SidNi FF: No Strings Attached:Mod note pg6

Posted: 9 years ago
This story contains mature/explicit content. DO NOT continue if you aren't comfortable with reading mature content.

I'm Adah. Some of u might know me, some don't. I am a fic writer. And a BIG SidNi fan.
So I hope you'll wait for my updates. Consummation takes time to write. My updates will be longer and I would try to update as frequently as possible. I promise you at least two or three chapters every week.


Roshni and Siddarth have been friends for as long as they could remember. They grew up together and now, live in the same apartment, saving' money on rent. Roshni was just dumped by her boyfriend, Krish, and Siddarth had been single for a long time. One night, Siddarth drunkenly tells Roshni that he's horny and lonely. Roshni, being the good friend that she is and drunker than a skunk, offers to f*** that horniness out of him. They ended up having sex. Awkward morning after follows... Out of everyone they'd been with, Siddarth and Roshni admit that they are really compatible with each other, but a relationship between the two just can't work. They are almost like family. So, they decide to become friends with benefits... What happens when one realizes that they want more??

PS: And yes, please suggest a suitable title to it. The best title shall be adopted.

Edited by -kanishka- - 9 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Posted: 9 years ago

Teaser: Pg1
Ch-1: Pg1 (19/5)
Ch-2: Pg4 (20/5)
Edited by -kanishka- - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago
  • rachana10
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  • NiaDiva
Edited by -kanishka- - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago

Chapter 1

"Roshni, baby, this thing between us, it isn't working out," Krish said as he stuffed French fries into his face and checking his Blackberry, frowning at whatever was the screen.

"This thing?" I snarled. "We've been dating for three years! I thought you loved me!"

"I do, baby," he said, frowning insincerely. "But as a sister. The sex isn't what it used to be and to be honest, you've gained weight, Roshni."

"You're dumping me because I'm fat?" I shrieked. "Excuse me for gaining a few pounds, Krish. You're not exactly the vision of athletic prowess, either." He was around five foot nine inches tall with a beer gut. His hair was receding and he tried to hide it with a stupid hipster fedora all of the time. His beady little eyes were framed by thick black glasses. I definitely wasn't with for his looks.

"Look, Roshni, I want a clean break," Krish said coldly. "I think it's time to cut our losses and go our separate ways."

"Fine," I spat, getting up from the booth at the diner he decided to dump me at. "Have a nice life, Krish. I hope you catch chlamydia and your miniscule dick falls off."

"Roshni, let's not be harsh," he chided, arching a bushy brow. "You never were unsatisfied."

"Oh, Krish, I was unsatisfied. I faked it. Every. Single. Time," I smirked. He pursed his lips angrily. "And do you know where the c***oris is? Because you could never find it on me." Waggling my fingers, I turned away. "Toodles, asshole." I flounced out of the diner and hailed a cab. Barking out my address, I kept my emotions in check until I pulled up to my apartment building that I rented with my long-time best friend, Siddarth Raza Ibrahim. We shared the cost of a brownstone apartment. I wanted to live in the city but couldn't afford it. Siddarth just wanted to make sure I was safe because he's like the overbearing, protective big brother.

Paying the driver, I heaved my body out of the cab and up to the stairs to my apartment. Our place was nice. Too nice, really. I was barely scraping by as a teacher in Chicago Public Schools. Siddarth worked as an up and coming attorney in one of the bigger firms in Chicago, Denali, Volturi and Romani. How we could afford this is beyond me, but I wasn't about to question it. I had a gorgeous home and a best friend who I needed desperately.

Walking into the apartment, I tossed my purse, jacket and keys onto the table in the foyer. Siddarth's head turned in the family room. He was watching reruns of Law and Order. "Bells? I thought you had a date?" he asked. He stood up and pushed up his glasses.

Not able to hold back, tears fell from my eyes. "Krish dumped me!" I sobbed.

Before I knew it, Siddarth had me in a hug and I spent the rest of the night, crying over that loser who made me waste three years of my life, when I was my hottest. Krish was such a troll.

Why was I with Krish again?

Oh, yeah...desperation.

"Okay, what happened?" Siddarth asked after I snotted up his dress shirt.

"So, Krish and I went out on our weekly Friday date. Things were fine as we ordered our food and talked about our week," I sniffled, curling against my best friend. "Then, once I was done with my salad, Krish told me that this thing' we'd been having wasn't working out. Our relationship that lasted for three years wasn't working out. On top of that, he made mention that I was getting too fat, or something."

