Chapter 20

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Love is a great master , it teaches us to be what we never were...and distance ..teaches us to appreciate the days we were together , it teaches us patience , teaches us that we need to appreciate the time we spent together and cherish simple things in life ...especially the ones that we did together...

Hi all , here comes the next chapter...hope you all will like it let me know your thoughts ...waiting eagerly to read your comments...


Love is something that I thought I will never find and hence had closed my heart to everyone. But the day he walked into the class I was shocked because it was the same guy with whom I had nearly collided at the corridor few minutes back.

Our eyes met and there was a spark. As I looked into his eyes , there was something in them that captivated me towards him. It was like seeing a set of answers to all my questions. I felt warm and secured in his presence , a feeling that I had never got from the day my mom left me. His eyes ,the way he looked at me was , as if I was the missing piece of puzzle from his puzzle game that he was searching for all his life. Even he couldn't stop looking at me. As he moved away from me , he kept turning back to look at me and we both knew we had found someone whom we will never be able to forget in our life.

Now he was right in front of me , his eyes fell on me. I knew exactly what he thought . Teacher introduced him to all of us . His name Sameer Jayaprakash Maheshawari. There were some benches empty on either side of the row I had occupied. But he chose the one next to mine along with Munna. In front of him sat Kamya with her friend. She thought he had chosen it because of her , but I knew the reality.As he sat next to me , I felt the same secure, happy feeling that I had never felt. I knew I was in love. Sameer Jayaprakash Maheshwari had stolen my heart and I understood lifelong I have to live with this pain , knowing that my heart was stolen by someone whom I can never call as mine.
Dear Sameer , do you have any plans of returning "MY STOLEN HEART??

As I read these words, a lot of emotions were running through me . I couldn't pin point on one. This girl has been in love with me from the day 1 and me a fool not even once treated her properly. I wanted to but never could, then and even now. As I skipped the pages, I saw every note was addressed to me. If the other diary was for her mother , this was for me. Every incident from the time we met was noted down. Now , I understood how she knew about every likes and dislikes of mine. She had written how she overheard my conversation with Kamya in the library. How stupid I was . That day , our Maths teacher was on leave and we were asked to go the ground to play or read something at the library. Kamya suggested Library to me. When we went there I realized even Naina's father Rakesh sir was not there , he was also on leave. We didn't find anyone else there, Kamya wanted to get cozy but I avoided saying its not right instead told her to tell me what she likes and I would tell her about mine. In this way I was hoping that we would get to know each other. Sadly the one who actually understood me was the one who was sitting in the next reading cubical . Tears were flooding down my eyes , reading every thought of hers, especially when she knew I was getting married to Kamya . Not even ones she had an angry word for me. In fact, in all my happiness she found happiness.

I quickly skipped the rest of the pages and went to last note wanting to know what she had thought about my behavior that made her leave.

"Dear Sameer,

All the while I had hopes in our marriage but now , I have lost it. I know you love me but love is not enough for any relationship to survive. You need to know how to standup for yourself and for loved ones too. In school days I knew you didn't like people teasing me but you never stood up for me. After marriage I had some hopes seeing you standing up for me in front of my dad, but soon I realized you couldn't stand up for us in front of your parents. Its not just about us Sameer, the same goes for your employees too. Its your dad who decided the bonus they should get . You wanted to give them more but you didn't act on it. They worked for you Sameer , their children had the right to be happy during festivals and what did you do ?? Same as what you did to me at school ?? Are you embarrassed to stand up for people who don't have money and who are not rich and famous like you ?? Is that why you couldn't stand up for me and your employees??

Sameer , you need to decide if you want to be a "MAN who is in control of his life, his family and people who work for him OR do you want to be a puppet ?? I leave it for you to decide. Whatever it is decide fast , else you will loose all those moments which is precious for you !!

Love you always and take care..


