Chapter 7

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Part 7
this part is for kvn1983
ridz moodily stabbed at her noodles as she muttered curses under her breath. The words 'armaan' and 'idiot' were clearly made out. angie  and muskaan blinked. Their usually meek friend had been rather short-tempered the whole week. They shared a worried look.


"If you even mention his name, I will throw up in your faces!" she screeched.

muskaan's eyes widened. angie's jaw dropped. There was a moment of awkward silence, before they burst into laughter. ridz glared, crossing her arms as her friends guffawed over her outburst.

"Girl, you got it baaad!" muskaan dragged out the last word before giggling hysterically.

angie nodded, tears of laughter springing to her eyes. ridz huffed, a pout forming on her lips.muskaan and angie's laughter died down, before a curious expression flitted across their face. ridz raised an eyebrow.


"More like, what did he do?" muskaan shot back, a smirk playing on her lips.

ridz's eyes widened, her cheeks flushing a deep red.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" she stammered.

ridz inwardly cursed. Leave to muskaan and angie to figure out the reason of her bad mood. muskaan shook her head. angie scooted over, nudging ridz with her elbow.

"Spill! What happened between you and armaan? You guys were acting so weird this week. Something must have happened!" angie gushed.

ridz nervously laughed, hoping to avoid the subject. That wasn't going happen when you have angie and muskaan grilling you. She sighed.

"We kinda, nearly, maybe kissed again" ridz muttered.

She waited for the explosion.

"WHAT?! AGAIN?!" angie began to hyperventilate.

"And why didn't you guys actually kiss?" muskaan raised her eyebrows.

ridz   sighed.

"angad interrupted us"

"WHAT?! I am going to kill that guy! Who does he think he is, hitting on our ridz?!" angie cursed.

"angie! He wasn't hitting on me! He was just looking around the school and conveniently stopped armaan from kissing me" ridz replied, feeling a little dejected.

muskaan chuckled.

"And you're mad because armaan  didn't get to kiss you?" she taunted.

ridz blushed.

"Shut up, muskaan!"

Their peals of laughter started up again. ridz pouted. angie wiped at her tears as she cocked her head in confusion.

"Then why are you two acting so awkward around each other?" she asked.

ridz played with the hem of her scarf She took a deep breath as she told her friends her deepest fears.

"I think it's because he doesn't want anyone to know he's even associated to me. He didn't even look at me all week" she murmured, tears burning at the back of her throat.

angie looked outraged.

"Not even be associated to you?! He knocked you up with his baby! Association doesn't even cover it!" she ranted.

muskaan cringed as angie began a tirade of curses. A sad smile played on ridz's lips.

"It's okay, really. I mean, who would want to be seen with me anyway?" ridz looked away, biting her lip.

angie and muskaan looked at each other, before wrapping their arms around an upset ridz.

"Don't be so sure about that" they whispered in her ears.

ridz pulled away and looked at them curiously.

"What are you talking about?"


armaan huffed as the girl snuggled deeper into his shoulder. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her desperate ploys to get his attention. His mind whirred with thoughts of ridz and the baby. He knew avoiding her all week would hurt her feelings, but he needed time to think. Just because he finally realised he had feelings for her, didn't mean he was going to do anything about them. He had toyed with so many girls' hearts, he wasn't going to be any different to ridz.

Even if she had his baby.

armaan knew, deep down, it was because he didn't want to hurt her. He softly sighed. The ditzy girl in his arms glared at him. This was not how she imagined her date with playboy extraordinaire, armaan malik.

"Arm aan , what are you thinking about?" the girl cooed, batting her eyelashes.

armaan nearly gagged. Maybe hooking up with the cutest yet dumbest girl in school was not a way to forget ridz. Or maybe it's because no one compares to ridz, a little voice at the back of his head taunted.

God, he hated that voice for being right.

The girl huffed, pushing herself off his chest. armaan blinked, adopting an innocent, doe-eyed expression. The girl groaned.

