||:|Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda *The Star Of Our Lives*|:||

premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

There is something to be said about a man 
who slips into personas like they are snakeskin 
like they aren't just another version of him 
like he owes it to the people who love him 
to show different personalities with the same face

There is something to be said about an actor 
who understands that he is both the artist and the canvas 
His body is an easel His eyes are paintbrushes 
The way he changes his voice is nothing short of an art

There is something to be said for a man 

who won't stop fighting for what he believes in

Who will listen to stories everyday and bring them alive on screen only if he's sure this tale can rock the ground his fans stand on

Yes, there are times when what he hears and what we see won't always match but that won't stop him from making this imaginary person come alive

There is something to be said for a man 
who knows that sometimes it's better to keep still 
there is turmoil around him To maintain composure and distance 
To know deep inside that someone who is right doesn't need to scream out his rightness from the rooftops

There is something to be said for a man
who loves his quirks who thinks healthy and eats whatever who will self-deprecatingly compare his dancing ability to a monkey's 
who likes naps, family and his pet dog who will take forever to join Facebook 
whose laughter rings across several countries and sneaks its way into a fan's heart

There is something to be said for a man
who will leave his work if it changes his integrity and everything he believes in 
Who has no time to wage wars or sling mud 
He moves on

There is something to be said about such a man
That he inspires That he stirs change
That he makes us believe in things 
we thought we were too jaded to have faith in again

Dear Harshad,

You're an inspiration to all of us. Someone who motivates us to do better by your own example. We always viewed as someone we could look up to, and you have never given us an opportunity to feel let down or cheated.You make us laugh with your antics on set. You make us cry with your acting prowess. You make us want to post angry defenses, but your calm demeanor makes us want to do it with dignity. You've never stopped working hard, never stopped giving up. You deserve nothing short of success and more love and more people who will recognize what you are made of. As you lend your skills to a new medium, and take your first tentative steps into the silver screen, we wish you nothing short of love and luck and success. Happy birthday, HC - we hope this birthday will be the beginning of a new and very dazzling chapter in your life.

Happy Birthday! We love you..


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premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting

- Paulo Coelho

Dreams are not only the images projected by our brain as a reflection of our conscious and subconscious mind; they are also the metaphor we use to channel our strengths, our abilities our imaginations and sometimes even rage. Dreams are the very base of miracles, they are foundation of success and failure and the very reason why instead of having so many technological revolutions, we are a community of humans with fragile beliefs and interesting personalities.There is no published handbook on how to achieve your dreams in a given number of days, but people do love to give a protocol like first comes setting your mind, then determination, focus, hard work followed by  sacrifice and further followed by a pinch of luck. Well as they say luck is also a skill but not everybody can have it.

This is about someone special's dream coming true, someone we love to "hate" ... What inspired this particular dream of that certain someone?

As put by a fellow member of our madhouse to caption the pic showcasing a huge crowd around the shooing spot, "When dreams start coming true" it leaves you nostalgic, as if all the memories are flying before you like the fallen leaves of autumn, asking you to slow down a bit and have a good look at what led you here. Every milestone no matter how big or small it was felt like the destination we have been looking for. All the experiences, even the bad ones made you wiser and added one step to the wall one day you were going to climb...

An artist's earning is measured not in mansions or cars or other luxuries, it is measured in the number of emotions he has lived on the stage, and the number of times those emotions reached the hearts of audience. How many times the words coming out of his mouth were laced with the life of the character living in paper. The art of acting is more than just saying the words from the script, one need to breathe the life into fiction in order to make people feel, to connect and that's not an easy job. Gladly our hero understood it really early, Although the traces of rough edges were seen here and there for a long time and they still make their guest appearance sometimes but hey we have got so many memorable moments to show how far he has come and as they say there is no end point in the quest of getting better, there is always one or the other bar to conquer.


To portray a small town boy who has never seen the blinding light and lesser known morals of city life takes more just a particular accents and dialogues written in order to show that he has got principles. To get people root for a certain NRI who lacks the "cool quotient" but is the backbone of his family and man with true passion of love is really not an easy job. It took more than glycerin to make people cry every time Prem had a break down. I have to mention those because audience absolutely loved them not only because a young guy was being shown tearing apart between carrying the weight of the whole world and his one true love, but because they saw a bit of their own self in Prem. Honestly the script, the direction everything was bang on but at the end all comes back to the actor and whether he is capable to use all the props given to him.

