SaAz SS: Selfish and Selfless [Chap 6, Page 30] New! :)

SmileyStar thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hello people πŸ€—

Remember me? Nope? Well I don't blame you πŸ˜† I haven't been here much. It's not my fault acha? I wrote an OS for this forum and the response wasn't what you would call amazing so I didn't feel like writing anymore πŸ˜’ Let's just say I'm used to more likes than what I got on this forum so yeah that broke my heart a little πŸ’” πŸ˜†

But after taking some time to get over it, I'm back here with an SS πŸ˜ƒ And I HOPE to get better response on this one. Oh and this one's for one of the most awesome friend ever, MisHumptyDumpty 😳
Ankie, your status made me want to write again for some reason! Probably because it made me realize I was moving away from the forum where I found you πŸ€—

Anyway, here you go people, you can consider this as an prologue πŸ˜‰

Happy Reading! πŸ˜›

SaAz SS: Selfish and Selfless

The two children chased each other on the beach, their steps leaving little dents on the wet sand and their merry giggles ringing in the air over the sounds of waves as they lapped the beach repeatedly.

"Arzoo, give me my diary back!"

"No. No. No." The little girl replied cheekily. "I'll check it first."

"There's nothing to check, silly. I haven't written anything in it yet." 13-year-old Sahir replied as he stopped and paused to breathe, his little face scrunched up as he drew long deep breaths.

"But you've had this for ages."

"So what?" Sahir demanded in a slightly annoyed tone.

"What will you write in this diary Sahir?"

"I dunno. Something special I guess. Haven't decided about it yet but I know one thing; I don't want it to get wet, neither do I want you to drown. Get away from the waves Arzoo."

"What if I don't?" Came the impertinent reply from the young girl who looked small for her age but had wits to outsmart him any time. It wasn't as if Sahir was big for his age. They both were skinny little kids - loud, cheerful and more intelligent than their age demanded.

"Fine then don't. But don't expect me to come after you if a wave sweeps you away."

Arzoo giggled. "Just imagine Sahir, what if a wave does take me away. Will it take me to the place where the sea meets the sky?" She asked with a dreamy smile but Sahir knew she knew better than to believe that.

"In your dreams!" He retorted sarcastically. Arzoo laughed as she continued walking ahead, the water coming up to her knees.

"Let's check it out then."

"Arzoo, come back." Sahir warned as he ran after her when a powerful wave hit her, sweeping her off her feet. Sahir's heart jumped in his mouth as he saw her lose her balance and fall, disappearing under the strong current instantly as it rippled towards him in the form of a strong wave. He froze in a state of mind-numbing shock, his mouth open in a silent scream; fear gripping him with such a strong intensity that it robbed him of the ability to move or even to scream. Before he could bring himself to move, the wave retreated and Arzoo's soaking shivering, wet form emerged a few yards away as the wave rushed away from the beach thankfully not strong or big enough to pull her along with it.

Seeing her again made Sahir jump into action. He splashed up to her, grabbing her by her arms and dragging her back to the beach.

"Are you insane, Arzoo?" He yelled, looking enraged.

Arzoo pulled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around it and staring at her feet, trying to pull herself together. She looked shaken as if it was finally sinking in that whatever had just happened had been quite dangerous.

"What in the world were you thinking? I told you not to go that far! Why don't you ever listen to me?" Sahir continued his rant angrily, towering over her small form.

Arzoo looked at him disconcertedly as if trying to comprehend what he was saying. It seemed as if her mind was not willing to cooperate with her just yet. After a moment of blank expression, something seemed to dawn on her and she looked down at her empty hands, her eyes widening instantly. "The diary, Sahir." She whispered fearfully.

"Where is it?"

"The wave swept it away."

"NO!" Sahir yelled as he ran back towards the sea and looked wildly on the sand around him.

