Chapter 7

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Part 7

Maya: oh ho? So you want Adi huh? Well too bad! My poor brother is working over time right now so he can come home in an hour. Only for you!

Arushi: Aw really? How sweet, and you evil person want me to be mean to him?

Maya: ya anyway tell me where you are€

Arushi: I€™m at Turani building on 5th Avenue.

Maya: ok I€™ll call and tell Raj, but listen if he hasn€™t picked up a good brown movie; will you please go with him? I don€™t trust his choice; he€™ll probably end up with something with Aishwarya Rai, in it!!! Please don€™t pick any of her movies!!!

Arushi laughs: ok ok, now can you please call Raj?

Maya: fine! Bye!

Arushi: cya in a while!

Maya calls Raj, who was still on his way to the movie rental place, and so he quickly made a U-turn to go pick up Arushi!

Raj: What do I get for this favor?

Maya: umm how about nothing?

Raj: that€™s not fair. I actually want something!!

Maya: oh really? And what is it that you would like?

Raj: I€™ll tell you when I get home!

Maya: fine, now go and pay attention to how you€™re driving!!

Raj laughs as he hangs up.

He finally gets to Turani building and sees Arushi, standing by the doors. She notices Maya€™s green BMW and goes to the car.

Raj: Hi Arushi.

Arushi: Hi Raj, how€™s your finger?

Raj: oh that, ya its fine, when someone applies medicine with love, it doesn€™t take long for a wound to heal.

Arushi: awww Maya should hear these sweet things you say about her!

Raj: but I€™m talking about the nurse at the hospital, not Maya.

Arushi: Raj! Kind of mean, don€™t ya think?

Raj: I€™m just kidding; anyway we€™re here at the movie rental shop.

They both get out of the car and head inside the store. They first go to the new release section. Arushi picks up Vivah, and Raj gets Dhoom 2. They both show each other their picks.

Arushi: Do you want her to kill you? Never pick an Aishwarya Rai movie unless it has SRK in it okay?

Raj: oh ya I totally forgot€but seriously Vivah? Isn€™t that a total chick flick?

Arushi: Ya but Maya loves it!

Raj: ok but the movie has to be something with all like!

Arushi: But who€™s going to pick for Maya and Adi?

Raj: I€™ll pick for Adi and you pick for Maya okay?

Arushi: fine.

While they are going through aisles and aisles of movies, Maya calls Raj!

Raj: Hey Jaanu!

Maya: oi! Don€™t jaanu me! Where the hell are you?

Raj: at the movie place€

Maya: Still? Adi€™s already home€

Raj: so? Who cares if Adi€™s home already?

Arushi hearing Adi€™s name, takes the phone out of Raj€™s hand.

Arushi: he€™s home already?

Maya: ya he came about 5 mins ago€

Arushi: well what movie do you want?

Maya: have u narrowed it down at all?

Arushi: ya€. no

Maya: OMG, I should have never sent both of you to pick a movie! Just pick something both of you agree on, and if I don€™t like it, then I€™ll just pick and SRK movie from my collection and watch it down in the loft!

Arushi: yes ma€™am! We€™ll be home in about 10 mins!

Maya: ok hurry! I€™ll warm up the food!

Arushi: what did u make?

Maya: Enchiladas and fajitas!

Arushi: yum Enchilada€™s??

Raj hears Arushi say enchiladas and reaches over to get his phone back from her!

Raj: Maya, what did you make?

Maya: why will it make you pick a movie faster?

Raj: maybe€.

Maya: then maybe I made enchiladas!

Raj: OMG Really?? I love you!!! We€™ll be home in 5 minutes max!!!

Maya: calm down!! Drive carefully!

Raj: I always do! Bye!

Maya: bye, and oh Raj?

Raj: hmm?

Maya: (whisper) I love you too!

Raj: what? I didn€™t hear that!

Maya: well too bad!! Bye!!

Raj smiles as he flips his phone shut.

Raj: ok Arushi we need to pick and movie and fast. I need to get home ASAP!!

Arushi: and why is that?

Raj: she€™s making enchiladas!

Arushi: so?

Raj: it€™s ok! You won€™t understand! Let€™s just pick a couple of movies okay?

