Live In Fantasy Index updated 23/05/16 BUDDY ME FOR PM - Page 12


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SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

thank you so much
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Edited by SanKsgian - 9 years ago
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Aimer_vous

Amazing work dearπŸ‘

thank you so much
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Edited by SanKsgian - 9 years ago
Linsie thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Nice collections... πŸ‘πŸ‘ 

i read most of it...
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

ASYA (KaBhi) OS: 'I love the way they dance'


Zoya stood near the window and wrapped the towel around her head before brushing both hands over the towel rubbing it back and forth trying to dry her hair. She bent forward and allowed her hair to swing below her before rubbing it again with the towel. She flicked her hair back making Asad's elbow slip from his thighs breaking his admiration session. He wiped his nose feeling water droplets fall over his face, he sighed taking in the sight of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"It's beautiful isn't it Mr Khan?" Zoya breathed in the cold air along with the  smell of wet earth. She shuddered feeling the sensation run through every vein in her body. The rain had left a cold morning breeze behind; it made her squeal with delight as it brushed past her cheeks and made her hair blow backwards around her petite head. She sighed.

"Hmmm" Asad replied dreamily admiring the smile on her face, he watched her eyes glisten with satisfaction. Zoya leaned forward against the window holding her chin against her right shoulder feeling his hands slide down her waist before pulling her back against his hard toned body. Her loose top almost seemed non-existent as her back outlined his abs; she relaxed her sudden tensed back against his chest trying to bury herself in his arms. He breathed in her scent, the smell of her shampoo overpowering his senses intoxicating him with its passionate mixture of berries that had him yearning for her. Zoya shivered as the same air brushed past their conjoined bodies, she hmmm'd with delight in his arms wrapping it around her tighter.

Asad closed his eyes not being able to breathe enough of her intoxicating presence.

"Zoya" He whispered kissing her bare back lingering his lips allowing her name to vibrate against her skin. He blew softly against the nape of her neck placing another kiss, Zoya's body shook in his hold, every part of her body was shocked with desire, every hair on her body stood upright as if they were electrocuted by his touch.

"Asad I..." Zoya closed her eyes, his lingering kisses teasing her.

"Zoya" He whispered again against her ears, she turned her face the other way, "Zoya" He repeated softly into her other ear. She moved her face over her shoulder allowing his lips to brush her cheek.

"Hmmm" She replied with her breathing trying to keep up with her racing heart. Asad rested his chin on her shoulder looking up at her closed eyes, her breathing heavy. He could feel her chest rising up and down while her heart was beating erratically matching his own. The air blew her hair over his face, Asad stood still for a moment enjoying the little moment her hair touched his face, capturing him in a world of its own. He turned her around quickly, spinning her by the waist. Zoya's eyes opened wide feeling the sudden movement. She blinked coming face to face with him, her hair slammed the side of his face before falling to her side. Asad watched the air play with her hair. She moved her eyes to his chest blushing under his gaze.

"Zoya?" He whispered again, Zoya looked up realising he had finally called her by her name. Her cheeks that were crimson only a moment ago was replaced with dimples as a smile adorned her face glowing face.

"Yes Mr Khan?" She laughed. Asad was instantly mesmerized by her laughter; her voice melody to his ears, her hair danced to the music of her laughter around her head making her look more angelic than she already did. He fell deeper in love with this girl, her every gesture, every word, every laugh, every blink, every smile, every kiss seemed like the first. With what seemed like only seconds of admiring her beauty, his lips pressed against her laughing lips registering his thoughts. Zoya was taken aback for a moment before tugging herself closer to him, her hands moved over his back, her fingers running upwards teasingly before wrapping around the nape of his neck. She pressed harder against his lips as raw desire took over every inch of her body. Asad smiled rubbing his lips against hers and angled his head to one side moving his tongue deeper into her mouth. He watched with open eyes as she moaned with pleasure, joy and hunger. With her closed eyes, she allowed herself to lose all control over herself; Asad allowed her feisty self to take over the kiss as he had played with her before. She bit his bottom before pushing further against his lips pulling his neck towards her.

