Chapter 7

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Freak 'N' Nut


Let me tell u in brief the happenings of that day in brief....Raj sent the car home...and Naina managed to send him his formals....simple black blazer and white shirt and trouser! Thats the best available pair in the closet.....

....but both knew....that the war was on.....alag alag.....who looked better....and who was more popular....both smiling at themselves and each other.....started thinking of new ways to outwit each other.....

Naina sent a note with the clothes....

I am sending the best pair available....try grabbing a date with these on...and forget about I enter balls with only exquisitely dressed men!!!! Major, hurry up....or all the good one's will be taken.....
Wish you all the best for your mission,

Rajveer grinned as he read the note....

"...Captain.....we will see...."

And he worked on for the day. The Ball was to commence by 2030hrs. Raj left the headquarters at 1900hrs and drove straight to the best mall in the town...and bought himself a cool attire....and then gt into one of the dressing rooms and gt dressed.....he usual good and dignifiried & impressive!!

So, now Raj was all set to hook the prettiest girl at the ball.....Too happy with himself, he drove to the venue....

The venue was perfectly decorated.....pinks, whites and light green leaves of flowers poked out here and there....Balloons...confetti es....sparklies.....were spread on the floor....they had created a feel of snow-fall.....perfect!!

Well, the lounge succeeded the ballroom. The lounge was enterance of the lounge was above and every entrant had to climb down a staircase to reach the lounge....only couples were allowed into the people met in the lounge....and walked into the ballroom...from where sound of loud cheers and clapping and every couple entered!

Now Raj was with other fellow officers chatting...and waiting....for Naina and a lady who he could take in as his date! All the women around were looking at him.....waiting for him to ask them in.....hoping that their respective dates do not turn up!

.....he waited for half an hour...he was determined to ask a lady in front of Naina....and amply flirt with make her jealous.....

....he got restless....Captain, u r late!!, he thought!

..fifteen more minutes.......Naina....where are you??

........Fifteen more minutes....and more and more couples started walking in....why isn't she coming?
------------------------------------------------------------ -------

A gleaming black Merc pulled at the main enterance.....

....and caught everyone's attention.....who was it?

....The chauffeur got off the car and opened the back door....and all the officers went weak in knees.....

....A women descended from the car, draped in a exquisite black designer saari.....and perfect jewellery....

............she entered the gate all alone.....evidently being without a partner...everyone in the surrounding seemed keenly interested....

...that woman was better than anything the Annual Army Ball, New Delhi had ever seen.....long hair....perfectly straightened...and ends in perfect curls....some streaks of her shiny black hair rested on her front-side of shoulder....

....dangling crystals sparkled behind them.....and perfectly, glamorous...yet simple......

.....she stood at the enterence of the lounge!


Suspense unfolds.....who is that new women.....

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Comments (5)

hey where are U??????????????????????????????

17 years ago

hey where are U??????????????????????????????

17 years ago

I read all the parts,they are soo cute and funny..I hope that girl is naina,then raj will be jealous!!!

17 years ago

hey jivora very nice again Nice presentation

17 years ago

tis is weet............... i came frm orkut 2 here 2 see wethr u wud rite th next part............. m jicksy there.... lready m dieying f th suspense.plz update fast my jivdi...plz........... dont bring devil Ritu bac i feel its a new girl 4 Naina........but it sud b Naina... thn Raj wil feel jealois...

17 years ago