Chapter 18

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Life is not perfect, it has its ups and downs...ready for a roller-coaster ride??Read on...and you will know why I said this...

Unlike the drama that happened at our house , things were very easy at the Agarwal house. We reached there next day morning. Rohan didn't allow my parents to speak. He took the complete ownership and asked for Preethi's hand to Tauji. This was liked by the entire family . They said the boy understood what it is to respect elders and the importance of a joint family. To my dad's surprise Preethi agreed to wait till Rohan finished his education.

With in a week , his engagement was over . Every one was happy, at least that is how it looked. Rohan left for US after a month of his engagement. Naina and I got closer day by day but I was yet to hear those cherished words from her. There was a routine that we followed and we were getting used to marital life. World had also started seeing and recognizing us as husband and wife. When there were business parties I would take her . She was also getting used to being a business man's wife. How to dine or start a small talk, smile in front of the camera even if she didn't want to etc etc.

Mom and Nanu enjoyed seeing us together. I knew that was not the case with dad. Somewhere deep down he felt that Naina and I were the reason for his son to fall in love with Preethi. He had lots of expectation from Rohan but the reality was Rohan never liked his own parents. He always felt they were selfish and never had time for him. He had told me once that if he hadn't scored this well in his studies , his dad would never have loved him. He feels that his dad likes him because of his success not because he was his son. He was closer to me more than anyone in the family a truth that no one other than us knew.

Days moved into months and it was time for Naina's final year result to be published. We were eagerly waiting for it.

"Naina tomorrow your results will be published"

"Yes Nanu , chacha ji informed me about it sometime ago."

"Are you guys not getting ready for the party??"

"Which party dad?"

"Sameer , today is that charity function hosted by us and also we have got a new contract of shipping silk."

"But we don't deal much with Silk, right ??" Asked Nanu with a surprise in his tone.

"Yes papa, but this is an important deal. We havnt got it alone, we are doing it with Bhatiya group."

"Kamya's father's family ??"


All of us were shocked as we had not expected dad would expand the business by joining hands with Kamya's relatives. I knew , this was not something that I wanted in my life.

"But we had decided not to do business with them , so now why this change in decision??"Questioned Nanu authoritatively.

"We had decided not do with Kamya's dad, but this is with his side of the family. Besides why should we bother, Sameer is happily married and needs to progress in business . Such things in the past shouldn't stop him from doing business and Kamya is a girl and I don't think she will be interested. Anyways you guys get ready. We shouldn't be late."

"I won't be able to come. Today we need to send all the stitched cloths to our clients, so if I am not there it won't be fine. You all go ."

"Vishaka , you need to be there. Naina , do a favour beta can you stand in for mumma at the NGO. This function is always chaired by her so people would expect her to be there. We all will go together drop you at NGO and then we will go to the charity function. Later send back the car to NGO , so that you can come back once your job is done. If you are early then join us if not can come home directly. Ok with you."

"Sure dad, np"

I didn't like it at all. My wife was not there instead, staying back to help mumma hence didn't say anything. I needed to be there at the function as there was going to be a presentation about the new deal ,so couldn't miss it. My heart said something is not right but I couldn't pin point what it was. I knew Naina felt sad about it and so did mom, but no one said anything against dad.

As decided we dropped her at NGO and the poor girl without a word walked towards her job dutifully. Charity function went well , thankfully I didn't see Kamya even though her parents and her dad's relatives were there. I decided to leave so that I could have dinner with Naina. My heart was with her, but dad and Nanu said its not nice to leave without having food. So, once again for their sake I gave away my happiness and stayed back. Sometimes I envied Rohan, he was bold enough to take his decisions and never even once he would waver from that. For me when it came to business decisions it was pretty easy but when I had to take decisions and my family members were involved I would give in forgetting my needs. I forcefully had my dinner and then dad called for photo sessions. I put on a false smile and walked towards dais without even realizing that Kamya was already on the stage. What happened next was completely beyond my control, a group photo with mine and her family , with Kamya and I at the center of it. Her family announced that she will be working on new project with us.
After that I didn't wait for anyone , I just walked away . I could hear my dad and mom calling me but I signaled saying , I will be back. I took a taxi and went straight home because I wanted to tell her what happened. I knew it from the bottom of my heart , that it didn't go as planned and in all this she is going to be hurt the most . When I reached home, I understood she hadn't reached. So called her at NGO and she said there were three more mini trucks that need to be loaded, so she is going to be very late.

"How come you are early?"

