Chapter 9

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Please note I have reverted to their previous names. Also Rohan is now Samar to avoid confusion with the show.

Chapter 9 Surprise.

Preeti was locking up the cafe for the night when from nowhere an alarm blared inside making her jump to her feet. She swore out loud and went to investigate. The back door of the cafe was slightly ajar. She closed it promptly, put the lock on, stepped away from the door and swerved around in search of the switchboard to turn the lights on to full, cursing the machine when the power went out. She extracted a torch from a drawer and switched it on. The sudden ringing of the phone made her jolt in shock and she picked the phone up with trembling hands.
'Hello, this is security, we have received a signal that your system has been breached.' the mans voice was distorted but she was glad to have the him on the line.
'Yes hello please send help, Im alone and its getting quite dark' her voice let out a quiver
'Just take a deep breath'
 'Could you give us your name and code.'
'Its Preeti, code is cafe mist'
'Great Ive sent my guy out to sort it out, the patrol should be over there soon.'
'Um could you please could you stay on
the line till they get here.'
'So tell me Preeti, do you like movies?'
'Are..are you trying to distract me? Because you arent really doing a great job.'
'Guilty, but hey, gotta keep your mind off with something. Well what do you watch?'
'Uh I dont know, game of thrones, marvel, Tarantino films..'
'Kill bill?'
' I like a strong female lead. You sound pretty tough yourself. If that guy is inside right now maybe he should be afraid.'
'Don't even joke about that...What's taking him so long?' 
'He's getting close.' She double checked all the locks and latches in every opening of the cafe.
'But what you really should be asking is DID YOU JUST LOCK ME IN OR OUT??'
Preeti froze to her skin. She spun on her heel extricating a large cricket bat from the nearby stand in the kitchen.
'If you're in here I swear to god-'
'What you're going to try a little batting practise on me?'
'You're damn right I will'
'Gotta find me first and I could be anywhere.'
Preeti treaded carefully out of the kitchen keeping her back to the wall as she walked, her eyes wide open, not taking her chances.
'Im going to call the cops.' There was a sinister cackle on the end of the line.
'Oh Preeti, you have not learnt a thing have you?' 
'Go AHEAD and Naina DIES. So if you have any ounce of feeling left for her I suggest you talk to me.'
'What d'you want?'
'To show you the truth'
'About what?'
'About you. Who you really are. And trust me its going to hurt.'
'You dont know me.'
'Oh but I do. Im inside your head Preeti. I know you and that is the real horror show. I know that everyone close to you has been lying to you.
Your 2 faced friends, your fraud of a family, your wh**e of a mother. It all started with her Preeti. But its going to end with you.'
'Screw you, you son of a-'
'Careful Preeti. My mercy has limits'
'What do you want?'
'Your complete co-operation'
'I gave you it.'
'You thought you could trace my phone without me knowing huh? I have eyes on you Preeti. Try outsmart me again and someone dies. Him or her. Your choice.' 
 See you soon.
She stood rooted to the place in fear. Unable to move an inch of her body. 
He was in here. Or very close. She knew it.

