Chapter 7

~Rinki~ Thumbnail



Part 7


We see Tannu walking down a hallway…she enters a room. We see ten kids around the age of 4-7 sitting in desks drawing something on their papers. They all look up when Tannu enters and stand up and yell, "Morning Tannu di". She smiles and greets them back…going to the desk in front she places her bag on it. She was wearing a green churidar and looked really pretty…her face seemed to glow happily. She turns to the kids and had them sit down.

T- ok bacho aaj hum bahar khelne jayenge…lekin only if you guys promise to be good

Kids- we promise didi

T- ok phir first aap log apni painting finish karlo aur phir hum park mein jayenge

The kids go back to their paintings and she walks around commenting on some of the kids' pictures and helping the others. There was a small cute kid with messy black hair and baby blue eyes…he was drawing somebody's face…it looked really good and seemed like Tannu. She goes to her desk…takes out a picture from her drawer…Zaib's. She looks at it and runs her hand over his face.

In his room…Zaib feels the wind rubbing his face softly…lovingly…caringly. He looks up and sees the window closed…a confused expression falls on his face. If the window was closed…where'd the wind come from? Shrugging he goes back to his guitar and starts playing it.

Back to Tannu…the boy who was drawing her comes up to her and hands the picture to her. She takes it and looks at it…only to see her face reflected back to her. She looks at the boy and hugs him.

T- this is beautiful Krish…I love it…thanks a lot sweetie

K- your welcome mom  

In the whole orphanage…he was the only who called her mom…she allowed it…it made her feel special and it felt right to be called mom by this sweet 4 year old boy. She ruffled his black hair and kissed his forehead. She looks at the other kids and notices they're done and playing around. She stands up and calls for their attention.

T- ok bacho now hum paas wale park mein chalenge

The kids cheer and go out with Tannu following smiling at their excitement. When they reach the park…all the kids run to the swings…the slides…or playing tag. Tannu goes to a table and takes out a book to read…with Krish following quietly. Tannu was about to start reading when she looked up and saw Krish with her.

T- beta aap yahan kya kar rahe ho? Go and play with your friends

K- nahin hum aap ke saath rehna chate hain

T- ok baby do you want to draw something?

K- yes please

Tannu takes out a drawing book and color pencils. There's always someone who wants to be alone and just color so she keeps extra things in her bag. She hands it to him and he starts drawing something while she runs her hand through his slightly long hair. She opens her book and starts reading all the while still running her hand through his hair. She turns the page and sees a picture with the blank side facing her. She picks it up and turns it over to see her and Zaib hugging in it. It was taken by Angad when they all went to the beach. Tannu was standing in the water up to her knees and Zaib was hugging her from behind. They were leaning back letting the sun hit their faces…never realizing that Angad was taking their picture. He gave it to them the next day. She felt Krish pull on her dupatta…looking down she saw him showing her his picture. It was of a rose…it was dark red and really pretty. He was a talented artist…even at the age of 4 he drew like an adult artist. He was special.

T- really good baby…it looks really pretty

K- like you momma

T- aww…thanks sweetie

She hugs him and kisses his forehead. He was so sweet and innocent…made her want to cuddle him all the time. He returns to his drawing and she to her picture…only to see it gone. She stands up and looks at the ground worried. Then she sees it a little far away on the ground. She runs up to it and picks it up…hugging it to her chest. She gets up and looks straight ahead to see three people walking towards her. One of them was Simi…her co-worker. She had dark brown hair and light brown eyes…she was really tiny and cute. There was a guy with spiky black hair and shocking green eyes…he was tall and well muscled…really good looking. She didn't know him or the lady he was holding hands with. The lady had long black hair and brown eyes…she was really pretty. She was wearing a manglasutra and had sindoor in her maang. They were probably married since they were holding hands. They walk up to her and Simi introduces them.

S- Tannu this is Mr. Kavya Nanda and Mrs. Anjali Nanda…this is the owner of the orphanage Tannu Sharma.

T- nice to meet you…how may I help you?

 A- we wanted to talk to about a donation and maybe an adoption

T- of course please come

She leads them to the table where Krish was still working on his picture.

T- Simi please take him and go play with him

S- of course Tannu

T- Krish aap please Simi di ke saath ja kar thodi der ke liye khelo mujhe kuch kaam hai ok?

