08.11.2017: Written Update: Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara

Armu4eva thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Part 1

Kavita is excited to see Karan and is about to leave when Roshni interrupts him and says people are making preparations like some celeb is coming. Dun wanna stay at home. She asks Karan if she can come along with him. He says yes. Kavita says fine, she can sit in the backseat and Kavita will sit beside Karan as it wont look nice if a servant sat next to owner. Roshni agrees. Karan drools on Roshni and opens the car door for her. 

Laila thanks Anant for a lovely evening and says wanna come here everyday for dinner. Anant welcomes her. He asks Saloni where she and Tarun went for honeymoon? She says Bali and that next month they will be going to Europe. Tarun says have a business trip. Laila says Tarun doesnt sound too excited. Rehaan says after marriage no one can be excited. Saloni defends saying he is tired so. Rehaan says Goa is a great place too. 

Rehaan says Yamini is from Goa. Laila asks her why she is here leaving Goa? She could have found the job of a nanny in Goa too. Roshni says she is our Mausi. Told you before. Laila apologizes. Laila tells my daughters used to call their nanny mausi too.Roshni says  she is my moms cousin. She is our mausi, not nanny. Anant asks Roshni to calm down.

Kavita's family is worried and wonder why she isn't back? All ask Karan why Kavita isnt back yet. Karan says she said she will be back in half n hour but not back still. They think of informing Anant. Hiralal says he is busy with guests, no need.

Laila praises the cooking and Anant says the dish is  their cook Hiralals speciality. Roshni says was my moms fave dish. Laila says, Sweta had a good taste. Arav says even Rehaan has good taste, in women. Tarun asks Rehaan to get married before its too late. And all girls of Mumbai reject u. Rehaan says they are not upto my standard. My would be bride is getting ready right now. Arav says she must be nuts to marry u. Saloni agrees. 

Kavita calls Karan and says some guys are chasing me. She calls him at Nariman point. Karan says ok. His mom asks where are u off to? He says my friends are calling me, so. Saloni is walking by the pool side. Rehaan comes and says understand ur facing difficulty with Tarun but dun commit suicide. She says not here for that. Rehaan teases her when Ahana asks him to shut up and Saloni leaves. Rehaan thanks Ahana for lift. Rehaan is about to converse with Ahana when Anant comes to her and asks Rehaan to leave and not trouble Tarun. Anant asks Ahana why she din wear the ring? Ahana says put it in the chain as wanted to keep it close to my heart. She adds that, till he tells his family and she tells her mom, she cant wear it. Anant holds Ahanas hand and says u surprised me, cant believe such a sorted girl will be in my life. Ahana thanks him for his compliments. Anant tells her that his love for her will keep increasing and thats not just a promise but a warning. Ahana blushes and Anant lovingly caresses her face and touches her hair. Saloni witnesses them and is shocked.

Laila thanks Roshni for directing her to the washroom. Laila says ur very nice and Roshni adds, and happy too. Dun want things to change. Laila says even if that change makes ur dad happy? Dun come between him and his happiness. Roshni fumes and walks off.

Karan is looking for Kavita. Kavita runs to him and hugs him and says ur finally here. Some goons were chasing me. Karan asks hope they din do anything to u? Kavita says no.. I got lucky. Wanna leave. Am scared. Karan dares to confront the goons but Kavita leads him away.

Later at the poolside, Rehaan comes and tells them both goodnight before leaving. Ahana says go sleep so u can meet ur g.f in the morning. Rehaan says meeting my friend. Friendship is important for me unlike some people who add and delete friends on friendsbook in a jiff. Ahana grumbles about Rehaan as he walks off.

Anant is carving a sculpture. Laila smses Anant saying they reached home. Ahana smses Anant asking what he is doing? Anant smiles seeing her message. She thanks him for the great dinner. Anant smiles and smses Ahana saying coz u were here. Laila too smses him saying the dinner was great. Anant writes great meeting ur family. Laila smiles. Anant compliments on Ahanas beauty but sends the sms to Laila. Laila reads and says out aloud that Anants has messaged me saying i was looking great. Ahana is a bit taken aback.

Part 2

Anant calls Ahana. He says he ended up sending a message meant for Ahana to Laila. Ahana says its ok. Anant says its not. I need to clarify to Laila. Ahana says i will handle. He wishes her goodnight. Ahana smiles. Saloni comes and asks who she is talking to. Ahana says no one. Saloni asks then why blushing and who are u messaging, show me. Ahana hides her phone. Saloni says saw u both together today. Ahana asks who? Saloni says u and Anant. Ahana says he was showing me a lot of sculptures. Laila comes and says he was. Ahana tells Laila that she seems to be on cloud 9 coz of her love for Anant. Laila says Anant is impressing her daughters to impress Laila. She leaves. Ahana asks Saloni to show her phone given her honeymoon trip. Saloni says cant show u. Did a lot. Ahana says no wonder Tarun was looking so tired. Saloni says he was in full romance mood there. Dunno why he is so exhausted here. Saloni is quiet. Ahana asks whats up? Saloni says why are we here and not at Taruns place? Ahana says Tarun called and said pest control is going on at ur place so. Go take care of Tarun. Saloni leaves. Ahana looks at her phone and smiles.

Part 3

Roshni is playing the piano. Yamini comes to her and asks her what she is doing? Why playing so bad? Roshni says Laila is bad. Dunno why Anant called her home. Yamini says she is ur dads friend. Roshni says dad doesnt need friends, he has us. Yamini says sometimes we need someone special to share our love with. U will have the same feeling one day. Roshni says i love dad the most, why separating me from him? Yamini says love is ever growing. The more u share, the more it increases. Today ur a daughter, tomorrow u will be a wife, a mother. Every relation has a meaning and importance. U cant hold on to just one relation. Roshni says but i will love my dad the most. Why u all have a problem with it. Yamini says no one has any problem about it. But ur dad needs someone special to share his love with. Someone like a life partner. Roshni screams that dad cant marry Laila Raichand. Yamini says Anant wants to marry Ahana, not Laila. Roshni is shocked. 

Precap ---- Tarun tells Saloni and Ahana that his father has thrown them both out of the house. Ahana asks why? Laila comes and says coz Saloni is pregnant. Yamini tells Anant that Roshni is not at home, searched her everywhere. Anant says she will ebe nearby. Yamini says that she told Roshni about Anant and Ahanas impending marriage and Roshni got too upset.Anant is worried. 
Edited by Armu4eva - 6 years ago



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Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks alot for the written update! :)