Chapter 71

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Chapter 70...part A

The young woman's haunted expression was one that the doctor would keep with her for days to come. 

"There's no evidence of internal trauma, but that isn't a guarantee that intercourse did not occur. However, If anyone...known or unknown, has been intimate with you while you were unknowingly under the influence of an impairing substance, then they have committed a crime against you. You have to understand that, even if you had initiated contact it could never be considered a consensual act. It would unquestionably be an assault against you and not your fault; I cannot be any clearer than that. However I cannot proceed with initiating the necessary tests without your consent. And then I will be obligated to report it to the relative authorities. "


Naomi couldn't even begin to think of the how's and why's of what had happened to her last night, not when in the scheme of things her child's wellbeing was her only concern - the baby was all she had left now. She shook her head adamantly.

"No, none of that matters; I just need to know if my baby is okay."

The physician tried to smile reassuringly at the young woman lying on the examination table. She had done her due diligence in advising her patient, but it was beyond her mandate to demand that the woman address the probable assault that had occurred if the victim herself refused to do so.  "Naomi, only once we obtain the results of your urine and blood analysis and positively identify what was used, can we better ascertain any specific danger to the fetus. For now we can only conduct a physical examination, thik hai?" Only when she was certain that her patient understood her present limitations,  did she pull aside the examination gown. Steeling herself against the sight of the fingertip bruises marking the young woman's body which, at the very least, identified her as the target of someone's mishandling, she prepared her. "Naomi , I need you to overlook the obvious tenderness from the bruising and let me know if you feel any pain," she instructed as she began her manipulations.

The young woman took a deep breath to steady herself and tearfully nodded her agreement.  Moments later however her heart began beating rapidly in her chest when the doctor furrowed her brow in concern before turning to grab the Doppler she had close at hand .


She removed her sunglasses, so that the agent could compare her passport against the ticketing information.  If he was surprised that she had no luggage to check, considering the distance she was travelling, he gave no indication. Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she tried to smile at the officer and thanked him when he handed her passport back along with her boarding pass.


Slightly more composed now that she was on her flight, Naomi secured her seatbelt, assuring that it was not too snug on the tender areas.  She couldn't say which was greater: the pain of her sore body or the ache in her chest left by her broken heart.  She took one final look out the window as the plane took off and then reached to close the shade with her left hand. Now bare of all ornamentation, she took a moment to study it before forcefully shutting the scene from view. She was done. It would take nothing short of divine intervention to make her even consider ever coming back to India again...and she suspected she had exhausted her personal quota of miracles . There was nothing left here for her now.



Destiny has got us this far, but the last steps are entirely up to you. If you think you and I are worth it just take a deep breath and come to me so we can start anew ...l promise you I will be waiting.


 The bouquet was beautiful, but it made no sense that Rajeev had sent it; not when she was leaving the next morning. Therefore it had to be that the card that was the real gift, on it, a special message that only she would understand, and  that the arrangement was just the vessel by which to convey it. Only Rajeev knew much these words meant to her. He had bolstered her confidence with them, allowing her to make that final walk in New York, when she was so hesitant. She had walked away from her old life and towards to her future that day... she had walked to him... she had walked only for him all because of the words he had said to her, the  very same ones he had written on the card that had been fixed to the gorgeous flower arrangement she now held.


Rajeev had told her to imagine that she was coming to him that night, and it seemed that he was asking her to do so again today.

 The only difference between then and now was that, unless she was completely misconstruing it, was that today her fianc was requesting this in a more literal sense. The obvious precursor to his wish was their separation for the remaining two and a half weeks before their wedding after today. He was coming for dinner after which he would collect her remaining things to take home, so he had to be intimating to a late night rendezvous with him afterwards. She was a little shocked, albeit incredibly tempted by his scandalous invitation, if she was true to herself.  He was giving her ample time to make a decision, but did she dare answer the call?


Rachna froze when Kabir entered her studio and picked up one of the freshly bound presentations, she and Arpita had collated in preparation of transferring them over to the convention site where the symposium was to be held tomorrow. She held her breath as her husband studied it cover to cover, but finally he turned to her, his expression one of pride.

"It's wonderful Rachna, but you know that already." He looked around at the progress being made by his wife and her assistant. "Perhaps I can get one of the house staff to assist the two of you?"

"Nay KT, we have it in hand."

"Ha KT sir, I will be doing all the heavy lifting today; the extent of Rachna's responsibilities will be to direct me,"assured the young trainee.

"Thik hai; I will leave you two very capable ladies at it then."

"Actually Kabir, I wonder if I may have a word with you while you are free. Perhaps we can go to your studio?"

"Of course Rachna; come," he replied placing his hand on her back and guiding her out of the busy environment.

When they reached their destination, Kabir pulled a second chair over to his work desk, so his wife could get off her feet.

"Tell me, Love."

Rachna looked around the space, smiling as she recalled her first days in the studio: a total novice in the exciting world of fashion design. Her dreams had come true in this space, and now she had come full circle as she sought to make another's dream a reality.

"Kabir," she began, "as a professional courtesy, I'd like to inform you that I intend offering Arpita a full time position with Banaras Beauty before the end of the day.  I'm not exactly certain what KT Creations' intentions were for her progression in the company, but I dare to think that the better opportunity for her will be with my brand."

Kabir studied his wife thoughtfully. "And are you are certain that she would prefer working under your direction, Rachna?"

"Well, at the very least I can determine that even at my hormonal worst, I don't believe my temperament to be as volatile as yours, dear husband," she laughingly responded, "so there is that. However, on a more serious note," she added, "I also believe that she would flourish in a smaller and more focused environment. From my perspective, she has been a god-send, and not just due to my pregnancy. She is extremely talented. In offering her an internship, you clearly recognized this, so you know exactly what I am referring to."

Kabir nodded. "Yes, you're right; she has a certain spark and a definite passion for the industry. And I have noticed an affinity for bridal wear design, very much like you, my love." He sighed, "I guess I must thank you Rachna; I appreciate the notice and I do hope that Arpita makes the decision that you wish her to make."

"Aacha, do you think she would prefer to stay with KT Creations?"

"Contrary to popular belief, I do think my firm does hold some appeal."

"I'll always think so, Kabir," Rachna responded softly, but with feeling.

Her husband smiled as he came to her and hugged her. "At least you have granted me that. I think you are right though in your suspicions, and I am sure you will have a confirmed employee before day's end, so I will say congratulations to you now. However, Mrs. Rachna Tripathi, I really would appreciate you not to make a habit of appropriating the potential talent I find, lest you find yourself banned from my studio," he threatened.


"Ji Racha, I will not openly compete with you, wife; I would  rather not  be party to your constant defeat.; I doubt if it will be good for our happy marriage."

She laughed and kissed him on the cheek before extracting herself from his embrace.  "And as I told you before that if I so choose to go up against you; you wouldn't know what hit you, Kabir Tripathi. I think I will make my proposal to her now; we will have to celebrate my astute business sense later." She winked back at him as she left the room.


crtkelly2016-05-27 03:29:23

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