"You said you hadn't written anything in it. I'll get you a new one." Arzoo called out to him as she saw him frantically looking for it, not even bothering to give her an answer. Her face fell a little as she realized he was more worried about the diary than her. She kept sitting on the sand, watching him with sad eyes as he searched the beach, not sparing her even a glance. After a while, he trudged towards where she was sitting, a stoic expression etched on his face. He didn't stop as he reached her; rather he simply walked past her, ordering her in a rough voice over his shoulder, "Get up! We should go home now."

Arzoo stared at his back blankly, rendered speechless by his cold attitude.

"Come on Arzoo. I'm not going to wait forever." He repeated in a comparatively softer tone and Arzoo pushed herself to her feet and quietly took after him. He walked a few steps ahead of her all the way home. Arzoo guessed that she wasn't going to be forgiven easily.

"I'm sorry Sahir." Arzoo told him apologetically as they reached her home and Sahir waited for her to go inside. "I know you liked that diary a lot."

"Well, it's gone now." He responded darkly, shoving his hands in his pocket and looking at a distance, avoiding her eyes.

"Wait for a minute. I'll be right back." She told him suddenly before dashing inside her house. Sahir didn't have to wait for long before she was back, holding something in her hands.

"Here you go." She offered him a beautiful leather bound diary.

An unmasked look of pure surprise crossed Sahir's face as he looked at the diary and then up at Arzoo, making no effort to take it. He knew whose dairy it was. It belonged to Arzoo's late mother and it was one of her most prized possessions. In fact, he was shocked and touched that she was offering it to him in the first place.

"Take it Sahir." Arzoo repeated genially.

"You know I can't Arzoo." He told her softly, his anger melting on seeing this warm and generous gesture by her.

"Why not?"

"Because it belongs to your mother."

"I know... But you know me, I never write diaries. You, on the other hand, have always wanted to. So you'll find a better use for this diary than me."

"No Arzoo, I can't take this." Sahir repeated vehemently.

"You have to Sahir. Please. It'll make me feel better." She pleaded. "I lost something you liked so it's only right that I give you something precious to me... to make up for it you know."

"But Arzoo, this is-"

"Just a thing Sahir. A material object." She completed his sentence simply with a shrug. "And I would never place anything before my best friend... Besides my mother lives in my heart. I don't need a diary to remember her." She smiled softly and thrust the diary in his hands. "You keep this."

Sahir kept standing there, staring at the diary in his hand dubiously.

"You just have to do one thing." She opened the diary to the first page where in neat handwriting it was written, This diary is the property of Arzoo Nausheen Khan. "You'll have to erase this and change it to Sahir Azeem Chaudhary."

Instead of looking at the diary, Sahir was looking at her in quiet wonder.

"What?" Arzoo demanded. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Thank you Arzoo. This... This means a lot." He let out slowly.

Arzoo smiled widely and the next moment, she had flung her arms around his neck in a bear hug. Sahir's ears were red by the time she pulled away and he shuffled awkwardly from one foot to another. "Okay... I should get going now. Thanks again."

Arzoo grinned sheepishly as she stepped back from him, her cheeks coloring slightly as well. She realized they were both moving back slightly widening the gap between them.

'No, no, this can't be happening', Arzoo groaned to herself. 'Sahir and I can't be awkward with each other.' She thought but at the same time, she knew that they were now both growing up and something was changing between them.

"Okay bye Arzoo."

"Bye Sahir."

She stood at her gate watching him as he disappeared round the corner.

That night as she lay in her bed, she pondered over what had happened. Though Sahir's reaction at the beach had broken her heart a little when he had chosen to show more consideration for a diary than her, still she had already forgiven him and done all that she could to make amends with him. Because that was the way she was, selfless and selflessly loving.

The inevitable truth was that she knew she couldn't bear to lose Sahir. He was her best friend and she didn't know what she would do without him.

For a minute, she closed her eyes and tried to imagine a life without Sahir.


There would be no life without him, she was sure.

She tried to imagine what she would feel if she lost Sahir.

Utter suffocating loneliness.

She snapped her eyes open and took a deep breath. Why was she thinking about depressing things? Why would Sahir ever leave her? He would always have her back, she knew it...

