Chapter 4

3 years ago

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Aditya and Zoya smile at each other.

The next day

Aditya and Harshwardhan went to Sameer's boarding school. They see children playing on the ground.

Sameer comes running to Aditya and Harshwardhan.

Aditya: You have become tall. Could you give me a Fi?

Sameer gives a Fi to Aditya.

Sameer then hugs Harshwardhan.

Harshwardhan: See what we have brought for you.

One of the men passes on the toys to Sameer.

Sameer gets upset.

Sameer: It means that you are not taking me home even today. No one loves me. And bro, I don't think you even remember me.

Harshwardhan tries to soothe him, but Sameer leaves that place.

Aditya: I will speak to him.

He sees Sameer sitting on the stairs.

Aditya sits next to Sameer.

Aditya: I don't know what to say about Dad. You are correct in saying that we meet you once a month. You are also right when you say that even a day is like a month. Also, you are not wrong in saying that I don't miss you at all. But the truth is that we remember those whom we forget. You are also correct in saying that we don't take you home. We have a plan to make a new house which will have a big room for little Sameer.

Sameer: Really?

Aditya: Yes.

Both hug each other.

Sameer comes with Aditya and meets Harshwardhan.

Sameer: Bye

Sameer goes to his room.

Harshwardhan thinks deeply while they are on the way.

Aditya: What are you thinking?

Harshwardhan: We cannot keep Sameer with us because of hostility. There is a constant threat to life, and I cannot risk his life as he is a kid. I don't know how I would have handled the situation without you. Sometimes, I feel that I have been unfair to you as I have always kept you with me and burdened you with our work. I have always put your life at risk. But I am proud that you have cleared the exams with flying colors. Did you ever feel I did injustice to you because you are not my blood?

Aditya: No, Dad. I also got life lessons that gave me a better education. I didn't have anyone before you had picked me from the streets. You have completed me and given me a family. I see that you love me more than Sameer.

Both hug each other emotionally.

Harshwardhan: Don't ever tell Sameer we are not of the same blood.

Aditya: He will never find out. But hereafter, even you won't talk about our blood relations.

Harshwardhan: Done.

Harshwardhan gets into the car.

Aditya's phone rings.

He sees Zoya's call.

Aditya: Hello, Zoya.

Zoya: Can you meet me now?

Aditya: Sure.

Bepanah: Aditya Zoya's Bepanah goes digital with Leap

Aditya and Zoya meet.

Both sit on the opposite side of the table.

Zoya: I called you because some of the guys are bothering me. I am the only sketch artist in this area. So they are passing comments.

Aditya: Tell me where I can find them.

The goons come.

One of the goons said, "Hey, Indian girl, did you sketch the one I told you? Do you want to make my portrait?"

The others laugh.

The goon continues: I will kiss you in return. Don't be shy.

Aditya comes forward.

The goon asked, "What is your problem? Get the hell out of here."

Aditya shows a slight glimpse of his gun inside his pocket.

The men get scared and move backward.

Zoya comes forward.

Zoya: What happened now? Where are you going? Where is your attitude? Did you want to kiss me?

Zoya pretends to kiss from afar.

The man said no.

Zoya: You want to know how Indians do it, right?

She showed her back and said, "Touch me now."

The goons run away.

Aditya: They went.

Zoya: Yes, they had to go. We taught a good lesson to them, right?

Aditya: I think I have to pay your bills.

Zoya: No need. I helped you, and you helped me. The scores are settled.

Aditya: I must admit that you are good at settling the scores.

Zoya: Yes, you are right.

Aditya: Your way of saying that I am the man was impressive.

Zoya: We have to adapt ourselves to the circumstances. What is the point of living with fear?

160 Aditya Zoya ideas | jennifer winget, zoya, jennifer winget beyhadh

Suddenly, the big dog comes running.

Zoya gets scared.

The dog comes near.

Aditya: Relax. If you move, the dog will feel threatened and bite you.

The dog smells her and goes.

Aditya: Shall we have lunch together?

Zoya: It's not possible today.

Aditya: How about tomorrow?

Zoya: Tomorrow is my sister's examination results and my parents' wedding anniversary.

Aditya: Congratulations to your parents. As for your sister, I think she's intelligent. I want just five minutes from you.

Zoya: We will meet the day after tomorrow and have breakfast tomorrow.

Aditya: Done

Both smile at each other & leave for the day.

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Comments (2)

Aditya and Sameer are not related by blood. But for Aditya, this is the only family he has.

6 months ago

Fantastic Chapter . Years ago Aditiya had to fight for his life and wow that is also when he meets Zoya . and it almost seem like Zoya made it difficult for him

3 years ago
