Chapter 6

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Chapter #5

You did what? How could you have made such a mistake?  Calm down! The only way I will be able to calm down is if you come to India right now and sort out the mess you made! Oh God how am I supposed to deal with this, I really need that equipment, but hell will freeze over before..."


Naomi turned when the door opened and Rachna rushed in, "What's wrong, we can hear you all through the house."

 Pointing to her laptop monitor, Naomi answered, "Ask this idiot what he's done, and you will figure out what's wrong!"

Rachna sat in front of the laptop to speak to her friend's brother. Aware of Naomi's pacing behind her she soon got to understand the problem. It had been an honest mistake, but she realized why it had caused such angst. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it from this end, and yes sort her out as well. Goodbye Stef, we will talk to you soon."


Disconnecting the Skype call, Rachna went to her friend and sat her on the bed.  "Is it really worth getting this upset over, Naomi?"

"Ra , you know that I never want to see him again, ever. Not after what happened. It was the only thing I was worried about coming back here. How could Stef have sent the package to Abhi by mistake?"

"Simple, how many times in the past did you ask him to forward stuff to Abhi, knowing that it would reach you faster, when he came to see you? It was an honest error; of all people you know your brother wouldn't do anything to intentionally  cause you pain."

Naomi nodded her agreement.

"Now how do you want to handle it? You can either go and get it yourself, or we can arrange to get it here."

"Oh yes, I really want to meet his wife, so let's go already."

"Okay, that's a no. I'll take care of it then. " She paused before asking her next question, "Naomi, are you still in love with Abhi?"

"Ra does that even matter at this point? All I know is that I wasn't worth being his first choice. I'm probably not worthy of being anyone's choice." she muttered to herself, unaware that Rachna had heard her.


Rachna left the room, upset on her friend's behalf. She swore if Abhi ever came in front her, she would have some choice words for him and then some.  To see Naomi's confidence so shattered was intolerable to her. In just those few sentences, she had laid bare every doubt that she had of anyone ever caring for her.  When she came downstairs she looked over to where KT and Rajeev sat talking. Pensively she wondered how much her Sir actually felt for her friend; was it just an attraction or was it possible that it was the beginning of something more?


"Is everything okay, Rachna?"

"Ji KT, there have been some logistical issues with her equipment. I'm actually going to contact Shekhar to see if he can intercept it and get it over here today, so it will be here before the two of us get back from the venue."

"Shekhar?  Why would he have received her equipment?"  Immediately he realized what had happened "Never mind, I understand." He shook his head as Rachna walked away dialing her mobile.

"Any chance that I can get just a hint of what is going on, Kabir?  I swear I feel like I'm flying blind dealing with her."



"KT, where's Ra; Is she outside waiting for me?"

"Nay, she just needed to make a call, but she should be back shortly."

"Okay. Umm, sorry about that outburst just now; I checked on Aryia and thankfully she's slept through her Pari's tantrum. She shouldn't disturb you too much while Ra and I are gone."

"Thik Hai."


Rachna walked back in, smiling, "Okay, hopefully everything is sorted out now. Your equipment should be here by the time we get back." She looked at her watch, "Right, we need to leave now. The driver is waiting so come on, we have things to attend."


The venue was perfect, and the dry run for the launch was going smoothly.


While Naomi and Mohit met with the in house Technical Director, a blessing in itself, since it would be one less thing to worry about, Rachna sat to view the rehearsal from the vantage of the audience. She had selected a great group of girls, who would present her designs admirably. From where she sat everything looked to be great.  She looked over her notes and knew that  this aspect would be the least of her issues.


She stood as the models walked the finale so that she would direct their final placements on stage.  Because she had wanted a human element to the launch, she had decided that the models after walking the runway, would then serve as living mannequins.  She just needed to ensure spacing would allow sufficient room for the select invitees who would be actually allowed on the stage for closer inspection of the designs.

A sudden flash caught her eye, and she realized that Mohit was confirming vantage spots for this part of the event.  To the side Naomi was still in discussion with the contractors who would under her direction, would be filming the event.   


Finally satisfied with  this aspect of the event, Rachna  came off the stage to confer about the next stage of the event, the reception.  Thankfully the venue had the space to accommodate this as well, so the intention was that the models would then mingle with all of the guests too and provide additional photography opportunities.


