Chapter 5

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Chapter #4


Despite the brevity, it had been a melancholy visit back to the studio for Naomi.  Mockups of Rachna's work could be seen throughout, and there was no denying that her friend's forte was in bridal fashions.  Her creativity was evident in the beautiful pieces and Naomi just knew that they would show well at the launch. Banaras Beauty' had always been Rachna's dream and in a matter of time it would all come to fruition. She was so proud of her friend, and only wished she could participate as they had dreamt of; Rachna, designer extraordinaire, and her trusty super model sidekick. Of course the first and best design of the collection would have been hers.  Viewing the different pieces of apparel; it was difficult to pinpoint which one she would have worn, but it didn't matter now anyway.  Naomi couldn't even contemplate wearing anything remotely bridal, no matter how beautiful. No, it was probably for the best that she would be behind the scenes. Her temperament wasn't suitable for modelling right now anyway. Only the best should present her friend's beautiful designs; models who at the very least had the confidence to do so. However by committing to help with the production side of things, she would at least be able to give her very best to her friend in this area.  Although it wasn't what they had originally envisioned, Naomi knew that she would produce the very best coverage of the event.  As she left the studio she mentally started making a list of the equipment she currently had with her , versus what she would need. Oh and she would definitely wanted Mohit, KT's photographer in on this as well. She had a lot to sort out in a very short time.


"I don't understand t really, she is so good at it, and the camera just loves her, but now she's just given it all up. What do you think happened, do you think maybe she had a bad experience on one of her overseas shoots or something?"

"Maybe, she's just so different now, she's nothing like the girl we first met. Something definitely happened. And I know that Rachna really wanted her to model for the launch. It's sad really, whatever   it was, it really did a number on her. I can't believe she's just back to watch the baby, but it really looks like that's the case."


Daadi sat, her mouth pursed as she watched the two assistants leave for the day. If she knew that there was any malice behind their conversation instead of idle curiosity she would have spoken to Nanhe concerning this, but at the very least she would have hoped they would checked to see if anyone one was around before they started speculating about their Naomi. She turned back to their guest, whom despite his indifferent air, she knew had keenly taken in the information as well.

"Daadi, is Pari okay; I mean nothing really terrible has happened to her, right?"

"It's not for me to say, but I can say she has changed because of it. Is there a reason for asking, Rajeev?"

"She just seems an interesting young woman, that's all."

"She's one of the finest people I know, Beta, and clearly I have known quite a number of people over the years, so that says a lot. Just so you know I will not tolerate any unseemly attention towards my young friend." She looked away and then back, and patted Rajeev on his arm, "Ah look here they are, back at last. I'll leave you in Nanhe's capable hands."


Rachna waved, as she walked by carrying a sleeping Aryia up the stairs, leaving Kabir to attend to Rajeev. The two men shook hands in greeting. "Rachna thought we would be coming back to fireworks, but you look none the worse."

"Ah well, I've have the pleasure of your daadi's company, along with her insistence that I behave myself."

"I see. Well let's get you settled then."


Following Kabir's advice, Rajeev made sure that he was downstairs for dinner before Pari.  Unsure as to the motive behind it, for some reason their friend hadn't been advised that he was now also a guest , let alone that he was now staying  in the guest bedroom next to hers.  He had seen her look to Rachna on realization that he was joining them for dinner again, and had covertly smiled when she seemed confused as to which seat would be safest to take before deciding to sit across from him this evening as opposed to beside him this as she did before.


"Ra, is this going to be a habit of his?"


"Your Sir being here, I mean, obviously he is a good friend, but , oh never mind ."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just something about him makes me go on the immediate defense."

"Maybe you should try to get to know him; he really is the best." 


Maybe  what she shouldn't have done was to take the seat she had. If anything she was feeling more awkward than when she had sat beside him.  It's nothing that he was doing wrong, in fact he had been more that cordial. The issue was hers, for some reason he just made her feel very self-conscious and more than once she had raised her eyes to find him looking at her.


Pari? Hello earth to Pari?"
Startled she looked to her friend, "Um sorry, Ra, what did you say?"

"I was just wondering how you made out today, did you manage to get everything organized?"

"Oh yes, I've got some equipment coming from the UK in the next couple of days, and I have coordinated some folks locally so I've got everything in hand.  I had a chance to see some of your work after you left and am already visualizing the different shots to best capture them. You know that combining both the action footage along with the still photography will..." She stopped realizing that everyone had focused on her completely. "I'm sorry I know that I can go on excessively about things sometimes," she said with a small smile.