Prem is one fictional character everybody wants to be alive, he was the man every girl wants to come back home to, he was perfection, epitome of everything a girl in love can dream of , and quite frankly too good to be true. So after two magical years with Mr. Perfect we arrived at another address, at Ganguly Mansion to meet Elderly Mr. Ganguly's elder son who was still in his adolescence dealing with problems like first shave, first crush, and best friend yada yada yada. We adored that sweet boy waiting for him to be man he would become after the leap. He sure took his sweet time but that young dapper appeared and everybody lost their senses. The face we knew as Mr. Prem Perfection Juneja was now the identity of emotionally petrified older Anurag Ganguly who was not so perfect. (Offcourse I am not talking about the face because that perfectly crafted piece of art is one of the God's masterpieces)

Coming to Anurag, a young man determined to prove himself to his father after he sent him to exile, who had become cold enough to not come home to his parents for eight years, someone who has moved on from his childhood love but yet values her as a friend, someone who has grown distant from the emotional child that he used to be but hasn't reached the stage where he can be considered a stone-cold man with no feelings. He was basically a child who was forced to grow up before time but couldn't do it and was just lashing out at his parents and at everyone he had while wearing the mask of grown up. He hurt the people he never meant to in his reckless ways but all this time he was dying inside.

Later this kid manned up and gave us one of the lovers we all fantasize about, he loved like crazy ultimately lost his quite talented mind to the girl.(Yes, I refuse to accept what they showed in finale) and I am telling his tale not just because the writer did a splendid job by writing that character but also because a marvelous actor (who makes me wanna jump at him) brought Anurag to life, made us feel like he is a real person who deserve our love and made us cheer for him even when we knew that the guy is being an utter fool.

After rebellious wronged youth came another rebellious, but confused, misguided and king of the castles he made for himself in thin air type of bad boy. Actually he wasn't so bad, his financial problems and his compromised morals made him that way. Or in the words of the man himself "when a person is been suppressed all his life, never tasted freedom, always had a set of rules to follow, that person will definitely bounce off like a spring on being granted his freedom and can go any way" That's what happened to Mohan, a young boy who never even got to choose his breakfast menu had to survive in a whole new world.

His newly found freedom didn't mean he was out of the clutches of responsibilities and expectations of the people left behind. He grew up watching his mother being treated like a second class citizen just for being a woman, he saw his father,his uncle his older siblings bow before an orthodox patriarch just in the name of "sanskar". More than the appeal of bad boy I feel it was the urge of being better than his grandfather was his real drive. That included defiance of the hard core morals he was taught since childhood (offcourse it included sexism, arrogance and refusal to growth and evolution, domestic dictatorship) but it also consisted the manual of how not to self-destruct in your quest. Mohan got a little carried away, he somehow blurred the lines between evolution from old rotten beliefs and wrongness of youth. But our spoiled brat came back from that on his own (yeah contrary to the popular belief of his wife being the light he always needed). Yeah he started rebuilding everything he broke along the way one by one. He never lost his conscience and was more than willing to bury the spoilt child in his past but not ready to go back and rectify his mistakes this was his way to move-on and we can all say in unison, we are proud of you Mohan.

After the rebellious brat we found a renegade knight in black vests and clumsy garage if not in shining armor and glittering castle. Born in a wealthy family, brought up in strict environment but with loads of love, he always found happiness with people, people with problems far bigger than a wrongly placed cushion. He was never meant for the palace walls, he belonged in the fragrance of soil where life thrives. He never accepted the given set of rules and regulations, he preferred to make his own rules, although he had a very strong sense of justice his methods were conventional which unfortunately sometimes caused more damage than good. His entry in the show was perfect representation of his character, a reckless rebel, who didn't give a damn to consequences because I that moment all that mattered was his rage against the eve-teasers and law order's incapability to stop them, He ended up getting arrested which obviously proved that his  methods brings temporary solution. Then he met a girl who was a victim of domestic violence, she was broken without repair. People said she needs a hero to save her, a healer to heal her, a lover to restore her faith in love but Raghav realized that she needs to learn to be her own hero, she needs to learn how to channel her pain into power more than a lover she needs to learn to love herself,and boy did she get lucky. The girl who used to freak out at things like a creepy song, or the torturous memories a blind fold brought stood up not just for herself but for many other women like her with her absolutely gorgeous hero, friend and husband. Despite his rebellious background Raghav never backed down from his responsibilities. Even if it meant giving up his free bird life as his elderly mother was not quite strong to carry the family legacy anymore, or being the father figure to his nephew or being by the side of his comatose wife and being optimistic for her sake for a year. Raghav was and remains to be the most inspirational character played by Harshad so far.

