Chapter 6

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Chapter - 4(Part A)

Pakhi's changing expression had made some of the Chavans curious about the person at the door.

Bhavani - Who is it Patralekha?

When they got no response, Bhavani and Ninad walked upto the door. They were equally shocked at the sight before them, but before they could react they heard the sound of a fall and the next they knew, Patralekha was lying flat on the ground. Sai and Virat entered and helped Bhavani and Ninad to get Patralekha on to the couch. They were trying to get her back to a conscious state. Bhavani was going beserk with worry

Bhavani - We need to get her to a doctor.

Just then Pakhi opened her eyes.

Bhavani - Are you all right Patralekha? What happened? Do you want to see a doctor?

Patralekha was staring at Sai and Virat who were still standing together next to her. It seemed she was zoned out and she could hear nothing of what Bhavani was speaking and oblivious of anything or anyone around her.

Bhavani (tracing the direction of Patralekha's attention) - This mad girl is back to create problems in our lives? What are you doing here? How dare to trouble Patralekha?

Sai - Kaku how can you ...

Virat intervened to calm down things

Virat - It's such a pleasant surprise to see everyone here. Why don't you all sit down and relax, and Patralekha can take some rest as well.

Sai glared at him and Virat looked away. He knew that look, it always got the best of him. He was definitely getting an earful for this tonight. 

Sai had changed a lot in these years, matured in how she handled things. From the volatile, ready to erupt anytime young girl to a much calmer, mature woman. She was still a firebrand..his personal firebrand. She still felt strongly about things and went out of her way for what she believed to be right. But now, she thought through before reacting to people and situations. However, Patralekha was an exception, she was still a sore sight for her. Sai couldn't bring herself to forgive Patralekha. She hated the mention of her name. He couldn't blame her. Virat knew it was not just about how Patralekha had treated her, but it was more about the family that she adored. Patralekha had caused havoc in the lives of almost everyone she loved and Sai couldn't and wouldn't tolerate that. She would go to any extent for her loved ones. He still couldn't believe that he once had a soft corner for Patralekha and called her his friend. Looking back he felt thankful for how things worked out for him and lucky to have Sai in his life. A life without Sai was unimaginable to him now. But he still felt guilty for being a reason in some way for all the mishaps.

Sai (pointing to the table)- Jaya didi, can you please keep them in our room.

The maid picked up Sai's coat and bag and Virat's stuff that they had placed on the table after coming in and walked to the room. Patralekha's eyes followed the maid. As if sensing the eyes on her back, Jaya turned around as she reached the door and looked back at Patralekha. Then she opened the knot at the tip of her saree to produce a bunch of keys. With one final glance at Patralekha, she opened the door and walked into Virat and Sai's room. 

Patralekha couldn't believe that a mere maid had duped and insulted her. She had told her that Virat's room was locked when all this while she had the key to the room. But the anger turned to envy when she got a glimpse of the room through the open door. There were so many pictures of Sai and Virat together on the wall with one thing common in all - their love.

That was all that Patralekha could take. She sprang up from the couch and ran to Virat, catching hold of Virat's collar. Virat was caught off guard and stumbled a little by her force, but Sai was by his side holding his arm.

Pakhi - (Looked at Sai and then turning to Virat like a maniac)- How dare you Virat? How dare you? I have sacrificed everything for you, and you cheated on me. I was patiently waiting, giving you your space and time, while you were enjoying your life with this woman? You had taken her responsibility, for her to become a doctor and I can see that she has successfully managed that. So what is she doing here now? Why haven't you thrown her out of your house and life yet? I knew she was an opportunist. She has manipulated your goodness. She has and is still using you for her selfish needs. She is a cunning woman, who is after your money. A gold digger.

Before Sai could respond Virat freed himself from Patralekha's grip. He was furious and it reflected in the force of his action. Patralekha was taken aback by the sudden jerk and almost fell on the Bhavani.

Virat - (Voice raised in his anger) Shut up Patralekha! Don't you dare speak a word against my wife. I will not tolerate it. Who are you to stand in our house and insult my wife? Who gave you the right? 