She heard a distant clatter sounding like glass. And somewhere a slash of a knife ripping through the silence. Something was amiss. Cautiously she followed the noise that led her to the living room. Her flashlight casting sinister shadows upon the walls. The shadows grew. Hushed voices broke out from the gloom. And she saw him. The ghostface masked figure waving to her slowly. Then a dazzling light blazed through the room causing her to shield her eyes and:
Preeti uncovered her eyes scanning the room. The masked figure had dissapeared and replaced with familiar faces and some unknown, all college kids. The room pealed with animated chatter and laughing as Preeti stood there dumbfounded. People came forward to greet her their voices distant, their faces hazy as she drifted amongst them. She couldnt see Pandit.
'Hey hope we didnt spook you' Sameer said
Naina hugged her.
'Ok sis? You seem lost'
'Oh nothing just the standard surprise reaction, wasnt expecting it.'
At that moment someone tapped her from behind. It was Pandit, he gave her a brief hug conscious of the others standing around them. 
'You dont need to hide it from us. We figured as much.' Sameer said elbowing Pandit in the ribs who scowled at him though unable to restrain a smile from curling at the corners of his mouth while Preeti blushed.
'Awww, you cuties' said Naina. Pandit approached her.
'Hey are you okay?' he asked calmly.
'Huh yeh. Actually I-'
'Hey pretty girl!' Swati came and gave her a crushing hug. Preeti feigned a smile even though deep down she was feeling on edge. She hadnt seen Swati in a long time.
'Hmm who are you and what have you done with my bubbly chatty girl?' Swati teased.
'Right you good looking bunch, lets get this party rolling!' yelled Sameer to the cheers of everyone around. The music blared from the speakers playing out 'tenu suit karda' and the lights dimmed. Sameer led Naina to the dance floor as Preeti turned her attention to Pandit who got caught up chatting away to a bunch of boys from their college. 
'Pandit I need to-' But he couldnt hear her above the loud music
'Did you say something? Hang on Im going to get us the drinks' He dissapeared around the corner and she tried to follow but was blocked by Swati. 
'Hey birthday girl, where you off to?' she held her hand and pulled her back in among the throng of people.
'Lets dance' Swati held her hands but Preeti moved back. Her phone buzzed with the message TELL ANYONE ABOUT OUR LITTLE COMMUNICATION AND SOMEONE DIES TONIGHT. Preeti tried to suppress her shakyness to no avail unable to disguise the trembling in her voice. Even though the room was warm from everyones body heat Preeti felt none of the profit, feeling chilled to the bone that her stalker could be lurking anywhere in the dark. When he wasnt wearing the mask which form of illusion did he assume among all these people? She didnt feel safe at all. If he was here she would need to tread really carefully, he had only been threatening so far but if that escalated into something worse then the consequences would be disastrous. She was in the dark as to what he was capable of doing. And this room was now a breeding ground for all his malicious intentions. She was nervy at the slightest movement around her and watched everyone with suspicion and mistrust. She tried to detect any trace of looks written on their faces but everyone seemed either too occupied in dancing or drinking.
'You go ahead, I need to sort something first' Swati shrugged her shoulders not in the slightest aware of Preetis predicament while the bunch of boys Pandit had been talking to crowded around them to dance. The cd flowed into the next song 'bom diggy'. Preeti eyed them warily and backed away just as one of them was about to advance on her. She turned sharply around clashed hard into someone.  Her arms falling to rest against his chest while he wrapped his arms around her supporting her from tipping over from the impact. She raised her head to him and gasped.
'You?' She exclaimed meeting Samars fervent gaze as he beheld her from their close proximity. A strand of hair fell against his forehead making him seem more boyish than usual. The top quarter of his shirt was unbuttoned.
'You okay?' he asked warmly. She felt his body comfortingly warm against hers even through the layers she wore and she shrugged away from him just as she began to feel herself slide into his embrace and folded her arms looking away while he pursed his lips together in a smile. A rather charming one she hated to admit. 
'Care for a dance?' he asked calmly
'No thanks.' 
Swati came by her side
'Lucky you, why didnt you say yes yaar?!  hes cute. And you can tell he works out' she said above the music
Preeti furrowed her eyes at her wondering if Samar had heard them. He hadnt moved far though his back was to them, and was taking a sip from his drink.
'What? You can. That shirt looks like it might burst at any moment' Swati giggled 
'You done?' Preeti said. 
'No. Should I fake spill some alcohol over his shirt like they do in films to get him to take his shirt off?!'
'Do me a favour and you go dance with him seeing as you cant stop gushing over him' Preeti said in a hushed voice.
 'And he can hear you you know.' Swati swore under her breath while Samar turned to face them again and flashed Preeti a charming smile that made her blush.
Pandit returned then with the drinks and shared them out. He slapped Samar on the back. 
'Need a refill?'
'Im good'
'So how's it going dude?'
'I hear you know Preeti already huh?'
'She and I work at the same place'
'Well well, its a small town afterall.' Pandit sipped on his drink watching Samar oddly. 
' know each other?' Preeti questioned
Sameer joined the trio at that point and threw an arm around Samar.
'So I see you met my step brother'. Preeti looked at him in bewilderment.
'Step brother?' 