"We don't mind at all."

"Thanks Ra, but we can discuss it later."

"Okay, but tell me how is our guy, I take it that you still invade his space when you are in the UK, and he is the one who is sending the equipment?"

"He's worse than ever truth be told, he takes any opportunity to contact lately, and he's insisting that I stop for a visit when I leave her and before going home."

"He cares about you a lot that's why."

Naomi looked  at Rachna slyly,  "Well it's not he has a choice,  does he? He hasn't been able to resist me for years."

"When are you going home, Pari?"

"You hardly know me surely you're not trying to get rid of me alre..." She stopped , her deer in headlights look perfected, as she realized what she was saying and to whom. She blushed becomingly and looked away.  To her left Rachna was busy tending to Aryia, but Naomi could see that she was holding in her laughter.


Embarrassed to the point that she couldn't even look across the table, Naomi got up looking to start clearing the table. Her hands full, she walked out of the room.

Seeing that Rachna, was about to get up to help clear the remaining dishes, Rajeev stopped her. "Why don't you enjoy some time with Aryia, and I'll get these for you."

Purposely, the women watched as Rajeev walked out of the room, before turning to Kabir. It was his grandmother that spoke first.

"Nanhe  I hope you are not deliberately encouraging this. I will not spare you if Rajeev hurts Naomi."

"Daadi, like I told Rachna, I am no cupid."



Her back to the entrance, Naomi stood at the kitchen sink , when she sensed someone else enter the room. "Oh God Ra, can the floor just open up and swallow me already; I am just making a complete fool of myself."

"Well it was a pretty simple question, so perhaps the best way to handle it is with simple answer."

She closed her eyes in hearing the voice. With her back still to him she answered, Why do you even care when I'm going home or not?"

He placed the dishes on the counter and then leaned against it. "I'm just wondering how long I have to get to know you."

Finally she opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Why?"


Rachna looked towards to the kitchen, and then back to her husband.

"It's okay Rachna, listen no shrieks of outrage or sounds of violence."  He gently nudged her in the opposite direction, while holding Aryia at his shoulder, "Come on, I know that you wanted to check on things in the studio, so now is the perfect time to do so."

"Okay, let's go then we are going to have to get Aryia to bed soon anyway."


In the studio Kabir handed their daughter to Rachna while he went to inspect the dresses presently displayed on the mannequins. He knew that he wouldn't find fault in them, in addition to the designs, her fabric choices were impeccable as ever.  In his peripheral he could see her expression and recognized her insistence that he reviewed things, for what it was, just a case of nerves.  He stood there, one hand to his to his mouth in contemplation for some time before finally speaking.

"Actually, I only foresee one problem with the collection, Rachna."

Panic stricken, she looked to him.

"My only concern, is once my very talented wife takes the fashion world by storm, how will KT Creations possibly be able to replace such a gifted designer. Rachna your work is flawless and I am more than impressed. Will you show me what else you have planned?"

Her smile was all the answer he needed.

They finally had to bring things to end when Aryia began fussing. "Someone seems to be tired, so I guess we will have to bring this to an end. Thank you for your input KT."


They came back into the lounge just in time to see Rajeev and Naomi leaving the kitchen. And Naomi was smiling. Unobserved, KT and Rachna watched their encounter.  Rachna smiled when her friend extended her hand to Rajeev Sir bidding him Good Night, only to falter when a look of outrage crossed Naomi's face and she pulled her hand away and stormed up the staircase. Furious, Rachna walked to her Sir demanding an explanation.  "Calm down Rachna, I just asked if I could walk her to her room, considering we are neighbours now.  Since neither of you saw fit to tell her I was staying, I thought it best to let her know. "He smiled , "I guess she was tolerating me this evening thinking that she was finally getting rid of me.  Oh well, I guess I will turn in too, Good Night, you two."


Kabir sensed the scolding that was coming his way even as Rachna turned around to face him. "Before you say anything, you know I wouldn't allow anyone to toy with her feelings, right? At Rachna's agreement he continued, "Remember when you said that something would click for her, well what if it actually someone and not something she needs.  You have to see how she is reacting; just now, wasn't her anger preferable to her tears? Let's see how this play out Rachna."


crtkelly2016-05-03 04:25:54

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