"What is your problem? You're here with me, sonia, one of the most popular girls in college, and you're totally ignoring me! I've had enough of you, armaan malik! You are such an asshole!" sonia screeched, before stomping out of the diner.

armaan rolled his eyes. Good riddance, he thought. armaan guffawed when she pushed instead of pulled on the door. She threw him a dirty glare as the diner burst into laughter. armaan leant back against the cushy seats, letting out a slow breath. Now that his date was gone, he had nothing to occupy his thoughts of ridz. armaan groaned.

Who was he kidding?

It wasn't like he could get her out of his head in the first place. Flipping open his phone, he scrolled down his contacts to ridz's name. His finger hovered over the call button. He had been ignoring her all week. armaan didn't know if ridz would be mad about it. Unbeknownst to him, his finger had already pressed the button. His blue eyes widened as the phone began to ring. Beginning to panic, he brought the phone to his ear. Please don't pick up, please don't pick up, please don't-


armaan cleared his throat, trying to stop his stomach from fluttering as ridz's sweet voice rang through the receiver.

"H-hey, it's armaan"

He nearly smacked himself on the head for stuttering.

"armaan? Um, what's up?" she asked.

armaan blinked. He had no idea why he called her. His brain whirred for an answer. Suddenly, an imaginary lightbulb flashed above his head. A grin tugged on the corner of his lips. He barely remembered ridz was still on the phone.

"Hello? armaan? Are you still there?"

armaan shook to clear his head, a smile plastered on his striking face.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I kinda spaced out for a sec" he replied.

"So, was there anything you wanted?"

armaan couldn't help but notice the hopeful tone in her voice. His smile grew even bigger.

"Let's go shopping"

Hey guys plz do comment and review on this chapter i am kinda dissappointed cos the comment i got for the last part was very little compare to other parts, and i know this part was boring i will make up for it to the next part and i will pm everyone later on cos am getting late for work bye 
luv sonia 
xarmaanx2008-12-02 08:04:04

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Comments (25)

hey thanks so much i will cont soon today

luv sonia

15 years ago

sonia it was such aa good one.. A avoiding R.. R feeling bad.. A missing R.. hmm.. i think theres still a long way to go for their love to be expressed to each other..
sonia.. loved the way u r unfolding the story sweety.. keep going dear...[/QUOTE]

thanks so much am glad u likeing the story

love sonia

15 years ago

thanks so much for the comment lol i wudnt mind u leaving comments as many time u want but u will get feed up lol. iand am going to update the next part 2day

luv sonia

15 years ago

hey thanks for the wonder ful comment i luv reading ur comments
keep on commenting lol and am going to update soon today.

luv sonia

15 years ago

Hey thanks for the wonderful comment yaar i always looking forword to ur comment cos u know how to make the person fell better with ur words.
an am going to update the next part 2day.

luv sonia

15 years ago

Hey thanks for the comment its cos i just love noodles lol and that the only thing i can cook lol so thats why i put noodles in everyy par. ok in the next part i wont mention noodles lol

and thanks for the wonderful comment am glad u like the this part and i hope u like the next part aswell

luv sonia

15 years ago

[QUOTE=Iqbal Neha1]amazing part
armaan has defiantaly fallen 4 ridz cant wait till he tells her about his feelings rather than going around with other girls to forget ridz.
the scene were ridz was angry showed how much she missed him.
cant wait till they go shopping.[/QUOTE]

hey thanks for the comment since am free for awhile i wil update the next part 2day it will be a short one lol
am glad u liked this part and i hope u like the shopping part aswell

luv sonia

15 years ago

[QUOTE=j&b84]hi sonia wow it was short and cute update, i really liked the ending part let go shoppping. pls update soon

PS: For the very first time i am first to comment!!!![/QUOTE]

was that short i thought it was long part oh well lol i try to update the next part today.
thanks for the comment

luv sonia

15 years ago

hey sonia, another great part! lol they almost kissed again! bahh why did angad have to interrupt! looking forward to the shopping trip! please continue soon!

15 years ago

hey fabulous update yaar ar ws so confusd nd lvd their friends
tlks heheeheh angie to has has ke pagal hi ho gayi nd muski uski to god
knows lvd tht nd wow yaar shopping heheeh ridz hopefully wntd 2
tlk 2 him cnt ait cont sooooooooooon
thnks fr d pm
luv yachna

15 years ago