After different shades to rebellious young boys came the brooding, grey shaded most compelling character ever Mr. Sahir Azeem Chaudhary. He was introduced as a ruthless fashion mogul, but what we saw first beneath that tough exterior was a troubled tender soul but you would be a fool to take his tenderness as his weakness because ladies and gentlemen this shark of our's bites and knows how through electric shocks from a mile away at people who would dare glare at him. A lonesome shayar gave a whole new meaning to "pen is mightier than sword". There is this song lyrics I like and it kinda defines Sahir for me..

Babe, there's something tragic about you
something so magic about you

Babe, there's something lonesome about you
something so wholesome about you

The pain, the betrayal, the blood of innocence scattered all over his aura, that lethal scream of power surrounding him,at one glance you would see someone for whom there is no hope left but that's where you are wrong. In the middle of that animalistic rage there was the picture of a fierce artist, hypnotic verses of a poet and a pair of disarming stare that made you think that the moon itself is falling upon your face. A story so tragic gave birth to something so magical, nobody can say that they never got an adrenaline rush when he walked in. Sahir was a real combination of intensity and vulnerability, or in other words every ingredient of a man one want to remember for centuries.

Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door

While I take no pleasure in seeing someone suffer especially when that someone is a hotmess like Sahir but there was something about Sahir's madness for revenge against his muse that made me wanna root for him. From all the flashbacks we got it was like Sahir was reborn after zeenat betrayed him. He lost everything. His principles his beliefs his sunshine personality and all that just to prove zeenat that materialistic gains are not everything in life and what she lost will never be compensated. The way not being able to demand answers for betrayal, that struggle between desire of getting even with the person who destroyed you and willingness to forgive because his heart was too beautiful to house something as ugly as revenge. The urge to destroy himself and him slowly being torn apart over the years behind the void finery that surrounded him, everything about him was so damn epic and magnetic.

Coming back to our sweet little walking waffle menu birthday boy, well he is charismatic and infectious as we all know but the best thing about him is his dedication. Recently I read somewhere (quoting celebrated directed Kevin smith and Tom Cavanaugh) that at the end of the day success means being able to do what we love, some people confuse success with power and stardom and arrogance. Well that's true in our eight years of madness what we have came to appreciate most about Harshad is the happiness and the feeling of being content he gets when he is in his zone preparing for a new character or every time his disappointment when his character gets assassinated onscreen. He likes to be known as a workaholic.

So on his bday we would like to wish our hero lots and lots of happiness, may he keep finding amazing work and keep treating us with such delightful performances, May he always be happy and always feel loved,may he gets everything he has ever wished for  and may he keep brightening up world.

premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Happy to you Harshad Chopda 
A wish for u on your birthday,Whatever u ask may u receive,
Whatever you seek,May you find whatever you wish,
May it be fulfilled on your birthday n ever.

Bless You for that twinkle in your eye. Hope it shines just like this and brightens your way! 
"Saal bhar mein sabse pyara,Hota hai ek din,Sau duaein de raha dil,Tumko aaj ke din,
Ye rang laye meri mannatein,Puri ho teri sabhi hasratein,Saare jahan ki khushi ho teri,
Ab to yehi aarzoo hai meri,"
Wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! No matter how many times I wish but I'llwish for you
 and pray that all these wishes come true! On this beautiful day of yours a minor fan  
wishes you happiness and bundles of success love and warmth.I wish that this day leaves you smiling.
Good luck for you film! Keep rocking and shocking. 😆
Love Mim

Haappyy Birthday to the most charming,handsome,superb actor I m ur fan since 2008 when i frst saw prem heer as a lovelyy couple.. 
From that i saw ur each drama..and also excited for ur movie..plzz come back early ov tv..we want to see u again...wishing u a memorable beautiful brday 
and many more ahead..u r my fav actor in tv industry...always stay happyyy and keep smiling...Happyyy Birthday..

