Chapter 10

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Part 10


Maya: wow, it's decorated really well!

Someone walks past Maya and so she steps back and falls into Rahul.

Maya: sorry…

Rahul shrugs: It's not your fault. Would you like to dance Maya?

Maya: sure

The minute the hit the dance floor, the song changes into "Hai IshqYeh Kya Ek Khatha" from Bas Ek Pal.

While Maya and Rahul are dancing, everyone clears the dance floor to make room for the couple.

Adi: Hey! That looks like Maya….

Raj: Maya? Where?

Adi points to the dance floor from the balcony where they are sitting.

Raj: it is Maya, but who is she with?

Adi: I don't know, but they're dancing really well!

Everyone in Nirvana stands up and claps when the song ends.

Maya: OMG!!! Rahul that was so much fun!!

While Maya is getting off the dance floor she runs into Jhanvi and Malini.

Maya: Jhanvi, Malini, are you guys here too?

Jhanvi: yes, unfortunately for you!

Maya: what do you mean?

Jhanvi: do I need to remind you, that your boyfriend is my brother! And here you are on a date with another guy!

Maya quickly looks at Rahul

Rahul: excuse me? Maya and I aren't on a date! I just needed someone to come with me for this anniversary party, and so I asked Maya since she came with Arushi for our meeting!

Maya gives Rahul a "thank-you" smile!

Maya: where's Raj?

Malini points to the balcony.

Maya makes eye contact with him and goes upstairs while Rahul follows her.

Raj: so this is your little meeting with Arushi and her client?

Maya: Adi, Rahul, Malini, and Jhanvi, could you guys please leave us alone for like 5 minutes?

The four of them leave.

Raj: answer me!

Maya: Raj, I went to Arushi's meeting, Rahul needed a date for this party, and so he asked me, and I came. I didn't know you guys would be here too!

Raj: so if you had known, you would have gone somewhere else right?

Maya: no way Raj! But I think right now, there's no point trying to get you to understand anything, so just forget it!

Maya walks away and she goes to where the four of them are standing. When Maya comes there, Malini goes and stands with Raj.

Maya: Rahul, could you possibly take me back to the dessert bar? I need to get my car from there!

Adi: Maya, I'll take you.

Maya: no Adi. You please stay here with Raj. I don't want him to be alone.

She looks back at Raj. Malini is whispering something in his ear. He turns and looks at Malini, and then before anyone can realize what's happening. Raj kisses Malini.

Maya's mouth drops wide open when she sees this and Rahul takes her out the door to his car, where she cries and cries.

Rahul: Maya, please don't cry this isn't your fault!

Rahul consoles Maya and drives her home, where she tells the entire story to Arushi. Arushi immediately regrets having sent Maya with Rahul.

Meanwhile back at Nirvana

Adi goes to Raj and pulls him away from Malini.

Adi: RAJ!! What the hell are you doing? Are you even in your senses?

Malini: (thinks) He's not in his senses!! I slipped some Vodka into his Pepsi!

Adi drags Raj into the club's parking lot, closely followed by Jhanvi and Malini. Adi sits Raj down in the car, and then quietly tells Malini and Jhanvi to get in the car.

When they get home, Adi helps Raj down to the loft. Malini and Jhanvi both go to their respective rooms. After putting Raj to sleep, Adi makes his way to Maya's room. He knocked on the door, and after a few minutes Arushi opened the door. They both shared a quick hug before Adi went to Maya.

Adi: are you okay?

Maya looks up from her position on the bed, her face stained with tears.

Maya: would you be, if you saw Arushi kissing another guy?

Adi: no, but Raj was under the influence of alcohol.

Maya: and that's supposed to make it all okay?

Adi: no Maya, I know you're hurt.

He gives her a hug, and she lets out all the tears she was holding inside. After awhile Adi leaves and goes downstairs, Arushi follows him there. Adi sits on the love seat, and Arushi cuddles up next to him.

Arushi: do you think they'll be okay?

