Chapter 8

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Part 8 Shopping
Ridz gaped, horrified. armaan grinned as he tugged her into the store. She looked at him in disbelief.

They were in a baby store.

She turned to face an enthusiastic Armaan.

"This was why you wanted to go shopping?" was all she could choke out.

He nodded, flashing a charming smile at the shop assistant. The girl blushed. Ridz felt a familiar flame of jealousy rise in the pit of her stomach. She quashed it as soft toys, baby clothes and pastel colours bombarded her vision. ridz felt like she was going to throw up, and not because of morning sickness.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

armaan raised an eyebrow at a slightly disturbed and mortified Ridz. He thought girls would go ga-ga over the cute baby accessories.

Obviously not Ridz.

He sighed, before grabbing a soft, blue elephant. armaan waved it in Ridz's face.

"Aw, come on ridz, don't be such a wet blanket!" he teased.

armaan bent down to ridz's stomach, holding the elephant in front of it.

"Do you like this toy? Daddy will buy it for you if you do" he cooed to his baby.

Something in ridz's chest swelled. A grin tugged at the corner of her lips as she watched armaan make faces at her stomach, her baby.

Their baby.

That was sounding more and more real as armaan thrust the toy in her hands, beaming at her.

"I think he likes it!" armaan exclaimed happily.

ridz laughed, hugging the elephant to her chest. She swore she saw his eyes sparkle in excitement.

"How would you know? He didn't say so" she retorted cheekily.

armaan winked.

"Because he's my son. He likes everything I like"

ridz playfully rolled her eyes and poked out her tongue, ignoring her erratic heartbeat when armaan winked at her. armaan chuckled. ridz  brushed past him to pick up a fluffy monkey.

"Then that means he likes this one too! Because he likes everything I like" ridz giggled as she waved it about.

armaan pretended to think about it, a mock thoughtful expression on his face, before exclaiming,

"Okay then, that means we just have to get both of them!"

ridz's eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean we're getting both of them?" she stammered, confusion apparent in her voice.

armaan rolled his eyes. He playfully flicked ridz on the forehead.

"Hey! What was that for?" ridz pouted as she rubbed her head.

"For being such an idiot. And here I thought you were a straight-A student. Of course we're buying both of the toys! And some clothes, and some bottles, and some…" armaan began to list the baby items.

ridz was stunned. She was so surprised at how excited he was to be caring for the baby.

To say she was touched was the understatement of the year.

"You're really doing this?" she interrupted armaan's rant in a timid voice.

armaan gently smiled at ridz. He took her hand into his, squeezing it comfortingly. ridz ignored the butterflies in her stomach as their eyes locked.

"I said I'd support you and the baby, and that means you guys will get the best possible everything there is. And I don't go back on my word" he told her seriously.

ridz's breath hitched. She blinked up to him, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Wow. Thank you"

A grin broke out on his handsome face. armaan laughed and swung his arm casually around ridz's shoulders. He ignored the jolt of electricity that ran up his arm when it made contact with her skin. Beaming at her, he gestured grandly to the shop.

"Anything you want, the baby wants, I'll buy it all. What do you say, Mummy?" he winked at her.

ridz fought down a blush, before looking up at armaan, her eyes twinkling mischievously.



Three hours and sixteen shopping bags later, armaan collapsed on a bench. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his Armaani sleeve, exhausted. ridz giggled, and plopped herself beside him. She beamed happily. armaan raised an eyebrow.

"How can you be so energetic? We spent hours shopping for baby clothes and you're still so hyper!" he whined, a pout forming on his lips.

ridz  laughed, her eyes twinkling. Her heart flip-flopped all over the place as she

"Of course! I am a girl, after all. We live to shop till we drop!" she exclaimed, laughing at her own joke.

armaan rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to smile. She always makes me laugh, he mused. He wondered if that was a good thing or not. ridz swung her legs off the bench and began to look through their bags.

"I wonder if we bought enough clothes" she tapped a finger on her chin.

armaan's jaw dropped.