"Naina , I wanted to talk to you."

"Sameer, you don't sound right. What happened? Where are the others."

"They are there , I took a taxi and came back. Naina, she was there so I didn't want to stay there . Another thing is her family said , she is going to work with us on the new project."

There was an absolute silence on the other end. I understood what she might be thinking. There was never lack of trust between us but there was insecurity. And now , she would be doubting that we purposely sent her to NGO . My personal life was about to collapse and I could see it getting clouded . I didn't know if this relationship would with stand the storm that was going to hit us. If it didn't then I did rather not live, that was my state of mind.

"Naina , I didn't plan it. She was there . In fact I was never part of this project . It was completely handled by dad . I will speak to him and ask him to deal with it. Are you there Naina?? Why are you not saying anything??"

"OK. Sameer I need go . They are calling me. Don't wait for me . I will be late. Good Night."
Saying so she hung the phone. I decided to wait for her. It was nearly 11:00 and she wasn't back. The rest of them were back.

"Why are you sitting here Sameer??"

"Isn't she back?? I thought she would be , because the car came to pick us."

"No mumma. She said , she will be late."

"But this late?? I saw Kishan kaka on the way. He said everything was over by 10:00pm"

"What ??!!"

Mumma , quickly dialed the office. Phone kept ringing and no one picked the phone. I got tensed . I rushed and took the bike key. I didn't wait for anyone , just left saying I will check if she is there and then call.

I was there with in 15 mins. Roads were empty and dark. I asked the security if Naina had left. He said , he just came for his shift and the other person left few mins back so he doesn't know. At least , in the past 10 mins he hadn't seen anyone going out of the office.

I got in and all the office doors were locked. I walked to the reading room at the corner , and I saw it was not locked and there was light in the room too. I slowly opened and there she was sitting near the window looking out. Eyes were red and I could see tear stains on her cheeks.

"Naina, what the hell are you doing here??"

"Why are you here Sameer , I would have come home . Had to update few more registers with the details of the stock."

"If that is the case ,why did you leave the car?? How were you planning to get back home??"

"This work is not going to get over soon. So I thought by morning I will get a rick or taxi."

"You planned to sit here and work entire night ??"


"Or were you trying to avoid me??"

"Sameer, I think you should leave and I have loads to complete."

"Fine , I will wait here till you complete. Let me go and call mom . They were all worried."

"About what ??"

"That you had not reached home and we tried calling , there was no response."

"Yeah right !! Don't joke Sameer."

"What do you mean Naina?? That we don't care about you ??"

"If you all cared you wouldn't have got Kamya to work for the project along with you !! Hmmm...I was lying. My work is done but I wanted some time alone. So you leave!!"

"Naina , it was a business decision that dad had taken. There are 100s of employees and their welfare that we need to think about. You married a business man Naina and sometimes we have to work with people whom we don't like. Don't mix professional life with personal life."

"Would you give the same advice if this had happened to Deepika. If her husband and in laws had done this to her??"

"Silence Sameer?? No answer, right?? You wouldn't have one!!" , She was right , I didn't have one.

"You know what the sad part is, I don't have anywhere to go. A place that I can call as mine."

"That's not right. Whatever is mine is your too .You can come with me."

"I don't want to because the place you call yours is not yours don't understand..anyways.. I want to be left alone. I just want to go away Sameer from everything and everyone."

"Even from me??"


"Naina, please don't do anything like that. If our relationship gets messed up, it will affect Rohan and Preethi's too. "

"You are kidding right?? Rohan is not you Sameer. Even if ours break, they will stay strong because of Rohan. He knows how to take care of Preethi. She is his world. Don't compare our relationship with theirs. We might be married but their relationship is way too strong than ours. So I don't fear about their relationship breaking up."

"I will never break up from you Naina. I can assure you that."

"I will Sameer. I don't believe in living with a man who cannot stand up for US. I did rather live alone than have to see him going around with his ex on the name of professional growth!!"

"Naina, how much times should I tell you that Kamya is my past . She doesn't have anything to do with my present. I didn't want her to be my business partner. It was my dad's decision and not mine. Please understand. "

"OK!! So now you want me to come with you to your house , right ?? Fine lets go. With that she walked outside the room and was waiting near my bike. She sat on the bike as if I was a stranger giving her a lift at night. I knew she would be hurt but I didn't think it would affect her so much. I thought she would trust me but looks like my dad's action has created more insecurity in her. It was natural, if in laws start bringing in another woman into their son's life then for sure his wife will be hurt. I didn't know what my family was up to. Were they trying to get Kamya and me back together or was it just for professional reasons. I was confused as I was not sure of their motive.

