Chapter 8

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The next morning Kripa is getting ready when the phone rings. She answers it and its Karan. He asks her to come to the hospital immediately. He needs to speak to her.

On the other hand Angad goes to the studio a bit late. There he meets his mom and Karthik.

In the office, Karan explains to Kripa that her results for her report had come in. He looked at Kripa and said they aren't that good. We didn't anticipate the problem to be this bad but its quite terminal. If you over exerted yourself you could really hurt herself. The only solution is to have surgery. The only problem is very few doctors had ever been successful with this type of surgery. The surgery was very risky and she had a 50 to 50 chance of coming out of it alive. Obviously this scared Kripa like mad but the worst thing is that one of the few Doctors that could do this surgery, Dr. Zemalif (German) will be in Bombay next week. Karan said it was absolutely imparative that she has the surgery next week. Kripa looked at Karan and said next week. That's when the first concert is. I can't possibly do it then. I can do it right after the concert but not prior. No way. This is way to great of an opportunity for me to give up. I can't, plus I can't let Angad down. No way! She is so sad, depressed, frustrated that she picks up the reports and just walks out. Karan calls her name out.

At the studio

Naina and Karthik pull Angad into the office and say that they need to talk to him about how this show needs to be exceptional. They tell him that he will have to overshadow the down market girl, Kripa. The only reason that she is in the show is because Anuji wanted her. Otherwise they would never pick someone like her. They kept hounding Angad that he needed to do his best or it would really effect his career. There were a lot of things riding on this concert and he had to make sure it was the best. Angad was listening to this, and all he could feel was the pressure. He almost felt like there was no fun in being a pop star. He didn't say anything but just looked at them and said I will try my best. Naina looked at Angad and said .. no you will not try. You have to do the best. Angad felt so crappy. He was like I always try my best, all my shows have been successful, why do they make me feel like I am nothing but a popstar. I am also a human being! He just left and walked out of the studio.

Here we have Kripa crying and totally disturbed about her medical condition and Angad feeling low and totally alone. Ironically they both ended up going to the beach. They both were just sitting and thinking about there problems. Then Angad looked to his left and recognized Kripa. He got up and walked over to her and sat down. Kripa saw him coming over and try to hide her tears as best as she could. Angad came by and sat down next to her. He looked at her and said the beach is a nice place to try to forget your problems, isn't? Kripa looked at him and said it sure is. They sat there for about a half an hour in complete and utter silence. They didn't feel the need to say anything but at the same time they felt the closeness of the other person. Then Kripa looked over at Angad and asked, would you like to share your problems with me? Angad looked at her and said, its really nothing I just feel a little low. She said any particular reason why you feel low today. He didn't know why but he felt that he could pour his heart out to her without feeling vulnerable. So he told her exactly what had happened in the office and how his family puts so much pressure on him about being a star. He just said he felt really lonely and felt that he really didn't have anyone.

Kripa looked into his eyes and said. Angad, I don't know if I have the right to say anything to you, but never feel that your family is putting any extra pressure on you or that they don't care. You are very lucky to have a family that does care. Each one of your family members shows their love in a very unique way. Some show their love by pushing you harder to be the person that they know you can be, like your mom and brother. Then you have those like Dadi. Who showers you with love. Don't ever think that you are alone, they will always be there for you. That unconditional love that you are looking for, that you will find one day. Don't worry!

Then after a couple of seconds, she turned and looked at the sunset and said, I know I don't know you that well, and I am not going to start claiming that I understand your problems, or pretend that I am your next best friend, but I am always here for you. Anytime you ever need a friend, I am always here for you.

Angad looked at Kripa and was so happy to be sitting there with her. He felt like he really had someone. He loved her honesty. All he could do was smile at her and say THANK YOU! I feel much better. She just smiles at her and then he says, so why are you sitting here. She looks at him and just says, bus yuhi! I feel very peaceful when I am near water. So I thought I would just sit here and relax. Angad just nodded. They both sat there a little longer in peace. Then it started getting a little cold and Kripa looked up and said, I guess we should go. Its getting kinda cold. Angad looked at her and said chalo, ill take you home.

They both started walking to the car. As they were walking, Kripa looked at Angad and said, um I know that today you didn't feel so great, so why not get something sweet, like ice cream. It would lighten up your mood. She said it with so much sincerity and cuteness that Angad couldn't even refuse. More then that, he didn't want to refuse. He was feeling really comfortable with Kripa. They both went to the ice cream parlor and got ice creams. Angad got chocolate and Kripa got vanilla. They were laughing and having a good time while eating their ice cream. By the time they finish their ice cream, it's freezing. Kripa is obviously shivering and Angad is quite cold himself. They both look at each other and decide that its time to go home before they both catch a cold. They both are laughing and having a good time.

That night Kripa felt really good about herself. She really felt that she connected with Angad and got to understand a different side of him. At the same time she was quite worried about her health and didn't really know what to do. It wasn't like anyone knew about the situation that she could call and ask advice from. She just brushed it off and went to bed. Angad with a big smile was having an amazing feeling. For the first time he felt that he connected with someone on a personal base, not because he was a rock star but because he was a person. He felt like he found a true friend. He was really happy.

At this point, there are no romantic feelings. Those will develop soon!

hope you guys like it .. give me your feedback.. i would love to hear what you guys think.. thanks



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19 years ago

Amazing....plz continue...

19 years ago

plzzz continue.....i am dying to know what happens next

19 years ago

Good ones Shika... please do post the next set...
- Abhita

19 years ago

hey that was gr8 i just loveed it plez continue n make it mre romantic

19 years ago

its really good........... just amazing............... i loved the plutonic friendship part...........gr8 going .......pls write soon and make it veryyyyyyyyyyyyy long

19 years ago