Chapter 19

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Thank you all for the comments and encouragement you have given me. I haven't been able to reply to each of your post but I try my best to do so...I know many of you are sad /irritated by the way Sameer has been handling things...well all I will say is , he is new to this he has to learn the hard way and will take time too...but when he does I promise you will love for Naina , she also has to go thru some rough patch...cant help...when married you will go thru the same set of troubles...if she shared happiness and joy with him...then she will have share his pain too...

So here comes the next part...brace yourselves!!...happy reading ...can I say that ??hmmm don't know...whatever it is let me know your thoughts ...I love to read every one of them...and it encourages me to write more when I know people are interested in my writing...


From that day onwards Naina , never spoke much . She just came home to sleep. She spent most of her time at NGO. During weekends she would go to the nearby orphanage to teach children , some days she would go to her chacha chachi's house. There was very less conversation between us. We were not even like roommates. I knew why she was behaving this way but at the moment I couldn't take any decision which would favour her. I tried to get busy with work. Kamya started coming to office . Dad saw to that we both were assigned work in such a way that we had to be together. And every time this happened , newspapers managed to find it and report it next day. I didn't have to think much to understand who gave this information. Around two months went by this way. Then on a Friday evening I got call from Naina.

"Sameer I needed to talk to you. So if you can come a lil early then we can meet outside. I don't want to discuss this at home."

"Alright , I will pick you up in another 30 mins."

"I am not at the NGO. I am calling you from a telephone booth near the Kulfi joint."

"OK. Will be there."

I didn't inform anyone , I took a rick and reached the Kulfi joint. She had occupied one of the corner chairs. The moment her eyes was on me, she got up and walked towards me.

"Chalo, lets go and sit in the park."

"Ok, don't you want to have Kulfi."


"Okay...if you don't want to eat , its fine...don't make that face...I thought you enjoyed Kulfi's from here.."

"Not at the moment"

"OK. " She didn't even ask if I wanted to have. She was in hurry to get out from there. It looked like she was waiting eagerly to tell me something important. Not sure why ...I feel its not going to be pleasant...another fight perhaps...

We sat in the same park on the same bench but this time there was distance between us. I knew she was going to say something that I am not going to like and she had purposefully brought me here so that I would listen to her and not shout at her.

"I have resigned from your mumma's NGO."

"Why ? You don't want to work anymore? Is it because people are talking about me and Kamya??"

She ignored my question and said "I have got a job as an English Lecturer at University College."

"How do you plan to go and come every day? That's at least two hours from our house . Its in the other end of the city."

"I know. They have hostel and I can stay there as resident tutor."

"You lost hope in our relationship so soon Naina?? You don't want to live me ...right??"


"Naina, I am yours . Even if you walk away from me or even if we end up in separate ways, I will wait for you to return. I will never accept anyone other than you as my wife. Please understand, dad played it dirty . I know its his game to get us separated. We should not fall for it."

"So you understand . Then why are you falling for it. Leave it and come with me. Let us start all over again ."

"Naina , my darling it is not that easy when one heads an organization as big as Maheshwari Industries. I have some responsibilities towards my people who work for me. If it was that easy Naina , I would have walked out the day dad decided to get Kamya's family on board. "

"Fine, then I have to take care of my life. I will be leaving tomorrow morning as the joining date is on Monday."

"Don't do this Naina. You are my strength , if you leave like this , I will be broken."

"What about me Sameer , every day morning I get to read about you and Kamya ...and about our divorce. How should I feel ? Have you ever thought about it??"

"I KNOW!! You don't have to tell me. It hurts me too when people talk about our divorce. I need time to fix it. Nanu and Nani had struggled to make it this big. I cannot let him loose everything because of my step fathers cunningness. My plan is to get the new project running and in the due course of time I will make mumma understand, dad's dirty play. Then I will move out. There has to be someone who can handle the business. Please give me sometime."

"Fine. You do what you think is right for you and your loved ones. I will do what is right for us!! I think, this separation , will help you to decide if you need to be in this relationship or not. You know what they say... "When you love someone , set him free, If he comes back he was yours , if not he never was!! So I am setting you free Sameer. Fly away , explore your life and see where you want to be and with whom you want to be.

I don't have anything else to say. "

"I want to settle with you . I had decided it when I agreed to marry you. There is no change in it and you are also my loved one, but at this time , I do have some responsibilities towards the people who work at those factories , towards Nanu and mumma"

"What about us??"
"Naina , sometimes we need to prioritize. Else even we will perish in the storm. What dad has started is a storm which will destroy everyone if not handled carefully. For that we have to be strong and patient as it takes time to solve.. "

She was quiet. I knew she had made up her mind , which means she will not change it for anyone. I sometimes wonder how I end up loving people with stubborn attitude. There was always Deepika and Rohan. Now I have my wife Naina and her sister Preethi too..

"Looks like you have made up your mind... Will you wait for me, Naina??"

"Yes Sameer, I will even if it means a life time. But there is one thing I want to tell you...don't delay too much because there are certain moments in life that I have no control on as it does not wait for any one , you might miss those. Hmmm...I think we should leave...need to pack."

This time she sat on the bike , hugged me and placed her head on my back. As I drove home , I could sense her tears as it wet my shirt. We both were crying but the moment we reached home , we wiped each others tears and walked together into the house.

Everyone was gathered in the living room and we were sure that mumma must have told dad and Nanu.

"Sameer , did you know that she is going to work at University College?"

"Yes, Mumma."

"And you are ok about it??" Asked dad curiously.