K- ok

The two go to the swing and start playing. Tannu sits down with the couple in front of her. Closing her book…she looks at them with a professional eye. She looks in their eyes to see their personality and if they were good people. They waited patiently as she studied them for some minutes and smiled when she smiled. They seemed to have passed her test.

T- would you like something to drink?

A/K- no thank you

T- as you wish…so how can I help you?

K- first of all I would like to make a donation of 1 million for all the kids personal needs

T- Mr. Nanda—

K- Kavya please

T- ok Kavya your generosity is appreciated but I think this is too much

K- no Tannu its not…these kids deserve all the best things in the world and if I can do something about it I will…so in my eyes this is very less for them…don't worry im rich enough that this won't even put a tiny cut on me

T- Mr. Kavya its not about being rich enough or not…every little bit is welcomed to help the kids…but I don't accept this big amount from people I  don't know…no offense but this could be money earned from something bad and the police might be after it…I don't want to take any risks

K- I understand umm maybe I should lessen the amount…for now at least

T- yes lessen it

K- for now?

T- we'll see Mr. Kavya

K- you're a hard person to persuade you know that?

T- have to…for this job at least

 K- ha ha ok so make it 50 thousand how's that?

T- welcomed

K- ha ha you really funny

T- thank you…and the adoption??

A- yes we want to adopt a child

T- what age?

A- any age

T- what gender?

A- any gender

T- ok so would you like to meet the kids and choose who you feel is the one?

A- yes please

T- ok

She took them around meeting the kids that were in the park. They seemed to take to a girl of four…she had brown hair and black eyes…really tiny and absolutely adorable. Thankfully they seemed to notice her attachment to Krish and stayed away from him. They chose the girl…Nikki. They got the papers done and could take her home tomorrow. They decided to stay back and play with the kids. By now they were back inside and the kids were in the play room…playing. After 1 hour they left…unable to wait for tomorrow. Tannu walks them outside and watches them leave…she decides to go to the beach. She took her book with her…sitting in a chair she takes out his picture again. After staring at it for 5 minutes…she kisses his forehead.

With Zaib he felt somebody's lips on his forehead…looking up he notices no one there. Tannu kisses his cheeks…he feels them being kissed…but again no one was there. She then kissed his lips…he felt pressure on his lips…something soft against his rough lips…feeling just like Tannu. She places his picture back in the book and looks at the waves remembering Zaib and her playing in the water.

Back in his room…he opens the side drawer of his bed…and takes out a picture of Tannu. She's wearing a miniskirt and a tank top. He remembers forcing her to wear the skirt…she looked so uncomfortable and kept pulling on it trying to cover her legs. The blushing cheeks made his heart flutter. She had glared at him when he made her stand against the wall for the picture and wouldn't hold still. He had yelled at her…she looked so scared and hurt…tears falling down her cheeks. She turned away from him and went to the balcony. He had been so mad at himself…it took him an hour to make her smile again. Finally she had posed for him…her right hand on her waist and with the left hand blowing a kiss to him. As soon as the picture was done she changed into some jeans…looking way more happy.

Tears enter his golden eyes as he remembers her betrayal…one month had gone by since he kicked her out of his room…his house…his life. He didn't even know where she was until he heard about it in the news. She was working at an orphanage…she also owned it. He still remembers her interview like it was yesterday when in reality it was over 4 weeks ago. She's wearing a white sari…she was with some of the kids. Her neck and maang bare…no manglasutra or sindoor. He had noticed her wedding ring not on her finger anymore…she took it off. The news lady asks her some question…she answers calmly until it got too personal.

T- no comment

Lady- please tell us how you feel Tannu…ppl want to know how you're holding up after your divorce

T- I thought you came here to ask about the kids and the orphanage not my personal life…if that's what you're going to ask then I will have to ask you to please leave.

The lady had turned red with embarrassment and returned to questions about the topic of kids. Tannu remained professional and answered every question without any complaint. He remembered seeing her with a small boy with black messy hair and blue eyes the most.  Back to now…he looks at the pic again and kisses her face and puts it away after running his hand softly over her beaming face.