Happy Birthday Harshad
Oh have a great day and be the special person you are.
You are the gem Inside out.
U be the best. U becoming so smart by each passing day.
May almighty bless you with loads of happiness, success, and everything best U wish for.
Lots of love
Amatun Noor Juvairiya

Wish u a vrry vrry happy birthday 2 u harshad chopda... ❤️ may god fulfill all ur dreams nd may ur dreams come true...i hope dis year brings u lots of happiness in ur life...I lovvveee uuu sssooo much nd grt heart die fan of u and aditti Gupta... <3All d best for ur upcoming new life nd for ur courier nd new movie nd im eagerly waiting for ur movie...

Many many happy returns of day
May god bless you wid lots of happiness,success and fame.Well, you are another year older and you haven't changed a bit. That's great because you are perfect just the way you are. Happy Birthday. May you have a fantastic birthday

I Hope You Have An Amazing Day Because You Are Amazing! Thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, you deserve the best and nothing less. HAPPY B'DAY HARSHAD GGG . ... . 

happy birthday to you..

"Happy birthday Harsh ..May you live long happily ever after..May God shower his all blessings upon you..Keep remembering your fans in your prayers..as i do for you lots and lots of love for you and a huge hug for wishing you a warm happy birthday
From ur huge fan

Araina Rai

Wish u Many Many Happy returns of the day Harshad.. May God gives u all happiness .. Be happy nd blessed.. 
Love u .. Once Again Happy birthday

Its not only your looks i fell for, i fell for the glimpses of you as a person.7 years already and each day you continue to inspire and help me carve a better version of me.Hearts you already reign over, box office coming your way.Continue your journey and spread 'Harshadness' all night and day.Happiest birthday and All the love of the milky way galaxy to you.
- Avisha Chauhan
(a loyal Harshad fan till the sun and moon shine in the sky.) 

Happy Birthday Harshad. Here's wishing you a happy, healthy and an amazing life ahead- a life that is full of your spark, and everything you have imagined. 
Chandni x

May Your Birthday be filled with Sunshine, Smiles, happiness, Laughter, Love, and Cheers.
Wishing that you have Lots and Lots of Fun.May this Year be the Best of your Life, until the Next One. 
- Happy Birthday Harshad... 
love you...

I hope you have a wonderful day and that the year ahead is filled with much love... 
😃 many wonderful surprises and gives you lasting memories that you will cherish
 in all the days ahead... Happy Birthday Monu 😉

Harshad Chopda
Spread a smile , spread The Cheer ;Stuff ur mouth with sweet ;s
Fill the rooms : wd Balloons Enjoy yourself this pleasant : and most Beautiful Day
A special wish from me only for u to see ur Happiness GOD Bestowed u Lots of Blessing wd Happiness 
Ur all desire 's come ,s True Its A Big Blast Day Bcz It,s Your Day I wish you A
Happy Lovely Birthday Stay Happy~~ Harshad ~~

Happy Birthday Harshad!!!!
Many many happy returns of the day Rockstar!!!!!!
May all your dreams and wishes come true and May God bless u with lots of love and suceess..
love you for your simple honest and humble personality...and yes keep entertaining us with your fabulous acting...keep smiling and keep rocking ... enjoy your Day...
Loads of love Heena ..

