Chapter 8

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Part 8

Aman and Jhanvi


In the Morning

Maya wakes up bright and early at 7:00am and carefully makes her way downstairs to the loft. She goes to Raj's bed and sees him sleeping with his head horizontal on the other pillow so she goes to that side of the bed and lifts his head up gently and puts it down on his pillow and then she props the other pillow up on the head board. Then she goes and sits down there, leaning against the pillow. Slowly she takes Raj's head with the pillow and puts it in her lap. Then she begins fiddling around with his hair, causing him to wake up.

Raj: Maya! What are you doing here? If Adi comes then he'll kill me!!!

Maya: relax Raj, we're awake and Adi won't kill you!

Raj flips around so his head is facing up.

Raj: how do you know that? Have you taken his permission to come down here?

Maya: permission? Raj, I'm not two years old that I need permission from my big brother!

Raj: ok ok, no need to get so angry!

Maya: I'm not angry….

Raj: really? Then can I??

He trails off as he reaches up and pulls Maya's head closer down to his. Then Maya quickly kisses his cheek and pulls her head back up. They spend the rest of the morning talking.

Adi and Arushi

Arushi wakes up to the sound of something tapping against her door. She angrily gets up and opens the door and is kind of surprised to see…

Arushi: Adi?

Adi: sssh…let me in!

Arushi lets him in and then looks at him, as if asking for an explanation.

Adi: what?

Arushi: why are you here?

Adi: Maya told me that you wanted to tell me something! (LIAR)

Arushi: oh really? What?

Adi: umm…. that I can't tell you!

Arushi: Adi, do you honestly want to know?

Adi: YES!!!!

Arushi: ok well…. (Arushi sits down on then unmade bed and gestures to Adi to sit on the lounge chair) Adi…I…I ……I do like you a lot!

Adi immediately jumps off the chair.

Adi: are you serious?

Arushi gives a weak smile: ya….

Adi: Arushi, i liked you the minute you entered the kitchen at the restaurant, then I just wanted to get to know you a little better, which i do now, and so I want to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?

Arushi: Adi… (Interrupted)

Adi: please don't say no! You can't say no to me!

Arushi: I was about to say yes, before you rudely interrupted!

Adi: oh ….you were?

Arushi: uh huh. Now can we go tell Maya and Raj?

Adi: sure, let's go…

They both leave Arushi's room hand in hand. They knock on Maya's door, but when no one answers Arushi opens the door and peeks inside.

Arushi: Maya's not in there…

Adi: then maybe she's downstairs making breakfast?

Arushi: ya right? Maya making breakfast for us? Stop dreaming!

They both go down the stairs to the main floor, and into the kitchen.

Arushi: see? She's not here either!

Adi: then where could she be?

Arushi: I think I have an idea, but don't get mad Adi!

Adi: you think that too?

Arushi silently nods.

Adi: let's go check

They go to the entrance of the loft and see Maya and Raj sitting on the bed, watching Friends on T.V. Maya turns to look at Raj, but she noticed Arushi and Adi standing at the doorway. Raj follows her gaze and sees Arushi and Adi and he quickly jumps of the bed and goes to Adi and……..

Raj: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!

Arushi smiles while Adi is trying hard to hide his smile. Maya gets off the bed and pulls Raj up from the ground by his shirt.

Maya: Adi, Raj didn't' do anything. I came down here by myself.

Adi: really?

Maya: ya. So Adi if you are going to yell at anyone it should be me.

Raj notices Arushi smiling and Adi's (not very well hidden) smile and realizes what's going on, and so he wraps his arms around Maya.

Maya: Raj!! What are you doing?? Let me go!! Adi's gonna kill you!

Raj: no he's not! Look

He points at Adi and Arushi who are now holding hands.

Maya: you told him?

Arushi: ya…. are we both okay now?

Maya: when were we not?

Maya and Arushi both hug while the two guys look on

Adi: why are girls so sappy?

Raj: you should know you're the one with a sister!

Adi: you have one too!

Raj: don't remind me! We hardly ever talk, and now she's coming to Toronto for some job, and I'm supposed to entertain her, when I myself am staying with you!

Adi: she can stay here too!

Raj: she's bringing a friend too….

Maya: Raj, that's okay. They can both live here, until they get a more permanent place. If they don't mind all of us!

Raj: are you kidding? Jhanvi will be so happy to meet you.

Maya smiles. Arushi glances up at the clock in the loft that says 9:30 am

Arushi: shit! I have to get to work by 10:00am!

Adi: ok well, take all your stuff to Maya's room, and the go shower and change, while Maya makes us breakfast, and then I'll take you to work!

Arushi laughs: you just want Maya to make you breakfast!

Adi: yes, so?

Arushi laughs and she goes upstairs to her room and takes all her stuff to Maya's room. Maya goes into the kitchen

Adi: so why don't you get along with Jhanvi?