Sameer, Naina, Swati, Munna who had just joined them, Pandit, and Preeti were all sat on the sofa having their drinks when Swati suggested they should play spin the bottle.  
'Brill idea!' Naina exclaimed and high fived Swati.
'Its been a while lads' Munna spoke throwing his arms around Sameer and Pandit.
'It has indeed. Hey wheres Samar at. Lets get him to join us.' Pandit said scanning the dance floor.
'Hes over there, let me grab him' Swati said 
'I dont feel like playing' Preeti said.
'Dont be silly it'll be fun.' 
'Scooch' said Munna indicating to Preeti to move up to make space for Samar as he appeared. Samar sat next to her and leaned forward clasping his hands together without so much as a glance at her.
'Whats the game guys?'
'Spin the bottle on the table and whoever it points to has to do a dare or tell the truth.' Sameer said.
'Ill start' The bottle spun and pointed to Swati
'Truth or dare?'
'Ok. I dare you to kiss... Naina' he said winking at Naina.
'Woo girl on girl action' slurred Munna
'Big deal we do it all the time behind your back.' she chuckled and performed the dare to the jeers of the boys while Preeti rolled her eyes. 
'Not gonna lie but that was hot' chimed Munna while Naina whacked Sameer for the idea and took her turn. It pointed to Sameer.
' Dare me.' he winked
'Alright jaanu, I dare you to do the same to Munna.'
'Done. Come dost let me show you some luuurve' he joked. The girls were cringing and didnt stop laughing as they made a show out of it. 
'Get a room!' Pandit yelled jokingly.
'Jealous Swati?' Munna asked her flipping his hair back after the deed was done.
'In your dreams pal.' Munna flopped back against the sofa throwing her dissapointed look.
'Ok my turn' he said. The bottle spun and pointed to Preeti. 
'Im going for truth because I dont trust your dares Munna' Munna chuckled.
'Ok Truth it is. If you chose to have a threesome whom would it be with?'
'Shes sitting right in between them now' jived Sameer to Preetis embarrassment. Pandit smirked while Samar glanced at Preeti with a raised eyebrow seemingly surprised at the implication.
'What sort of a question is that Munna? Thats not a truth question.' Naina said trying to divert the embarassment her sister was feeling.
'Fine. Tell us the truth. Who out of us 4 boys is the fittest body wise. The answer is me btw'
'Hahaha definitely...not you" Preeti said sarcastically.
Preeti looked at Pandit her mouth forming into mischievous smile. 
'Samar' she said while Pandit narrowed his eyes at her and punched Munna in the arm.
'Great question Munna' he sneered
'Ow! For someone who doesnt work out you pack a pretty solid punch.' Pandit and Munna started to playfight a bit before Sameer got in between.
'Ok lovebirds break it off' 
'Right payback.' Pandit said rubbing his hands together
'You skipped my turn!' piped Swati. 
'Chill we will do you next'
The bottle landed on Preeti again much to her dread. Pandit smirked at her.
'Ok this time dare, but dont be mean.'
' No such thing as mean in this game. Just truths and dares..I dare you to go into a dark closet-'
'Why too scared?'
'I dont like this dare.'
'Wait there's more. I dare you to go into a dark closet with Samar for 7mins.' Preeti looked at him aghast.
'Wait can I interject' piped Samar
'No its her dare. Consider it Preeti unless you prefer to kiss him right here'
'No!' Preeti said incredulously.
'Then, do it.' Pandit said quite sharply leaning closer to her as he spoke. Was he putting her to a test or something? Did he doubt her feelings for him? She couldnt decide what had got him riled up. Maybe because she admitted that Samar was the fittest looking physique wise. Maybe she was just beginning to witness that part of him that was possessive about her..

They stood before the closet. Samar looked at Preeti. 
'This is ridiculously small. It can barely fit one person.' whined Preeti
'Dares a dare.' chimed Sameer
'Preeti if you dont want to do this-' said Samar 
'Too late!' Sameer and Munna pushed them inside.
 She turned to look at Pandit, a shadow creeping over his features as he eyed her heatedly before the door closed with a bang on them.
'Have fun guys!' Munna sniggered before closing the lock.
'Munna! Dont lock us in!' Preeti quaked tapping against the door.
'Sorry rules are rules'. She cursed under her breath at him.
 Samar joined her from behind trapping her as he banged against the door either side of her hands. 
"Come on why did you draw the lock!" He gave one more deafening thud which made Preeti jump. 
They were swallowed by the dark the only glimmer of light crept from the crack below the doors. The others stood just outside cracking their jokes and laughing. She didnt hear Pandit among their voices. She turned around slowly wary of of his proximity. 
A slow suffocation started to creep its way into her as they pressed up against one another forced by the all too cosy space of the closet. She could just make out the vague grey form of his face which he turned the other way and she did the same. But try as they might they were unable to control the awkwardness of the situation as she felt his increasing body heat against her and the gentle rhythms of his breathing beating close against her chest. Her hair was static as it met the fabric of his t-shirt. She tried hard to keep a gap between them glueing herself to the door as much as possible and was compelled to stand stiff with her arms to either side of her but it was impossible in the cramped space.
'Preeti, just take a deep breath.' His voice emerged from the stillness, low raspy with erie familiarity as if sensing her discomfort. She frowned not quite sure what to make of him calling her by her name. 
'I have an idea' He said mysteriously. He glanced at the door and lowered his voice speaking against her ear.
'Lets creep them out.' She winced at the feel of his warm breath tickling her skin. 
'How?' She muttered finding it hard to keep her distance 
His eyes sparkled with mischief as he whispered his plan to her. She looked up at him apprehensively but her need to get out as soon as possible surpassed every other doubt inside her.
'Lets do it.' 