"Asad..." She moaned impatiently to stop him teasing her as he wasn't moving. He was too busy watching her, admiring her. She opened her eyes slowly realising he was letting go of her. She indicated with her eyes not to do it but he moved his lips away. Zoya glared at him, her plumped lips pouted at him as he had ruined the whole moment. He allowed her to catch her breath, his eyes still refusing to move off her face.

"Zoya" He whispered again, this time it came out as if he was amazed by her name.

"Zoya what?" She raised her eyebrow unbuttoning her top.

"I love the way they dance" He spoke poetically, brushing his fingers up her cheek into her hair. "I love the way your hair dances around your perfectly shaped face. I love it when these strands of hair falls over your beautiful face, they irritate you but they make me fall in love you again and again" Asad smiled at her removing the strands of hair over her face. Zoya blinked at him; so that's what he was doing all that time. She ran her fingers through her hair and bended her body back knowing he would support her waist. She moved side to side as her hair dangled beneath her. She got back up and blew the strands that were over her face.

'You've watched my hair dance and fallen in love with me again, now, Mrs Khan wants to dance' Zoya spoke sensually before smiling deviously. Asad grinned back at her tone raising his eyebrow brushing his tongue over his bottom lip. Zoya smiled at him moving one finger down his tank top twisting it and letting go. He watched her eyes flash with over pouring love, passion and desire. His crooked smile at her eagerness to make their morning, a later morning, made Zoya's knees waiver.

"Let's dance Zoya" Asad pushed her against his chest and whispered into her ears. Zoya tilted her head back and laughed, shaking her hair and winking at him.
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
AsYa OS: Confession night

'Please dont come near me Mr Khan. Mr Khan please' Zoya pleaded to Asad who is gettin closer to her little by little. 'Miss Farooqui, I mean Zoya, you know I cant stop it whenever its something related to you' Asad went closer to Zoya. She immediately closed her eyes as she felt his breath on her. Asad grabbed Zoya's wrist and held it tight. 'Mr Khan'.. 'Sshhh..I wont let you to talk today' said Asad who then kissed Zoya passionately on the lips.

                                                       PART 1
Asad & Zoya are gona get married the next day. Zoya is very excited bout the nikah but still somewhere in the corner of her heart she's a lil upset cause till now she still is uncertain about Asad's real feelings on her. Although Asad already said she's still beautiful with those burned scars on her arm, and hereafter completing the mehendi ceremony which was actually quite surprising for her cause for the first time Asad didnt call this ceremony as 'nakli'. Now she already has his name on her palms, she still has that small doubt abt the nikah. She very well knew Asad's character. Anytime he can turn into the Angry Ahmed Khan and as usual he would then say something to her which would make her sad. "That is it! I cant take this anymore. I need to talk to Mr Khan about this!" Zoya said to herself. She then got off from her bed and walked towards Asad's room. It was 1am in the midnight. She knew its already late but she had to do this. Zoya is now standing infront of Asad's room now. She lifted her hands to knock but then a sudden realisation hit her. She remembered Phupi's words of not meeting each other before the nikah. She then let out a huge sigh and headed back to her room. "What do I do now? I cant get married to That Akdu Ahmed Khan without knowing his real feelings. For me marriage is everything & I dont wana undergo a fake one with fake feelings". Zoya was lost in her thoughts. She didnt knew what to do. "Idea!!!" Yelled Zoya. She quickly grabbed her handphone and dialled Asad's number. She knew his number by heart. "Mr Khan pls answer, plsss" Zoya kept hoping for him to answer. Then all of a sudden she heard him. Yes, she heard his voice. He was obviously sleeping. Zoya felt bad for waking him up but she had too.

"Hello" said Asad in his sexy sleepy tone.

"Hello Mr Khan, Zoya here". Zoya said to clarify that its her on the other end.