"You've got to be kidding me! We bought hundreds of onesies! I think our kid would grow out of them before he got to wear all of them!" armaan huffed, crossing his arms.

"I guess you're right" ridz muttered dejectedly.

armaan felt instantly guilty. The crestfallen expression on ridz's face made him want to wrap his arms around her and comfort her. armaan bit his lip, his heart softening. He took one more look at an upset ridz, before sighing.

"Fine, we'll go buy some more clothes"

riddhima  instantly perked up.

"I knew you'd understand!" she beamed at him.

armaan grinned back. God, he was so whipped.ridz tugged on his arm. He began to gather their bags, juggling baby clothes, bottles and baths. ridz giggled and began to reach for one of the bags. armaan pulled it away from her grasp.

"The doctor said you shouldn't be lifting heavy stuff when you're pregnant" he reprimanded, sternly eyeing her.

ridz rolled her eyes. Why did everyone think she was a weakling now that she was pregnant?

"I'm not going to topple over from the weight of a couple of baby bottles, ARMAAN"

She placed her hands on her hips, daring him to challenge her. Her hormones are acting up again, Armaan thought, grumbling as he passed her a bag. She beamed happily, swinging the bag back and forth. Armaan sighed.

Women were so hard to please.

They had made their way back into the baby store when-

Armaan, honey, is that you?"

He froze, his blue eyes widening. Armaan slowly turned around to find his worst nightmare. Oh no, they weren't supposed to find out this way, he thought frantically. Ridz looked at Armaan curiously, then at the elderly, yet sophisticated couple that was calling him. She nudged a petrified Armaan.

"Who are they?" she whispered in his ear.

Armaan mumbled something under his breath. He was sweating profusely.

"What are you doing in a baby store, son?" the older man narrowed his eyes at Ridz.

She smiled nervously. Her mind whirred, before it all started to make sense. Her eyes widened, a wave of apprehension washing over her. Oh my God, were they his-

"Um, M-Mum , D- Dad, this is ridz i mean riddihma. Um, Riddihma these are my parents" Armaan finally found his voice, stammering an introduction.

ridz looked at Armaan, mortified. Sweat beaded down his forehead as he glanced back at her. The same thought ran through their minds. what the hell.

that all for today and i hope u like this part i know it was kinda boring. plz do comment and let me know what u thought of this part. and do tell tell me u liked armaans parents entry. will be wating for the comments and review. and thanks so much for the wonderfull comment for the last part luv sonia

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Comments (48)

Hey hun!
Ur updates r always a pleasure to read! Cute and sweet!! A
Waitin 4 more

15 years ago

hey sonia
3 gr8 parts
just enjoyed reading them back to back
umazing i must say n the point where u stopped i was like why yaaar????
um sorry for late comments had internal exams goin on
update soon

15 years ago

great part sonia di. please continue soon and pm me.

-mona :]

15 years ago

grt part pls continue sooooon

15 years ago

my god!!!!!! SOME CLIFFHANGER GR8 PART. continue soon.

15 years ago

Reserved for the next upadte xarmaanx2008-12-04 12:12:29

15 years ago

thank you for the comment yaar ifor the next part am going to update it on sunday

luv sonia

15 years ago

thnk for the wonderful comment u need to wait a little bit to find out what going to happened next cos am going to update the next part on sunday

luv sonia

15 years ago

[QUOTE=aishah02]awesome part ...aww the shopping bit was so cute and funny, but the last part =S i wonder what armaan's parents are gonna do when they find out ridz is pregnant with their sons child =S ..great part sonia really interesting thanks for the pm and plzz contine soon

Thank you for the wonderfull comment u made my day. u need to wait till sunday to find out what armaans parent gonne do cos that wen am going to update the next part on sunday. and am glad u like armaan and ridz shopping part.

luv sonia

15 years ago

hey thanks for the comment and i will sure pm u next time and i will cont superfast

luv sonia

15 years ago