|| KKB NL Discussion Thread [IO] ||

KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Credit - -Koeli_Appy- (Appyz)
Official Discussion Thread

Headed by Nisha

***This is a STRICTLY INVITE ONLY discussion thread.  Please DO NOT POST on this thread without having received permission from the NL head.***


Post 1.  Welcome

Post 2.  Team Members & Allocated Sections

Post 3.  NL Rules & Submission Schedule

Post 4.  Rules for each Section (Review)

Post 5. Rules for each Section (Creative)

Post 6.  Important Links

Post 7.  NL Archive

Post 8.  Signatures 

Posts 9 - 12.  NL Working Template

Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Team Members and Sections

Review Sections

 Summary of the week : ..Tahniat..

Rating of the week: ..Tahniat..

Scene of the week: saggitarius687

Dialogue of the week: -Cutyee

Back Up : Ohmyjerryworld

AbhiGya scene of the week: -Candz-

Back Up : samrath300

RaBul scene of the week: DrashtiArjitfan

TaaLiya scene of the week: CrazyBoy-.Hd.-

Funny scene of the week: abhigya24

Back Up :_aaliya

Character of the week: CrazyBoy-.Hd.-

Back Up : Supreet_dmg

Picture of the week: samrth300

Costume of the week: _aaliya

Song of the week: -Candz-

Comments to the Creatives: ..Tahniat..

Creative Sections

Signature of the week (NA/A): -Cutyee

Back Up : -Mandeep-

Icon of the week(NA/A): -Cutyee

Back Up : -Mandeep-

Avatar of the week: Ohmyjerryworld

VideoMix of the week: _aaliya

OS/SS/FF of the week: ..Tahniat..

Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

NL Submission Schedule

Fortnight to be reviewed :  , 2014

Next Edition Submission Deadline :  IST

Next Edition Publication Date : 2nd November, 2014

NL Rules

The newsletter is published at the end of every fortnight so forum and show content for the two weeks leading up to the publication date are to be considered for the NL.

The newsletter will be published every second Sunday so sections must be submitted the day before by 12pm (mid-day) IST.

Volunteers must ensure that their sections are prepared by the stated deadline.

Please notify me via this thread if you are unable to fulfill your section requirements for a particular fortnight at least three days prior to submission date .  For more extensive circumstances, please send a PM to TeriGalliyan. 

If you are unable to do a section and you HAVE a backup, it is your duty to inform your back up.


Submissions should be made as a reply post on this thread.  When posting please state the section you are submitting for reference.

All submissions must be written in English. I expect members to follow proper language conventions, that is, correct spelling, use of appropriate grammar, suitable punctuation and no shorthand/text lingo.

Submissions that fail to meet these standards WILL NOT be accepted and will count as invalid submissions.  Continuous posting of sub-par work will result in warnings and then followed by removal from the NL team if there is no improvement in work.

Please DO NOT  use this thread for active personal chattingespecially during the submission weekends, as it will become difficult to track submitted sections.  While we welcome chatting and feedback about the Newsletter, and encourage members to get to know one another, please post all other discussion content elsewhere.


Review Sections

Require submission of written content, ideally accompanied by relevant images or gifs of the scene/character being covered.  The Summary of the Week does not require images.   You can refer to previous editions of the NL for examples of submissions.

DO NOT use creations from the creation gallery if they contain multiple merged images/non-dialogue writings/color modifications.  All other creations may be used but please state the creator's name underneath the image used.  Images can also be sourced from the Pictures Gallery.

Try to avoid use of the same scene in multiple sections.  The show moves quite fast so it should be possible to find unique scenes for each section.

Creative Sections

Signatures, Icons & Avatars (A/NA) require submission of the creative content accompanied by the creator's username.  Winners are determined based on number of likes and quality of work.

OS/SS/FF of the Week and Active Thread of the Week require submission of thread title, hyperlink to the thread and the thread maker's username. 

The OS/SS/FF of the Week also requires a short written (non-spoiler) summary for each of the winning stories.  An OS and either an SS or FF is to be rewarded every edition unless there is no quality stories posted in that period.  Winners are determined based on quality of work.

The Active Thread of the Week is determined based on the number of likes and individual responses to a thread other than that by the thread maker.  It should be a dedicated discussion thread with minimal personal chatting.   Threads not considered for this section include Appreciation Threads, Written Summaries, News Segments/Articles, Facebook/Twitter Updates or instigating/fighting threads. (Not Applicable for Us)


If you fail three times in submitting entries by the due date or continuously submit low quality work then you will be removed from the NL team and your position made vacant for others to apply. THIS IS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Everyone is volunteering their time and effort to put together the best newsletter possible so please be considerate of others and ensure you give your best work forward.  Together we can achieve great things.  But great things need great people and a great work ethic!

Credit : Payali09
Modified by TeriGalliyan.
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
 Detailed Explanation of What is Required for Each Section

Review Sections

 Summary of the week : A brief outline of what happened in the 2 weeks. Summary must be broken into week 1 & week 2. Total summary can be roughly around 500-600 words. 

Rating of the week : Rate the week out of 10. Give two-three lines stating why you are giving that rating. 

Scene of the week : Best scene of the week can be any be scene from the show. Need a picture to go with the submission.

Dialogue of the week : Dialogue of the week needs to be quoted EXACTLY as the character said it and character's name.

AbhiGya scene of the week : Give two-three lines why this is the best AbhiGya scene. Need a picture to go with the submission.

RaBul scene of the week : Give two-three lines why this is the best RaBul scene. Need a picture to go with the submission.

TaaLiya scene of the week : Give two-three lines why this is the best TaaLiya scene. Need a picture to go with the submission.

Funny scene of the week : Give three-five lines why this is the funny scene. Need a picture to go with the submission.

Character of the week : Give three-five lines why the character is chosen as character of the week. Need a picture to go with the submission.

Picture of the week : Submit a picture(s).

Costume of the week : Give two-three lines describing the costume of the week. Need a picture to go with the submission.

Song of the week : This needs to be chosen while keeping in mind what is happening in the show. The show also will be the title of the NL, so chose wisely.

Comments to the Creatives : Suggestions to the creatives on what they can improve and what we as viewers would like to see. You MUST also mention the positives, what you liked. Entry should be 5-10 lines.

Credit : TeriGalliyan.
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
 Creative Sections

Signatures, Icons & Avatars (A/NA) require submission of the creative content accompanied by the creator's username.  Winners are determined based on number of likes and quality of work.

Video Mixes require submission of the creative content accompanied by the creator's username.  Winners are determined based on quality of work.

OS/SS/FF of the Week requires submission of thread title, hyperlink to the thread and the thread maker's username. 

The OS/SS/FF of the Week also requires a short written (non-spoiler) summary for each of the winning stories.  An OS and either an SS or FF is to be rewarded every edition unless there is no quality stories posted in that period.  Winners are determined based on quality of work.
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
  Important Links

KKB Media Gallery # 1  
(*Please also check the forum for OS/SS/FF/VMs as not all authors post them in the index)

KKB NL Archive
(*This where do will find anything regarding the NL)

Winning Signatures

Main Tag
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
 NewsLetter Archive
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Winning Signatures
Credit - starry.phoenix (Shikha)


Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

-- Previous Private Message --Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago
KKBNL thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hello Guys :) 
Introduce yourselves! 

I'm Nisha. You can call me Nish, Nishu or whatever you like to :)

PS : Bookmark the thread :)
Edited by KKBNL - 9 years ago