Hey harsad...happy wala bday..stay blessed. .I m ur biggest. .fan.. 
still loyal to kis desh...n watching it on star utsav..love uu..prem

Happy Birthday harshad i like u soo much 😊

Happy Birthday To You..Happy Birthday To You.HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..
Happy Happy HAPPY Birthday Harshad . May You Have The Happiest Chocolicious
 Birthday EVER.❤️ And I Pray That What Ever You Wish Today May Be Fulfilled.
 May You Be Greeted With Abundance Of Joy And Blessings.
HAPPY 33 ❤️ 😊
Love & Prayers All The way From Pakistan Smile

A very very happy bday to da 1st serial actor to take my heart away... 
wish u gud luck n sucess in ur life n loadsss of happiness... olwaz keep smiling as it mks me keep smiling.. lov u loads... mmuuaahhh

happy birthday 2 U May God give u lots of such joys & happy moments.
May U live long & live happy. May worries,thoughts,angers & bad lucks remain away 4m u.
I wish u good luck.A nice & lovely life 2 come. Bright & joyful future & all the goods that U
can ever Wish or think off.I wish, may ur dreams come true & all sad thoughts off.
May you be happy and healthy;May you be contented and wealthy;May your future be bright 
and all happiness come to your doorstep.Wish you a very Happy Birthday!It is day of cake and candles, snow and songs,decoration and celebration,laughter and love because it is your birthday and to wish happy birthday. May you get loads and loads of chocolates/cakes that never finishes  😉-May all your desires/wishes be fulfilled-Lots of prayers, good lucks,HAVE A BLAST!!!!Lots of love 
Kanwal 😊


Dear harshad! I am a VERY LARGE fan of yonu and I wish you a 
marvelous Birthday with you and your family I want to meet you one day...

Wishing you a many many happy returns of the day Harshad!! 
May this year brings you lots of success and happiness..
Enjoy your life as much as you can 😊

Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda my Love ❤️ God bless you 😊 may all your wishes come true...keep smiling and be happy always... 😊the very best for the year and your entire lifeMay your special day...Surrounded with happiness,Filled with laughter,Wrapped with pleasure,Brightened with fun,Blessed with love,❤️ ❤️ Love you forever

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

B - Be Yourself 
I - Invite new challenges 
R - Recall past triumphs 
T - Trust your instincts 
H - Have faith in your abilities a
D - Desire only the best 
A - Affirm your strengths
Y - You have got all what it takes...

You r my only favourite star..i just wish good health n happiness...all the best for ur movie...
wish u veryyy veryyy happy birthday my dear STAR

Happy birthday HC! Every time I think I've seen the best from you, you surprise me every time. Every time I think you can't do better than what you have already done, you prove me wrong. You're perhaps the only person who could make me happy about being proved wrong, and you do that everyday. Your talent and your humility and your sense of fun makes me your fan not just for a year, or two, but for a lifetime. Keep rocking the screens - small or big, TV or theatre - and keep giving us more reasons to love you! Have a blast this year and all the years to come.

Happyy Biirthday Harshad! ❤️
May God bless you with the best of health, happiness always & success in every project you undertake. We're all waiting eagerly to see you on the big screen. Insha'Allah. 
Keep smiling.❤️

Happy Birthday Harshad.. ❤️ May God Bless you with Good health, success 
and happiness always... Have a wonderful year ahead..Good Luck with your Movie.. May you 
continue to climb the ladder of success in whatever you do. Wishing you a memorable birthday and fabulous year ahead.. ❤️

Happy birthday harshad. Gud to c ur work and hope to c u sooon

Happy Birthday May God bless you with all the happiness & prosperity.
May evil stay away from from you. Just be happy 😊 😊

Happy Birthday Harshad!

Happy birthday harshadchopda
May your special day...Surrounded with happiness,Filled with laughter,
Wrapped with pleasure,Brightened with fun,Blessed with love,
Remembered with joy,...and enriched with hopes.

Happy Birthday Harshad ... Stay blessed may you get the success you aim for

Happy birthday Harshad!!! enjoy ur wonderful day and celebrate it.stay healthy and get all that u want.i hope u enjoy this day very much .May each birthday that passes bring u more happinessand love than the year before I hope u know that we all think u r amazing and the best.I just wish u greatness this next year..wish u all the best from the bottom of my heart.
Love u

Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda
God bless u... Love u...
May all your Wishes come True...
Keep smiling and be happy always... 
All the very best for the year and ur entire life...
Nidhi Srivastava