Adi: they have to be…I'm just surprised that Jhanvi didn't have any reaction to Raj kissing Malini.

Arushi: Jhanvi huh?? Maya told me, she was being extra friendly with you!

Adi: ya she is. Malini is doing the same thing with Raj.

Arushi: are they both…trying to get rid of Maya and me?

Adi: hey…don't even think about that! You know that will never happen!

He kisses Arushi on her forehead.

Arushi: Adi, I really hope you're right! But if you ever and I mean ever, choose to leave me, I swear I'll kill you!

Adi laughs: ok Aru!

Arushi: I'm serious!!!

Adi just nods.

Arushi: I'm going to bed….

Adi: no, stay here…with me?

Arushi: but what will Maya say in the morning when she doesn't see me in her room?

Adi: who cares?

He lies down on the sofa and Arushi lies down next to him, they both cuddle and go to sleep.

Raj wakes up the next morning and his head is bursting because of his hangover. He doesn't find anyone downstairs in the loft and so he goes up to the main floor and finds Jhanvi watching T.V.

Raj: hey where is everyone?

Jhanvi: Aman went with Adi to drop off Arushi and to meet with some of his clients.

Raj: and…. uhhh…Maya?

Jhanvi: Malini is in the kitchen, and Maya's in her room. So what are you going to do?

Raj: what do you mean? Never mind, let's just drop it. Why aren't you at work?

Jhanvi: I'm scheduled to go in at 1:00pm

Raj: ok well…

He trails off as he sees Maya coming down the stairs dressed in a long denim skirt, and a green v-neck shirt. Maya catches Raj looking at her and looks away.

Jhanvi: Hey Maya! You're dressed nicely! Going somewhere?

Maya: Hi, thanx, ya I'm meeting someone for lunch.

Malini: anyone say lunch? Well, it's ready!

Raj turns as he hears Malini's voice. His eyes widen as he sees what she is wearing! Malini is wearing short shorts with a crop top and an apron on top, making it look like she isn't wearing anything on the bottom! Maya looks away utterly disgusted!

Malini: Maya, you're not staying for lunch?

She goes to Raj and gives him a hug…

Maya: no, I'm meeting a friend for lunch and then a movie.

Raj: (thinks) Who is she meeting?

Jhanvi: which movie?

Maya: A Novel in New York

Malini: oooo that's supposed to be good

Maya: hmmm…

Malini: which showing are you going for?

Maya looks at her quizzingly: 2:20 pm. Ok now I'm getting late. Bye,

She heads out the door. Raj follows her.

Raj: Maya, wait a second.

Maya: what?

Raj: I thought your car was at the dessert place; do you need me to drop you off?

Maya: No! Thank-you, I'm getting picked up.

Raj: please don't be so angry. I didn't mean to hurt you yesterday.

Maya: but you did!

A car honks and Maya turns and sees a Mazda Miata.

Maya: my ride's here.

Raj looks into a car and sees Rahul who waves at Raj.

Raj: you're going to lunch with him?

Maya: Yes, now please excuse me…

Maya moves out of the door way and gets into Rahul's car.

Rahul: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me for lunch.

Maya: Rahul, there is no need to say thanks…so where are we going?

Rahul: It's a surprise.

Maya smiles: okay….

Arushi: Adi, open the door!!! Let me go!!! I need to get to work!!!

Adi: Aman, could you close your eyes for about it?

Aman: sure…

Aman obliges and Adi pulls Arushi closer and closer when…

Aman: hey!!! You work at Cosmo magazine!!

Adi: Aman!

Aman: sorry!

Arushi laughs: ya I do, why?

Aman: this is where Jhanvi's gonna work too!

Arushi: really?

Adi: that's soooo interesting. Now can we please get back to what we were doing before?

Arushi: ADI!!!

Adi: Aru!!

Aman: go ahead! This time I promise I won't interrupt!

Arushi laughs

Adi gradually comes closer and closer to Arushi, when finally their lips touch.