"Krish is a douchebag," Siddarth growled. "Why didn't you dump him?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I guess because I was afraid I'd end up alone. I figured if I was in a relationship with a douchebag, it was better than being a spinster who got off using her vibrator."

"TMI, Bells," Siddarth grumbled. "It's bad enough that I can hear that thing through the damn walls."

"I shouldn't have to use it," I sighed, getting up from the couch and padding to the kitchen. I opened up a bottle of red wine, pouring myself a hefty glass. "You want?" I called. Siddarth replied affirmatively. When I walked back into the room, I found my best friend taking off is glasses and pinching his nose. "Krish had a dick the size of my pinky, Siddarth. Never once did I have an orgasm by his hands. Or his dick. And let's not talk about the lack of oral sex. He thought it was gross."

"Again, TMI," he groaned. "Were you so desperate to have a boyfriend that you stayed with a no-dicked, hipster wannabe? There a ton of men out there who think you're hot. Plus, you are not fat. Krish is an asshole for saying that. You're curvy. In all of the right places." Siddarth vaguely gestured to my huge rack. Yes, I had big tits and a huge butt. My momma was a full-blooded Italian and I got her curves. I was proud of them.

"Do you like my boobs?" I asked Siddarth, cupping my tits.

"I'm a guy. A straight guy. Of course I like your boobs. I like any boobs," he chuckled. "But, you're like my little sister."

Yeah, Siddarth was older than me by nearly five years. I actually met him through his sister, Kritika. She was the same age as me. Kritika and I were best friends all through high school. Siddarth was at college at Yale and we saw each other during his breaks and stuff. Then, when he started law school, I started college, getting my degree in English and history, earning my teaching certificate. I got hired at Chicago Public School District, working at Whitney Young Magnet High School and Siddarth got his job at the law firm, we decided to be roommates, much to Kritika's chagrin. Don't get me wrong, I loved Siddarth's sister, but I couldn't handle living with her. Too. Damn. Hyper. Besides, she was in a committed relationship with a coworker, RajeevWhitlock, who was a department head at the high school I taught at for history. Hearing them f**k like rabbits was not my idea of a good time. Plus, Rajeevwas my kind-of boss.

Can you say awkward?

"Ugh, Krish said that he loved me like a sibling, too," I snarled. "Do I just throw off the friend vibe?"

"Well, since we're friends, yes," Siddarth quipped, tugging on my hair. "But, I've seen you flirt. Most men are powerless to your cleavage, Bells."

"My boobs are hella awesome," I giggled.

"I plead the fifth," he snickered. "Look, Krish was so not worthy of you. He never treated you right and you can do so much better than him. I've got a coworker, Seth, who is a great guy. He just graduated from Loyola and is a junior associate."

"Nah," I said, waving him off. "I think I'm going to enjoy my singledom. I've been in some sort of relationship or another since I was a junior in high school. I don't know who Roshni Swan is. You know? I've always been somebody's girlfriend. I want to be known for me."

"That makes sense," Siddarth shrugged.

"What about you? Weren't you supposed to go out tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, Tanya had to cancel. She had to comb her cat," he grumbled. "Tanya wasn't my type. She kind of reminds me of Emmett's girlfriend, Rose. Skanky. s**tty. Stupid." Emmett was Siddarth's brother. He was dating this girl that no one liked because she was an epic bitch. Rosalie Hale just wanted to be with Emmett because of the Raza Ibrahim moola. "Not that I blame her, I am kind of a nerd."

"Siddarth, shut up. You are not a nerd," I said, smacking his arm. "Yes, you wear glasses and you are super smart. But that does not make you a nerd."

"I was sitting watching Law and Order on a Friday night. I live and breathe that shit," Siddarth chuckled. "Eh, I'll just wait. I don't need a girlfriend to make me happy."

"When was the last time you got laid, Siddarth?" I asked.

"I don't know! It's been a while but it's not like that I don't care of my needs," he wailed, his pale skin flushing pink. "Usually when you take out your little vibrating friend, I go into the bathroom and deal with my own issues."

"I don't know if I should be turned on or grossed out, Siddarth," I giggled. "You're wanking off while I'm wanking off?"

"I'd rather not hear your moans and that obnoxious buzzing sound," he said, arching a brow. "The water drowns it out."

The rest of the evening, Siddarth and I drank an entire bottle of wine. I was completely looped by bedtime. Siddarth had to carry my fat ass to bed because I was fighting with gravity. It was a losing battle, damn it. He took pity on my drunk, clumsy ass and hefted me over his shoulder before tossing me into my bed. I giggled hysterically.

