Chapter 40

~NiKkY~ Thumbnail



part 35

the part had started and every femaile was wearing red and every male was wearin black.

prem ha dmade a toast to everyone at the party for him and his wifey! Big smile

the virani's were thier.anourog and his family were thier and the rest were the bajaj family relitves.

kt went around visiting everyone and interdousing laksh to them.

everyone danced threw the night...............

1 in the morning

kt swung the door open at the virani house sh ecollased on the bed fallowed by laksh.

laksh sighed:that was osme party!

laksh kissed kt's back.

kt:i know i am realt tired.

laksh came close to kt and layed close to her he kissed the corner of her cheak and wipsered in her ear.

l:u look so hot today!
l:can i have a goodnight kiss?
kt leaned closer to him and gave him a smoch and then they both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

in prem and mukti's room thier were candles arrounding them and prme and mukti were underthe coer making out Embarrassed

prem kissed her neck and mukti kissed hic cheak.

soon after makin love to eachothe rthey feel asleap!

to eb continue dsrry if this part was sort!!!

next part i am planing sumthing big Big smile

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Comments (5)

LK and PM scenes were so romantic.

5 months ago

hey great update plzz continue soon!

16 years ago

Amazing part hun.....loved it....cont. soon... Pari

16 years ago

oh my gawd. that was soooooo good Nikky. do continue soon please and add more PM scenes like this. can't believe that they have been married 4 like a yr now in ur FF

16 years ago

awesum part..nikky..continue soon..

16 years ago