Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Preeti rose up early the following morning bleary eyed and ridden with insomnia. A deep gloom set within her as she recalled the events from last nights revelation. She gazed upward listlessly at the clear skies that seemed to mock her present sombre mood. Battling against her lethargy she swiftly and noiselessly got ready for her early shift closing the front door with extreme care so as to not disturb Naina from her sleep. As she lumbered out onto the pavement she heard her name being called and turned around.
'Hey! Preeti! Wait up!' Swati skipped to her side till she caught up with her.  
'Preeti sorry for dropping an indiscretion on him like that last night.' When Preeti was silent Swati added 'Hope youre not mad at me. But I had to tell you because you have a right to know'
'No. Its him Im mad at. Anyway I dont want to talk about it. Ive gotta go or I will be late for work.' Swati sighed in dissapointment as Preeti quickened her gait and turned a corner into the alleyway.
 The place was deserted, lifeless and depraved. Preeti tried to blot out the foreboding feeling of wandering down a neglected alley an apt allegory of her present mental state. The culmination of it all was not having Pandit by her side, leaving a deep seated loneliness that consumed her from within and projected itself outward. All she could hear were the sounds of her own footsteps tapping along the pavement and a whistling of a passing breeze that rattled the windows of a rusty and dilapidated looking storehouse just opposite the cafe. And yet she couldnt shake the feeling off that she was being watched. Preeti took a precautious step toward the unnatural rattling noises that continued wondering if it was a stray animal on the hunt for food. She saw her reflection through one of the dusty windows. And..something else... She took a sharp intake of breath and her hairs stood on end at what she saw. A crouched hooded figure lifted its head menacingly revealing the ghostface mask. It rose slowly from the ground just behind her, holding an axe that was suspended mid air before it came gliding toward her. She shrieked in fear and spun round grabbing the axe that she was ready to swing back at her stalker but was instantly thrown back to see Pandit standing before her arms drawn up defensively as she stopped just inches before him, axe in her hand.
'Pandit! What the hell are you doing here?'
'I got your text' He gazed at her wide eyed as she released the axe that dropped to the ground with a clang.
'I didnt send you any text'
'Were you aiming that thing at me?' Preeti skimmed her eyes to either side of the alley but saw noone else in sight. The stalker had vanished. Had she imagined him? Her head was still leaden from a restless night and with everything going on it was likely that she was susceptible to tricks of her own minds conjuring. It had to be that. Or she would have seen the masked figure leave.. She rubbed her forehead and exhaled in exhaustion relieved that it was just Pandit even though she was in no mood to be confronted by him.
'What do you want?' she snapped impatiently
'Preeti I need to explain some things'
'No actually you dont. Ive figured it out already.' He followed her trail as she stopped outside the cafe entrance and twisted the key into the door lock.
Pandit grabbed her wrist and swivelled her around sharply till they were face to face.
'Preeti please dont let something thats happened in the past ruin what we have.' Preeti groaned in frustration and regarded him warily as he advanced towards her making her back up against the door. She searched for the door handle with her free hand before pulling it open and going inside.
'What is that we have huh? Trust? Its your fault if things are ruined. Not mine.' She wandered to her locker and drew out her apron tying it on. He leaned by the locker and shut it abruptly trying to catch her attention.
'Listen..I broke things off to be with you.'
'You were keeping secrets from me when you very well know how open Ive been with you with all the things going on..'
All of a sudden he seized her by her waist and pulled her closer till their mouths brushed. His hold on her tight. The familiar warmth of his body strong against her. He gently brushed her hair away from her cheek and his mouth moved slowly across it to her jawline. His arms ravelled right round her waist and up her back squeezing her into a tight hug, before nestling his head in between her neck and shoulders. She didnt protest, her arms hung limp either side of his.
'Let me go' her face blank and expressionless as she stared vacantly into space. 
'Preeti dont do this to me' He murmured annoyed at her stony unresponsive reaction as he pressed her even closer to him.
'I said let go.' she repeated getting all flustered as he endeavoured to squeeze her in a rather aggresive embrace till she twisted in his grasp and winced before just managing to grab his hands prising them away from her.
'Dont worry I wont be doing anything to you anymore.' 
Just then Samar appeared confronting Pandit from behind who turned around to face him, his expression inscrutable.
'You got a problem?' Pandit glared at him.