Back to Tannu…she came out of her dreams when she felt someone kiss her forehead and softly caress her face…lovingly…caringly. She opened her eyes and noticed it getting dark…and no one there…she was all alone. Shaking her head…she walked back home…alone. The house felt cold for some reason…even with the fire running. She went to her room and went to bed…lonely and feeling cold without his warm arms holding her close and safely. She stayed awake…hearing the wind rustle the tree's leaves and the waves hitting the edge of the beach. The silence was killing her so she got up and went outside…taking a walk around the beach…the streets…feeling lost. She went to the phone booth and dialed a number…he picked up. She placed her hand over the phone so he couldn't hear her gasps. He repeated himself once more and tears fell from her eyes…he heard her sniffle and realized who it was. Nothing was said…only silence was the witness as two separated lovers spoke without saying anything. The screen breaks into two as both Tannu and Zaib are shown side by side…on the phone…not saying anything yet listening and understanding what the other wanted to say. Tears fall from their eyes as one…hope and love reflects in their eyes. Their silence is interrupted by Kripa's voice in the background.

K- Zaib come and eat…the dinner's getting cold

As if breaking out of a trance…he wipes his tears without letting her see and replies.

Z- coming Kripa you go and I'll come in a sec

K- ok

She leaves and silence is once again around them. Hearing his voice…gave her peace and a calm feeling. He doesn't say anything…she doesn't say anything…neither have too…for silence is their best friend and tells more than words ever could. His voice is heard as he says… "Goodbye Tannu" for the first time in the last one month. Her voice replies… "Not goodbye Zaib…but see you". They hang up at the same time…and both gather the courage to say "I love you" in the silence of the night.


Ok how was that? I hope you guys enjoyed please comment! Thank you!

ps- stormy hope this satisfied your eagerness lol and tell me what you think would love to know!Embarrassed oh yea and you should hurry and post the next part for ur fic!! mi demand better ne fullfilled lol LOL

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Comments (14)

haha i guess ur mom is rite about the damage...but highlights are so kute lol i know i'd prefer rain but i never been in snow...only in shimla when i was 5 or 7 dont even remember it lol...itz ok ur busy with ur work i do tat too...most of the time...haha u better finish if u wanna go...i kno mothers cant live with them....yet cant live without them working on the next part and i had some time kip...straight to the last month for tannu and i just finished writing the moment between zaib and his bby girl hope itz ok i'll post it soon so look out 4 it k?

16 years ago


haha yea we did write a lot...itz ok i kno sometimes i mess up too cuz everyone writes abt kripz/angu a lot soooo popular lol itz ok dont worry...ohio i've never been there...wats it like... wat's it like? nothing but snow but thank god it stopped alreaddy aww it never snows over here....just rainy and windy and hot as hell lol im fifteen too but will be sixteen in octuber cant wait... really? i'll be sixteen in december!!! i'm really excited lol i kno finally we can do so many things as 16 yr olds huh? i cant wait cuz im gonna get my hair layered hopefully lol itz 11:26 rite still workin on the packet...yea u prolly should get some sleep...yay so u wrote some and then later on write some more lol yep big accomplishment... yeah gud job...ok gud nite sleep yea i can see the red cheeks lol
ps- congrats now ur a groupie like me lol yay! but how do i become one? u already are one...look at ur thing in ur profile it says groupie...u go up the level with the more posts u write and even in a topic where u already posted something go back and look at it and look under ur name it says groupie rite? i hope u understood me lol [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

16 years ago

hey dear it was awesome part i feel so sorry for tanu and zaib i hope they meet soon is krish there baby i am confused here pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee continue soon love ya mittal

16 years ago


haha yea we did write a lot...itz ok i kno sometimes i mess up too cuz everyone writes abt kripz/angu a lot soooo popular lol itz ok dont worry...ohio i've never been there...wats it like... wat's it like? nothing but snow but thank god it stopped alreaddy im fifteen too but will be sixteen in octuber cant wait... really? i'll be sixteen in december!!! i'm really excited lol itz 11:26 rite still workin on the packet...yea u prolly should get some sleep...yay so u wrote some and then later on write some more lol yep big accomplishment... yeah gud job...ok gud nite sleep yea i can see the red cheeks lol
ps- congrats now ur a groupie like me lol yay! but how do i become one?[/QUOTE]

16 years ago

haha yea we did write a lot...itz ok i kno sometimes i mess up too cuz everyone writes abt kripz/angu a lot soooo popular lol itz ok dont worry...ohio i've never been there...wats it fifteen too but will be sixteen in octuber cant itz 11:26 rite still workin on the packet...yea u prolly should get some sleep...yay so u wrote some and then later on write some more lol yep big accomplishment...gud job...ok gud nite sleep yea i can see the red cheeks lol
ps- congrats now ur a groupie like me lol ~Rinki~39535.0207291667

