happy when he realized he had returned home. He was sipping all his strength, and when he saw Angalin he was scared. He looked straight at the terraces so he could play with Angelina. Viplav himself sheds himself and he said a little bit, and you are Brad happy you have a person waiting for you, and I ...
He got into the house and looked at his parents and sister who always had great support.

The days Vipplav went back to normal life. They called him to record another series, but he refused. He waited for the right moment to shoot. He saw in the newspapers everything that was happening, and everything was pissed off and he did not like the fact that Dhani appeared more and more in the newspaper with her new partner in the series. They had not heard it for 2 months and Vipplav thought that everything was over. One day his parents went on vacation and the sister left with a friend on the sea. He stayed alone and went to the terrace to play with Brad and Angela. When he started climbing the stairs he heard a bell on the door. He thought he was a neighbor, so he did not even go to open it.
Somebody is so persistent ... he thought when he rang for the third time in the door. He was already angry now. He suddenly opened the door and so he remained. At the door she was standing ... his Dhani and smiling at her face said .. Finally, I'd escape and come to you. He watched because he was watching, but he thought he was dreaming. Bred ran beside him and threw himself on Dhani, he adored Dhani. It was only then that Viper reacted and caught Breda by the strap because he saw Dhani just did not fall. When she saw her cheerful face, his heart seemed to be crazy. He let go inside Dhani and stayed standing at the door.
Dhani said ... Vakillabab, what is it? Did I make such a mistake that I came to see you? My mom left for me, and I had to come to see you. I'm sorry I did not succeed before, but you know what my mom is.

Viplav only looked at her and only then became aware of the situation. He caught himself thinking of keeping her in the arms and loving her. Vipplav, you're silly, if Dhani came that does not mean anything.
 He took it to the terrace and spent a wonderful time there without mentioning their problem. Dhani at one point said that she was hungry and that she did not eat anything from last night, and Vipav said that they could go out for dinner somewhere or that they might prepare some food here for themselves. Dhani agreed and immediately they both went to the kitchen to make a meal. The evening has passed in the most beautiful mood. None of them wanted to talk about those things.

Hmmm. He wanted to tell her that he loved her with all his heart, but he could not. He wanted to hug, but he could not. His mother answered her words. Leave her alone. He was very upset about this. And now she's there. Sit next to him as if it is the most normal in life.
 He had to do something. He had to get rid of himself. She has been repeated in her. She is too young for you, she is too young for you. But seeing how calm she was and how glad she was in his company, he decided to forget everything, and that he also enjoyed it in her company.
 After dinner, he proposed to walk through, but Dhani did not want to. She wanted to stay here and enjoy her company. they went out on the terrace and enjoyed the swing and slowly along with the wine that was pouring began to relax and watch. It was not important anymore; they were there alone and yet so far away. At one point he approached to kiss, but he pulled something back. Stop Vipava, she is not one of those girls you can seduce and leave. She's your princess and you have to behave like that to her.
As he fought in himself that he would not kiss, until Dhani hoped that finally Viplav would take the first step. She wanted to tell him that she liked him, but she knew that she would refuse her. She knew what Mom said to her because she listened to the conversation. In fact, her mother did not even know that Dhani was there when she talked to Viplava, and Dhani never said that she had heard the conversation. And so they both wanted the same, but they restrained themselves for the other. At one point, Dhani started to fall because she ran into a slip from Brad when she got up to the end of the terrace. Viplav ran and caught the last moment not to fall. Then he pressed himself hard and he just muttered said ...
 Do not do this to me. I would die if something happened to you. My dear Dhani. You know, you're my most precious person in the world and that's why you have to promise me you'll be safe. Dhani just leaned against his strong chest and was listening to his heart that hit him in his chest.
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Posted: 5 years ago
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Posted: 5 years ago
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Posted: 5 years ago
Viplav enjoyed hugging, but he had to stop it.
Dhani, let me take you home. He said in a loud voice. With his trembling hands and with a lot of strength he grabbed Dhani's shoulders and leaned lightly away. Dhani was still under the impression of a hug and a strong heartbeat that she heard on her chest. She looked at the blurred vision in Vipava and did not even understand what he was talking about.
Dhani said ..

