Chapter 72

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Chapter 70...part B



 Kabir looked at his watch again; Sonal was late, belying her earlier insistence of the importance of seeing their son this afternoon, before her trip. On the other hand, her delay had allowed him to spend some more time with Rachna before she and her newly confirmed assistant headed off to check into the hotel, where they would overnight in advance of the symposium.

"Hello Beta, how are you?"

He rose from where he was fitting Sanjay's sherwani suit and turned to meet his son's mother. He tried not to outwardly react when Sanjay grasped his hand and moved closer to him, other than to clasp the little hand and smiling reassuringly down at his child.

"Say hello to your mother, Sanjay."

"Namaste Mama."


For her part, Sonal kept her distance, which went some way to lessen the youngster's anxiety.

"You look very handsome, beta."

"Papa made this for me for the wedding; this one and the other one hanging there," he said pointing to the suit hanging on a nearby rack.  And he got me a tuc... a tuc," he looked up to his papa for guidance, as he stumbled over the word.

"A tuxedo, beta," Kabir offered with a smile.

"Ha Mama; a tuxedo."


"Oh my, I am certain that you will look handsome in all of them Sanjay," Sonal replied graciously. "Are you fitting them all now, Kabir? I would love to see him in them, if you are."

She smiled when he nodded, and directed her to a nearby chair so she could observe.


This couldn't be more perfect Sonal thought.  The studio was just the place she needed to be.  It would provide the easiest access into and out of the residence should the need arise.  She need only have the opportunity to make sure that one of the French windows remained unlocked. After that would be sticking around until she had the opportunity to administer the dosage of the drug to the designated target. The rest would be up to Abhi.


"Daadi do you need help bringing dinner to the table?"

The older woman stopped to acknowledge the young child, who so sweetly had offered his help. She looked around and decided on the most portable dish for her grandson to carry.

"Here you go, beta; can you carry this for me?" She looked at his mother who was close by. "You are leaving now, Sonal?" she queried.

"Soon Daadi."

The older woman turned her attention back to Sanjay. She smiled at the affable child, and sent him ahead of her with his bowl.  She paused at the kitchen's doorway.

"Robin, can you please pour a glass of milk for Naomi, and take it up to her room and let her know that we will be having dinner soon."

"Ji Daadi."

Hearing these instructions, Sonal rushed back to the kitchen, just in time as Robin had just poured the milk and was just closing the refrigerator door. "Robin I have a bit of a headache, may I have a small glass of milk as well?"

"Ji" the servant answered and turning his back to her.

"Thank you so much."


She had done what she had come to do and now prepared to leave.

"Be a good boy for your Papa while Mama is gone, thik hai, beta?"

"Yes Mama," Sanjay replied before turning around when he heard Aryia's voice behind him. "Bye Mama," he cried as he dashed up the stairs to intercept Pari and his sister.

"So sweet, " Sonal observed, taking great interest in the empty drinking glass that Naomi was returning downstairs. Perfect, Sonal thought, before she bid everyone goodbye.


Rajeev was just pulling up when he saw Sonal exit the Tripathi residence. Careful to avoid any contact with the duplicitous woman, he slowed down, allowing her the opportunity to leave before parking his vehicle. He watched as she paused to make a phone call; thankfully short, and then she left.

At least, he thought, there would one less source of disruption that they would have to contend with tonight.


She was floating. .. not too far away , since she could still feel the bed underneath her, but just enough.

It should have been an awesome experience, she thought if she wasn't so miserable. Because she felt so alone and so very restless; it was hard to appreciate the sensation. Rajeev had left her. He had likened her to the goddess Rati, but he had lied. He had to have been lying to her, because if she truly was his goddess of desire shouldn't she have been able to convince him; didn't he love her after all? She wrapped her arms around her middle and curled up in a fetal position, unable to contain her tears...she wanted; no she needed him so much but it was clear that he didn't feel the same way. He had denied her over and over; she had all but begged him...she meant nothing to him... she probably never had.


Rajeev joined Kabir and Daadi in the former's bedroom where they had remained in silent vigil. He took the hot cup of tea Daadi offered with his thanks.

"Beta, how is she?"

"I can only presume that she is in the downside of the drug's effect now, since she is much more settled than she was earlier." He laughed contemptuously, "At least this seems to have all the hallmarks of the textbook drugging scenario the doctor described to us; if that can be considered any consolation."  He saw the worry etched on the older woman's face, and then noticed the lateness of the hour.

"Daadi perhaps you should go to bed now?" he offered.

"Nay, how can I possibly sleep?"

"Rajeev is right Daadi; you need to rest. You have an early start tomorrow and a long day ahead. Nothing will happen to her; we promise."

Finally she agreed, and left the room, leaving the two men alone. Kabir turned from watching his grandmother's departure, back to the exhausted man sitting on his bedroom settee.  He observed as the anger that the coach had carefully hidden from Daadi rose to the fore. He was a totally different person when he spoke again.

"I will f**king kill the person who has done this to her when I get my hands on them. If she had fallen into their clutches..."

Kabir could only guess at the extent of Naomi's condition; despite all of the efforts Rajeev had made to tidy up, the state of his clothing clearly indicated the arduous task it had been to handle his fianc in her artificially induced state.