Arushi: ok

Arushi goes around the whole store in 2 minutes and comes back with five movies, €œDil Chatha Hai€, €œSalaam Namaste€, €œRang De Basanti€, €œFanaa€, and €œSwades€

Raj: ok let€™s just take all of them, I mean she has to like one right?

Arushi: definitely.

They both go to the checkout counter and rent the 5 movies, and then they get in Maya€™s green BMW and drive towards the house. They reach the house in a record-breaking time of 3 minutes. The aroma of the food has already spread to the outside of the house and that makes Raj even more impatient to get inside the house. Arushi and Raj make their way to the doorstep and Arushi is about to ring the doorbell when Raj holds back her hand.

Raj: don€™t ring the bell I have a key.

Raj quietly opens the door with his key. They both tiptoe inside. While Arushi is busy trying to take off her coat, pair of hands comes up behind her and start tugging at her coat. She quickly turns around, whipping the person behind her, with her hair.

Adi: I know I said I like your hair, but not that much!

Arushi: you never said you like my hair.

Adi: oh well, I€™ll tell you now. I like your hair.

Arushi: thank-you

Adi: no problem. Where€™s Raj?

Arushi: he was here a minute ago. Oh wait, where€™s Maya? Because he€™ll def be there€.

They both laugh and Adi says, €œMaya€™s still in the kitchen.€

They both go into the kitchen and are surprised to see Maya buried deep in the fridge looking for something, while Raj is hunting all around the kitchen for the enchiladas. Right as Raj reaches the over. Maya pulls her head out of the refrigerator.

Maya: don€™t you dare touch that Raj!!

Raj drops his hand immediately from the door of the over. Adi and Arushi, who were trying to hard to control their laughter, just burst out laughing from the doorway of the kitchen. Maya quickly turns to look at them.

Maya: were you both in on this too?

Adi and Arushi both shake their head to say no.

Maya: Raj please stay away from the oven. First of all, you would have burned your hand, and second of all€.

Arushi: second of all what?

Maya: I don€™t know I forgot. Anyway which movies did you guys pick?

Raj: We brought five, or well Arushi picked 5, so if you don€™t like any of them, yell at her, not at me!!

Arushi: thanx Raj!!

Raj: no probs!!

Maya: ok so which movies?

Arushi: I picked Dil Chatha Hai, Salaam Namaste, Rang De Basanti, Fanaa, and Swades.

Maya: ok everyone gets one veto, and you can only use it once. Agreed?

R+A+Aru: Agreed!

Arushi: Rang De Basanti?

Raj: VETO!

Arushi : Fanaa ?

Adi : VETO !

Arushi : Dil Chatha Hai ?

Maya: VETO!

Arushi: what? Why?

Maya: I wanted either a Shahrukh Khan one, or a Saif Ali Khan one, so now it€™s up to you!

Arushi: fine, then I pick Salaam Namaste!

Maya: fine with me! What about you too?

Adi and Raj both look at each other and shrug.

Adi: it€™s fine

Raj: Preity€™s pretty hot.

Maya: so is Saif Ali Khan!

Adi laughs and goes into the kitchen to get some popcorn. When he comes out, Maya explodes on him!!

Maya: Adi!! I slaved over the stove and over for how long?? And you had to go and make frickin popcorn!!!

Arushi: Maya, Maya calm down!! Don€™t talk to your brother that way!

Adi: it€™s ok Arushi! Maya€™s not mad anyway; I made the popcorn in her special way!!

Adi waves the bowl of buttery popcorn topped with jalapeo seasoning, in front of Maya€™s face. After a minute she gives in and grabs a handful of popcorn!

Maya: If I have any enchiladas left over, I€™ll kill you Adi!

She says that with a smile

Maya: I€™ll go get the food. Raj wanna help me?

Raj jumps up: ok

Arushi laughs: do you need any more help?

Adi: you€™re going to help me!

Arushi: how?

Adi: hold the popcorn while I get the family room ready!

Arushi: that€™s all you need me for?