'Epic dare Pandit, they both embarass too easily.' Sameer chirped.
'Guys somethings up. Why are they so quiet?' Pandit asked on edge straining to listen to inside.
'Well what do you expect them to do, start blabbering small talk to each other? Naina answered.
'Ssshh, I hear something' Munna said.
The sounds emitting from the closet made Pandit halt in shock.
Her heard the muffled gasps of Preeti that were by now all too familiar to his ears mingled with Samars own sighs of pleasure. She couldnt be..
Swati clapped a hand to her mouth trying to quell her amusement while Munna exclaimed 
'What the?? They're making out!'
'Your little sister has finally grown up Naina. Did she learn from you?' Sameer chuckled to Nainas humiliation who quickly covered her ears.

Meanwhile Preeti covered her mouth trying to suppress a giggle and exchanged a look of amusement with Samar as they acted out the charade. He ruffled his hair and unbuttoned his shirt a bit more, thudding on the door with his feet and gestured to her as she simulated the sound effects. She closed her eyes and gasped with exaggeration lacing both her hands up through her hair while he watched her broodingly.
'Hmmm Preeti..' he drawled trying to contain his own amusement as heard the gangs squeals of disgust from the room
'Oh... don't stop...' she said in a breathless manner throwing her head back against the door and tossing her head from side to side while moaning softly.
'Youre so beautiful Preeti..' he breathed. She couldnt tell whether he had said that as part of their lovemaking pretence or had actually meant it. She opened her eyes meeting his hypnotic gaze as he leaned in to her certain he was about to kiss her for real. Maybe they were taking this too far. 
Just then the doors flung wide open causing them to stumble out. Their dishevelled looks served to enforce the illusion they intended to create.
'Pandit why did you open it man, its only been 5mins.' whined Munna
He was seething with anger as he took in the sight of them together. Preeti had never seen him like that before.
She walked up to him and prodded a finger at his chest.
"Jokes on you" she said. 
'Hang on were you guys just-' Munna said
'Yes. Cant believe you all fell for it.' Samar said casually rebuttoning his tshirt. 'Your expressions were priceless.' 
'I knew it ' said Sameer. Preeti arched her eyebrow at him
'Sure you did.' 
'Damn got us good. Didnt think you were capable of pulling a stunt like that.' said Munna admiringly
'Shame though. Just when I thought you had embraced your inner s**t' Swati murmured to Preetis bemused expression.
'Swati!' Naina said a bit too loudly.
As the gang started to filter out of the room and head down Preeti approached Pandit.
'See you aren't the only one who can pull a good prank' she drawled tapping him on the cheek. Just as she was about to turn however he pulled her aside and pinned her to the wall before kissing her hard upon her mouth. He pulled away leaving her breathless.
'You got me hot in more ways than one' he said into her ear and kissed her roughly up her neck before finding her mouth with his again. She moaned into him and gripped his shoulders tightly.
'Swati!' Preeti exclaimed breaking away from Pandit quickly. 
'Hey guys lets head down to the dancefloor'. 

They came downstairs while 'dhat teri ki main' song played in the background. When the song entered the verse they sat down with their shots.
'So hows things going between you and that girl' Swati asked Pandit.
'Hema you know your long term gf?'
'Whos Hema?' Preeti asked
'She's not important'..
'Pandit who is Hema?'
'Shes a girl I used to date'
'You did a lot more than date' interjected Swati. Preeti looked appalled.
'Preeti wait, dont misunderstand this, we broke up'
'Why didnt you tell me about her?'
'I didnt want to upset you'
'Good job on that' chimed Swati
'Preeti please dont get me wrong. I broke up with her way before meeting you'
'You lied to me. You had me thinking I was the only girl you've lied to me.'
'Preeti please, dont be mad'
'Dont tell me how to feel.' At that she turned on her heel and left.
daenerysnow2018-03-03 04:33:36

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