Chapter 26

1 months ago

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Chapter 26



The party ended on a happy note. Everyone started leaving one by one, congratulating the love birds. Sanjeev Khurana and his herd went inside soon after.

Rano, Mohinder came to the love birds who were standing with their arms locked with each other.

“Now we will take a leave as well” said Mohinder

“Can I keep Geet for some while. I will drop her”

Rano smiled “Now that you have asked, I don’t think Geet herself is willing to leave”

Geet made her face “Mumma …”

“It’s okay.. Enjoy your time MSK” pitched in Rocky with a wink and ran away

“” Geet was about to run to catch rocky, while Maan laughed and held her wrist to stop her

Everyone left. Maan and Geet stood there in silence to feel the dark night glittering with the small lights all around.

Maan sat on the stage with his leg hanging on the ground. He pulled Geet to sit beside him. Geet held his strong arm with both her hands and placed her head on his shoulder. They stayed there quietly, watching the silence of the night and listening to the peace of their heart.

“Maan why are you so quiet”

Maan looked at her and gave her his typical naughty smirk

“Well, Because I am getting all types of ideas and I am trying to control my thoughts which is wandering everywhere” he winked

Geet placed her chin on his shoulder and looked up to his face

“well how about you demo some of your thoughts” she raised her eyebrows

“Kabhi toh sharmaya karo” Geet stretched and placed a kiss on his cheeks. Maan jumped down to stand on the ground and surprising her picked her in his arms


“Abb sharmayee”

Carrying her in his arms, Maan walked through the hallway, to the upstairs, where he resided. Did he even care for the clowns residing there, No way!!!

“Maa-aan” Geet kept hitting him on his chest with her soft fist which only had its opposite effect on him. He threw her on bed and jumped on top of her

“Kya sab sochenge niche” she murmured and he closed his face

“Do you think I really care” and he slammed his lips on hers, pinning her hands on top of her head.

Geet was locked by Maan’s body from top to bottom as he gave her the soulful deep kiss and then nibbled her lips to his content, slowly placing wet kisses on her chin , trailing down her jawline to the crook of her neck

“Maan, not fair”

As if he cared and went down placing wet smooches down and reaching her bulge which peeped out of her dress because of his manhandling her.

“Maan this is so unfair” “Everything is fair in love and war. And he pushed his tongue inside to taste the deep valley between her chest

“Maan” he at last left her and lay flat beside her

“Just a very small Demo, Inspiration”

Sanjeev has been lost in thoughts. He was deeply analyzing all the wrong steps he had taken in life and where he landed himself.

He has left the most gorgeous and most classy woman that life had gifted him and landed with Ragini. It was so clear, Ragini had no comparison with Sandhya, with respect to beauty, legacy, elegance, class education and what not. She was epitome of not only womanhood but an extremely brilliant human being. Flawless that she was, everyone envied Sanjeev when he became the proud husband of Sandhya.

But this perfection of her, slowly bored the inferiority complex in Sanjeev. 

Sanjeev was handsome. He was also learning business under his father, Rajendra Khurana’s guidance. And when his father had gone for business dealings with Mukesh Rajawat, he was immensely appreciated, Sandhya, the only hair of Rajawa’s huge business empire. She was not only extremely beautiful, had class and composure but had such a great hold of business that she participated well in the conversation, giving her valuable inputs which none could deny.

Sandhya was 4 years younger than Sanjeev but her understanding in business was way beyond. While working together, Sandhya became Rajendra’s favorite child. But Sanjeev fell in love with the immense beauty of class. Sandhya may be knowledgeable but young heart does not measure anything. Both had fallen in love. Sandhya was a woman of commitment. And once she said yes to Sanjeev's proposal, she gave herself to him for life. He had floored her with his charms and Sandhya irrevocably fell in love with him.

Rajendra had been skeptical about the relationship. He feared the mismatch may eventually bring the crack. But Sandhya has fallen in love and she confirmed him

“I love Sanjeev ji. I am giving my heart and soul to him. And you have no right to say wrong about my love” she had complained and Rajendra had kept his hand on her.

“You are my responsibility from today”

“You are again doubting Sanjeev ji. That’s not fair” she complained as she had already formed a father daughter bond with him.

“Okay, I am not doubting your love. Khush. But I can’t stop being father to a girl I have considered my daughter”

Sanjeev was still lost in thought when Ragini came cribbing in her usual un classy way

“You just sit and keep thinking. We saw how your son shamelessly carried that Geet in his arms”

Sanjeev got up “you…” she was about to degrade him further in her high pitched voice

“Shut Up… just Shut Up.”