I wiped my tears, stood up , closed the diary and locked it in the safe that was there in the cupboard. I thanked god, that I got such a wonderful brother like Rohan and life partner like Naina. Both of them were trying to evoke the MAN in me. I had to do it for Naina. I understood Naina was never against my profession, in fact she understood it better than I did. I loved the fact that she hated it when my employees were paid less bonus. She was a people's person. That's what a business man's wife should be. I pulled out the files , started to prepare for the new project . I had a goal in front of me and this time the world will see who Sameer Jayaprash Maheshwari is !!

"Sameer , she left??"

"Yes ma , she did ."

"I am sorry , I just couldn't manage to get up so early. You know how it is for me."

I could see the difference in my mom's behavior too. This is how it was when she blindly listened to dad. I have seen this phase many a times in my life, but not even ones I made her aware that her behavior was hurting me. I felt she was scared of dad disowning her and hence didn't want to spoil her peace of mind. But now it was not about me , it was about a girl that she had got into this house as her daughter in law. She was the one who had instigated the idea and now she was trying to distant herself from Naina. I won't give in this time.

"Why should you bother? She is not your daughter Deepika. She is your son Sameern's wife , your daughter in law. So I can understand why you couldn't get up early."

Surprising all with my super cool attitude, I sat on the chair for having breakfast.

"Nanu, how many of our factories are we going to assign for this project ??" I purposely avoided asking dad.

"Well , I think two will be enough. We have other clients too. Their work also needs to be completed on time."

"That's right Papa. Two should be fine." Echoed my dad trying to make his presence felt.

"Sameer , on Monday , see if any maintenance is pending for machines and also check on the head count of people in these two factories. Probably we might need more people. Take Kamya with you , so that she will also learn and understand what needs to be done in case you are busy."added my dad

"Dad , just one thing . You have decided that I will lead this project . In that case leave it to me . I have handled similar ones in Bombay because too many cooks will only spoil the broth. When I lead , the decisions will be mine. So, who does what is something I will decide depending on employee's capability and skills. We are not hear to train people and my factories are not testing grounds for their skills."

"Sameer , she is our business partner. We can't say no to their needs."

"She is not the only business partner that I have dealt with and besides my needs also matter here. What benefits me and my people matters the most to me. You leave it to me , its for me to handle.
And mumma please tell kakka to give me black tea at 6:30 in the morning and breakfast at 7:30 in my room. From Monday onwards there is no time to play around or socialize ."

Everyone was seeing a different me. Nanu was enjoying the change in me. He leaned towards me and said in my ears "I guess Naina did awaken the MAN in you, before she left to pursue her career. Smart Girl !!"

Hearing this l literally blushed . My cheeks turned red. I knew his sentence had an underlying meaning. All I could do was smile. After that I silently had my food and left to the comfort of my room.
Later in the night I called her but we couldn't talk for long time. She said others were waiting for phone calls from their respective relatives, so she couldn't talk more. That night was one of the worst nights. It was similar to one, when mom had left me with Nanu so that she could live with my step dad and his family in Bombay. I decided to immerse my life in work and thoughts of Naina. Weekend, I kept myself busy with work. I read thru every aspect of the new project. I decided to bring in Munna for three months to work with my team. He had his own business which dealt with servicing machineries especially looms and I needed him with me.

When I spoke to Munna , he didn't say NO. He knew me very well. He knew that I needed someone to call as my own in that office. I also needed someone that Kamya couldn't stand in that office. If my dad could bring in someone whom I didn't like on board then I knew how to get people who they didn't like on board. Only difference was people I chose wouldn't try and destroy my empire. They will only help me build it strong. As of now Munna is going to be my surprise for them.
All the best Dad !!