As she reached home , she walked ahead without waiting for me. She ignored every one and walked towards our room.

"Naina beta , did you have your dinner??" asked dad.

"Yes , a lil tired . Talk to you all tomorrow . Good night." In the room , she drank two glasses of water and went to the bathroom to change. I knew she had lied about dinner. She later changed into a cotton salwar and sat down on her side of the bed.

"Naina , we need to talk. This is not right. Avoiding food doesn't help. Tomorrow when you get up , you will feel like puking because of acidity. Don't do this to yourself. "

"Sameer , please ...leave me alone for some time. If you have a lil bit of affection for me, just don't talk to me . I am very much hurt with all your behavior. I need time."

"Fine. I just want you to know that no one did it intentionally. Anyways, when is your exam result going to be published?"

"Tomorrow." With that she switched of the side table lamp and turn towards the side away from me. I didn't know , if I could hug her and sleep as we always did. I decided not to since she had asked me to leave her alone.

It was around 6:00 in the morning , I saw Naina enter the bathroom. She usually gets up early , goes down to prepare tea, check the newspaper and then comes up with tea for us. But today, she came up, rushed to the bathroom and closed it hard. I got up quickly and heard her throw up. Then heard her crying.

"Naina!! Open the door. Are you ok??"

"Yeah , I am fine. I guess its acidity since I had skipped dinner."

"But why are you crying??"

"Nothing Sameer . Please stop questioning me like this. I am human don't forget that!!" She shouted back from the bathroom.

That's when I remembered that her results would be out. I ran down to check the paper. The front page had her photo. She had topped her university. I was happy but as usual , my happiness never lasted . Next to it was the group photo of the charity function. Me with Kamya and our families. What was worse was the caption which read "Exes back together partying with family as Mrs. Sameer Maheshwari goes missing."

"Sameer , I know it didn't turn out right . We will set it right . Don't worry . I will speak to Naina. Where is she ?"

"She is taking a bath."

Both Nanu and mom also said the same. But I knew my world was destroyed. A world that I had started cherishing. All because I just blindly followed what others said. I was trapped by my step father. I understood he was taking revenge. Just playing nice in front of all. I could throw everything and walk out but I had to think about large amount of money that was invested in the new project and to top it all so many employees life was depended on it . I , at least had to see that the project kick started and was moved to production before I could hand it over to someone. Until then I had to handle my girl with caution...

I walked towards my room, that's when I saw Naina coming down the stairs. In the past 6 months she had waited for me to put that sindoor on her . But today she had applied it herself. I noticed that she was ready for office. She had a blank expression on her face.

"Congrats! You topped the university."

"Thank you Sameer."

"Beta, tell me what you want?? We are so happy." Said dad

"Yes Naina!! What do you want as a gift" Echoed mumma and Nanu.

"I don't need anything. What you all gave me is more than enough to last a life time!! And I hope no girl including Deepika get such gifts in their life!!" Her statement shocked all of us and we knew what she meant.

" Anyways...Mumma, I am leaving early as I need to check the balance sheets in two more registers. So bye for now. Talk to you at office , that is if you are coming today"

"Are you not having breakfast??"

"No , I am not feeling well. Not hungry."

"Naina , can I have 5 mins of your time. Pleasee"

"Sure Nanu."

"We know , today should have been your best day in life but somehow things didn't turned out as we thought. Beta we never planned on anything when we asked you to stand in for mumma."

"I know Nanu , its not your fault. You all should ignore it. Its ok. None of you are responsible for my happiness. None of you went around the sacred fire holding my hand and promising me happiness and care. Right??

The one who did that , isn't bothered . So leave it . Not every woman in the world ends up with a husband like dad , who takes care of mumma's smallest wishes in life. Has anytime dad been clicked with his ex-wife even though she is also in the same business ?? No right?? It all depends on the man you marry..Its my fate"

I couldn't believe she said that . I couldn't believe she thought that I didn't feel her pain. I couldn't believe that she thought I was a good for nothing husband. But I couldn't blame her because a part of me told me she was right. I had walked into the trap open eyed. My step father had trapped me. Now I have to pay for it.

"Naina , that is not true. I hadn't planned it. In fact it wasn't even my idea . You know , I love you."

"Then prove it !! Actions speak louder than words." saying so she left for office.

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