Ragini looked at him all confused. Sanjeev looked at the woman who made him lose everything. Today when his own son was celebrating success, he had been standing in the corner. All due to this woman. 

That was the problem with Sanjeev. He blamed his issue and the problems on others.

“No words against my son. You are standing in this house because he has allowed you all too.”

Ragini kept looking at Sanjeev.

“Now listen, I am going to fix my relationship with my son. And I do not want your nagging and bitching words in that. No words against my son”

“Chameleon!! “  said Ragini loudly, “You are the biggest chameleon. Your son? He is never your son. He is only his mother’s son”

“I do not care what you think of me.Listen now. My old age, I do not want to spend like a culprit and with disrespect in the eyes of my son who is the real heir of all this empire. I want my respect back and only Maan can give me back”

“And you think he will give it to you. What is it called? yes,respect?” she laughed

“Leave me alone” Ragini left irritated

Sanjeev looked at his hand. Life had given him everything. Birth in a house filled with wealth and love, a wife who was epitome of beauty and talent,and who brought her immense wealth to shower on him unconditionally, an extremely talented son. What did he do? He destroyed all the wonderful things that life had presented him with and got for himself the fake diamonds.

No!! He has to fix his old age and live with respect. He knew he was again being selfish as always but his son Maan, has a big and soft heart like his mother.

Now money doesn’t matter, because anyways Maan owns most of it. Luxury is also not a problem, as however angry, upset or rude Maan is, he has never lessened the luxury of living for him or his family.

But now all he wanted was to get some respect in his old age. He knew his sins were uncountable but he was only counting on the good heart of Maan. Only he can save him and his old age.

Geet was standing in front of Sandhaya’s portrait and admiring the charismatic beauty. There was a different brightness in her. She really looked like a fairy from a different world. Geet was lost when Maan came and hugged her, wrapping his hand around her waist and placing his chin on her shoulder

“You are so much like her. She was my inspiration and now you are”

Geet turned to him and wrapped her hand around his nape “Well, you do not need me as inspiration. You yourself are an inspiration for so many, including me. But I am honored to be compared to her”

Geet then had glint in her eyes “Can I take it that I would have been her favorite above you”

“For sure. Whoever can handle her emotional boy would be her favorite. And you are everything that would make you her favorite.. but”

“But?” she narrowed her eyebrows

“I am Rano Mom’s favorite”

“Mom?” Geet was surprised. Maan shrugged his shoulders “I felt like”

Geet jumped her and hugged him “Of course you are her favorite”  they again shared a love filled kiss.

Maan then dropped Geet to her house.

Maan then got badly busy working on getting a new government project  for a highway connecting multiple neighboring cities.

Mohinder took the charge for Handa group and freed Geet to focus on Khurana Enterprise as that was way more expanded and needed her complete focus. Mohinder also wanted Geet to prove the trust that Maan has shown in her. Not only as son-in-law but as a matter of pride that the President and CEO of the country's top industrial group has shown so much trust in his daughter. He wanted her to excel.

After a week filled with hectic meetings, Maan was having a relaxing Sunday. 

Geet was out of town to finalize a new deal for KE, giving him no chance to have a cozy Sunday with her.

He woke up lazily, freshened up and now was in the kitchen beating eggs in the bowl. When Maan made his breakfast, he didn’t need anyone around in the kitchen. It was his destressing moments and he liked no toxicity or interference.

After beating the eggs, he was chopping the onions when there was knock in the kitchen door

“Get-Out” he said without even looking

“Maan’ he frowned listening his name from Sanjeev

“Maan?” he turned back with questioning look and approach Sanjeev

“When did I turn Maan to you? You are forgetting, you twisted my name to Maannu, which eventually you whole clown here follows”

Sanjeev took a deep breath. Name was just a very minor thing and if Maan is picking him on that, it won’t be easy.But if he can be shameless in doing all the wrongs in life, he have to make sure to be patient with Maan if he want a respectful old age and some peace in his heart.

“I have been wanting to talk to you since start of week but you have been busy”

“So I should not be and let my empire drown? Ohh you must be wishing that, right?”

“You are my son, Maan”

“Ohh WOW!!!” Maan supported himself on the wall and smiled. Well Sanjeev knew it was going to be anything but a cakewalk.

“Can you give me some time today? We can talk in our study”

Maan wiped his hands in the apron. “Well, I am planning for a relaxing Sunday, so today won’t be possible. Tomorrow should be good”

“Then let me know your available time for tomorrow. I will be in your office”

“If your evenings are free, Mr. Khurana, I will be in your study tomorrow evening”

“I will keep my evening completely free. And I will ensure it is only you and me” Sanjeev added.

