Own Your Stories-Invite to Write Stories and Poems

1 years ago

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Brené Brown once said owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.

It’s even more braver to make someone else’s story one’s “own” just with one’s compassion; to show empathy and witness without judgment, and to honor the feelings without trying to fix or change anything.

This International Transgender Day of Visibility let’s celebrate the resilience and strength of the transgender community. Your fiction or poetry should uplift, inspire love or highlight the courage it takes to live authentically as a transgender in a world that doesn't understand or accept the identity one was born on the inside.


We invite you to publish fictions or poems that reflect on the experiences and struggles of transgender individuals, celebrate their identities or their unique journeys in the path of love, their self-discovery, or the complexities of gender identity and expression.

Your work can be a fan fiction, an original fiction or a poem. But RPF are not allowed and you have to follow Fan Fiction Rules.

story must have at least 700 words and each poem must have at least 60 words.

Submit as many fictions or poems as you want.

All of your submissions must be published in the FF section as one single book.

Your stories can be of any genre.

Use the tag ownyourstories in your book.

Post the link of your story on this thread after publishing it in the FF section.

You have to submit link of your completed book on or before 15 April 2023, 11.59 PM IST  to LizzieBennet or tournesol via PM.

All submissions will be featured in the FF section during the month of April.

While you may wish to, but, sending your work for an opinion to the IF Beta Readers team is not compulsory. You can request for a book cover here.

However, if the story is found to promote hate or spread misinformation on the transgender or any LGBTQIA+ groups, then we will contact the author.

For further queries regarding Own Your Stories or your submission in the FF section, feel free to PM LizzieBennet, oye_nakhrewaali or tournesol.

Happy Writing! We look forward to reading your stories and poems.

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