Hey Harshad 😳
On your birthday, special one,I wish that all your dreams come true.May your day be filled with joy,Wonderful gifts and goodies, too.On your day I wish for you,, favorite people to embrace,Loving smiles and caring looks,,That earthly gifts cannot replace.I wish you fine and simple pleasures.I wish you many years of laughter.I wish you all of life's best treasures.I wish you happily ever after 
From Nusrat ❤️

Happy birthday HC. Many congrats for ur venture into Bollywood, we your fans are immensely proud of you. Much love and support to you. Your portrayal of Anurag Ganguly will always be spl for me. Happy birthday once again. 33 looks stunning on you 😃
- Patz TaAnu

Happy birthday harshad. ❤️May god bless you with all success and happiness which you, your talent and hard work truly deserves. Thank you for all the characters you give to us. esp thank you for giving prem juneja and premeer..whom i never can get enough of even after 8 years ❤️. 
All the best for your Bollywood debut. i hope you can make it big on silver screen and will give us some amazing characters to cherish on big screen too. 
love you

Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda the prince of my life...
many many happy returns of the day...May God gives u all the happiness and whatever u want...and be smile always...17th may is the day which is a festival for me and all the army of yours..and we enjoy it like a bundle of happiness...for me u r the reason behind my happiness..
Happy Birthday again...keep smiling...
Priyanka (Bangladesh)

Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda my rockstar...
God bless u...
may all your wishes come true...
keep smiling and be happy always...😊
all the very best for the year and ur entire life...
Proma (Bangladesh)

No matter where you end up as the years go by, love is what will matter most. And on your birthday, you have plenty of that! Love is the greatest gift anyone can give you. And thus I am sending you all the love that I have on your birthday. 
Wish yoy a very happy birthday harshad. May god bless you. 

Happy birthday to you, Harshad! As both you and us wait for your big debut on the silver screen here's wishing you all the very best for this new venture in your career while at the same time hoping and wishing to see you where we know you the best and most closely - on our TV screens. But big screen ho ya small, you'll shine through and through. So as another birthday goes by hope all that you dream and wish for come true. Many happy returns once again!
Lots of love,

It's been 8 long years that I have been waiting to celebrate my birthday with you on 17 may... I'm so lucky that was born on your 13th birthday... I fell in love with you the very first time I saw you in kis desh... Sounds so silly that I didn't even know your name... I got to know ur name at the nominations of star pariwar awards then I searched for your name and got to know that u were also born on the 17th of may... ❤️ wish you all the best for your movie n all the successes in 
life would love to see you as a bollywood superstar  ❤️ all the good wishes with you and hope to see you soon... Love you loads and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... 
crazy for you: Richa Biswas ❤️

I count on you if I need a reason to smile.You can count on us too. Here's something we want to tell you.Look into the mirror and smile. That's the person who deserves to be smiled at. When that person smiles, many of our dark days lighten and brighten up.Treasure your memories. Use the bad ones to distinguish the good ones.No matter how many flaws you may think you have, for us you are flawless. Count on us.Take pride in stride, be proud of yourself. Let you know what you are.When you're kind to others, be kind to yourself too.I love you for the person you are,for that charming personality,for those dreamy eye,for, I'm wonder struck,  how determined you are, for how sweet you are... Just be yourself...We fans will be always with you, the wind under your wings. Keep flying high. I wish you all the best for everything that's on your mind and in your heart...Happy Birthday! Hope you get to spend this day, the way you want to. May God bless you with smiles, chocolates and 
waffles (Egg less of course... God knows you are a vegetarian)

Many many happy returns of the day HC...Wishing you that all your wishes come true .
May this year n coming more years brings the best in your favor. May you gain what you 
think you lack,what you desire n deserve .Stay blessed,healthy and happy forever.