"Yes!!... Naina , you go and pack dear. You need to leave early in the morning ."

I sent her away to her room. I didn't want her to face anyone from my family. She had the right to be happy and she is not answerable to anyone. At least not to my family members.

"Do you realise that she will be staying in the hostel. Might come just once in a month."asked dad in a very concerned manner.

"Isnt that what you wanted from us dad??"

"Sameer !!"

"Please mumma, I am not that 8 year old boy anymore.. and I know what he has done." Saying so , I walked away from there.

That night, I held her close to me . Not even once did I leave her, neither did I think if she was liking it or not. All that mattered to me was to savor this moment till I meet her again. She slept in the warmth of my hug but for me sleep was a distant dream. The very thought that she is not going to be here with me was killing me from inside. But as she said , I had to let her go for her own happiness and peace while I get out of the mess that I created for US.

Next day around 6:00 in the morning I went with her to the bus stop. As we waited for the bus to come, she gave me phone number saying I could call her between 6 :00 PM to 7:00 PM.

"Will you come during weekends?"

"No Sameer, If I come it will be difficult for me. I am so used to you now ...Its not easy for me too . Please understand."

"Then why are you going Naina, stay back ."

"I am going away , so that it will be easy for you to understand your emotions and decide with whom you want to lead your life with. Also Sameer , its high time you started deciding for yourself. I feel you are too depended on your dad and Nanu s decisions.

Sameer , you are not alone now. If you allow others to decide for us , its our happiness which goes for a toss. I trust you and I am sure you will find a way out. Our love will help you find a way Sameer. I am sure you will not be able to stay away from me for long...

...I need to leave ...bus is here.

By 6:30 she boarded the bus with a promise to wait for me. As the bus moved , my eyes were clouded with tears. I felt lonely and lost. I was angry with her , I wanted to shout at her, wanted to stop can she be so cruel...I love her god... ...I love her...and I wanted her with me always.

As I reached home , I realized no one had got up. It was only me , who was feeling the pain of her absence in the house. I had thought at least mumma would have got up , but no ...I realized no one actually valued my girl. I walked back to my room, shut the door and cried my heart out. I know I have hurt her and so was I. I had to speak to Rohan . I didn't bother about the time zone difference . I just needed him to put some sense into my head, else I would do something to myself.


"Hi Rohan..."

"You are crying ?? What happened ??"

"She left ...she just left...its all my fault...I couldn't say no to dad..."

"Bhaiya, tell me in detail. You are not making any sense."

I sat and narrated the whole story and how I got trapped in his fathers game plan. I also told him that I cant just move out as too much money is involved and my wrong decision will bring us on road , if we are not careful.

"She doesn't understand the dynamics of business Rohan. "

"Bhaiya , you both are right , but this time I will support Bhabi. I have always felt that you don't stand up for your needs. You just give in. But now its different. Your decisions will affect your wife's happiness too. So before you say a yes, you need to think a million times .

You are too good when it comes to business. Nanu has many times told me that you have this talent from your papa. My dad basically follows Nanu's orders. He is very poor in it. He is ONLY good in one thing to make others work for his benefit. You know what, the love that he shows to our mother is because of the wealth that is there on her name , else he will have no value for her. Nanu knew it and that is why wrote 30% of the share on her name and the rest is still with him.

Now listen to me, why don't you play it back to him. Be that business man which ONLY the people in Bombay and Delhi has seen. Give it back to him in his own way. Take the complete ownership and get the project into production. Once the first set of cargo is done , throw it on his face to handle the rest and you walk out. Give him the taste of success through you and he will follow you. At that time you will not get back, rather find another job and settle with Bhabhi.

I am sure after 4- 5 years Mumma and Nanu will hand it over to you on a golden plate.

"Bhaiya...are you there?? Why are you so quiet??"

"Rohan , I am not you. I lost it all ...everything."

"Then snatch it back from them because there is one person who has left her house , her people and everything that she can call hers , to settle down with you. You owe it to her can't do this to her."

"Yes Rohan !! You are right."

"Her love , her absence ,her memory ...the need have her back in your arms will give you strength Bhaiya...just wait and watch. And you know what , I pity my dad and Kamya...God save them!!"

"Rohan, I wish I could be that bad "

"They have not seen you in your true colour. I have !! Remember once mom had to stay back at home as I was not well and you had some competition, so she couldn't be there with you??

Remember that day ?? You had literally torn every comic book of mine and hid all my toys. My room was a mess that evening."

"Rohan , I was just 10 yrs then. I regret that act even today."

"I am reminding what you are capable of , I know there will be a repeat or something similar to that, because other than mumma if you have loved someone so dearly , its my Naina Bhabi..

Go sleep for sometime and then show people at office what you are. All the best you Bhaiyaa.."

"Love you Rohan!!and THANK YOU !!"

"Anytime !!"

I felt tired , I decided to change into something comfortable. I opened my cupboard and my eyes fell on a pink saree and sleeve less blouse, the one that helped us to unite. She had left it back for me , to remind me of her. The reality is , I didn't need this to remember her, she was a part of me. I noticed that there was box kept on top of it. It was neatly wrapped in golden paper. There was a small note saying "For you Sameer".

I quickly tore the cover and was surprised to see a diary. It's the same diary which she had always kept inside the cupboard. I opened it , the first page had a red heart with the edge outlined in gold. In the middle of the heart it was written "MY STOLEN HEART" in golden colour.
WeRockTheWorld2018-06-23 03:20:02

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