Chapter 10

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Chapter Eight


Angad and Kripa have bribed the police officer not to let this information released in publicity, they know it would be huge trouble for them.


"Why the hell did you waste all the money?' Kripa said looking angrily at him. "We could have gotten out!'


"Look Kripa, I know you don't care about yourself, you're with Angad khanna that means you safe. I just helped you and you didn't thank me for once!"


"How's that help?"


"I know you don't have brain but let me explain it you again, so that he can shut-himself up and public won't know about it!'


"Oh yeah! Since when you have become smart, Dumbo! You don't even know any police in here and people can give him more amounts to open his mouth. And I am so hungry!"


Angad and Kripa sat down side by side in an uncomfortable way as the floor was hard.


"Me too, it's been five hours and they haven't even fed us?"


"Damn I thought jails had bed and mattress and we don't even have any of those"


"Hmm tell me about it! I swear I am going to kill you the day you will tell anyone that Angad khanna spent a day in jail"


Kripa looked at him with wide eyes, "you mean that's your first day as well?"


Angad narrowed his eyes at her, "Don't tell me you were thinking that it was pretty common for me to be in jail" Kripa nodded like a little girl. Angad gave a laugh.


"Angad!" Kripa wined. "Stop it. I am hungry"


Just then the police lady came up with two plates and opened the cell lock and gave them food with out showing any emotion on their face and left by locking the doors. Now as Angad and Kripa looked at the food, they were both about to throw up.


"I am not eating that?" Kripa said making faces.


'Nor am I." Angad took the plates and put it outside the jail bars.


"I am not going to stay here all day just because he didn't believe us, let's getaway"


Angad looked at her if she was joking and when she wasn't he was surprised and then he saw a twinkle of naughtiness in her eyes. He shook his head, was this Kripa kapoor he knew? But then again, it wasn't only Kripa, Angad's brain began to swim in his devilish thought and a grin can be seen on his face.


"Why didn't you tell me before?"


"Oh Thank God, you admitted you are dumb!" Kripa smirked at him.


"What ever!"


After few seconds we see Angad and Kripa pacing in the jail. "Thought of something?" Kripa asked as she stopped.


"No" he said as he looked at her.


"Thought so!" Kripa murmured to herself as he put her hands on her hips.


"Idea!" Kripa cried in excitement after few seconds. Her eyes twinkled with the hint of naughtiness and devil. He raised his left eyebrow at her, "Well…?"


Then we see Angad and Kripa talking in mute. "That's wonderful!" he hugged Kripa in excitement, "you are such a mercenary brat! I thought you were innocent but you proved me wrong. But I like you more that way!" he pressed a kiss to her forehead.


Her heart jumped up and down, what did he meant by he liked he more, of course she shouldn't think like that. They were only friends and then there is karan who is her husband and she loves him. They are only friends and nothing else.


They were still hugging when Kripa cleared her throat, "I know you don't have enough words to praise me as it is you don't have a very good vocabulary in your brain?"


"Watch it Kripa, you are talking to me. Well I had more superb ideas but I wanted to listen from you to see what your small brain comes up with but you surprised me more and I am impressed"

Kripa grinned "Thank you and would you mind leaving me because I know I am sexy and hot"


Angad left her "Stop grinning yourself as it is people who say about themselves are known as big-headed" Kripa gave him an angry glance yet embarrassed at the same time while Angad smirked.


They were both back in action for the plan. Just as they saw the police officer walked in to their direction, Kripa started crying. Angad lay unconscious in her lap.


"Help, someone help!" she cried.


"Any thing wrong Ma'am?" the same police man asked who came to give in the plate.


Kripa gave him an angry glance, "You are asking me what's wrong? After tasting that food he started getting headaches and look what you've done to him. What did you feed him, poison?"


The police officer looked at them for a moment with a suspicion on his eyes, "Are you going to stand there, letting him die?" Kripa asked breaking his thoughts. He nodded and called the security.


Kripa looked down at Angad and smiled as their plan was working. Soon two other police men came and opened the door of the cell. They checked his pulse and looked at each other. "Well, he's dead, isn't he. You've killed him" Kripa cried angrily.


"No, he's not dead, he's just unconscious and we'll take him to the hospital  ..."


"I am also coming and don't you dare stop me otherwise I am going to file case against you. Mind you I can do anything, you haven't got any proof to prove me guilty" she declared angrily.


The police men were scared for a second when they know they don't have anything against them. They knew he was rich as about the high amount he gave to them. They silently nodded.


After a minute or so, they took Angad in a stretcher to the ambulance and Kripa's hands were tied in hand cliff.  The police man set next to the driver while one nurse attended Angad at the back.


Soon they reach the hospital, Kripa angrily demanded to let her hands free, they had no choice but to do it however keeping a  close eyes to her.


The nurse took Angad to the private room and checked him. Kripa waited outside with a panic writer all over her face. She soon was seen pacing the hall. The police officer, who has been keeping a close eye, watched her graceful body pace, his eyes never leaving her.


Soon the nurse came out as if she has seen a ghost; "he's calling someone named Kripa?"


Kripa went inside and police officer was about to follow when nurse put her hands out to stop him, "Only one visitor at a time"


Kripa locked the room as soon she entered, to see Angad smiling ear to ear. Kripa gave out a sigh of relief and hugged him. They soon opened the window and escaped the hospital.


Soon they were seen running through the forest, they heard officer scream behind when they realized they have tricked. They stopped hiding behind a tree to let breathe out.


A suddenly froze when he heard the gun shot……………………….


Coming up: Who died?


Well well start posting your prediction. Barsaat will be updated soon so keep watching for it. PLEASE COMMENT!











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Comments (16)

Merry Christmas to you too Sanya!

17 years ago

Wishing all my readers, A very happy Merry Christmas!

17 years ago

Wishing A very Happy Eid Mubarak!!


17 years ago

Good Luck for your exams sanya!!! Divjot

17 years ago

oh sanya it is worthy being waiting for ur ffs

17 years ago

I am sorry for not posting part as I have been busy lately. Exams are near and I have so much to revise . I'll try to post a part tommarow. Thank you for being patience


17 years ago

OMG WHO DIED?! WHO DIED?! WHO DIED?! n omg.. dat woz nuf funy..! lol awww ak r bludy briliant 2geva.. aint they just..? lol xxMWAHxx xx Saz xx

17 years ago

amazing like usual! I think...actually i hope that angad and kripa didnt die- anyone else its ok. that was evil! lol did u see dhoom 2? baabul? tell me if you did! x3 Prakriti

17 years ago

die!! wat the hell dont kill no1!!! just indjure 1 of them if u have to and that only the arm cus if there leg gets shot then how will they run from the poice !! continue soon man Hina

17 years ago

a bunny died lol! continue soon!

17 years ago