 But I thought I'd stay here tonight and talk about you a little, "she said in a trembling voice, and then she realized that Vipav talk to her because he wanted to protect himself.
Dhani slowly turned her back to Vipava and said quietly
- I know what you're doing and what you do. I know your mom told you to leave me alone, but I just can not live without you. Well, if you so wish, then that will be.
She headed for the door and just said.
- There's no need to accompany me, I'll go alone. I hope you will be happy in life. I know that I am alone now and that you do not want to lose the trust that you have gained from my mom, but I also know that you have too many moralises. Please, when you want to talk, you know where I am, if you feel the need to be with me just tell me.
 And she left. The Viplav was sitting on the terrace for a long time and looked at the sky in a deliberate way. He had to start life without Dhani.
After a few days, his parents returned and immediately realized that something very important happened in the life of Vipava. He was unmistakable and somehow failed to stand on the terrace and made a decision.
This evening, he called his friends and went out to spend with them. At one point, someone mentioned Dhany and said that Dhany now spends a lot of time with her partner in the series. Her mom is delighted with this guy and allows Dhani to spend time with him. Viplav could not stand it anymore and then he struck a fist in the table. He hit an accident and immediately everyone realized he broke his arm. Immediately he was taken to the hospital where he immediately put on a plaster and told him that it was not a simple break, and that he would spend a lot of time before he could use that hand.

After this accident, Dhani realized that she had to proceed further. She heard what was with Vipava, but she could not force her to call him. She knew that she was very dangerous now calling him because she had to let him go and understand what he must do. Dhani deliberately went out to forget the Vipava. She knew she would not be able to, but she had to try. She came out with Sid and with other friends and with her colleagues in the series, but when the series ended, she simply retreated and she did not want anyone to ask for it.
It's been 2 months since their last encounter, and both have done everything to forget each other. Viplav continued to work as a lawyer and he had more business. That job with the prince was brought to him by a large number of clients and he had to hire another three lawyers to help him deal with the matter. He accepted only one role and that was small because he wanted to stay in those waters. It did not matter to him anymore to accept a role, and he did not have time.
One day his friend came to his office from childhood, and he was a very popular singer. He was very pleased when he saw her and had so much talked with her. She suggested that he make one spot because he needed a change. She heard what was happening in his life and wanted to bring her a change. He felt a little uncomfortable, but in the end he agreed. They searched for a location at sea, and then Vipplav remembered that the prince bought him a house at sea. He suggested this to a friend and immediately left there.
In the morning newspapers, a article came out saying that famous lawyer and actor Viplav Tripati went to the sea with the most famous singer. Dhani cried as she read that article. She was not aware that Mom was looking sad. Mom stepped back in the kitchen and leaned on the table. So, she thought. Now I am angry at Vipava, How could he go to the sea and take that stupid one ?, My daughter is sad for him. I'll call him now and I'll tell him everything. She took the phone in her hands and stopped in a second. What am I doing? she wondered, and then she criticized herself. So I persuaded him to leave her, and I was the one I did not want my daughter to be with him ... and what to do now. I can not watch Dhani to get tears

Suddenly Dhani decided. No more shooting series are going to continue college. And she did it. She went to college and checked what she needed to write for 1 year. The following days she was very serious and she was trying to finish everything in time. She went to her place to see dad and brother and then returned to devote her school. Days went by and Dhani slowly got used to studying. The colleague from the college was in love and everyone had something to ask her. Everything was interesting, but every time somebody mentioned Viplava, she struggled. She wanted everything to be done quickly and could choose and go to America or London. She wanted to get out of here where everything was going to Viplav. It's been a long time since their last meeting, but nobody wanted to take the first step. And so Dhani and the ignorant did the right thing. She enrolled the economy and now that she was four years old and when everything was over, Dhani wanted to go to America. She decided that she would not stay here where every sentence was, and every thought cried out to him. She no longer wanted to pronounce his name because she was very angry at him. She could not understand that he could have been so long that she was not called. She tried to call him several times, but no one answered. She was convinced that he would not have anything to do with her. And so she decided to leave everything and get out of here. She finished her studies with the best averages and she wanted a bit of rest from everything. She called her mom and said she would go to sea for a couple of days. Mom could not defend her anymore because she was no longer a little girl. Dhani was now 23 years old and she changed a lot. She did not even want to act because she was aware that she would have to look at Vipava if someone decided to join them. And that's why she did not want to act anymore.
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Posted: 5 years ago
I wish I could wake up in a world of love
no old comrades, and these freaks as you keep track
if only I could kiss without bad memories of the cold spring
no picture of suffering what is really on us stick

Because my life is a game without borders
tired story, tearing pages
in which neither writes

Because my life is eternal falling
when i count defeats, nothing remains
only still dragging habits
and everything on it remain

I wish I could wake up, coffee you brew, bring to bed
but to kiss you, but there is not and there is no
but it can not fall in love with a young peasant woman on the glade
up there in space so down I do not see