She believed it...

She wanted to believe it.


So how was it people? Leave your thoughts behind. And don't worry I won't kill Sahir in this one 🀣 

Leave your love behind guys! 😳 And if somehow you still feel like reading my work after reading this one, then you can give this OS a try πŸ˜ƒ

SaAz OS: His Sparkling Eyes


Fari ❀️

P.S. I don't think I've to add here that if I don't get a good response, I probably won't continue further. The other forums have spoiled me with their abundance of love you see πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†





Please keep in mind that I send PMs only to those who comment on my work, so if you believe in commenting then go ahead and send me a buddy request otherwise, don't bother πŸ˜† Because I strictly believe in sending PMs to those who take out time to appreciate my work. After all, I take out time to write for you guys, don't I? See it all makes sense πŸ˜†

Non-commentors (I invented this word just now) have their right to stalk this SS on their own. I won't create a fuss, I promise πŸ€£
Edited by SmileyStar - 9 years ago


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Frequent Posters

WaqtZaya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Most Comments (August 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago
i reserve. 

I make my favourite author WRITTEEe.. 


Rather my statuses do... 


Edited by MisHumptyDumpty - 9 years ago
Rae24 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I've always loved your stories especially the QH ones even if I did appreciate them silently. This is a very intriguing start and one wonders why that diary was more important then his best friend...definitely cannot wait for the next part :-)
vinnithelover thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
my dear fari!!πŸ€—

i was so much in love with your os that i read it many time!! you are really a talented writer❀️ so,please dont scare me by saying,"i will not continue"

and about this,it as wonderfull as the previous os!! love is in the air for these littles!! do continue soon...[vinnie] 
SmileyStar thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: MisHumptyDumpty

i reserve. 


I make my favourite author WRITTEEe.. 


Rather my statuses do... 


You write your statuses and they make me write so indirectly YOU make ME write πŸ˜†

Hayye favorite writer? You see what I meant when I said the people from other forums have spoiled me πŸ˜†
WaqtZaya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Most Comments (August 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago

YAYYAYAYAYA Fari you FINALLY kept my word and started a SaAz FF..

Forum wasiyo! SEE SEE SEE I GOT THE BEST OF I-F's writers to write you guys a Fiction!! 

Now its your job to encourage her especially the silent ones πŸ˜‘ 

Edited by MisHumptyDumpty - 9 years ago
WaqtZaya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Most Comments (August 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago

Loved the epilogue Fari. please please please please continuee soon.. for me please.. πŸ˜­

Edited by MisHumptyDumpty - 9 years ago
SmileyStar thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Rae24

I've always loved your stories especially the QH ones even if I did appreciate them silently. This is a very intriguing start and one wonders why that diary was more important then his best friend...definitely cannot wait for the next part :-)

Thank you so much for appreciating my stories πŸ˜ƒ I'm glad you broke your silence here. It always feels awesome to hear from silent readers 😳

And yes, Asad was more worried for his diary. Perhaps he's the selfish one in this SS and Zoya is the selfless one πŸ˜‰

SmileyStar thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: vinnithelover

my dear fari!!πŸ€—

i was so much in love with your os that i read it many time!! you are really a talented writer❀️ so,please dont scare me by saying,"i will not continue"

and about this,it as wonderfull as the previous os!! love is in the air for these littles!! do continue soon...[vinnie] 

Really? You did? You read it more than once? *gasps* 😲 πŸ˜ƒ I thought no one liked it here 😭 This feels so good to know

Thanks for liking this one so far as well. I'll continue the soonest I can πŸ˜ƒ
SmileyStar thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: MisHumptyDumpty

YAYYAYAYAYA Fari you FINALLY kept my word and started a SaAz FF..

Forum wasiyo! SEE SEE SEE I GOT THE BEST OF I-F's writers to write you guys a Fiction!! 

Now its your job to encourage her especially the silent ones πŸ˜‘ 


P.S. I love you. Like LOADS. Like seriously ❀️