He could not believe that Maan actually agreed to meet a sinner father like him. But he was Maan, son of his mother. He cannot be insolent beyond one limit, considering Sanjeev was his father. He may like it or not, but that was a fact of Maan’s life.

Next evening, while Maan was on his way back home “Hmmm… so how did the presentation go?”

“It was great. I am very confident of this expansion plan”

“I am confident as well. It is in an able hand”

“Thank-you for such a wonderful opportunity. I have to work even harder. I want to make you proud of your trust in me”

“Well, don’t implement all your hard work in the work zone. I need you to keep your energy for other occasion as well” he teased

“Maan!! you!!!” she said but he could feel the blush on her face.

After dinner while Maan was there, Sanjeev announced “Okay, everyone, I will be in my study. Noone should disturb me”

“Wow.. Dad, you are announcing as if you are running a business empire. It’s all Maannu’s  now” Vicky insulted his father openly

Maan tightened his fist. What has this man done to himself? Gave his life for all who have no respect for all the things he had done for them. 

Sanjeev was seated in his study when Maan knocked the door. Sanjeev turned and signaled him

“So, why did you suddenly feel the need to talk to me?”


“Call me Mannuu, what you have been calling me all through. I don't like change for show off”

“Okay, Mannuu. I know I have wronged you all my life”

“I do not care. You do not matter to me”

“Father like me should actually not matter to you but still I do, I do matter to you. I am still in this house with my family, it is enough to say that I do matter.”

Maan turned “What do you want from me”

“Mannuu, I know, i do not deserve what I am asking for”

“You have always been asking what you do not deserve and you end up getting it. You never deserve my mother but you asked for her and you got her. But you were incapable to hold that luck in your hand because of your incapabilities”

Sanjeev came in front of Maan and joined his hands.  Maan stopped him “Don’t do that”

He sighed

“what do you want from me”

“In old age, only a little respect in eyes of my eldest son”

“Why does it even matter to you what I think of you when I never mattered to you. Because I am the CEO and President, now?”

“Haan… when I see your success today, I feel so proud that it is my son rising so high. I know I have no right to feel any of these but I felt. My own son is throwing a grand party of success and I am standing in the corner like no one…”

Maan gave a small laugh “One day, just one day you have to stand in a corner, that too your whole clown family was there with you… any idea how I have stayed alone in this house for the last five years, when you are enjoying your family… anyways, why am I even complaining to you…. you don't matter to me, I do not matter to you” 

Sanjeev came and placed his hand on Maan’s shoulder

“Maan bete” Maan immediately jerked his hand 

“Don’t… don’t. Dare you call me that… Your one sweet talk cannot take away what you have done to my grandparent, my mother, her sufferings due to you and my own life… How you were happy getting Geet fixed with Dev when you knew all the while….. yukkk and my mother… and…”

Maan threw his hand in the air 

“It will take days and days if we start counting what all you have done to destroy the peace and beauty of this house.

This wonderful house is now just a boarding place filled with all selfish people around, including YOU”

“I know. Not denying anything. The funniest part is, I cannot expect an ounce of respect from the family for which I did all the stupidity. They will never give me even a pinch of respect.” 

He sat down on the ground and joined his hand in front of Maan

“I am a lost man Maan. Only you can help me get out of this shameful life. I don’t deserve any respectful life, I know. But As I will start getting old it will be painful to live each day with disrespect for me everywhere. You father is an incapable man, only you can…”

“Don’t sit like that in front of me. My mother will not like her love to sit on knees in front of her son. Please do not make me culprit of my mother”

He got up “Sandhya got everything even after losing everything and I lost everything in end even after grabbing things”

“If you are done, can I leave now?” Maan needed to leave ASAP before the emotions took over him and made a fool of him.


Maan ran upstairs and the first thing he did was pour the drink in the glass.


Maan was about to take a sip when his cell ringed with her number


“Maan!! Maan are you drunk?”

“No-No-No.. you sleep. I-I am good”


“Okay Okay.. was about to. But all set after your sweet voice hit my eardrums”

“Stop being flirty. Good Night”

He disconnected.

Next morning Geet rushed to her home


“How was your trip Geet Darling”

“Mom-Dad, are you guys getting the earliest date of marriage? If not, I am taking Maan to temple today and tying knot with him today”

“Geet what’s the matter beta. Why are you in so rush to leave your parents” asked Rano

“I am in no rush to leave my parents but I cannot leave Maan to bear the torture of those vultures he is surrounded with. He can handle them alone but the emotional turmoil that they make him go through, I need to be with him”

“Geet, next week is a good date. We thought it would be early so we fixed the date after a couple of months. Now I will get next week's date fixed. You calm down” assured her Dad.

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