Chapter 1

Yuvraz-Krishna Thumbnail



This fan-fiction is going to be about Manthan's struggle against life because of his father Karan while his mother Tanya will always support him and his sister Bhoomi. Also I changed it a little because I wasn't liking what was happening on the show between Damini, Tanya, and Tulsi so we kinda needed a change so I hope you all will love this fan fiction. I know this won't be that great as the other fan fiction writers, but giving it a try. Please tell me my mistake!

Kuch Khona Hai Kuch Pana Hai
Part One

After Manthan came back from jail he went to meet his dad. Karan sat in his room thinking about what happened to Nanadani by Ansh and her pain he could see in Krishnatulsi's eyes. Karan knew that Kt didn't even start her life and she had gone through a painful thing without knowing anything about life.
Knock... Knock....
     Come in..
Manthan walks in with his jacket unzipped and went up to his dad saying he was sorry.
Karan- Manthan, how many times can I forgive you?
Manthan- I know dad, but please give me a final chances.
Karan- You want a chance than I'll give you a chance, but first promise that you will do it.
Manthan thought about it on the spot thinking how he can accomplish his dad's challenge for him. After a while of thinking he said he will promise to do what his dad tells him to do without backing out of it. Only if it has nothing to do with Nakul or his family.
Karan- Its nothing with them, but it's with my property.
Manthan- What dad?
Karan- Alright than Manthan I want you to marry KrishnaTulsi and make her our family honor because I can't see her in pain like that.
Manthan shocked as never he said he can't marry her because he hates her and also what dose this have to do with your property.
Karan- Manthan you wanted a chance so I gave it to you so think about it or you will loose your fifty percent of shares in my will.
Manthan- But Dad, how can I marry her?
Karan just left without saying a word and Manthan stood there with a shocking facial expression than he went in his room. On the other hand Kt sat in her room with a shocked look because she heard what Karan uncle said to Manthan.
KrishnaTulsi- How can I marry Manthan?
Me and Manthan are so opposite each other in many ways like our values, relationships, and respect for others. Maybe I just need to talk with him or Karan uncle and Baa without Baa's choices I want do anything else, but wait for the right time.

Each night Manthan sat in his room thinking about how can he marry a that he hates for insulting him many times since they have met each other. Next day he though of talking with Bhoomi about it and Bhoomi was so in a rush that she ignored him. After Manthan sat in the garden thinking who should he talk to about his feeling than he felt a hand on his shoulder.
  Manthan, I know how you are feeling because I heard your talk with Karan uncle and the way he threaten you with fifty percent of shares.
Manthan- Kt, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't raped?
Kt- I think you are right it's my fault this happen to because I live in this house if I was still living in my birthplace than nothing like this would have happened. Manthan, I just came here to tell you I wanted to help you out of this, but I don't thinking you need my help.
Kt runs inside the house into her room and Manthan knew this time he was wrong. After few hours passed and Manthan knew he had to tell his Dad about his decision on marrying Kt. At dinner time Karan had send Archita to call Kt for dinner when Archita reach up there she checked every where for Kt, but than she found a letter saying Baa's name. Archita quickly grabs the letter and goes running down the stairs saying to Tulsi-Nani that Kt has left this letter for you.
Karan- Ma, read what it says?

Part Two
Recap~ Karan commanded Manthan to marry Kt while Manthan tried to talk to his sister Bhoomi, but she was too busy. Kt leaves a letter behind for Baa.

Tulsi opens the letter and reads it out aloud.
[KrishnaTulsi's letter]

Dear: Baa,
   Please forgive for leaving like this but today I realized that I am responsible for what happened to me on holi. Therefore I couldn't stay in this house so I felted because of me many people's relationships are getting worst. Baa, I know that I am the reason for your living, but please forgive your beti for leaving this place like this. Don't worry where I am going because Kisnaji knows where I have to go.
                                                                                  Beti KrishnaTulsi