"Perhaps it would not have manifested itself as such, " Kabir suggested. "She certainly did not have that reaction with me; you saw that for yourself."


He didn't know what had possessed him to make a U-turn when he was just about home, and go back to the Tripathi residence tonight, other than the peculiar behavior Naomi had exhibited earlier. As if she couldn't see the back of him soon enough she had had hurried him through his meal and even quicker had helped him to collect her things. But then, at the door, she had kissed him like she never had before; not a kiss of farewell, but one chuck full of sinful promises. Helpless under her assault, he could only stare at her, his dark eyes smoldering with desire, when finally she broke away.

"How long will it take you to get home?" she had whispered, her chest heaving with her quickened breaths.

"The usual fifteen minutes or so; why?"

So I have twenty minutes then. You promise you will go straight home?" she added.

Rajeev nodded, unsure of her line of questioning. And before he could even begin to ponder a possible explanation, she had opened the door insisting that he leave.


The next time he saw her she was shrieking the house down, violently struggling to get out of Kabir's hold as he restrained her at the foot of the stairs. She was dressed in a short coat with what looked to be only lingerie underneath it, and she was desperately trying to leave the house.


"Why do they want to separate us, Rajeev? Don't they know we love each other?"

No one is trying to, Sweetheart, I promise you. Just hold still so the doctor can check you."

"And then we can go home?" She pleaded. "I just want to go home with you like you asked me to; I just want you, but they won't let me," she accused, pointing across the room.

He had looked up at the others in the bedroom, as confused and worried as they were at her present state.


Most likely it was one of the many date rape drugs available on the black market, the doctor had said; but until the blood he had drawn was analyzed they could not tell which one it was. Since her vitals were stable, the best option was for her to ride it out preferably in a safe environment where she could not be harmed nor harm herself. Keeping her hydrated would be of paramount importance. She may or may not remember anything the next day. Rajeev sincerely hoped it was the latter.


Rajeev sighed, "The fact that she initially fought you is neither here nor there, KT.  Whatever this is it's caused a total loss of any sense of self preservation. She is as weak as a kitten right now; she couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag in her condition."




She was facing the door and had appeared asleep when he entered the darkened room, so he smiled to himself when she spoke as he quietly got into the bed behind her.

"Take me home with you," she begged Rajeev in her whisper- thin voice, now that he had finally returned to her. Instinctively she settled back against him when he lay beside her, surrounding her with his larger body and holding her close.

"Nay, Sweetheart, you need to stay here, but I'll make it all better; I promise."

 She stiffened in his arms.

Somehow, even in the hazy world that had become her existence, Naomi apprehended that something wasn't right and tried to move away, but then the hand on her stomach lowered to cup her intimately. And then it caressed her over the lace of her panties, the friction stoking the fire that had consumed her for what had seemed an eternity. He slipped his other arm under her and pulled her back against him. Held fast against his solid frame, in an instant, her mind blanked out to all but the pleasure she felt at the closeness after being held at bay for so long. She couldn't control herself when she clamped her thighs tightly capturing the hand that finally would bring relief. Her breaths became gasps as the heat coursing through her body instantly began to centralize low in her belly. She was on fire...she was fire, but still she couldn't stem the tears coursing from her eyes. The steady stream was the sole protestor of her body's traitorous reaction to this stranger's attack. She had become a victim to the sensations being forced on her, where even his hot breath at her ear raised goosebumps on her skin.

She whimpered plaintively.

"Shh don't cry; didn't I say that I'll make it all better?" the voice asked.


 He moved from her ear and nipped hard at her bare shoulder. Her throaty moan in response thrilled him; but more than that, he loved the fact that she had chosen to dress so provocatively for their special night. In doing so she had proven that she wanted to be with him as much he did her. More-so it convinced him of how deserving of his love she was so he saw nothing wrong in granting his woman her satisfaction before he claimed her fully. He doubted it would take long to make her fall apart under his ministrations. She would understand that he could be kind and loving. And then it would be his turn. Besides, he knew that she would want more of his attention soon, and he had taken steps to ensure that he would be ready to accommodate her need. Listening to her false attempts to seduce Rajeev had convinced him to take the extra pill he had thought to save later for her, should the need arise, and it had more than readied him for their encounter. He shook his head. The coach had been an honorable fool and now he would soon learn how it had been to his detriment...the only thing the man had been right about was likening her to Rati Devi... She was that and more and now she was more willing than ever to prove her devotion to her true life-partner...he already felt scorched by the heat of her passion.


She was close... he could tell, and Abhi stole a glance at the door. He knew that the lock would prove little impediment to the coach's return, but it would certainly raise his panic...which was exactly what he wanted.  He sincerely hoped Rajeev would return would be the ultimate payback for the sins the coach had committed against him; bearing witness  to the consummation of their love would finally repudiate the man's audacity of daring to believe that Naomi ever belonged to him. This had actually worked out so much better than his original plan of intercepting her as she as she stepped outside. He doubted she would ever be as willing as she was right now...he thought wickedly as he listened to the quickening breaths rapidly filling the stillness of the night.


crtkelly2016-05-27 03:37:07

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