Raj: I don't know, ever since mom and dad died, she's being all distant, and she didn't waste anytime moving from New York to Chicago. At times I feel it's my fault that I didn't take care of her and that's why she left.

Adi: Raj, that's probably not true, and you know that.

Raj: no Adi, you don't understand! If I had taken more care of her back then, then maybe she would have turned out differently. And would have actually cared about her family!

Adi: but she probably does care about her family, otherwise why would she even bother coming here?

Raj: she's not coming for me! She's coming for some new job of her's in a magazine.

Adi: Raj, when's her flight? Maybe you guys just need a chance to talk it out. You should go to the airport to receive her.

Raj: I guess you're right, but will you come with me? We can drop off Arushi and then go to the airport.

Adi: fine, I'll come with you. I'll go check if Maya made breakfast or not…

Raj: how about? I go check if Maya made breakfast and you go check if Arushi is ready yet?

Adi: works for me!

Adi goes up the staircase and knocks on Maya's bedroom door.

Adi: Arushi…. breakfast is ready...

Arushi: I'll be there in five minutes!

Adi: ok.

Adi goes downstairs to the kitchen and sees Maya flipping pancakes while Raj is standing behind her twirling her hair.

Adi: what's happening here?

Raj turns around, while Maya just turns and says….

Maya: Adi, stop acting as if you're angry!

Adi: Maya?

Maya: Adi…

Raj: can I not be in the middle of this?

Arushi: middle of what?

Adi: Aru, tell Maya to stop arguing with me!

Arushi: Adi, she's my best friend! I'm not saying
anything to her!

Adi: you're such a girl!

Arushi: that's right I am! Now Maya, is breakfast ready?

Maya: Yes, just give me one minute.

Maya gets all the pancakes and puts them on the dining table and gets out the coffee mugs and Raj brings the coffee.

Maya: you made the coffee?

Raj: ya, in my special way, with the special ingredient!

Arushi: which is?

Raj: can't tell you; otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise. Anyway let's eat quickly; we have to go to the airport.

Maya: awww Raj!! You're gonna go?

Raj: uh huh, after Adi and me drop off Arushi!

Maya: I'm so happy for you and Jhanvi! So she is bringing a friend right?

Raj: ya

Adi: so Maya, make sure you set up both the guest rooms!

Maya: ya, I'll do that while you guys are gone. What time will you be back? By lunch?

Adi: probably, when's their flight?

Raj: 11:30am.

Arushi: ok, let's go now!

Adi: are you sure you ate enough Hun?

Arushi, Raj and Maya immediately look up when they hear Adi say "hun"

Arushi: what did you call me?

Adi: hun! Why any problem?

Arushi: no, I think it's sweet! Let's go!

Adi: Raj, come after two minutes okay?

Raj: why?

Adi: just do it! Maya don't let him out before 2 minutes okay!

Maya laughs: yes Adi, Bye Aru, have a good day at work!

Arushi: thanks! Bye!

Adi and Arushi leave the house, with their arms linked.

Arushi: why did you want two minutes alone?

Adi: why do you think?

Arushi: Adi! I….

Adi closes in on Arushi, right by the door, and so she can't complete her sentence, as Adi's lips found her own.

Raj: ok I'm leaving! They had two minutes, that's enough!

Maya: Raj! Anyway…. when Jhanvi comes, you better not flirt excessively with her friend!

Raj: I'll have to act friendly right?

Maya: your friendly…. IS flirting!

Raj: really? So what was I doing with you when we first met?

Maya: you were totally flirting! In front of my brother, nonetheless!

They both laugh and Raj closes in for a kiss on the cheek, when Maya turned and their lips touched!

On the Way

Raj: so you fell for Arushi bad?

Adi: VERY bad! I don't know what it is about her!

Raj laughs

Adi: are you nervous?

Raj: ya

Adi: its okay, you're allowed to be.

Raj: I know…. but…

Adi: but what?

Raj: nothing, just forget about it.

Adi: staying with Maya has made you like that too!

Raj: like what?

Adi: saying something and then trailing off!

Raj and Adi both laugh, as Adi pulls into the parking lot.

Adi: so which concourse?

Raj: A. this way…

They both go to gate 25 in concourse A and wait for the American Airlines flight to arrive from Chicago. When passengers start coming out, Raj saw Jhanvi.

She was dressed in dark blue jeans with a pink button down shirt with sleeves. She has a denim jacket, matching her jeans, draped over her arm while she is pulling a huge roll on suitcase. Raj also notices she is walking with her arm linked in a guy's arm, who is wearing black pants with a white shirt and a black blazer on. He is slightly tanned looking and he has eyes that are hazel colored. Raj then sees a girl who is walking with Jhanvi. She is wearing a short denim skirt with a white colored button down shirt and he looks down at her shoes and sees her wearing 3-inch stiletto heels. He looks up at her face and sees her cotton candy sweet smile followed by the sparkle in her eyes.

