Chapter 2

Yuvraz-Krishna Thumbnail



I would like to say thank you to all these people who encouraged me. Once again thanks to chat_222, rupi b, cuty-k, Shafaq92, ~Khayal~, princess4120, mizz_Sabah, Koolkat, ixi-shaj, aishal, and anjubishwakarma.

Kuch Khona Hai Kuch Pana Hai
Part Three
Recap- Manthan made up his mind to marry Kt even Tulsi was shocked to see the change in him. Karan was happy that his son wouldn't go against his wish.

Manthan and Kt are talking when Lakshya comes by and slaps Kt across saying "How - dare - you - back - stab - me - and - marry - him?" Kt just stared at him without saying a word Lakshya had crossed his limits after what he said to her, but what hurt her the most when he said she was marrying Manthan because he has money and she never loved him just played with his emotions.
Manthan- Chill Lakshya its nothing like what you think, but she is marrying for...
Lakshya- Manthan, you can fool some other person like that, but not me.
Manthan- Hey I'm not fooling anyone, but doing what's right cause some people think I'm responsible for the drinks in Holi.
Lakshya- Manthan, I wasn't asking you, but I was asking this person who hurt my heart.
Kt- Manthan, can we leave know?
Manthan- Yes Kt
Kt leaves with Manthan leaving Lakshya hurt with blood running down his hand while Kt knew she couldn't take it any longer seeing him like that in pain, but she was doing it for him. In the house everyone was getting ready for the puja, but Karan was get the surprise ready for the family members after the puja.
Tulsi- Archita, call Manthan on his cell because Kt went with him and they are suppose to be here know.
Archita- Tulsi-Nani, don't worry they will be here.
Baa- Tulsi, they are here
Tulsi spots them than leads Kt toward the puja area and tells her to sit down, but Kt say how can she because only boys can sit, but for girls they can't sit until they are married.
Tulsi- I know beta but don't worry you aren't sitting alone?
Tanya- Ma, who is going to sit with her in this puja?
Tulsi- The person who she is getting engaged to even though husband and wife sit, but soon they will be married.
Damini- Oh I see Ma and Lakshya, you can on time to do this puja with Kt.
Baa- Damini, didn't you hear what Tulsi said that Kt is doing the puja with her going to be husband not Lakshya.
Sahil- Baa, What are you saying?
While this was going on Lakshya went in his room and takes out a beer bottle. Nakul watched him drinking one by one while Kt was doing the puja with Manthan like they were married. After the puja was over Karan told everyone that Manthan and Kt are getting engaged today. Tanya and the rest were shocked, but after it didn't matter. Nakul watched from the stair toward Manthan where he was putting on a ring in Kt's finger while Kt was loosed in her memories with Lakshya.
[This was happening a song played in the background from Salaam - E - Ishq and the song is called Ya Rabba.]
After Kt placed her ring on Manthan's finger than takes everyones blessing.
Nakul to himself- You both will have to pay for my brothers insult and I promise to you Lakshya.
Lakshya fallen so hard on the floor that Sahil couldn't watch, but he had to see all this because of his wife.

Next Day
Manthan sat in his room looking at his ring on the side table by his right side on the bed. In another room Kt stayed up all night looking at her and Lakshya's engagement photo that was broken off by his mother. After she forced herself out of bed than walked in the bathroom with water running down the shower while Manthan finished up getting dressed. Nakul was in a hurry to go office that he forgot to wear his pants before he could notice Tulsi told him to put on some pants before your cousin sisters tell everyone about it. Nakul went running in his room.
Lakshya walked out of his room walking toward Kt's room, but Baa stopped him for his own good before it gets worst for him. Manthan was going down the stairs for breakfast when Tanya asked him if he is happy.
Manthan- Of course Mom than why would I do this
Tanya- I thought your father told you to do this
Manthan- Mom there is nothing like that and trust me.
Tanya- I trust you fully but I was just worried.
Manthan- Oh
Kt walks down without trying not to look at Lakshya cause she won't be able to stand his pain. Tanya calls Kt toward the breakfast table and says they should go out shopping for their wedding that is in couple of weeks.
Kt- Auntie right know
Tanya- Yes
Manthan- Mom, what's the hurry? we can go some other day?
Tanya- As you guys wish!
Kt- Auntie as you want I will go shopping with Manthan, but you have to come with us.
Manthan- Yes mom only if you come than we will go
Tanya- Alright
All three of them go shopping while Bhoomi called Abir at the same mall to talk about some thing important.

I hope you all love this part and leave your feed back once again. Tongue


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Comments (4)

awsome job the fanfic is fantastic i cant wait to read part 5 lol ps. i love that its in english lol so much easier to read
fantastic job
rupi b39179.6093865741

17 years ago

WOW.. its fab.. plz continue soon

17 years ago

WOW! i love your fanfic! and Manthan is shoo shweet! Please Continue

17 years ago

Part four will be up around 5 if i'm not busy

17 years ago