Tulsi was shocked of what Kt has done while Manthan knew she had left because of him so he went out looking for her while Lakshya was looking everywhere for her. Manthan called everywhere to find her than he saw her sitting in a temple on the stair. Manthan went up to her and said he was sorry for behaving with you, but I was tensed and you know what.
Kt- Manthan, you are the person who I hate understood me and my pain, but I wanted to tell you that why don't you tell Karan uncle that you like someone else.
Manthan- How did you know?
Kt- Manthan, a person like you can be bad, but not that bad enough to sell drugs to save a girl's honor.
Manthan- Who I use to hate understood me when my family didn't, but I made up my mind.
Kt- On what Manthan?
Manthan- KrishnaTulsi, will you marry me?
Kt had no words to say, but all of sudden Kt felt dizzy and fainted on Manthan's arms. Lakshya saw Kt in Manthan's arm and he drover off with a anger look Angry. Manthan didn't know what to do so he went home while Tulsi was worried like hell and Mihir tried to clam Tulsi  down.
Mihir- Tulsi, nothing will happen to her.
Tulsi- It's easy for you to say, but when Kt use to get a cold I wouldn't sleep three whole nights and you are telling me to relax.
Karan- Ma please don't worry I know Manthan or Lakshya will find her.
Manthan came home carrying Kt in his arm saying that she was in a mandir and when we were coming home she fell asleep in the car so I didn't felt like waking her up Tulsi-Dadi
Karan- Manthan take Kt into her room.
Manthan- Yes dad than after can I talk with you, Tulsi-Dadi, and Mihir-Dadu in Baa's room.
Karan- Of course Manthan
Tulsi was shocked in seeing the change in Manthan while Nakul watched Manthan concerned for Kt. Manthan placed Kt in her bed than saw a small picture of her and Tulsi-Dadi. After he left to meet everyone in Baa's room.
Tulsi- Manthan, what is that you want to talk about to us?
Manthan takes a deep breath- Dad you said fews days ago that I should marry Kt. I though about it for couple of days and today I made up my mind.
Karan- What is it Manthan?
Manthan- Dad I am ready to marry Kt and make her my wife and our house honer. I know Tulsi-Dadi, Mihir-Dadu, and Baa you all must be thinking why I want to marry her when she loves Lakshya. If Lakshya loves Kt a lot than he wouldn't worry about the society.
Mihir- Tulsi, Manthan is right we should think about this rishta.
Tulsi had no words to say, but hugs Manthan saying Thank you. For the first time Manthan also hugged Tulsi because she was so attach to his Dad.

Next Day Manthan was looking all over his room for his cell-phone than remembers he left it behind in Kt's room. He was walking over there when Kt walks in with is cell.
  Manthan if you don't mind can I talk to you, but not here?
Manthan- Yeah sure than lefts go for a coffee in five minutes.
Kt- Alright with me, but I'll just double check with Baa.
Manthan- I'll see you down stair at breakfast table.
Lakshya watched her come out of Manthan's room than goes to Tulsi-Dadi's room, but she wasn't there so she went down the stairs and found Tulsi talking with Karan Uncle.
Kt- Ba, can I got with Manthan?
Tulsi- Sure Beta, but please come back before 12 because you know there is a puja for you.
Manthan- Don't worry Tulsi-Dadi I'll bring her on time.
Tulsi talks to Karan saying that today during the puja she should do their's engagement.
Karan- I was thinking the same Ma, so it done than after four days we will get them married.
Tulsi- Fine with me
Lakshya heard Tulsi and Karan's talk about getting them married soon. He was hurt because he loves Kt a lot, but can't go over Tripti after all she is there mother. Manthan and Kt are talking when Lakshya comes by and slaps Kt across saying "How - dare - you - back - stab - me - and - marry - him?"

Guys I hope you all love these parts and leave your feedback on how I did on this one because I have written many kinds for Jai and Bani from KS. So I hope you all will like it.


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Comments (11)

wow.. i just luved it gud work.. plz continue soon

17 years ago

Waou kiya FF hai cont soon love manthaaaaaaaannnnnn

17 years ago

that was a good start- how could he hit her? if he truly loved her he would understand.
im a bit off- is this after Manthan got accused of her rape- if so this is terrible(situation, not FF), why on earth would she marry her rapist. ixi-shaj39176.2902430556

17 years ago

it is just awsome continue

17 years ago

Please Continuee! Its a wicked fanfic!

17 years ago

wow.. i like it.. please please continue soon...

17 years ago

Really nice...continue plz....I really enjoyed it...

17 years ago

Really nice ff. Continue soon.

17 years ago

i love the concept cant wait to read more lol so excited manthan and kt

17 years ago

Well thank you for liking the story line and the girl Manthan likes will be a surprise. So wait

17 years ago