6:00 AM

I was up even before the alarm could wake me up. I missed her. I missed her good morning kisses. Every day when she woke up , she would give me a kiss on the forehead , hug me and then on lie my chest for 5 to 10 mins before getting up from the bed. I was sure she would be missing me too. It's a new day for both of us. We were going to turn a new leaf in our career. I quickly took a bath and opened my cupboard to chose an attire that I needed to wear. I saw the Kurtha she had given me after our wedding , something similar to what Nanu wore to office. I decided to wear that. That's when my eyes fell on her pink saree. I missed her so much. If she was here then , my attire , wallet , watch , handkerchief , undergarments and socks would be on the bed. I didn't have to even choose anything. She would also check my wallet to see if there was enough cash. If there wasn't then she would place some from her purse. I ran my hands on that Pink Saree , then the blouse..the one I had unhooked with nervous hands. The visions of that day was running thru my mind. I took the blouse in my hand and suddenly a red velvet pouch fell down. I quickly placed the blouse back and picked up the pouch from the floor.

This was the first time , I was seeing this . Had never seen it with her before this , not even when she was unpacking the day after our wedding. We both knew what we had in each others cupboard..I opened it , saw a gold chain with a pendent and along with it there was a note.


This chain , is a gift from my nani, my mothers chain. No one knows about this, not even my dad. Nani had given it to me secretly on my 12th Birthday. Its very close to my heart. When I touch it , I feel my mom is next to me . I considered this as my mother's blessings which has always helped from troubles. Today I am giving to you so that my mothers blessings and my prayers will keep you safe and happy. Take care of yourselves, eat on time and I will always love you...


I looked at the pendent. It was oval in shape and had an OM inscribed on it , when I checked carefully , it was more like a small box. I opened it and I found Mine and Naina's photo in it. I sat down on the floor resting my back on the foot rest of the cot. My eyes were flooded with tears. I couldn't believe that Naina loved me so much that she gave away her most treasured thing of her life. I knew how much she missed her mom and I also could imagine what this chain meant to her. She gave it to me...I was feeling guilty.

"Girl, you are so bad. I know you wanted to teach me a lesson but you could have stayed here and taught me !! Why did you go ??I need you here with me. I am missing you Naina...I am missing you. This is so unfair god..."

That's when I heard the knock on the door. I quickly wore the chain , rushed into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Come in"

"Sameer !! "
"Mumma, few mins , just done with my bath."

I washed my face , so that mom wouldn't know I was crying. Wrapped myself in bathrobe and came out of the bathroom.

"Good Morning Mumma. I had asked kakka to bring the breakfast. You didn't have to take this trouble."

"You ok?? Your eyes are red. "

"I am fine. Soap went into my eyes."

"Ok... did you decide what you are going to wear. I thought I will help you with it since Naina is not here."

"Did dad sent you here, so that you can make me realise that my wife left me when she should have been here to support me ??"

"Sameer , why are you doing this ?? I was just trying to help."

"How come you never thought of this when you left your 8 yr old son of yours with your father? What you didn't do then or even after that...why are you doing it now?? "


"DON'T!! You manage your husband, your daughter , your son Rohan and your father, not me. I know to manage myself. Naina is not here , but that doesn't mean she is not in my life, what I have to wear I discussed with her yesterday. "

"Talking to you is a waste of time."

"Exactly mumma. By the way , would you say this statement to Rohan and Deepika?? No..rt?? How could you ...Mr. Somani will feel bad..rt??...Tomorrow let Kakka do this for me .

And one more thing. Tell your husband , the storm he has started I will be finishing it."

"Sameer , he is your father."

"NOPE!! He is my mother's husband. Mumma , whenever dad takes a decision for me , whether you like it or not have always played "the mute spectator role. So from today onwards, when Sameer Jayprakash Maheshwari takes a decision you will do the same. I don't want you to even open your mouth. Else I will see to that your husband doesn't even get a chance to play this house house game.

Have a nice day mumma!!"

After which she didn't say anything . She left . For the first time , I didn't feel bad when my mumma left me alone. In fact I was happy. I quickly dressed and then had my breakfast. I reached office at 7:45 am but there was one more thing I needed to do before I started my day at office.

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