Patralekha - She is not your wife, she is just a charity case. Someone you decided to help in exchange for her father's sacrifice

Virat - (Bursting out) Enough! Stop your nonsense. Where are your manners? You are a guest here. Atleast have the decency to maintain the decorum

Patralekha - Guest? Who.. me? I'm your...

Sai - You are no one. 

Surprisingly Sai's voice appeared much softer and in control against Virat's outburst. No one else interfered, because this was between them, and Sai and Virat needed to close this chapter forever for their own sanity.

Sai continued

Sai - Yes Pakhi didi you are no one to us now. Last I remember you were married to Samrat dada and that was the relationship that connected you to this family and its members. You were husband's Vahini and hence my Vahini too. But now that you and Samrat dada are divorced, you are no one to us. Kaku may have given you some liberties, but that is independent of any other relationship, and entirely and only her choice. That has nothing to do with any of us. And it definately does not apply to us nor will we allow it. You are a guest in our house. I want you to be mindful of that and behave accordingly. 

Patralekha - You have no right to insult me Sai

Sai - I haven't yet. But if you cross your limits, you will leave me with no choice.

Patralekha - You are no one to Virat. I was the one he loved. You used your vile tricks to seduce him. I know your type of people. I know you only acted being young, innocent and childlike, but you were way smarter than your age. You have just clouded his mind with your clever games. Once he sees through it he will understand what you really are. He will realise his true love.

Sai was also losing it now. This woman was beyond redemption. 

Sai - Pakhi didi you are testing my patience. And believe me I'm on the verge of losing it, and if you don't stop, don't hold me accountable for my actions.

Pakhi looked up at Virat. 

Patralekha - Don't you see how she is talking to me Virat. She is insulting me and you are just standing there. Wont you stop her? 

Virat - Why would I? I don't think she has said anything wrong. The one who needs to stop is you.

Patralekha - You are a cheat, you lured me with your words and fake promises. You spoilt my life. You are a liar, a fraud.

She was screaming and striking blows with her fists at virat on his chest in anger.

Sai caught hold of her hand and pulled her away and moved to stand in front of Virat, as if protecting him from the attacks of the mad woman.

Sai - I have had enough of you. Stay away from my husband. I will not stand you calling him names. You both had a past, and we all know about it as an open secret. But what we also know is what you have refused to accept till now. So for your benefit along with a few others (looking at Bhavani and her gang) and to get you out of delusional world let me reiterate this clearly. I'm Sai Joshi...Sai Joshi Virat Chavan..wife of IPS Virat Chavan. This is the truth...the reality. You can choose to deny it, but no amount of screaming or shouting can change that fact. We are married, happy and settled in our lives. So high time that you stop hallucinating. Virat had asked you to marry Samrat Dada out of his love for his brother. But why did you marry dada? Why did you play with his life? How could you just assume that a person who loves his brother so much will harbour feelings for you after the marriage. For him all of it ended the day you married dada. And he has always given the respect and sincerity that the relationship demanded, never crossing the lines. He had also made it clear to you. You are the one who refused to accept it. How can you blame my husband for it? And who gave you the right to destroy someone else's life for your own selfish motives? You married and then divorced dada as per your free will. Who is responsible for all the pain he went through? And you call me selfish and point fingers at my husband? 

You called me opportunist, gold digger and selfish.. You called Virat a cheat.. Fraud. What are you? Have looked at yourself? Turn back and see all that you have done. What should we call you now? A vile, malicious woman, who can stoop to such low levels for her disgusting and pathetic motives. What are the names you would prefer for yourself?

(After pausing a little) - I did feel sorry for you earlier, for what happened with you. But now when I look at all that you have done to this family, I don't think your can be actions can be justified in any way. You can't keep blaming Virat or anyone else for it. You are responsible for it as well. Accusing and throwing the blame on others will not alter the truth. It will always be there, and hit you hard on you face.. Like it just did.

