Listen To The Silence

Listen To The Silence Ongoing M

Chapter:9 Bit By Bit The Unveiling Of Love Members Only

Published On Friday,Jun 26, 2020 18:11 PM GMT-06:00

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vibha @vibraj 3 years ago Aww, this chapter reminded me of my guilty pleasure, Mills & Boons genre, so tender and saccharine sweet is the romance between your leads culminating in a passionate fulfilment. There was pure love triggering desire and an overwhelming yearning to possess wholly the loved one resulting in sweet pulsations of mutual and sensual expressions of physical desires. Very delicately and deftly, without bordering on the coarse ever, you have depicted and carried forward the narrative. What next?
Avyakta @Avyakta 3 years ago Madi, what a romantic interlude it is , a painter and a poetess' love and the successive fulfillment. You are good at defining the emotional thoughts in detail.
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