Asad: "Yes Ms Farooqui, do you know whats the time now? Go back to sleep & dont disturb me"

Zoya: "But Mr Khan, I really need to talk to you, its really important. Its our life matter. And its regardin our nkah too. I need to sort out a few things before we get married to each other".

Asad: "Hmm okay, say it quick".

Zoya: "Mr Khan, If you dont mind can we meet?" Please.

Asad: "But Ms Farooqi, remember ammi said we cant meet before our nikah?"

Zoya: "I know Mr Khan. Can you come to the garden where we met earlier? We could meet there. Remember there's a wall as a barrier? It would be easy for us to talk there. We could be on each side, talk yet still not see each other. Okay Mr Khan?"

Asad: "Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Zoya quickly hanged up the call and ran to the garden as quick as possible to avoid Asad. She had many questions in her mind which she was determined to get the answers too.

Meanwhile Asad also got up, freshen up himself abit as he was really sleepy and tired. He then quickly went to the garden where Zoya is waiting for him. "Wonder what Ms Farooqui wants to talk about till she had to wake me up at this hour.Cant she wait till tmrw?" thought Asad while walking.

Zoya was walking around the garden when she slight footsteps.

Zoya: "Mr Khan, is that you?"

Asad: "Yes Ms Farooqui, its me. Now tell what is that important thing you wanted to tell till you had to wake me up at this hour? Cant you wait till tmrw?"

Zoya: "I'm really sorry for disturbin you Mr Khan but I really had too. I need to clear some doubts which I have in mind".

Asad: "What doubts Ms Farooqui?"

Zoya: "I'll come straight to the point. Mr Khan, are you serious abt this marriage? Tmrw is our nikah and after that I'll legally & officially become Mrs Zoya Asad Ahmed Khan. Tbh, I dont want such title if this nikah itself is not real. Until now you didnt clarify anything. You were the one came up with this nakli nikah idea. You were the one convinced me to go along with all those traditions just for phupi's sake. I followed whatever you said. I attended all ceremonies eventhough I know it was all fake. You told me that you will tell phupi the truth before nikah. I didnt say anything and agreed with you. And that day when my Aapi came, infront off you I told her the truth. It was a good opportunity for you but what you did? You told her the nikah is real for her & phupi's happiness. And now tmrw is our nikah. What does it mean Mr Khan? Fake nikah? Am I gona be your fake wife then? Answer me Mr Khan! Am I gona be fake for you? Is our future gona be fake?"

Zoya couldnt help it anymore. She started crying. She had asked him whatever she wanted too. She felt much better now. Her heart felt lighter. She wiped away her tears and waited for the reply for her questions.

She knew he was thinking. She could hear the heavy sounds of breathing.

Asad: "You really wana know the answer Ms Farooqi?"

Zoya: "Yes, Mr Khan. I really need to know."

Asad: "Woh..actually..woh.."

Zoya: "MR KHAAANNN!' Shouted Zoya.

Asad: "Actually Mr Khan, remember once when Mr Bhatavdhekar asked us about our first meeting and I told I met you at the Mazaar? Well, actually its true Ms Farooqui, I really met you there. You were crying. To be honest, I had a strange feeling in me. At first I ignored it. Then remember I knocked you down with my car? I met you for the 2nd time then. I had the strange feeling in me again. I didnt know what it, but I know its different."

Zoya kept quiet while trying to remember the incidents.
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Asad: "After that we had many encounters with each other but it all ended up with some arguments. Then one day you appeared in my house. I was shocked to see you there. I was actually happy but I didnt show it out. At that time I didnt know why I was happy. But I liked havin your presence around me. Although I shout at you most of the time, I'll silently regret over it later on. Sooner you started to become close with me. I've tried hard to control my feelings for you but I just couldnt. I started to like your presence more. I felt that Im regaining bak my empty life. I felt happier. I've started to think. You were slowly changing me. In Mangalpur when I thought I lost you, you can't imagine how I was feeling. My whole world totally crashed. I felt like I lost my everything, my life. The same thing I felt when the jhummar almost fell on you on our sangeet day. I couldnt lose you. Thats when i realised that you actually mean something to me. And after talking to Ammi, I realised its something called LOVE. Yes, I'm in love with you Ms Farooqui."