"But it would really mean the most to me if the two at the least could enjoy some of the reception. I won't  feel right if you don't."

"We will see Ra, provided that I'm satisfied with what we have, I'll make a determination then if I can or not."

"And you, Mohit Sir?"

The photographer smiled indulgently, "You two are making me feel aged, when did you two become such professionals?. It seems just like yesterday when I had the two of you goofing for the camera."


" Mohit Sir, time does pass, but be reassured, we are the ones getting older, not you," Naomi answered gaily.


"Well, all I can say is that the two of you are doing a bang up job; Rachna this looks to be a superb event you are going to be putting on. You should be so very proud of yourself. And you ,Miss Naomi, it looks as if you are just as proficient working behind the camera as you were in front of it; it is going to be a  real pleasure working with you."


Naomi sighed loudly, "Okay Ra, Mohit Sir, since professionals don't break down in front of their colleagues, can we continue?"

"Definitely, let's go review the reception space.


Bidding farewell to everyone who had participated, Rachna and Naomi once more evaluated the venue. Rachna listened in awe as her friend detailed her ideas for adapting the footage and photography to the website she planned. "Actually Ra, it's just about done. We can look at it tonight when we get back home. I want you to be totally happy with it, so in three days' time, it will just be a matter of adding the launch images."


"Three days, I can't believe it Naomi, this has been my dream for so long, and in three days, wow!"

"It's just the next chapter to your fairytale Ra. I'm really happy for you, and I'm glad that at least I can do this for you. I know we had planned something else, but..."

"You being here is enough for me Naomi.  But one day, when you are ready, you are going to wear the very best design Banaras Beauty has to offer."

"Maybe Ra, maybe."


Both of them, lost in their thoughts of what they had to do for the event, neither realized that they reached home until the driver alerted them to the fact. Naomi packed away her IPad, and waited for Rachna to pack away her things.

"No offense Ra, but I really hope Aryia isn't going to be too lively this evening, I'm exhausted."

Rachna laughed, "Well you may as well just hand me the bad parent award now, since I was just thinking the same."

" Don't worry, I won't tell on you."


They reached the door when they saw a figure standing there with a package.

"Hey stranger, how are you?"

Shekhar turned around. "Rachna , how are you my friend?"

"Really well; busy as you can imagine. How is Neeta?"


It was classic Shekhar that had both women burst out laughing. Finally Naomi spoke, "Well Shekhar it is normal for an expecting mom to put on some weight, but I hope that you aren't telling your wife that she is fat. Glowing, radiant , ethereal... Those are the words you need to use. By the way congratulations, I'm so happy for the both of you."

Rachna opened the door for them, "I really appreciate you collecting this for Naomi; do you have time to visit?"

"Nay Rachna, I'll just bring this in for you and be on my way."

"Thik Hai; after you."


Grateful for the fact that she had her equipment, Naomi let Shekhar and Rachna precede her entering the house. Deep in thought whether she had enough space in her bedroom to set up she was unware that someone had come behind her until she was grabbed roughly by the arm, dragged away from the entrance and spun around.


She squealed in protest.


"I should have figured that this was where you were when I received that package. When were you going to inform me that you were back in Banaras, Naomi?"

It was deja vu all over when Rachna rushed back out of the door, shouting, "Take your hands off my friend!"

"She was never adverse to them before, so stay out of this Rachna. I'm asking you again Naomi, when were you going to let me know you had come back?"

"Why the hell would I tell you anything; you are nothing to me!"

"You know and I know that's not true!"

"Are you crazy? Why would you even think that I would want to have anything to do with you?"

"Abhi, what the hell?"

"Shekhar you too, stay  out of this!"

Naomi turned and saw that Shekhar still held her equipment. "Shekhar don't you dare drop that package it's fragile!"

Abhi laughed bitterly, "Yes you and your damn work always taking precedence over everything, right. Well not now. I deserve an explanation.."


"What the hell is going on out here?"

Everyone turned at once to see Kabir and Rajeev at the door.

"Nothing that concerns you either, KT. She and I just need to talk." Abhi said, and started pulling a startled Naomi is his direction.


And then pure chaos erupted.


crtkelly2016-05-03 04:27:48

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