Wish you Many Many Happy Returns of The Day Harshad ❤️
May your Birthday and everyday be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.I am your fan from desh time honestly i never watch much india serial KDMHMD is my first show which i watch starting to end and not 1 time 15 ,20 times and still watching 😛 No one could have essayed the role of Prem Juneja better than you :)You and Additi made this show reach another level. You are the epitome of perfection and also the king of expressions.For me the best feature of yours are your eyes and your priceless smile which makes many of us go crazy.
I Hope you have a wonderful day and that the year ahead is filled with much love, many wonderful surprises and gives you lasting memories that you will cherish in all the days ahead.On your Birthday.. I Wish May all your Dreams and wishes fulfilled on this day 
you get all Love, Luck and Success . Eagerly waiting for ur movies waiting to see u on silver screen.Wish you get success in everything you do and reach all those heights which you desire.
So once again happy birthday! May all the days of your lives will be filled with happiness and joy ... Stay blessed and healthy.
with lots of love from Sana 

Birthday wishes to you Harshad Chopra. to start with, here are the wishes with tonnes of love 
on behalf of my family. we love you so much to the moon and back. More than a hero we feel u as our beloved family member. and yes!!! you are a soul Brother for me. as Raghav your role always has inspired me to stand up be bold and righteous and lovable. To sum it up with words thank you for everything. ... and Its your Birthday . On this birthday may you get everything before you wish and may all god's grace with you for ever and forever... Bunches of love ❤️
Your's inspired Saiteja ... 
Thank you Harshad Bhaiya
from : V.Sai Teja Hyderabad , Telangana, India

happie birthday to my handsome harry 😳
 luv uh so much harshad

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Happy birthday Harshad Chopda

Happy Birthday "Harshad"
may all your wishes and dreams com true.
May God always bless you with good health, lots of success and happiness
eagerly waiting for your movie. Hope you get much deserve success
keep smiling and once again Happy Birthday

Happy Happy Happy Bday honey, may your eyes keep lighting up my world like nobody else, may your jawline keep cutting my heart like a watermelon, may your lips keep giving me chills like crushed ice, may you always be the dork that I loe you for, may you reach keep adding feathers in your cap and may you always be happy healthy and sexy..

Happy Bday once again mi amor

with buckets and barrels full of love 

your wifey

Hey harshad wishing u a very happy birthday.
May u get all the success and happiness in d world. Luv u a lot. Keep smiling. N all d very best
for 2016 the end.

Wish You A Very Happy Birthday Harshad..
May God bless your world with rainbows of hope on the clouds of dreams showering rain of love surrounded by soulful breeze,sunny smiles under shadow of happiness and with everything that make you feel alive, harmonious and shine like a *super star*

Happy birthday harshad you are the king of my heart and my one an only
 love interest God bless u beatify u gratify u and bestow every happiness that
 u deserve in your life.

Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda Have A Great Year Ahead ❤️ you are AMAZING as Prem and my most fav Character May All Your Wishes And Dreams Come True And May God Give You Pleanty Of Reasons To Smile...May You Achieve Everything You Want In Life And Reach Greater Heights Of Success Because You on Truely Deserve It...
Love you ❤️ ❤️


Happy Birthday Harshad !!!!!
17th May is just a reason to openly wish you, but every other day i pray for
your success and well being. Age is just a number, and you will always remain
young and fabulous for me 😳

Happy happy birthday too uuu cutooo mutooo sweetooo harshd

Dear Harshad,
May the early morning sun Shine on you today and ever A gentle breeze caress you as you go along life's way If i could have one wish i'd make it just for you i'd ask for his blessing in everything you do As the day now comes into view may each hour be blessed With friendships fond and true.You are a ray of sunshine in a world that's sometimes grey.The magic of your company had always brighten up my day Your such a loyal, loving person who is difficult to find another one in world so fake What else to write about sweet and adorable star as words are easy to say, things are easy to buy but people like HARSHAD are difficult to find😊 With full gratitude I wish you stay like this for ever.
On this Birthday and many more I just want to say "A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU"
May your dreams all be fulfilled and you acheieve your every goal And may peace touch your heart and soul.May you WIN every day every one with your SMILE so genuine and gentle... 
With Love

Happy birthday Harshad! Wishing you the best wishes and hope that you have a splendid birthday.You are such a talented actor, cannot wait to see more of you on screen! Bless you and enjoy your day.

Happy Birthday harshad!