Patralekha - Don't try to defend yourself. You insulted him, you fought with him, broke ties with him and left him. You can't walk back in anytime as per your convenience. 

Sai - Who are you to decide that? It is normal for a husband and wife to disagree, quarrel and fight and say things that they may or may not even mean to each other. But that is personal to them..them only. What happens or happened between me and Virat is our personal matter, something between a husband and wife. We fight and we patch up...that is normal and entirely our call on what we do it. You are no one to comment or interfere in our matters..between a husband and wife. You didn't have the right to question any of it when you were our Vahini..then how would you have it today when you are a complete nobody!

Patralekha - You are just jealous of me...because I was Virat's first love. You are insecure that he would come back to me.. You always have been.

Sai - I have a husband who loves me(she looks at Virat with a twinkle in her eye) and a family that adores me. I'm in a very secure place Pakhi didi. I have no reason to feel jealous of you. I know what I mean to my husband and I trust him with my life. And I can shout out aloud and claim with complete confidence that I'm the one.. only one, he has truly loved in his entire life. I don't have an iota of doubt about his feelings for me and I feel blessed to have have that love.

Virat - With every one around as witness, I'm saying this to you Patralekha. I have no feelings for you. I did consider you as a friend at one point in life, but today you have made me regret that as well. I have nothing to do with you. I have only loved Sai and I only love wife and that is the biggest truth of my life. She means the world to me. 

Pakhi looked at Bhavani for support

Sai - Don't look at them Pakhi didi. With your delusional state and failure to come to terms with reality, you will sooner or later end up in a mental asylum. And unfortunately none of them will be there to give you company. You will be left alone to your own wits.

Bhavani - (Shouting) Sai.. How dare you insult Patralekha. Virat.. you had said that you took up her responsibility to make her a doctor. Now that your responsibility is over, why is she still here with you? This marriage should now be over

Virat - I agree that we married under difficult circumstances. But things changed between us. And I don't think I'm answerable to anyone for it as that is between me and Sai. And marriage is a serious institution, and I strongly respect it. I may have married Sai for a different reason, but today I love her. She is my wife , my equal , my partner in everything. I couldn't have asked for a better spouse for myself. And I consider myself extremely lucky. I respect her as an individual and expect every one connected with me to honour our relationship and give it the same respect. And to answer that more accurately Kaku, Sai is my wife and that is the truth and will always remain that ways.

Bhavani turning towards Sai

Bhavani - You have no shame? What happened to all your promises and talk about self respect? Did you not say that we are not your family and you will not stay with us? And now you are secretly staying with Virat? Why have you come back? Who gave you permission to stay here?

Sai - Who should I ask and why? This is my house and I'm living with my husband. There is nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, I did say I don't consider some people as my family, but that was only meant for some of you. The rest are here by my side family. And I said I will not stay in CN. This is not Chavan Nivas Kaku. You don't get to call the shots here. You can exercise your authority in Chavan Nivas. That is your kingdom and thats as far as you can rule. This is our home and you don't get to force your decisions here. You can't decide what we want and how we live our lives and with whom. You can do that with people who are at your mercy. We have broken free from that cage of yours and we live our lives as per our own will.

Bhavani didn’t know what to say. She was dumbfounded looking at all the faces and how all of them had tricked her. They had been living their lives their way without her knowledge. They had all been together all this while, mocking, conspiring against her.

Bhavani was contemplating on her next move, when the bell rang again. Jaya looked at Patralekha and gestured if she could go and open the door this time. Patralekha frowned and looked the other way making a face. The others burst out into peels of laughter. Patralekha was becoming a laughing stock for every one. Sympathy was long gone..pity maybe..but nothing more.

Jaya opened the door and Usha came in accompanied by Devyani and Pulkit. And right behind them was Harini strolling in a pram. All the attention was directed to them. Ashwini ran towards them. 

Ashwini - I have been wondering where you all have been. I was waiting so eagerly to see you. How is my Harru doing? 

Devyani - We had gone out for a stroll to the park.

