Chapter 18

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At the party, Angad was anxiously waiting for Kripa. He loved when he could feel her near him. He felt a sense of security. Well he was chit chatting with Prem, Prithvi and Misthy. They were discussing life and a little business. They were having a good old jolly time.

We also see Rahul, completely bored out of his mind, sitting on the couch by himself playing with his game boy. He is engrossed in it but still looking at other people trying to find some company. 

The moment has arrived, Kripa enters. She is wearing a white churidar. Her makeup is gorgeous. She has beautiful silver jhumkas on that match her outfit perfectly. Her chuni which is see through was taken like a typical Punjabi girl. She had it pinned on each shoulders and was very it long. She looked so graceful and elegant. Churiyaan, bhindi, she was totally decked out but noticeable not flashy. She entered the house a bit shy and really scared. She was looking for people that she recognized.

Well as she entered, everyone's eyes were on her. They were mesmerized. Its not like that Kripa was the most beautiful person that they had ever seen, but she looked so innocent that everyone was automatically drawn to her.

Then all of a sudden Rahul spots her, he yells out "Kripa D," and runs to her. Kripa picks him and they both hug. They both are chit chatting when Rahul takes her by her hand and walks her over to his parents. Kripa recognized Rahul's mom and they both hugged. Sonia Aunty said that it was absolutely a pleasure to see her. Then she introduced her to Nitin and gave her the whole story of who Kripa was. He was delighted to meet her. Then he asked her how she knew the Khannas. Before she could say anything, Damini introduced her as the other lead. They were gallantly talking. This is the first time that we really see Nitin happy and having a good time. Before he was really rigid and looked like he had a stick up his ass. Now we get too see a much lighter view of him. Nitin then introduces Prem. He says that this is my son that just came back from London after finishing his MBA. Kripa was quite honored to meet him and shook his hand. Prem was in aww of meeting Kripa. He had already fallen for her the moment she walked in but now after finding out what she had done for Rahul made him respect her a lot. Then Nitin and Sonia introduced her to a couple of other important people. Naina aunty was watching all of this and was quite irritated. She hated the fact that Kripa was getting all this attention and looked like she was going to kill Kripa.

Then Nitin asked Kripa how she was enjoying being a part of the Khanna's Production. Here she had nothing but good things to say. She was so positive about them. She just kept on praising them. The thing was that she meant everything. She wasn't faking it at all. She was sincere when she said that they were very different and gave everyone a chance, including her. Hearing this Naina was quite impressed but at the same time she couldn't help thinking devilishly. What else can we expect from Naina.  Now we have a very irritated Rahul who has become quite possessive of Kripa. Rahul looks at his Dad and says, dad can I take Kripa D with me. I am so bored. I want to go talk to my best friend. Kripa was all smiles. Rahul takes Kripa outside and they both sit on the lawn chairs next to the pool. They both are sitting there laughing. After a while Dadi approaches them and says, kya hora hai? Then Rahul introduced himself to Dadi and they just laugh and have a good time.

From the inside, Angad was just watching the three of them in aww. He decided to go outside and sit with them. Rahul didn't mind when Angad came over and the four of them were enjoying themselves. Then one by one everyone (Mishty, Prem, Prithvi, and Anita) walk over to them. They are just making small talk. Then all of a sudden the music gets louder. The song is, Sun Zara (Lucky)! Before Angad could ask Kripa to dance, Rahul said, Kripa D would you like to dance with me. All the guys really wanted to dance with her but at the same time they couldn't object to Rahul. Kripa picked Rahul up and they both walked to the dance floor. Angad and Mishty also came to the floor. Everyone was having a good time. After a moment, Kripa and Rahul leave the dance floor. Sonia aunty calls Rahul and he goes to her. Kripa is standing enjoying the party.


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Comments (4)

Please continue, I am liking this more than the original kyph

19 years ago

awwwwww...very cute...plz continue.......

19 years ago

me too bips. I can't wait for the next one. They r so sweet.

19 years ago

i have become totally addicted to your fan fic....

19 years ago