Adi: yup

Adi goes to the family room while Arushi follows him there. He goes to the 42€ Widescreen T.V. and pops in the DVD in the side DVD player. Then he takes all the colorful pillows and throws some on the floor and leaves some on the sofa. When Maya and Raj come in with the food, they set it all down on the coffee table, which has four individual sections that come out for eating individually. Everyone grabs a section and sits down on the sofa and love seat, and Adi grabs the remote and starts the movie. They all laugh during the radio war between €œHambar and Nikhil Arora€ By the time the title song €œSalaam Namaste€ came on, everyone was done dinner€. and surprise surprise, Maya had enchiladas left over! Adi took Arushi€™s plate while Raj took Maya€™s to the kitchen, and after some initial banging and splashing of water; they had cleaned the entire kitchen. Maya and Arushi pause the movie and go into the kitchen. Maya looks around the sparkling countertops.

Maya: nice job guys!

Adi: considering you made that great food, this was the least we could do

Maya: thanks Adi

Raj: I gave him the idea!

Adi: oh really?

Raj: ya

Maya: let€™s make some more popcorn and Adi can you get out that stash of chocolates and candy I know you bought today?

Adi: how did you know?

Maya: you always do that when we watch movies!

Adi gets out the chocolates and candy and Maya makes the popcorn while Raj and Arushi make their way back into the family room and sit on the sofa, but at opposite ends. When Maya and Adi walk in, the both take one look at Raj and Arushi, and Maya gestures for Raj to get up

Raj: why am I getting up?

Maya: Raj? What did we talk about this afternoon?

Raj: ummm€€€oh that?

Maya: yes that€now get up.

Arushi and Adi look at each other questioning this whole thing between Maya and Raj.

Raj gets up and sits down on the left corner of the love seat, and Maya makes her way to him and sits down with her back in his chest. Meanwhile Adi sits down next to Arushi and gives her an absolutely mesmerizing look that Arushi feels down to her toes. Adi plays the movie and gradually they (Adi and Arushi) move closer and closer to each other, as if there is a magnetic force. When Arushi is slowly resting in his arms, Maya gets up and turns to look at them, and is completely surprised to see Adi and Arushi in such close proximity. She lowers herself back down, when Raj taps her shoulder. She gets back up and Raj puts a pillow in her lap and lays his head down, while Maya plays with his hair. When Abhishek Bachchan comes in for a cameo, all four of them crack up laughing, and when Saif Ali Khan proposes to Preity Zinta, Maya can€™t help but get a little senti, while Raj yawns. When the movie ends, Maya moves towards the staircase, but Raj grabs her hand and takes her towards the loft. They both descend the stairs and Adi looks at Arushi as they both go to the staircase leading upstairs. Adi walks Arushi to the guest room and lingers by her door.

Arushi: well good night.

She puts her hand on the knob, and Adi puts on hand on the door, trapping her in.

Arushi: what are you doing Adi? Let me go€

Adi: I will, 1st admit it!

Arushi: admit what?

Adi: that you like me

Arushi: what gave you the idea that I do?

Adi: when you look at Raj or Maya you smile, but when you look at me and smile, the smile touches your eyes, making them sparkle.

Arushi: what?

Adi leans down, whispering in her ear.

Adi: it€™s true, because you like me

Before Arushi can protest, Adi comes even closer and kisses her cheek. Then he backs away from the door and goes to his room but not before looking back at Arushi.

He enters his room and closes the door while Arushi is still in shock, she finally musters up courage and goes to Adi€™s room and knocks on the door.

He opens in and she leans up on her tiptoes and kisses him on the cheek and simply walks away. Adi looks after her in shock and then he closes his door, but a few seconds later someone knocks on his door, and he excitedly opens the door, but to his utter disappointment he sees Maya standing there.

Adi: oh it€™s you!

Maya: thanks Adi. It€™s nice to hear you love me! Were you expecting Arushi?

Adi: ya€. because€

Maya: oh she won€™t come here

Adi: and why do you say that?

Maya: just because

Adi: for your kind information, a few seconds before you came, she did knock on my door and then she kissed me on my cheek! So HA!

Maya: she what?

Adi: kissed me!! And my little sister, what were you doing for five mins downstairs in the loft with Raj?

Maya: nothing, we were just talking

Adi: really?

Maya: yes really€now I€™m going to bed, Good Night!

Maya leaves Adi€™s room and goes to her bedroom where a few minutes later she hears a knock on her door. Through the closed door, she asks who it is.

Arushi: (whispers) your worst nightmare!

Maya quickly opens the door and ushers Arushi inside.