'Youre by my locker..And I'm pretty sure Preeti is done talking to you'
'Just stay out this Samar.' He snarled a wicked glint in his eyes. They continued to stare each other down while a tense silence thickened in the air.
'..D'you guys want duelling pistols or something?' Preeti chided sarcastically after some moments silence passed. Pandit clinched his jaw and shot her a dangerous look. Then he turned sharply on his heel and left banging the cafe door behind him. Preeti shook her head disapprovingly. He had some nerve.
'Is that really your locker?' she asked
'Is that guy really your boyfriend.' he remarked sarcastically. She looked at him distressedly.
'Its complicated.'
'Has he pleaded his case?'
'He tried too right almost after I took his head off with an axe.' Samar raised a quizzical eyebrow.
'I was walking to work and someone tried to scare me, I think..'
'And then he shows up?' His eyes gleamed questioningly. Preeti eyed him warily.
'What are you gett-'
'It's a classic. Messes with your head then rescues you.'
'Thatss...highly impossible'
'Whatever you say'. She threw him a look of agitation as he dissapeared round the back to do the safety checks. 
The cafe was dark even with the daylight due to the minimal window openings, and with the overcast sky that started to manifest ominously above it darkened even more. Preeti tried to switch the lights on but the fuse had blown.
'Samar, I need your help.' she called. There was no response.
She walked tentatively toward the back door and peered out. He wasnt there. She held the door handle and closed it with a creak. 
'Woah! Shit you made me jump.'
'Sorry. Why so jumpy?'
Samar appeared before her with a lightbulb his eyes seemed to glimmer even in the dim lit interior.
'I dont know. Just tired, hungover. What happened to your shirt?' she asked only noticing him now in his vest. He smirked.
'Feeling hot and got some diy to do thanks to some jerk who decided to tamper with the light system. Hey you want to give me a hand with the tools?'
'Sure.' He climbed up the ladder and offered his hand pulling her up too and she almost lost her balance and fell into him her hands making contact with his chest while he supported her up. 
'Careful' his voice was smooth, his body warm under her fingers. They paused for a moment, looking into each others eyes, his gaze tender. He was too close. His eyes then moved down to her mouth that was parted almost invitingly and lingered there. But she regained her composure and hastily distanced herself away from him. The remainder of the task was completed in tense silence. He held the screwdriver by his teeth while offering his hand for her to pass the other things and avoided meeting her eyes. She handed them over and watched him work, the way his shoulder and arm muscles flexed as he did sent shudders up her spine provoking in her somewhat innapropriate feelings she would rather evade. Preeti rebuked her feelings almost immediately and made an excuse to sort other things out.

As the cafe began to settle down with the regular customers Samar strolled over to Preeti.
'Theres a new funfair that opened for the summer. Fancy hanging out there when our shifts over?' He asked with a charming smile
'I..Im not sure that's a good idea' she said with her back to him. He leaned back against the counter top and trailed his eyes down her back while she was busying herself with the coffees.
'Because its not'
'Come on Im not asking you out on a date. Just want to hang out as friends' That was not what she meant. She was afraid to venture too far with the stalker on the loose. She couldnt overlook the fact that she didnt know him too well either..
'Hey..' He said leaning casually against the counter. She jolted back a little and realised he was tugging a bit at her apron strings tied around her back. A suggestive move.  She blushed and threw him a cautious look whilst he gave her a charming smile before she continued with making the drinks.  He teased her farther tugging till the strings loosened some more. She tried to secure it around her and gasped as he tugged with a bit more force this time till they loosened completely.
'Come on' he persuaded edging slightly nearer while she swivelled round to face him failing to contain the slight smile curving at her mouth.
'Stop' she said incredulously trying to tighten her strings behind her.  
'Come on Preeti' he insisted with an enigmatic smile. He took a step closer to her while she backed away and wound his arm around her without touching her while grabbing hold of her apron strings till they fell off easily.
'Pretty please'
'Stop it' she said bashfully
He was much too close for her liking.
'Im good at having fun.' He said arching his eyebrow and trailing his eyes down her body which she welcomed with a hint of a smile that played on her lips.
'Hey whats going on here the customers are awaiting their orders'
They both straightened up as their boss appeared assuming the obvious from seeing the young pair together.
'Get a hold of yourself, this isnt some motel.' scolded their boss.
'Sorry sir'. Samar ran his hand guiltily through his hair and headed back to work stealing a glance at Preeti as he walked past her. She avoided looking his way. 

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