Arushi: can you open the locks now?

Adi: I guess…do you have to go to work?

Arushi: yes unlike you, Maya and Raj, I actually do have to go to work.

She finally convinces Adi to open the locks, and so she goes to work. Adi plays chauffeur for Aman and takes him wherever he needs to go.

While Maya and Rahul are enjoying their lunch at some Italian restaurant, over at the Sharma house, Malini had convinced Raj that he must spy on Maya. Jhanvi goes and gets ready for her first day at work, and that's when Malini manipulates Raj, to spy on Maya. Raj and Malini go and drop off Jhanvi, and then head to Loews Cinema, since it's the only one playing the movie at 2:20. When Raj is parking the car he sees Rahul's Mazda Miata.

Raj: they're def here…

Malini: do you remember what to say if we run into them?

Raj: Malini wanted to see the movie and so I brought her.

Malini: perfect. Let's go in.

They walk in the theatre, buy the tickets and see Maya and Rahul in the concession line.

Raj: let's go in the theatre first…

When they both come out again, they run into Rahul and Maya.

Maya: Raj? Why are you here?

Raj: Malini wanted to see the movie, so I brought her…

Maya: Rahul, could you go in the theatre and save our seats please?

Rahul: sure Maya.

Raj: Malini, umm go get whatever you want from the concession. (He hands her a $20 and she goes)

Maya: can't you see what she's doing??

Raj: what is she doing?

Maya: she's making us drift apart! And I can't take it anymore!!!

Raj: she doesn't need to; you're already doing it!!! Coming here with another guy, when you already have a boyfriend?

Maya: had!

Raj: excuse me?

Maya: you heard right! We're over! I can't deal with you being suspicious of me all the time!

Raj: so what? That's it? We're over, just like that???

Maya: ya….

Raj: Maya…. you can't…just…do that to me!!!!

He holds her by the shoulders.

Maya: Raj, just leave me…alone…

Before Maya can say another word, Raj gives her a passionate kiss, and Maya breaks it off by slapping him.

Maya: how dare you?

She runs into the theatre while Raj stands outside realizing what he had done. Two minutes later Maya and Rahul both come out of the theatre and leave.

Malini: what happened?

Raj: I really don't wanna talk about it, can we leave please?

Malini: sure Raj.

Rahul and Maya got into his car, and Maya puts her hand on the handle, but then she breaks down crying, and Rahul goes to her.

Maya: you don't even know me really well, and for the past two days all you've seen me do is cry.

Rahul: Maya, you don't need to know someone to understand how they're feeling.

She puts her hand on his chest, and he puts both his arms around her. After a few minutes of being like this, they both get an unknown feeling inside and Rahul looks down at Maya the same time that she looks up at him. After a few seconds of gazing into each other's eyes, Rahul tilts his head slightly and their lips touch. The moment they do, Maya feels as if fireworks are exploding all around her.

Finally Rahul pulls away.

Rahul: I'm sorry...

Maya: you don't have to be, it was my mistake too.

Rahul: I wasn't supposed to, I took advantage of you.

Maya: Rahul, you kissed me and I kissed you back.

Rahul: (thinks) I'm surprised that you did….

Maya: so stop thinking that you took advantage of me.

Rahul: I'm really sorry, but I promise you it will never happen again.

Maya: (thinks) it won't?

Maya is shocked at the disappointment in her thinking.

Rahul: ok do you want me to take you home? Or…

Maya: Rahul, can we not go home? I'm not sure I can face him right now.

Rahul: we could go to Downtown Toronto or we could go to Gerrard Street?

Maya: oooo Gerrard Street!!

Rahul: I'm guessing you like Indian things?

Maya: of course!

They both laugh and head to Gerrard Street.

From Malini and Raj's view

Malini: did you see that?

Raj: uh huh….

Malini: she kissed him!

Raj: you know what Malini? Maya broke up with me; I don't care who she kisses now!

Malini: you guys broke up? Really?