I wish you a very happy birthday may God bless you with a great successful and happy life ahead and again happy birthday to my special super hero harshad chopda

HaPpY wAlA b'DaY Harshad :*:*:*:*:*:*:* Love you loads :*:*:*:*:* My Hero :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*

I hope this message reaches you...Wishing you a very very Happy Birthday Mr.Heartthrob!May you have a long life filled with happiness, success and love of your near and dear ones!!Hope this birthday brings you all the luck and more work and achieve the success you are destined to!And you know what! you are a blessing to the world..a beautiful person both inside and outside..proud to be a fan of yours !!At last good luck for your Movie, waiting eagerly to watch it!!!Enjoy your day & Have a wonderful year ahead! Keep smiling & shinning like a star!!
Love Always
Mona Tasnim
from Bangladesh

Happy birthday Harshad...person I love the most...may God bless u n may all ur dreams n wishes cm true...may u achieve all the success n happiness u deserve in ur life n career...Thank u for giving us beautiful characters u have done till today...best of luck for ur film...love u...n once again happy birthday...

Happy birthday harshad chopra many many returns of the day


Happy birthday my dear harshad ...n u know what don din pehly mere birthday hain i mean 15 may ..sooo i wish ap mujhe wish krty hain..


Happy Birthday Harshad. I am your biggest fan
Stay blessed and happy .May God bless you with health and knowledge
With love from Pakistan


Sending a wish on your blessings birthday
*Baar Baar Dil Ye Gaaye Tu Jiye Hazaaron Saal, Ye Meri Hai Harshad Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You* A good actor and a good human being Harshad Chopda All the smiles a day can bring, 😊 All the blessings a life can unfold, 😊 May you have Gods best in everything Hello Harshad My best wishes are always with you Many Many Happy Returns of the day...May all your dreams & wishes come true and May God Bless you with lots of love & success ... keep smiling & keep Rocking !! Lots of prayers, good lucks, love and Big hugs !! The sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer Big smile I hope you have a wonderful day and that the year ahead is filled with much love, Once again Wish you a very Happy Birthday Harshad Chopda !!!  You are an amazing the best actor and an equally amazing person I'm proud of your fan from Pakistan  2008-2016 *10th year* & Thank you so much giving & Thank you for everything I just loved it show All Character's Karan Ali Akshat Prem Anurag Mohan Raghav Sahir 
!!   We Love You Forever..
Lots of love ❤️ 
Love & Regards Urooj


Happy birthday Harshad, Change is the only part of life which is constant.For you, this new year brings the winds of change with it. This year heralds a new era of your life-an 
age to leave the familiar world of television and enter the world of films. It may seem exciting ,it may seem frightening, but I know that you will make the best of this opportunity because i have seen you do it before...again and again...all through your life. I pray with all my heart that your future is bright and that you may find all the joys that life has to offer. Hopefully,this year will prove to be one of the best years of your life.
Love always 

Wish him a very very very happy birthday...I love him a lottt se vi jayda..

Wish you a very Happy Birthday dearest Harshad!
May your Birthday and every day of your life be filled with happiness peace love and good health.Person like you deserves all the happiness in he world.May you achieve lots of sucess not only in your career but every other field in life.You have grown as an actor and more as a person.You have inspired many people like me.You have always stayed true to yourself inspite of all the hardships you have faced.Never change for anyone and I know U wnt.All the best for 
your Movie and everything you plan ahead in your life.
Keep smiling God Bless you today and always!
Happy Birthday!!!

May you shine as the brightest star always
Happy birthday harshad

Many Happy Returns Of The Day Harshad ❤️ May Your all Dreams Comes
True And God Blesses You With Health,Wealth and Fame.Missing You Loads On Television 
As Television Is Nothing Without You,Hope To See You Back On TV With A Powerful 
Character,Keep Smiling Always,Love You Loads ❤️ ❤️
Zoha Khan 

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
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Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago



(The remaining gifts have been uploaded on page 2)

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
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Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago


Banner idea :Vandy, Rutu

Banner text : Rutu

Banner maker : Sugii

Poem and Birthday msg  : Lizzy

Diary idea conception : Nadia

Diary compilation : Vandy , Rutu , Saba

Diary maker : Sugii

Write up: Silky

Signatures & Headers : Snehal

Message Collection & Compilation:  Rutu and Saba

Thread compilation and designing : Saba

premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Edited by premeeristry - 8 years ago
VandyP thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
 many many happy returns of the day harshad