Arushi: your room is exactly the same

Maya: yeah, so anyway why did you kiss him on the cheek?

Arushi: He told you about that?

Maya: ya, me and him keep no secrets!

Arushi: what ever!

Maya: anyway, why did you come?

Arushi: just to ask how long this €œTorture Adi€ thing is going to go on for?? Because I really like him and I don€™t want to lose him!

Maya: relax! You aren€™t going to lose him!

Arushi: you know what? I initially had doubts on your plan but now I€™m sure, it€™s a completely useless plan!

Maya: Arushi€. I€.

Arushi: I€™m kidding!! I was just checking!! I think I€™m going to tell Adi that I like him.

Maya: No Arushi, you can€™t tell him!

Arushi: Maya? It€™s my choice to tell Adi that I like him. And when you told Raj, did I say anything to you?

Maya: no, but that was completely different!

Arushi: how was that different? You liked Raj, and so you told him. Now I like Adi, and I€™m going to tell him.

Maya: fine, do whatever you want!

Arushi: I will!

Maya: fine! Good night!

Arushi: good night!

Arushi leaves Maya€™s room, leaving Maya wondering what just happened.

Uh oh! The two girls just had a fight? what's gonna happen now?? Please do leave comments!!

Luv ya all loads,

Meera Embarrassed Embarrassed

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Comments (17)

[QUOTE=hotaditya]MEERA! u want me to talk to u right? then cont.! lol sry just the story is to good. lol
[/QUOTE]Sorry Preeti....but I'll continue now!

16 years ago

wow...its been a while than few mintues jk...just continue when u get time...[/QUOTE]Sorry Ami....I'll update now!

16 years ago

(crying) o..k..(back to normal)please cont. i am getting no sleep!!!![/QUOTE]sorry....I'll update now!

16 years ago

MEERA! u want me to talk to u right? then cont.! lol sry just the story is to good. lol

16 years ago

wow...its been a while than few mintues jk...just continue when u get time...

16 years ago

(crying) o..k..(back to normal)please cont. i am getting no sleep!!!!

16 years ago

Thanks so much Krupa! will try to continue in a few mins!

16 years ago

Hey Preeti! You better not scare me ever again! lol.....I am definitely happy that you like my story, but I'm sorry....there is no name changing happening....Arushi is based on a friend, and she loves the name and so do i, so no name changing! lol...

16 years ago

[QUOTE=atohani99][QUOTE=indiandoll89] [QUOTE=atohani99]OMG Meera, what r u doing???? U can't do what I think u r gonna do. It would make me sad. What am I doing?? Tell me what you think I'm gonna do...I'm too confused!!! Well I was thinking u might force Adi to choose between his sis or Arushi, which would b an awful and a horrible descion. u r not gonna do that r u/????I'm not that cruel....a bit yes. but not that much!Aww Arushi, did a good thing by ging back to Adi's room, keeps Adi's male pride down, and lets him concentrate on Arushi lol....aacha? are you telling me from your own experience?? LOL, I wish, but I can tell that would b the case. . No not from experience, as u well and truely know I guess I do very well know! lol....I bet you wish that were the case....god.....I shake my head at youBTW who is Arushi based on??? when u gonna tell me?? And Vinit??? what about him??? I'm not planning on telling you....and Vinit....I really don't wanna talk about who he's based on! Oh come on??? Please, pretty please with a cherry on top . OMG, please tell me, that Vinit was not based on me??? I know I drink, but I don't pass out in front of people based on a friend....and Vinit is NOT I repeat NOT based on you! think I'm that mean?? lol...yeah right! You probably do pass out in front of ppl!Meera, u left a horrible cliffhanger now, I can't wait to see what happens, I just hope their freindship doesn't break I had to...I'm sorry! lol....their friendship...might actually break....people change! NOOOOOO, OMG, r u serious??? They had such a small fight, it was over nothing. Guys would never break a freindship over something that stupuid, they'd just beat each other up instead , well I wuldn't beat anyone up,incase u were wondering I wasn't wondering...but I'm glad to hear that! lolAnd don't u dare say no one likes this FF, coz I do, and u should keep it open just for me, if thats the case, and u know it isn't, lots of people like it too oh yeah.

16 years ago

Meera!!!..that wa awesome!..i loved it!..continue soon

16 years ago