Raj: why does that excite you?

Malini: umm Raj, I've wanted to tell you…I have really liked you for the longest time….

Raj: longest time, meaning three days ago?

They both are now in the car,

Raj: Malini, I know my status is currently single again, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to hook up with just anyone right now!

Raj drives towards Sharma house and calls the airlines.

Raj: hi there, I'd like to book a ticket for the earliest flight to New York please?

Malini: you're going back to New York?

Raj puts a finger to his lips.

Raj: sshhh…. (Into the phone) yes that's all right; ok so 10:25 tonight?

Raj hangs up.

Malini: Raj, could you book me a flight to Chicago please?

Raj: you want to go back?

Malini nods.

Raj: Malini, I didn't mean to hurt you earlier. …Ummm why don't you come to New York with me? It is fashion capital of the U.S.

Malini: do you really mean that?

Raj: ya…. ummm should I book you a ticket too?

Malini: sure, but will I be able to stay in NY with you?

Raj: ya…. I guess that's okay…

Raj calls the same airline and books a ticket for Malini on the same flight as his.

They both arrive home, and Arushi opens the door.

Raj: you're home already?

Arushi: uh ya, its 4:45pm, I always get off early on Fridays!

Malini: you don't need to talk so rudely to Raj!

Arushi: and you don't need to butt into out conversation, do you?

Raj: Arushi's right

Malini: fine then, I'll just go up to my room and pack!
She goes upstairs.

Arushi looks at Raj: pack??

Raj: oh ya, ummm I'm going to NY tonight, and Malini's coming with me.

Arushi: so that's it? You're just leaving? You broke Maya's heart and now you're going to run away??? I told her not to trust you!!!

Raj: excuse me?? Maya broke up with me!!

Arushi: what?

Raj: ya, so next time before you yell at me, get your facts straight!

Adi and Aman come out of the garage, and Aman heads upstairs.

Adi: hey Raj, cool it man!

Raj: uggh…. whatever, now that she's your girlfriend of course you'll side with her? Like I hold any value being your best friend for more than 13 years!

Raj goes down to the loft to pack and at around 6:30pm, Maya comes home.

Maya: hey Aru! Hi Adi, what's up?

Arushi: umm Hi Maya. I wanted to tell you something….

Maya: go ahead…

Arushi: Raj is going to NY tonight.

Maya: what?

Adi: with Malini….

Maya: oh umm…. that's great for them!

Arushi: Raj told me that you guys broke up??

Maya: uh huh, it was for the best anyway…now he can move on with me being in his way. Is he downstairs?

Arushi: ya…. you should go talk to him one last time…

Maya: ya.

Maya walks to the closed loft door and she slips inside and shuts it.

Maya: Raj?

Raj quickly turns around: Maya…

Maya: so you're leaving huh?

Raj: ya….

Maya: umm…I hope you…. (She sniffs back her tears)

Raj: Maya, come here.

Maya goes to him and completely breaks down.

Raj: sshhh…stop! Don't cry you'll be happier without me. I promise

Maya: how can you say that?

Raj looks down at her: I know it's true…we were never meant to be. They hug tightly before Adi knocks on the loft door.

Adi: can we come in?

Raj says yes and Adi and Arushi come in.

Arushi: are both of you okay? And Raj I'm sorry, I know you feel like now Adi defends me more, but it's not like that, and for what happened before I'm sorry!

Raj: don't be sorry Arushi, it was all my mistake.

Maya: umm I'm going up now, Raj can we at least keep in touch?

Raj looks at her and smiles. She returns his smile and goes upstairs.

Adi: I came down to tell you Raj that Jhanvi and Aman are moving to an apartment tonight itself.

Raj: ok…that's great for them.

Time rolls around for Raj and Malini's flight. Adi takes them to the airport and that's when Aman and Jhanvi more to their apartment.

Arushi: Maya are you sure you're okay?