Harini smiled while Ashwini caressed her face and kissed her forehead. She then knelt down to the pram height and looked at the two identical babies clapping their hands and giggling away. 

Ashwini - And how are my Modu and Mishti doing? Did you miss me?

Sonali - Modu and Mishti?

Ashwini - Mishti is the name given by Nandini, because this one is so sweet ( she kissed the cheeks of Mishti). (Kissing the other twin) This one is called Modu because his mother used to hog on Modak while she was pregnant. 

Everyone started laughing at that.

Devyani - I hope you have got Modak for me Ashwini Kaku. You know how much I love the Modak from the shop near CN. Baba used to get it for me often.

Ashwini nodded a yes with a smile. Devyani had recovered almost completely. But she had a childlike spirit to her still.

Bhavani was glaring at Devyani and Pulkit.

Bhavani - Who names their babies Modu and Mishti? What kind of names are these?

Ashwini - They are not their real names. These are their pet names Vahini. 

Shivani - And if you decide to mend your ways Vahini, you might just get the opportunity to decide on a new baby name pretty soon (Shivani gave a mysterious smile). 

Bhavani gave a reprimanding look to Shivani for her comment, but then paused to think the connotation of her words. While the others were passing knowing smiles, Bhavani was trying to decipher the meaning of Shivani's words, while Patralekha felt like the world around her had started to spin again.

To be continued in the concluding part.


sherry_242021-05-18 12:47:25

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Comments (43)

Hey all,I haven’t been able to complete the last part yet. Its just turning out to be too long, when I got down to actually writing it. And with the time constraint haven’t managed to finish it yet. Will have it updated latest by tomorrow evening.I’m loving the speculation around the suspense though. I have not been able to reply to you all separately, but thank you so much ! 💜

3 years ago

Cant wait anymore... please update

3 years ago

Imtehaan ho gayi, intezaar kiupdate soon

3 years ago

Read all the parts today amazing story, I won’t lie had something similar in my mind, but not this good I guess,Jaya rocked Pakhi shocked, Jaya had keys, she dint let her in, and the last part are u opening the door or should I 😂😂😂😂And I so loved Samrat and sai ka dosti, truly each other loved every bit of it, Jaldi update, Waise I know modu and mishti Sairat kay twins here again it’s co incident that I mentioned Shristhi also want twice foe Sairat 😀😀😀Amazing story plz update super fast

3 years ago

Wow! Loved it. Patralekha's bubble world got burst by Virat and Sai. And, even Kaku couldn't do or say anything. Jaya didi too was no less to show Patralekha her place.

3 years ago

Waah Waah.... Kya dho ke beizzati hui hai PP ki 👏👏👏....loved it.....Sai ne itne saal ki poori bhadaas nikal di lagtha hai 😄....even Virat told her off in clear words..... sach mein PP deserves this and much more.... Even the house help there did her beizzati 🤣🤣....loved that small detail 🤣....The whole family is there.... Such a sweet moment..... And you even have a twin surprises here😍🥰.....Modu and Mishti.... But I can't help but observe you haven't clearly stated whose kids are they? 🤔....I mean even Sai loves modak na... Sooo are the twins Sairat's kids?? 🤨see what you have done.... I'm always searching for the unpredictable aspect in your story 😂...and the new arrival Shivani bua is talking about might be Samrat Nandini's kid!??🤔what do you think of my version?? 🤣Sorry about trying to hijack your story.... I'll patiently wait for you to update the next part and see if I managed to get any unpredictable aspects right or not.... Waiting eagerly for the next amazing update ....❤

3 years ago

Hey All,Its been a hectic work schedule lately. So haven’t really got to write down the last part. Unfortunately wouldn’t be able to update the last part today either.Thanks for the love 💜

3 years ago

eagerly wait to read the next chapter

3 years ago

Amazing story.....Read it all in a go.....Loved it🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩The epic beizzati of Patralekha was superb 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍One of the Best story of current track I have read so far.....Can't wait to read the next update!!!Waiting very eagerly!!Post today if you can please

3 years ago

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3 years ago