"Okay, lush, take some ibuprofen and drink this," Siddarth said, giving me a water bottle.

"Can you stay with me until I go night-night?" I laughed, downing the pills and drinking most of the water.

"Let me change and then I'll be back. The last time you drank too much vino, I got covered with your puke," he deadpanned. "I happen to like my pants, Bells." He darted out of my room and I heard him shuffle in his own. I took the time to change out of my jeans and into a pair of sleep shorts and a camisole. Siddarth walked back into my room, wearing a pair of sleep pants and a hoodie. Both of which were fairly old. I scowled at him. "I'm not taking any chances, Roshni."

"You suck, Siddarth," I frowned. He just snickered, climbing into bed and laying down next to me. I snuggled up against his shoulder. A wave a sadness overwhelmed me as I remembered why I was drunk. Krish dumped me. "Do you think I'm unlovable, Siddarth?" Fresh tears fell onto my cheeks.

"No, Roshni. You are such an amazing girl," he said, folding me to his chest. "A bit crass, but you've such a big heart."

"Do you love me?" I asked pitifully.

"Yes, Rosh," he replied, kissing my forehead. "Now, just relax and go to sleep. Tomorrow everything will be better."

"Kay," I yawned, letting my eyes droop. Before I knew it, I was dead to the world, drooling on my best friend.

The next morning, I woke up with the worst migraine ever. Siddarth's promise of everything will be better' was a big fat lie. It was infinitely worser. Yes, I'm high school English teacher and I just said worser. I feel like there are rhinoceroses galloping in my brain, spearing my skull with that damn tusk of theirs. 

"Morning, sunshine!" chirped Kritika from her perch on the corner of my bed.

Ugh, not her. Not today.

"Kritika, I'm hung over and cranky," I groaned, throwing back the blankets. A piece of paper fluttered onto my lap from the pillow that Siddarth slept on. "What's this?"

"Brother mine left you a note," she said, handing me a huge cup of coffee.

"Okay, you're sort of forgiven because you brought me coffee," I said as I sipped it. Flipping open the note from my roommate, I smiled at this thoughtfulness.

S ~

I got called into work. I know, I know. I work too much but I've been given the opportunity to sit second chair on a big case! It could be a huge break for me! So, I'm at the office, up to my eyeballs with research and preparing depositions.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you woke up. Your sleep talking was borderline cute until you started kneeing me in the junk as you tried to fend off the attacking kittens that were clawing at your eyes.

It's like you had drugs...not wine. Whatever...

Anyhow, I called Kritika. She's better equipped to handle you while you're having your girly sobbing moments over the douchenozzle. I should be back for dinner. Pizza? I'll even pick up your favorite! ;-)

Bruised and battered,


"Is he working?" Kritika asked.

"Yeah. He's got the opportunity to sit second chair on a case," I said. "Whatever that means. When he talks lawyer, I tend to tune him out."

"Most of us do," Kritika giggled. "When Siddarth called me, he did tell me what happened. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, before I start talking about my drama, I've got to shower and feel human. Why don't you make yourself useful and make me an omelet?" I smirked.

"Roshni, you know I can't cook," Kritika snorted. "My version of cooking is how fast can you deliver?'"

"Well, do that," I said, hopping out of bed. I took a quick shower, scrubbing the nastiness from yesterday off me. Dressing in a pair of yoga pants and a fleece, I padded downstairs. Kritika went to Panera, picking up various bagels and cream cheeses. Silently, I made my breakfast and downed another cup of coffee. Kritika, thankfully, didn't start her inquisition until I was done with my bagel and coffee.

"Tell me everything," she said, her blue eyes shining with concern.

Syed695 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Interesting plot!
N loved ur writing..👍🏼
skinnypal thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Tbh I don't like graphically explained scenes much.. but I thought to give it a try and my god!! You are a terrific writer! Amazing writing skills..everything was perfect! I am liking the story so far and it is very difficult to imagine SidNi in this characteristics.. but I like your story and would want to read it further! Continue soon!! :-)
amikool143 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Different story do continue soon
stephie34 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
👏...Awesome story, cannot wait for the other part take your time and I am happy you went a head and do the story
Kicha111 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Different story
Amazing skill of writing
Starting trouble to imagine sidni
Wish 2 read more
GOOGLU thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Awsm idea dear..
N great start..
Something diff n tooo hot to handle...
Keep it up..
Egrly waiting for next update