16 years ago

^^ sry about the angad and kripa mess up i've been reading too many angad kripa ffz n i hav a tendency for believing that they're the main characters sry again... i live in cleveland, ohio... n i'm fifteen n wowowo we did right a lot it's 2:10 a.m. rite now n i shud prolly go to bed now oo n i finished 278 words for the next part great accomplishment, eh? well, im off to bed gud nite! "aww make me blush....thnx i think ur sweet and kute readin ur replies their so sweet...ur welcome and yes u should feel honored lol yea u should start and then finish it makes me feel rlly happy and smiley lol " awww mee too! thanks you make me blush too see! lovestorm39535.0129398148

16 years ago


aww so late at night hahaha.. i know but its ok cuz ur talkin to me lolits like 8:52 where i live rite now at nite btw where do u live? i live in redlands...near los angeles wat abt u?lol so imma be up and writing more parts lol hehehe... i get really lazy haha i kno how tat feels lol
i kno its like they know the other's every touch sound and everything i thought it would be cute..... awww.... dat is cute thnx and i hear that true lovers can actually feel the other's presence i've heard that too... somewhere... i wonder if it's true n if it were dats soooo cute idk if it is tru but it sound soooo sweet and romantic want tat to happen to me so tried to place that feeling in it im rlly glad that you liked it i just had to add the phone thing in it......i felt itz been too long since they heard the other's voice..... awww ya it has been long... jus imagine 2 lovers talking to each other for hours everyday and then all of a sudden they stop, you miss them a lot.... if tat happened to me i would be cryin all the time lol as for the "goodbye" meaning like forever im sooooo glad u caught that..... I know i'm just soo smart and quick like that yes u r lol i dont think a lot of ppl would think of it like tat and thats kind of what i was trying to say by making tannu reply "not goodbye but see you" cuz i will make sure they're together soon........ gotchya but have to torture them first.......awww... do you have to??? yup have to im srry and they'll fall deeper in love after being separated for a while lol yaya! datz sumin positive to think of yay now think of it and all the sadness will disappear lol
you just gave me an idea for the next part........ no probs! anytime hon so i should make u mi idea giver lol make them see each other across the room....go up to one another awww so romantic and sad scene thnx a lot.....well im thinking of making him learn that she's pregnant wen they meet and she's like showing and probably in like her

16 years ago


aww so late at night hahaha.. i know its like 8:52 where i live rite now at nite btw where do u live? lol so imma be up and writing more parts lol hehehe... i get really lazy
i kno its like they know the other's every touch sound and everything i thought it would be cute..... awww.... dat is cute and i hear that true lovers can actually feel the other's presence i've heard that too... somewhere... i wonder if it's true n if it were dats soooo cute so tried to place that feeling in it im rlly glad that you liked it i just had to add the phone thing in it......i felt itz been too long since they heard the other's voice..... awww ya it has been long... jus imagine 2 lovers talking to each other for hours everyday and then all of a sudden they stop, you miss them a lot.... as for the "goodbye" meaning like forever im sooooo glad u caught that..... I know i'm just soo smart and quick like that i dont think a lot of ppl would think of it like tat and thats kind of what i was trying to say by making tannu reply "not goodbye but see you" cuz i will make sure they're together soon........ gotchya but have to torture them first.......awww... do you have to??? and they'll fall deeper in love after being separated for a while lol yaya! datz sumin positive to think of
you just gave me an idea for the next part........ no probs! anytime hon make them see each other across the room....go up to one another awww so romantic and sad scene thnx a lot.....well im thinking of making him learn that she's pregnant wen they meet and she's like showing and probably in like her seventh or eighth month.....he will probably think that its someone else's awww... i feel so bad for them... seeing each other and not being able to properly talk to each... but will learn that its his from like simi or something aww... can't kripa just tell him? if simi tells him then won't he be angry with her? and i'll have a flashback to "the nite" the baby was made haha awww... that wud be

16 years ago

thnx a lot...i kno i feel sad too...thnx i tried to make it romantic and tat came up so did tat...dont worry you'll find out after some more parts the reason of her behavior and everything will become clear...she acted like it becuz she was.....wont tell now but u'll find out soon promise...i'll cont soon

16 years ago

aww thnx i kno soooo sad but had to happen....thnx for commentin will cont asap

16 years ago