Zoya is shocked to hear the confession from Asad. She felt very happy. She couldnt stop smilling. She started to do her happy dance around the garden. 

Asad: "Ms Farooqui.. Ms Farooqui? You there?"

Zoya : "Huh.. huh?" Stops dancing. "I'm here Mr Khan"

Asad : "You heard what I just said?"

Zoya: "Yes Mr Khan, I heard it very well"

Asad smiles.

Asad: "So?"

Zoya: "So?'

Asad: "So, got your answer Ms Farooqui?"

Zoya: "Yes Mr Khan, very well indeed"

Asad: "Now do you have any doubts in getting married to me?"

Zoya: "NOT AT ALL!" Shouted Zoya, smiling widely. "Mr Khan. can I say something?"

Asad: "Sure, say na.."

Zoya: "I love you too Mr Khan!!" said Zoya and quickly ran away from there.

Asad saw Zoya running away and went after here. "She can't just say it like this" "I gathered all my courage to finally propose to her and this is how she replies? I'm not leaving her alone." Thought Asad and quickly ran to Zoya's room.

Asad: "Miss Farooqui, open the door!"

Zoya: "Cant Mr Khan, I'm sleepy now. We shall talk tmrw. You also go to sleep. Goodnite!"

Asad: "Hmmm, okay. Goodnite"


Everyone left gor the wedding hall. Asad left with Ayaan & his sisters while Zoya left a little late with her Aapi. She was feeling happy as she now knew that the wedding between her and Asad is not fake at all. It's all true. 

"Allah Miyaan, I can't believe this. Thank you Allah!" said Zoya to herself. 

She just couldnt stop smiling.

Aapi: "Zoya, you're looking so beautiful today. And I'm really happy that my baby sister is finally getting married to the person she loves. I'm lost for words. May you live happily after this. You've suffered enough. Now I just want to see you happy."

Zoya: "Thank you so much Aapi. Even I can't believe this is happenin. Me, the great Zoya Farooqui is gettin married! Till yesterday, It was all fake, but now after talking heart to heart with Mr Khan, Im fully convinced that it's not fake. I'm realy happy Aapi!"

Aapi: "I can clearly see that. Now come quick, We have to get to the hall. You don't want to get married issit? Then dont complain, okay!"

Zoya: " Okay, lets go!"
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
                                                                 PART 2

                                          AT THE WEDDING HALL

Everyone is already present in the wedding hall. Few more mins and Asad Zoya would be united into one. Both of them are in the respective places separated by the piece of cloth that didnt allow them to meet each other. *(sorry I dunno what its called)

After completing all the necessary rituals, both of them are now husband and wife. Ms Zoya Farooqui has finally become Mrs Zoya Asad Ahemd Khan. Zoya is too happy she just can't explain her feelings. Phoopi, Najma and Aapi came and hugged and congragulated her. Even Nikhat, Nuzhat and Humeira who came for the nikah came and hugged her. They were so happy that they were able to meet their bhabi.

Asad on the other hand saw what was happenin. Without realisin he had tears in his eyes. He was so happy that his wish has finally been fulfilled and even his step siblings are present on this very special day. Ayaan who saw his bhai tearing up came and hugged him. He was also glad that Asad has finally found a life partner in the form of Zoya, his precious beloved "Mona Darling". No words came out from any of them. Only tears, but all knew its tears of joy and happiness. Now its time to go back to a place its called home. Atleast it is now finally for Zoya!
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Linsie

Nice collections... πŸ‘πŸ‘ 

i read most of it...

They are my favorites  stories and cannot afford to lose them