Maya: I'll be fine Aru I just need to…. (Her cell phone beeps indicating a received text message)

It's from Raj, "I'll always love you, and you know that"

Maya hands her cell phone to Arushi and just goes upstairs.

Awww...poor Maya... I think she'll be fine without him...what do you guys think? Will she and Rahul come together? Are Arushi and Adi always going to be together? Please leave comments!!

Luv ya all loads,

Meera Embarrassed Embarrassed

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Comments (13)

nope...Raj is Saif....and nope sorry John...or I can atleast mention him if you want?!

16 years ago

[QUOTE=noodles]Awww fantastic update di! I really liked it but it was sad how Maya/Raj broke up. Oh well. But I think Adi/Aru is a really nice couple! Great job I really love your writing.
I love the quick little oh well! I'll continue asap!

16 years ago

Omg Maya and Raj broke up...thats sad...Gosh Malini is mean...aww man..what's gunna happen with Adi and Arushi?They make a cute couple..and i really like them alot..Well some of the parts was was a really great part..can't wait for the next part to know whats gunna happen next...

16 years ago

ahhhhh..all this time, i thought raj was srk!.anyways..there is no part on page there?..great part on PAGE 20 thoughh.. ..i still want john in this FF! xo-Krupa-ox39273.9904050926

16 years ago

[QUOTE=indiandoll89] [QUOTE=noodles]Wow Nice episode! Thankoo Noodles!! Any time yaar!uh oh!! Not a love triangle, this is like a love octagon!! It'll all make sense later! Ok that's good!!
Uh oh you said Adi and Aru will be ok but does that mean Raj and Maya will break up? lips are'll find out in the next part!!Those 2 new girls are being annoying I know! Thank God you got rid of em a bit!! [/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

16 years ago

Awww fantastic update di! I really liked it but it was sad how Maya/Raj broke up. Oh well. But I think Adi/Aru is a really nice couple! Great job I really love your writing.

16 years ago

[QUOTE=MUNNIBABA2007]awwww that was really awesome meera..Thanks Abhi!!!.ur most welcome... i really like adi adn 2!!!. i hope theys aty together... and i also hope rahul adn maya get together..ah...we'll seee!. hey! kajol adn shahrukh make the best jodi! soo you cannot say that! and jhanvi and aman...not done... i mean jhanvi doesn't even actually love him... soo she should go and amrita should
Amrita should come?? lol...I think so too!yup she should!
will you be tellign us about malini and raj in NY? are they like gonna end up together?
they might end up together...or maybe not! welll change malini into priety or saif into john and then make them
anywayss continue sooon...
will tom! kk will wait till then

PS. i might not always be able to commetn sicne i usually read through psp and it takes forever to log in and /or comment...soo when ic an i will... that's ok Abhi!! It's the thought that counts!aww thankss....[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

16 years ago


16 years ago

[QUOTE=MUNNIBABA2007]awwww that was really awesome meera..Thanks Abhi!!!. i really like adi adn 2!!!. i hope theys aty together... and i also hope rahul adn maya get together..ah...we'll seee!. and jhanvi and aman...not done... i mean jhanvi doesn't even actually love him... soo she should go and amrita should
Amrita should come?? lol...I think so too!
will you be tellign us about malini and raj in NY? are they like gonna end up together?
they might end up together...or maybe not!
anywayss continue sooon...
will tom!

PS. i might not always be able to commetn sicne i usually read through psp and it takes forever to log in and /or comment...soo when ic an i will... that's ok Abhi!! It's the thought that counts![/QUOTE]

16 years ago

awwww that was really awesome meera... i really like adi adn rushi... i hope theys aty together... and i also hope rahul adn maya get together... and jhanvi and aman...not done... i mean jhanvi doesn't even actually love him... soo she should go and amrita should will you be tellign us about malini and raj in NY? are they like gonna end up together? anywayss continue sooon... abhi PS. i might not always be able to commetn sicne i usually read through psp and it takes forever to log in and /or comment...soo when ic an i will...

16 years ago