Finally when Adi nudges him, Raj pries his eyes away from that girl.

Raj: Jhanvi!!! Over here!!

Jhanvi catches Raj over the crowd and makes her way over to him.

Jhanvi: Hi Raj! How are you?

She leans over and gives him a quick hug.

Jhanvi: this is Malini, my best friend. I told you she was coming with me.

Raj: nice to meet you Malini.

Malini: Hi Raj!

Ashe comes to him and throws her arms around his neck in a hug! Adi catches Raj's eye and gives him a look.

Raj: and who is this?

He motions to the guy standing with his arm around Jhanvi's shoulders.

Aman: Hi I'm Aman! Jaanu's boyfriend

Raj: Jaanu?

Aman: Jhanvi, Jaanu…. kinda sweet right?

Adi just smiles and then he movies slightly to see Jhanvi as Aman was blocking his view. Once he sees her, he can't seem to take his eyes off of her. Everything from her perfectly bouncy hair to her shining brown eyes, enticed him. "Wait! What am I thinking? This is Raj's sister!! I can't think like this!" He quickly looked away and Raj notices him.

Raj: and this is my friend Adi, and he is Maya's brother.

Jhanvi: (thinks) Wow!! Raj has a VERY good-looking friend!

She pulls her hand away from Aman, and puts it out to Adi.

Adi grasps her hand and they both immediately felt a connection.

They all pile into Adi's Lexus, with Aman, Jhanvi and Malini in the back.

Please do leave comments! I will post pictures of the new characters on this page, as well as the main page!

Luv ya all loads,

Meera Embarrassed Embarrassed

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Comments (8)

Well....Preeti...those are your thoughts on who is prettier...I'll agree with you, but i like both of them! and Adi can like Jhanvi...he can like whoever he wants! lol....i'll try to continue soon!

16 years ago

[QUOTE=xo-Krupa-ox]OKAYY! fair..Adi-Aru forever!..
awww...I'm glad you think so!!
I think I know what gonna happen..Jhanvi is Arushi co-worker..the one who was coming..the one she's gonna hate.. the predictions...well to find out if you're right'll have to keep reading!
btw..since you put Bips into this, will John be here too*blush*! There's no more room for John...although I wud love to have him in here![/QUOTE]

16 years ago

[QUOTE=noodles]Wow Meeru di FANTASTIC episodes!!! awww Noodles thanks yaar! Im so sorry I got really behind on this!! no probs hun! But I read all of them and i absolutely loved them yaar! They were all so sweet and funny. I like how they picked those movies. All the food they were eating while watch movies made me so hungry.
lol....sorry! But I'm really glad you found it funny!!
And I see you and Arun made a rainbow of quotes and replies. Too funny!
I think that was the first time....right arun??
Keep up the wonderful work! It was awesome!! will continue asap!![/QUOTE]

16 years ago

[QUOTE=atohani99]Lovley Meera well done
Aww so glad that their freindship didn't break
I cud never let that happen!
LOL, Adi is a very naughty guy LOL, with the 2 mins and all . Clever though
lol...I'm glad you thought it was clever
OMG Meera, what the hell r u doing to Adi, he is happy with Arushi, y make him like Raj's sis???? I really hope u r not gonna make Adi go out with Jhanvi
It's not my fault that he is kinda attracted to her.....and I might or might not!
Well done though Meera, loved it all Thanks!!![/QUOTE]

16 years ago

wat!!! how can u do this!??? aru is played by rani, n "jannu"' is played by kreenna! rani is so much preetier then kreenna!!!!! how can adi like jhanvi!!!!?? but i have to say...i do like the twist! lol. please cont.

16 years ago

OKAYY! fair..Adi-Aru forever!.. I think I know what gonna happen..Jhanvi is Arushi co-worker..the one who was coming..the one she's gonna hate.. btw..since you put Bips into this, will John be here too*blush*

16 years ago

Wow Meeru di FANTASTIC episodes!!! Im so sorry I got really behind on this!! But I read all of them and i absolutely loved them yaar! They were all so sweet and funny. I like how they picked those movies. All the food they were eating while watch movies made me so hungry. And I see you and Arun made a rainbow of quotes and replies. Too funny! Keep up the wonderful work! It was awesome!!

16 years ago

Lovley Meera well done Aww so glad that their freindship didn't break LOL, Adi is a very naughty guy LOL, with the 2 mins and all . Clever though OMG Meera, what the hell r u doing to Adi, he is happy with Arushi, y make him like Raj's sis???? I really hope u r not gonna make Adi go out with Jhanvi Well done though Meera, loved it all

16 years ago